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Last active June 16, 2020 09:45
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Unreleased Jellybeans 8 and Tomorrow 8
# vim: set ft=colortemplate nomodeline:
Full name: Jellybeans 8
Short name: jellybeans8
Author: Aramis Razzaghipour <>
Description: A colourful dark colourscheme based on Jellybeans
Background: dark
Neovim: yes
# Palette
Color: base0 #080808 ~
Color: base1 #121212 ~
Color: base2 #1c1c1c ~
Color: base3 #262626 ~
Color: base4 #585858 ~
Color: base5 #6c6c6c ~
Color: base6 #a8a8a8 ~
Color: base7 #d7d7d7 ~
Color: base8 #ffffff ~
Color: blue #87afd7 ~
Color: dark_green #5f5f00 ~
Color: gold #ffd787 ~
Color: green #87af5f ~
Color: orange #ffaf5f ~
Color: purple #d7afff ~
Color: red #d75f5f ~
Color: slate #8787af ~
Term colors: base3 red green gold
Term colors: blue purple blue base7
Term colors: base5 red green gold
Term colors: blue purple blue base8
# Highlighting
Normal base7 base1
Cursor base1 base8
None none none
# Vim Interface
CursorLineNr base4 none
FoldColumn base4 none
Folded base4 none
LineNr base4 none
MatchParen base8 base3
SignColumn base4 none
Ignore base4 none
Pmenu base6 base3
PmenuSbar base3 base3
PmenuSel base1 base8
PmenuThumb base4 base4
ErrorMsg red none
ModeMsg base5 none
MoreMsg purple none
Question purple none
WarningMsg red none
ColorColumn none base0
CursorColumn none base2
CursorLine none base2
QuickFixLine base7 none
StatusLine base1 base7
StatusLineNC base5 base3
VertSplit base3 base3
WildMenu base7 none
IncSearch base1 base8
Search base1 purple
Visual none base3
DiffAdd base1 green
DiffChange gold none
DiffDelete base1 red
DiffText base1 gold
# Syntax
Comment base5 none italic
Constant red none
Error base1 red
PreProc blue none
Special green none
Statement slate none
Identifier gold none
Type orange none
Delimiter base6 none
StringDelimiter dark_green none
Directory blue none
Function purple none
SpecialComment base6 none italic
String green none
Title base8 none
Todo base8 none
Underlined blue none underline
SpellBad red none undercurl
SpellCap red none undercurl
SpellLocal red none undercurl
SpellRare red none undercurl
# Links
# Vim Interface
Terminal -> Normal
TabLine -> StatusLineNC
TabLineFill -> StatusLineNC
TabLineSel -> StatusLine
StatusLineTerm -> StatusLine
StatusLineTermNC -> StatusLineNC
VisualNOS -> Visual
# Diff
diffAdded -> DiffAdd
diffBDiffer -> WarningMsg
diffChanged -> DiffChange
diffCommon -> WarningMsg
diffDiffer -> WarningMsg
diffFile -> Directory
diffIdentical -> WarningMsg
diffIndexLine -> Number
diffIsA -> WarningMsg
diffNoEOL -> WarningMsg
diffOnly -> WarningMsg
diffRemoved -> DiffDelete
# Syntax
Boolean -> Constant
Character -> Constant
Float -> Constant
Number -> Constant
Conditional -> Statement
Exception -> Statement
Keyword -> Statement
Label -> Statement
Operator -> Statement
Repeat -> Statement
Define -> PreProc
Include -> PreProc
Macro -> PreProc
PreCondit -> PreProc
StorageClass -> Type
Structure -> Type
Typedef -> Type
Debug -> Special
SpecialChar -> Special
Tag -> Special
Conceal -> Ignore
NonText -> Ignore
SpecialKey -> Ignore
EndOfBuffer -> Ignore
# vim: set ft=colortemplate nomodeline:
Full name: Tomorrow 8
Short name: tomorrow8
Author: Aramis Razzaghipour <>
Description: A simplified version of the Tomorrow Night theme
Background: dark
Neovim: yes
# Palette
Color: back #1d1f21 ~
Color: faded_back #282a2e ~
Color: grey #373b41 ~
Color: dark_fore #464846 ~
Color: faded_fore #868886 ~
Color: fore #c5c8c6 ~
Color: white #f5f8f6 ~
Color: aqua #8abeb7 ~
Color: blue #81a2be ~
Color: green #b5bd68 ~
Color: orange #de935f ~
Color: purple #b294bb ~
Color: red #cc6666 ~
Color: yellow #f0c674 ~
Term colors: faded_back red green yellow
Term colors: blue purple aqua fore
Term colors: faded_fore red green yellow
Term colors: blue purple aqua white
# Highlighting
Normal fore back
Cursor back fore
# Vim Interface
CursorLineNr fore faded_back
FoldColumn faded_fore faded_back
Folded faded_fore faded_back
LineNr faded_fore faded_back
MatchParen white grey bold
SignColumn faded_fore faded_back
Conceal dark_fore none
Ignore dark_fore none
NonText dark_fore none
SpecialKey dark_fore none
EndOfBuffer dark_fore none
Pmenu fore grey
PmenuSbar none none
PmenuSel white faded_back
PmenuThumb white white
ErrorMsg back red
ModeMsg green none bold
MoreMsg yellow none
Question yellow none
WarningMsg back orange
ColorColumn none faded_back
CursorColumn none faded_back
CursorLine none faded_back
QuickFixLine back fore
StatusLine fore grey
StatusLineNC faded_fore faded_back
TabLine -> StatusLineNC
TabLineFill -> TabLine
TabLineSel -> StatusLine
VertSplit faded_back faded_back
WildMenu white faded_fore
IncSearch back yellow
Search none grey
Visual none grey
VisualNOS none grey
DiffAdd back green
DiffChange none none
DiffDelete back red
DiffText back orange
# Syntax
Comment faded_fore none italic
Constant orange none
Error back red
Identifier fore none
PreProc orange none
Special orange none
Statement purple none
Type red none
Delimiter faded_fore none
Directory aqua none
Function blue none
String green none
Title white none
Todo back fore
Underlined aqua none underline
SpellBad none none undercurl
SpellCap none none undercurl
SpellLocal none none undercurl
SpellRare none none undercurl
# Links
# Vim Interface
Terminal -> Normal
StatusLineTerm -> StatusLine
StatusLineTermNC -> StatusLineNC
# Diff
diffAdded -> DiffAdd
diffBDiffer -> WarningMsg
diffChanged -> DiffChange
diffCommon -> WarningMsg
diffDiffer -> WarningMsg
diffFile -> Directory
diffIdentical -> WarningMsg
diffIndexLine -> Number
diffIsA -> WarningMsg
diffNoEOL -> WarningMsg
diffOnly -> WarningMsg
diffRemoved -> DiffDelete
# Syntax
Boolean -> Constant
Character -> Constant
Float -> Constant
Number -> Constant
Conditional -> Statement
Exception -> Statement
Keyword -> Statement
Label -> Statement
Operator -> Statement
Repeat -> Statement
Define -> PreProc
Include -> PreProc
Macro -> PreProc
PreCondit -> PreProc
StorageClass -> Type
Structure -> Type
Typedef -> Type
Debug -> Special
SpecialChar -> Special
SpecialComment -> Special
Tag -> Special
StringDelimiter -> Delimiter
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