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Created June 17, 2018 07:44
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Vim colourscheme to go along with the acme.itermcolors in my dotfiles
autocmd vimrc ColorScheme * highlight! LineNr
\ ctermfg=8
autocmd vimrc ColorScheme * highlight! CursorLine
\ ctermfg=NONE
\ ctermbg=7
\ cterm=NONE
autocmd vimrc ColorScheme * highlight! StatusLine
\ ctermfg=4
\ ctermbg=12
\ cterm=bold
autocmd vimrc ColorScheme * highlight! StatusLineNC
\ ctermfg=0
\ ctermbg=12
\ cterm=NONE
autocmd vimrc ColorScheme * highlight! VertSplit
\ ctermfg=8
\ ctermbg=NONE
\ cterm=NONE
autocmd vimrc ColorScheme * highlight! clear SignColumn
colorscheme default
syntax off
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