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Last active September 13, 2018 13:35
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PowerShell helpers
# Custom validator for one element
class ValidateElementAttribute : System.Management.Automation.ValidateArgumentsAttribute
[void] Validate([object]$arguments, [System.Management.Automation.EngineIntrinsics]$engineIntrinsics)
# Validation happens here
if ($arguments -ne "foo") {
throw "you should have chosen foo"
# Custom validator for multiple elements
class ValidateElementsAttribute : System.Management.Automation.ValidateEnumeratedArgumentsAttribute
[void] ValidateElement([object]$arguments)
# Check each element here
if ($arguments -notmatch "^f") {
throw "nope... not f*. maybe try 'foo' or 'flute' or 'fsck'"
function Do-Something
if ($A) {
write-host $A
if ($B) {
write-host $B
# Throws an exception
Do-Something -A poo
# Does not throw exception
Do-Something -A foo
# Throws exception
Do-Something -B @("foo","food","pooo")
# Does not throw exception
Do-Something -B @("foo","food","flute")
# cast active directory names to computername
get-adcomputer -filter * |
select-object -Property @{N='ComputerName'; E={$_.Name}} |
% { get-eventlog -LogName system -EntryType error, warning -after $(get-date).AddDays(-2) -ComputerName $_.computername |
sort source |
select-object InstanceId, MachineName, source } |
Export-Clixml (get-date -format filedate)-system.xml
# set active directory names to an array
$computers = $(get-adcomputer -filter *).Name
get-eventlog -LogName system -EntryType error, warning -after $(get-date).AddDays(-2) -ComputerName $computers |
sort source |
select-object InstanceId, MachineName, source
# invoke command
$computers = $(get-adcomputer -filter *).Name
invoke-command {get-eventlog -LogName system -EntryType error, warning -after $(get-date).AddDays(-2)}
-ComputerName $computers |
sort source |
select-object InstanceId, MachineName, source
$json = '{
"keystores": {
"/usr/local/cert/foo/cert1.jks:signing1": {
"days_remaining": 629,
"issuer": "C=SE O=Inera AB CN=SITHS Type 3 CA v1 PP",
"owner": "C=SE L=Vanersborg O=Vastra Gotalands Lans Landsting serialNumber=12345"
"/usr/local/cert/foo/cert1.jks:signing2": {
"days_remaining": 629,
"issuer": "C=SE O=Inera AB CN=SITHS Type 3 CA v1 PP",
"owner": "C=SE L=Vanersborg O=Vastra Gotalands Lans Landsting serialNumber=12345"
"/usr/local/cert/foo/cert1.jks:encryption1": {
"days_remaining": 594,
"issuer": "C=SE L=Stockholm O=Foo AB OU=Foo CN=Foo Bar Root",
"owner": "serialNumber=12345 C=SE O=Foo AB OU=Foo CN=encryption"
"/usr/local/cert/foo.domain.org_siths_type3_ca_v1_pp_auth.p12:1": {
"days_remaining": 531,
"issuer": "C=SE O=Inera AB CN=SITHS Type 3 CA v1 PP",
"owner": "C=SE L=Vanersborg O=Vastra Gotalands Lans Landsting serialNumber=1234"
"/usr/local/cert/footest.domain.com_siths_type3_ca_v1_pp_auth.p12:1": {
"days_remaining": 537,
"issuer": "C=SE O=Inera AB CN=SITHS Type 3 CA v1 PP",
"owner": "C=SE L=Vanersborg O=Vastra Gotalands Lans Landsting serialNumber=1234"
$o = $json | ConvertFrom-Json
foreach ($info in $o.keystores.PSObject.Properties) {
# get-wmi with computers from active directory
invoke-command {gwmi -Class win32_logicaldisk} -ComputerName $(get-adcomputer -filter *).name
# same with get-ciminstance
invoke-command { Get-CimClass -ClassName win32_logicaldisk } -ComputerName $(Get-ADComputer -filter *).Name
# using cim sessions
$s = New-CimSession -ComputerName $(Get-ADComputer -filter *).name
Get-CimSession | gcim Win32_LogicalDisk
# using cim sessions one-liner
$s = New-CimSession -computername $(get-adcomputer -filter *).name;
Get-CimSession |
gcim Win32_LogicalDisk;
Get-CimSession | Remove-CimSession
# using cim sessions
$s = New-CimSession -ComputerName $(Get-ADComputer -filter *).name
Get-CimSession | gcim Win32_LogicalDisk
enum category {
class Book {
[string] $title
[string] $author
[datetime] $published
[float] $rating
[string] $owner
[category] $category
Book ($title, $author, $published, $owner, $category) {
$this.title = $title
$ = $author
$this.published = $published
$this.owner = $owner
$this.category = $category
sell($owner) {
$this.owner = $owner
class GoodreadsBook {
[string] $title
[string] $owner
[category] $category
[book] getInformation ($title, $category, $owner, $goodreadsKey) {
[string] $encodedTitle = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($title)
[string] $url = "${goodreadsKey}&q=${encodedTitle}"
$request = Invoke-RestMethod $url
[int]$year = $[0].original_publication_year."#text"
[string]$month = "{0:D2}" -f [int]$[0].original_publication_month."#text"
[string]$day = "{0:D2}" -f [int]$[0].original_publication_day."#text"
$author = $[0]
$goodreadsTitle = $[0].best_book.title
#$rating = $[0].average_rating
#$this.publishedDate = [DateTime]::ParseExact("${year}-${month}-${day} 00:00:00,000", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff", [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture)
$published = [DateTime]::ParseExact("${year}-${month}-${day}", "yyyy-MM-dd",[System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture)
return [Book]::new($goodreadsTitle, $author, $published, $owner, $category)
function sellBook () {
param (
[book] $book,
[string] $owner
begin {}
process {
function getBook() {
param (
[string[]] $title,
[string[]] $category,
[string[]] $owner,
[string[]] $goodreadsKey
process {
$goodReadsbook = [GoodreadsBook]::new()
$book = $goodReadsbook.getInformation($title, $category, $owner, $goodreadsKey)
$mybook = getBook -title "To Kill a Mockingbird" -category "Suspense" -owner "Luke"
function test {
[validatescript({test-computer $_})]
[string] $computername
write-host $computername
function test-computer {
[string] $computername
$computers = get-adcomputer -filter * | Where-object name -eq $computername
$ -contains $computername
test -computername "WIN10"
test -computername "FIN10"
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