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Created July 31, 2017 05:42
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# Post-Grad Job Search Action Plan Template
1. Job Search Plan
2. Longterm Career Plan
The third part is optional although highly encouraged.
## #1: Job Search Plan: Create a schedule & goals
1. Design a 40-hour "work week" that provides time for:
* Code 3 hours a day
* Practice technical chalenges (code wars)
* Outreach - follow up with people I met and exchanged contacts
* Research - check out companies in San Francisco. Plan visits to companies
* Network - reach out peaople I know and set up coffee time with Turing grads in San Francisco
How much time will you spend on each? When will you do each thing?
** weekdays - focus on companies (visit, research, outreach)
** weekends - focus on meeting with friends
2. Backwards planning: What is your cut-off for ending the job search? When do you want to receive and sign an offer by?
The dead line for signing an offer is by the end of September 2017
3. Based on what you outlined above, create monthly, weekly, and daily goals in order to reach your big goal.
** monthly - reconsider my goals and achievments
** weekly - check up with Turing staff with current questions and updates
** daily - follow first paragraph (Design a 40-hour)
Keep in mind:
* What skills would you like to improve or develop?
** solving coding chalenges
* What is feasible in your schedule?
** personal contacts
* What actions will give you the most impact in your search?
** personal communication
4. Block out time on your calendar *now* to adhere to these goals. At the end of each week, assess what worked with the schedule and what didn't so that you can make adjustments as needed and manage your time even more effectively for the following week.
5. What "barriers" tend to hold you back in the job search? What steps will you take to overcome those "barriers"?
** my family issues. It's the most challenging time for us. But with courage, surplus and inspiration those difficulties will be overcome.
**[Example](** of clearly outlined goals and schedule to complete them.
## #2: Longterm Career Plan: What are your career goals?
Where do you want to go in your career?
1. Imagine that it's 5 years from now - what have you accomplished during that time? How is your life different? What steps did you take to achieve your goals?
** I have my own company that benefits many people. I am traveling around the world with my family.
2. Create a vision statement for these longterm goals.
Guidelines for writing your vision statement:
* Make your statements stretching, challenging, and interrupting of the status quo.
* Write in the future tense (I will...)
* Is the statement grounded -- have you been able to demonstrate something similar in the past?
3. Reference what you outlined in your Flower Exercise -- what preferred level of responsibility do you want to move to? Do you want to start your own company? What kind of work do you see yourself doing longterm? In your first year on the job, what skills do you want to develop to work towards your longterm goals?
I will start my own company. This company has to have one main goal, to help others to be happy.
I see myself being an example for others.
## Optional: Furthering your Skills and Contributing to the Developer Community
You're encouraged to pick one of the below options to work on in addition to the previous two. However, these are both completely optional.
### Option #1: Side Hustle Plan
What side project(s) do you want to work on? How could you decide on a side project?
Take these steps:
1. Generate and come up with an idea:
* Read and research -- what problems need solving?
* Brainstorm -- what's important to you?
* Have fun! What would be fun and exciting to try out?
2. Document a plan for your side project:
* What will your MVP look like?
* When do you want working software by?
* Who are your users?
* Etc.
### Option #2: Open Source Project
How do you want to contribute to the developer community?
* Find an Open Source project couple projects you’d be interested in, why you’re interested, how you would like to contribute
### Option #3: Community Involvement
How do you want to be involved in the developer community?
How you could approach this option:
* Research at least 3 conferences you'd be interested in attending -- what would you get out of them? Do you want to speak at a conference at some point?
* Find 3 new meetups to join -- how could you contribute to those meetups?
* Write 3 new blog posts -- how can you share information with others?
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