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Created April 14, 2016 21:46
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Fast draft to get Wiener Linien RBL from address
import lxml
import urllib
import requests
import tabulate
import pandas as pd
# don't ask my why this is distributed via CSV only, not via REST API
csv_params = {
'sep': ';'
wl_haltestellen = pd.read_csv('wienerlinien-ogd-haltestellen.csv', **csv_params)
wl_linien = pd.read_csv('wienerlinien-ogd-linien.csv', **csv_params)
wl_steige = pd.read_csv('wienerlinien-ogd-steige.csv', **csv_params)
address = "Lehargasse 6-8"
URI = ""
params = {
'locationServerActive': 1,
'sessionID': 0,
'type_origin': 'any',
'name_origin': address
def find_haltestellen_id(stopid):
r = wl_haltestellen[wl_haltestellen['DIVA'] == int(stopid)]['HALTESTELLEN_ID'].values
if len(r) != 1:
raise ValueError("Unexpected number of haltestellen_ids for stopid={} found {}".format(stopid, len(r)))
return r[0]
def find_rbl(stopid):
haltestellen_id = find_haltestellen_id(stopid)
return list(wl_steige[wl_steige['FK_HALTESTELLEN_ID'] == haltestellen_id]['RBL_NUMMER'].values.astype(int))
r = requests.get(URI, params=params)
root = lxml.etree.fromstring(r.content)
stops_xml = root.findall('itdTripRequest/itdOdv/itdOdvAssignedStops/itdOdvAssignedStop')
# seems to be sorted by distance already
stops = [{
'stopID': stop_xml.attrib['stopID'],
'RBLs': find_rbl(stop_xml.attrib['stopID']),
'name': stop_xml.text,
'distanceTime': stop_xml.attrib['distanceTime'],
'distance': stop_xml.attrib['distance']
for stop_xml in stops_xml
rbls = [rbl for stop in stops for rbl in stop['RBLs']]
stop_table = tabulate.tabulate(stops, headers='keys')
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