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Created October 29, 2018 15:36
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Flask app to listen for a GitHub push webhook request on one repo and trigger a Travis build on another repo.
Tiny flask app that listens for incoming requests from a "GitHub webhook",
and, if the webhook was triggered by a push to the "native_client" repo,
calls the "Travis API" to trigger a build for the "lind_project" repo.
import os
import json
import hmac
import hashlib
import requests
from flask import Flask, request, abort
app = Flask(__name__)
# Make sure that you have exported your GitHub and Travis authentication tokens
# export TRAVIS_SECRET=<Travis API token>
# export GITHUB_SECRET=<GitHub webhook secret>
# Travis API endpoint to be called
# Required headers for Travis API
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Travis-API-Version": "3",
"Authorization": "token " + TRAVIS_SECRET
# IMPORTANT: Make sure to specify this route (https://<this server>/myhook) on
# GitHub's webhook configuration page as "Payload URL".
@app.route("/myhook", methods=['POST'])
def github_webhook_endpoint():
"""Endpoint for a GitHub webhook, calling Travis API to trigger a build.
# Extract signature header
signature = request.headers.get("X-Hub-Signature")
if not signature or not signature.startswith("sha1="):
abort(400, "X-Hub-Signature required")
# Create local hash of payload
digest =,, hashlib.sha1).hexdigest()
# Verify signature
if not hmac.compare_digest(signature, "sha1=" + digest):
abort(400, "Invalid signature")
# The ignature was fine, let's parse the data
request_data = request.get_json()
# We are only interested in push events from the a certain repo
if request_data.get("repository", {}).get("name") != "native_client":
return "I do not care about this event."
# If the push came indeed from that repo, we call the Travis API
# We use the following data to trigger a build of the latest commit on the
# master branch of the target repo (see TRAVIS_ENDPOINT).
# NOTE: We could send more complex things to Travis, e.g. based on what we
# received form GitHub, see the corresponding docs at:
data = {
"request": {
# NOTE: Travis does not understand the data if we pass it using `request`'s
# `json` parameter. With `data` it works.
travis_response =, headers=TRAVIS_HEADERS,
# NOTE: The Travis API call will most likely take so long that GitHub's
# request times out. If we want to return a proper answer in time, we could
# perform the Travis API call in a background task, e.g. using `celery`.
return "Okay, thank you, if you still care."
if __name__ == "__main__":
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