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Created August 4, 2018 22:02
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Senseo PHP file (old stuff)
$screen_name = "senseo"; // The screen name
$allowed = array("s", "c", "b", "r", "a"); // What you allow to be send over serial
$requireroot = true; // True = you need to add www-data to sudoers file without password. False = you need to cron your interface each minute to 777
$interface = "ttyUSB0"; // Your serial interface, witout /dev/
// You should not touch this.
if ($requireroot == 1) {
$sudo="sudo ";
else {
$statusfile = realpath(dirname(__FILE__)).'/status.txt';
$list = shell_exec($sudo.'ls /var/run/screen/S-'.$user);
if (strpos($list, $screen_name) == FALSE) {
exec($sudo.'screen -dmS '.$screen_name.' /dev/'.$interface.' 115200');
exec($sudo.'daemon screen -r '.$screen_name);
exec($sudo.'screen -S arduino -X eval "stuff i"'); // This initialize the controller
header('Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
elseif (isset($_GET['data'])) {
while ($message[1] != 'louis') {
exec($sudo.'screen -S '.$screen_name.' -X hardcopy '.$statusfile);
$serial = exec($sudo.'tail -1 '.$statusfile);
$message = explode('jean', $serial);
echo str_replace('dC', '°C', $message[0]);
elseif (isset($_GET['settime'])) {
exec($sudo.'echo \'screen -S '.$screen_name.' -X eval "stuff s"\' | at '.$_GET['settime']);
elseif (isset($_GET['send'])) {
if (in_array($_GET['send'], $allowed))
exec($sudo.'screen -S '.$screen_name.' -X eval "stuff '.$_GET['send'].'"');
else {
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<div id="header" class="animated bounceInDown">
<h1>Senseo online</h1>
<div id="state" class="animated fadeIn">
<h3>Senseo says :</h3>
<h2 id="senseo">Coffee machine waiting for orders !</h2>
<div id="footer">
<div id="buttons" class="animated fadeInDown">
<input class="button firstbutton" type="button" onclick="data('s');" value="Make a coffee"/>
<div id="smallbuttons">
<input class="button" type="button" onclick="data('b');" value="Preheat"/>
<input class="button" type="button" onclick="data('c');" value="Add some water"/>
<input class="button" type="button" onclick="data('r');" value="Monitor sensors"/>
<div id="programmer">
<form id="hour">
<select id="hr">
<?php for ($i=0; $i<24;$i++) echo '<option name="hour" value="'.$i.'">'.$i.'</option>'; ?>
<select id="mn">
<?php for ($i=0; $i<60;$i++) echo '<option name="minute" value="'.$i.'">'.$i.'</option>'; ?>
<input type="button" onclick="setdate();" value="Shedule"/>
<br />
<div id="stop" class="hide">
<input class="button stop" type="button" onclick="data('a')" value="Return standby"/>
var senseotext='Coffee machine waiting for orders !';
var i=0;
function getserial() {
var senseotext = ($("#senseo").text());
function data(cmd) {
function setdate(cmd) {
var hour=$("#hr")+":"+$("#mn");
function stopbutton(text) {
if(text != 'Coffee machine waiting for orders !') {
else {
if (i>1) {
else $("#stop").fadeOut();
window.setInterval(function(){getserial()}, 100);
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