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Last active June 29, 2024 04:33
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  • Save lumynou5/74bcbab54cd9d8fcd3c873fffbac5d3d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Make YouTube display the names of commenters instead of their handles.
// ==UserScript==
// @name YouTube Commenter Names
// @version 1.6.3
// @description Make YouTube display the names of commenters instead of their handles.
// @author Lumynous
// @license MIT
// @match*
// @match*
// @noframes
// @downloadURL
// ==/UserScript==
'use strict';
const watchElm = (function () {
const elmObserver = new MutationObserver(elmObserverCallback);
elmObserver.observe(document, {childList: true, subtree: true});
const callbacks = new Set();
function elmObserverCallback(mutations) {
for (const {callback, selector} of callbacks) {
for (const mutation of mutations) {
for (const node of mutation.addedNodes) {
if (node.nodeType !== Node.ELEMENT_NODE) continue;
if (node.matches(selector)) {
for (const x of node.querySelectorAll(selector)) {
function elmCallback(observer, observerOption, elmAction, textAction, elm) {
const node = elmAction(elm);
if (node) {
observer.observe(node, observerOption);
function publicFunctionImpl(observerOption, selector, elmAction, textAction) {
const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => {
for (const mutation of mutations) {
const callback = elmCallback.bind(null, observer, observerOption, elmAction, textAction);
for (const elm of document.querySelectorAll(selector)) {
callbacks.add({callback, selector});
return {
attributes: publicFunctionImpl.bind(null, {attributes: true}),
characterData: publicFunctionImpl.bind(null, {characterData: true}),
function fetchInternalApi(endpoint, body) {
return fetch(
method: 'POST',
body: JSON.stringify({
context: {client: {clientName: 'WEB', clientVersion: '2.20240411.01.00'}},
.then((response) => response.json());
const getChannelId = (function () {
const channelIds = new Map();
return function (url) {
let res = channelIds.get(url);
if (res === undefined) {
// Fetching `/navigation/resolve_url` endpoint for channel IDs was introduced in 1.5.10.
// Testing shows this approach has a better performance (both time cost and data used) than
// requesting channel pages, even though it requests twice for each channel, while regex is
// slow and channel pages are huge.
res = fetchInternalApi('navigation/resolve_url', {url})
.then((json) => {
if (json.endpoint.browseEndpoint) {
return json.endpoint.browseEndpoint.browseId;
} else {
// Workaround: Some channels such as @rayduenglish behave strange. Normally GETing
// channel pages result 303 and redirect to `/rayduenglish` for example; the internal
// API responses similarly, the workaround is to resolve twice. However, some are
// impossible to resolve correctly; for example, requesting `/@Konata` redirected to
// `/user/Konata`, and `/user/Konata` leads 404. This is probably a bug of YouTube.
return fetchInternalApi('navigation/resolve_url', json.endpoint.urlEndpoint)
.then((json) => json.endpoint.browseEndpoint.browseId);
channelIds.set(url, res);
return res;
const getChannelName = (function () {
const channelNames = new Map();
return function (id) {
let res = channelNames.get(id);
if (res === undefined) {
res = fetchInternalApi('browse', {browseId: id})
.then((json) => json.metadata.channelMetadataRenderer.title);
channelNames.set(id, res);
return res;
function replaceText(node, text) {
if (node.textContent === text) return;
node.textContent = text;
if (location.hostname === '') {
// Mentions in titles.
watchElm.attributes('#title.ytd-watch-metadata', (elm) => {
if (elm.pathname[1] !== '@') return; // Skip hashtags.
return elm;
}, (elm) =>
.then(replaceText.bind(null, elm))
// Commenters.
watchElm.attributes('#author-text.ytd-comment-view-model:not([hidden])', (elm) => {
return elm;
}, (elm) =>
.then(replaceText.bind(null, elm.firstElementChild.firstChild))
watchElm.attributes('#name.ytd-author-comment-badge-renderer', (elm) => {
return elm;
}, (elm) =>
.then(replaceText.bind(null, elm.querySelector('#text').firstChild))
// Mentions in comments.
watchElm.attributes('#content-text.ytd-comment-view-model a', (elm) => {
if (elm.textContent.trim()[0] !== '@') return; // Skip anchors such as timestamps.
return elm;
}, (elm) =>
getChannelName(elm.href.slice(elm.href.lastIndexOf('/') + 1))
.then((name) => replaceText(elm.firstChild, `\xA0${name}\xA0`))
} else {
watchElm.attributes('#name.ytcp-comment:not([hidden])', (elm) => {
return elm;
}, (elm) =>
.then((name) => void (elm.firstElementChild.firstChild.textContent = name))
watchElm.attributes('#badge-name.ytcp-author-comment-badge', (elm) => {
return elm;
}, (elm) =>
.then((name) => void (elm.firstElementChild.firstChild.textContent = name))
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lumynou5 commented Aug 3, 2023


在瀏覽器安裝 Tampermonkey 擴充套件後,點擊此頁面上的「Raw」按鈕,然後點擊「安裝」即可。


Ensure Tampermonkey installed on your browser. Click the "Raw" button on this page, and then click the "Install".


Browser minimum requirements:

  • Chrome 80
  • Edge 80
  • Firefox 72
  • Safari 13.1

Userscript managers:

  • Greasemonkey
  • Tampermonkey
  • Violentmonkey

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lumynou5 commented Aug 6, 2023


  • Mentioned channels in video descriptions.
  • Use to get channel IDs instead.
    Note: it doesn't work for YouTube Studio.
  • Names of commenters aren't replaced after editing.
  • Not all names of commenters are replaced after re-sorting.
    Because YouTube somehow falsely changes href's of some comments twice after re-sorting, thus those comments are memorized before YouTube changes the texts (even before YouTube really updates the href's.) Fixed in 1.5.14.
  • Not all names are replaced in the YouTube Studio Comment View when filters changed.
    Because commenters' href's won't be changed if the comments are the same one before filters changed. Fixed in 1.5.14.
  • Mentioned channels in video titles.

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mrbenho commented Jun 28, 2024

螢幕擷取畫面 2024-06-28 194334
螢幕擷取畫面 2024-06-28 194105

As screenshot show, Right click, then translate YouTube page to Traditional Chinese, YouTube will freeze and get no response.

Using Microsoft Edge 126.0.2592.81

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@mrbenho Fixed in 1.6.3.
It seems that Edge changes the textContent of text nodes to translate pages, and causes the mutation observers in the userscript triggered and triggered. This behavior is different from Chrome.
I decided to observe characterData mutations in 1.6.x because attributes sometimes doesn't work, and currently there are indeed some names cannot be replaced after re-sorting comments. I'll try if we can fix this and make the script still work on Edge.

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