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Last active July 14, 2023 12:37
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import codecs
import ecdsa
import secrets
import hashlib
# generate bitcoin private key
def generate_private_key():
bits = secrets.randbits(256)
bits_hex = hex(bits)
return bits_hex[2:]
private_key = "6c2181e3e8a8dd271f8a074117bc4232e7250e371d2db23d9131c6659c4cc4b1"
# return 64-byte key, 2 32-byte representing x,y coordinates of elliptic curve
def generate_public_key():
# private_key = generate_private_key()
priv_key_bytes = codecs.decode(private_key, 'hex') # convert string into byte array
key = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_string(priv_key_bytes, curve=ecdsa.SECP256k1).verifying_key
key_bytes = key.to_string()
public_key = codecs.encode(key_bytes, 'hex')
return public_key
public_key = generate_public_key()
print("Generated Public Key: ", public_key.decode())
def convert_pub_key(public_key):
bit_public_key = b'0x04' + public_key
return bit_public_key.decode()[2:]
bit_pub_key = convert_pub_key(public_key)
print("Standard Bitcoin Pub_Key: ", bit_pub_key)
# compress public key
def compress_pub_key(public_key):
mid = int(len(public_key) / 2)
x = public_key[:mid]
if(int(public_key[-1:]) % 2 == 0):
x = b'0x02' + x
x = b'0x03' + x
return x
compressed_pub_key = compress_pub_key(public_key)
print("Compressed Pub_Key: ", compressed_pub_key.decode()[2:])
# Encrypt public key
def encrypt_pub_key(compressed_pub_key):
public_key = compressed_pub_key.decode()[2:]
public_key_bytes = codecs.decode(public_key, 'hex')
sha256_pub_key = hashlib.sha256(public_key_bytes) # pass public key through SHA-256
sha256_pub_key_digest = sha256_pub_key.digest()
ripemd160_pub_key ='ripemd160') # pass hashed SHA-256 through RIPEMD
ripemd160_pub_key_digest = ripemd160_pub_key.digest()
ripemd160_pub_key_hex = codecs.encode(ripemd160_pub_key_digest, 'hex')
return ripemd160_pub_key_hex
encrypted_pub_key = encrypt_pub_key(compressed_pub_key)
print("Encrypted Pub_Key:", encrypted_pub_key.decode())
# adding network byte
def network_byte(encrypted_pub_key, network):
if(network == 'mainnet'):
return b'0x00' + encrypted_pub_key
elif(network == 'testnet'):
return b'0x6f' + encrypted_pub_key
print('Invalid Network')
net_pubkey = network_byte(encrypted_pub_key, 'mainnet')
print("Bitcoin mainnet Addr: ", net_pubkey.decode()[2:])
# calculate checksum of address
def calc_addr_checksum(net_pubkey):
sha256_net_pubkey = hashlib.sha256(net_pubkey) # first SHA
sha256_net_pubkey_digest = sha256_net_pubkey.digest()
sha256_2_sha256_net_pubkey = hashlib.sha256(sha256_net_pubkey_digest) # second SHA
sha256_2_net_pubkey_digest = sha256_2_sha256_net_pubkey.digest()
sha256_2_hex = codecs.encode(sha256_2_net_pubkey_digest, 'hex')
checksum = sha256_2_hex[:8]
return checksum
checksum = calc_addr_checksum(net_pubkey)
print("Checksum: ", checksum.decode())
# create wallet address
def wallet_address(public_key, checksum):
# checksum = b'512f43c4'
return public_key + checksum
wallet_addr = wallet_address(net_pubkey, checksum)
print("Wallet Address: ", wallet_addr.decode()[2:])
# Ecnode with Base58 encoding
def base58(address_hex):
address_hex = wallet_addr.decode()[2:]
alphabet = '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz'
b58_string = ''
# Get the number of leading zeros
leading_zeros = len(address_hex) - len(address_hex.lstrip('0'))
# Convert hex to decimal
address_int = int(address_hex, 16)
# Append digits to the start of string
while address_int > 0:
digit = address_int % 58
digit_char = alphabet[digit]
b58_string = digit_char + b58_string
address_int //= 58
# Add '1' for each 2 leading zeros
ones = leading_zeros // 2
for _ in range(ones):
b58_string = '1' + b58_string
return b58_string
Bit_wallet_addr = base58(wallet_addr)
print("Final Bitcoin Wallet Address: ", Bit_wallet_addr)
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you have an error, the checksum is not calculated correctly

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