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Created August 16, 2018 10:18
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Sublime Text 3 command to find next or previous occurrence of a string in a tex document and in the corresponding open pdf document
Sublime Text 3 command to find next or previous occurrence of a string in a tex
document and in the corresponding open pdf document, built with ST3 package
`LaTeXTools`, and displayed using OSX pdf viewer `skim`.
Add snippet to new *.py file in:
~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/User/
Handy keybindings:
(~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/User/Default (OSX).sublime-keymap
{ "keys": ["ctrl+x"], "command": "find_in_pdf", "args": {"from_keybinding": true} },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+z"], "command": "find_in_pdf", "args": {"from_keybinding": true, "prev": true} },
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
class FindInPdf(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
from_keybinding = kwargs.pop("from_keybinding", False)
# Jump to previous or next occurrence
if kwargs.pop("prev", False):
self.view.window().run_command("find_prev", {"select_text": True})
self.view.window().run_command("find_next", {"select_text": True})
# Show corresponding line in pdf
self.view.run_command("jump_to_pdf", {"from_keybinding": from_keybinding})
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