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Created August 15, 2016 15:49
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Redux bindings for PureScript
"use strict";
exports.baseStore = Redux.createStore.bind(Redux);
exports.getState = function getState(store) {
return store.getState();
exports.mkReducer = function mkReducer(actionDict) {
return function (f) {
return function (state, envelopedAction) {
if (envelopedAction.type === actionDict.actionType) {
return f(state)(envelopedAction.payload);
else {
return state;
exports.captureFunctorDict = function captureFunctorDict(dict) {
return function (proxy) {
return dict;
exports.focusReducerImpl =
function focusReducerImpl(identityDict, lens, f) {
return function (globalState, envelopedAction) {
return lens
(function (state) { return f(state, envelopedAction); })
exports.idReducer = function idReducer(state, envelopedAction) {
return state;
exports.appendReducerImpl = function appendReducerImpl(f, g) {
return function (state, envelopedAction) {
return f(g(state, envelopedAction), envelopedAction);
exports.connectImpl = function connectImpl(f, klass) {
return ReactRedux.connect(
function mapStateToProps(state, outerProps) {
return state;
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch, outerProps) {
return { dispatch: dispatch };
function mergeProps(state, dispatch, outerProps) {
return f(state)(tagAndDispatchWith(dispatch.dispatch))(outerProps);
function tagAndDispatchWith(dispatch) {
return function (actionDict) {
return function (action) {
return function () {
type: actionDict.actionType,
payload: action
exports.liftDispatchEff = identity;
exports.liftDispatchAff = identity;
function identity(x) {
return x;
exports.provideImpl = function provideImpl(store, e) {
return React.createElement(ReactRedux.Provider, { store: store }, e);
exports.withMiddleware = Redux.applyMiddleware;
module X.Redux
( Store
, StoreCreator
, createStore
, baseStore
, getState
, Reducer
, mkReducer
, focusReducer
, class Action
, actionType
, connect
, connected
, Dispatcher (..)
, dispatchWith
, liftDispatchEff
, liftDispatchAff
, WithReduxDispatch
, ReduxDispatch
, WithReduxReadState
, ReduxReadState
, WithReduxEffs
, provide
, Middleware
, withMiddleware
) where
import X.Data.Tagged (Tagged)
import X.FFI (Dict)
import X.React as R
import Control.Monad.Aff (Aff)
import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff)
import Data.Function.Uncurried as Fn.U
import Data.Identity (Identity (..))
import Data.Monoid (class Monoid)
import Optic.Core (Lens')
import Prelude
foreign import data Store :: * -> *
type StoreCreator globalState
= Fn.U.Fn2 (Reducer globalState) globalState (Store globalState)
:: forall globalState.
StoreCreator globalState
-> Reducer globalState
-> globalState
-> Store globalState
createStore template f initialState
= Fn.U.runFn2 template f initialState
foreign import baseStore :: forall globalState. StoreCreator globalState
foreign import getState :: forall globalState. Store globalState -> globalState
foreign import data Reducer :: * -> *
foreign import mkReducer
:: forall act state. (Action act) => (state -> act -> state) -> Reducer state
:: forall globalState state.
Lens' globalState state
-> Reducer state
-> Reducer globalState
focusReducer l r
= Fn.U.runFn3 focusReducerImpl (captureFunctorDict Identity) l r
foreign import focusReducerImpl
:: forall globalState state.
(Lens' globalState state)
(Reducer state)
(Reducer globalState)
foreign import captureFunctorDict
:: forall f a.
(Functor f)
=> (a -> f a)
-> Dict
instance semigroupReducer :: Semigroup (Reducer state) where
append r1 r2
= Fn.U.runFn2 appendReducerImpl r1 r2
instance monoidReducer :: Monoid (Reducer state) where
= idReducer
foreign import appendReducerImpl
:: forall state. Fn.U.Fn2 (Reducer state) (Reducer state) (Reducer state)
foreign import idReducer :: forall state. Reducer state
class Action act where
actionType :: Tagged act String
:: forall innerProps outerProps globalState eff.
(globalState -> Dispatcher -> outerProps -> innerProps)
-> R.ReactClass innerProps eff
-> R.ReactClass outerProps (WithReduxReadState globalState eff)
connect f klass
= Fn.U.runFn2 connectImpl f klass
:: forall innerProps outerProps globalState eff.
R.ReactClass innerProps eff
-> (globalState -> Dispatcher -> outerProps -> innerProps)
-> R.ReactClass outerProps (WithReduxReadState globalState eff)
connected klass f
= Fn.U.runFn2 connectImpl f klass
foreign import connectImpl
:: forall innerProps outerProps globalState eff.
Fn.U.Fn2 (globalState -> Dispatcher -> outerProps -> innerProps)
(R.ReactClass innerProps eff)
(R.ReactClass outerProps (WithReduxReadState globalState eff))
newtype Dispatcher
= Dispatcher
( forall act eff. (Action act)
=> act
-> Eff (WithReduxDispatch eff) Unit
:: forall act eff.
(Action act)
=> Dispatcher
-> act
-> Eff (WithReduxDispatch eff) Unit
dispatchWith (Dispatcher f)
= f
foreign import liftDispatchEff
:: forall eff a. Eff eff a -> Eff (WithReduxDispatch eff) a
foreign import liftDispatchAff
:: forall eff a. Aff eff a -> Aff (WithReduxDispatch eff) a
type WithReduxDispatch eff
= ( rxDispatch :: ReduxDispatch
| eff
foreign import data ReduxDispatch :: !
type WithReduxReadState globalState eff
= ( rxReadState :: ReduxReadState globalState
| eff
foreign import data ReduxReadState :: * -> !
type WithReduxEffs globalState eff
= WithReduxReadState globalState (WithReduxDispatch eff)
:: forall globalState eff.
Store globalState
-> R.ReactElement (WithReduxEffs globalState eff)
-> R.ReactElement eff
provide store e
= Fn.U.runFn2 provideImpl store e
foreign import provideImpl
:: forall globalState eff.
(Store globalState)
(R.ReactElement (WithReduxEffs globalState eff))
(R.ReactElement eff)
foreign import data Middleware :: *
foreign import withMiddleware
:: forall globalState.
-> StoreCreator globalState
-> StoreCreator globalState
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