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Created October 31, 2018 23:22
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#version 410 core
uniform float fGlobalTime; // in seconds
uniform vec2 v2Resolution; // viewport resolution (in pixels)
//#define fGlobalTime 6
layout(location = 0) out vec4 out_color; // out_color must be written in order to see anything
#define PI (acos(-1.))
vec2 rotate(vec2 a, float b)
float c = cos(b);
float s = sin(b);
return vec2(
a.x * c - a.y * s,
a.x * s + a.y * c
// Repeat around the origin by a fixed angle.
// For easier use, num of repetitions is use to specify the angle.
float pModPolar(inout vec2 p, float repetitions) {
float angle = 2*PI/repetitions;
float a = atan(p.y, p.x) + angle/2.;
float r = length(p);
float c = floor(a/angle);
a = mod(a,angle) - angle/2.;
p = vec2(cos(a), sin(a))*r;
// For an odd number of repetitions, fix cell index of the cell in -x direction
// (cell index would be e.g. -5 and 5 in the two halves of the cell):
if (abs(c) >= (repetitions/2)) c = abs(c);
return c;
float sdSphere(vec3 p, vec3 c, float r)
return length(p-c)-r;
float sdBox( vec3 p, vec3 b )
vec3 d = abs(p) - b;
return min(max(d.x,max(d.y,d.z)),0.0) + length(max(d,0.0));
float sdTriPrism( vec3 p, vec2 h )
vec3 q = abs(p);
return max(q.z-h.y,max(q.x*0.866025+p.y*0.5,-p.y)-h.x*0.5);
vec2 scene(vec3 p)
float floorPlane = p.y + 1.;
vec3 rp = p;
pModPolar(rp.xz, 12.);
float sphere = length(rp*vec3(.9,1,1)-vec3(.3,0,0))-1.;
sphere = abs(sphere+.05)-.05;
vec3 mirrorP = p;
mirrorP.z = -abs(mirrorP.z);
// round eyes
vec3 mp = p;
mp.x = abs(mp.x);
float eye = sdSphere(mp, vec3(.3,.4,-1.2), .17);
sphere = max(sphere, -eye);
// curved mouth
float mouth1 = sdSphere(p, vec3(0,.6,-1), 1);
float mouth2 = sdSphere(p, vec3(0,1.3,-1), 1.35);
sphere = max(sphere, -max(mouth1, -mouth2));
// angular eyes
sphere = max(sphere, -sdTriPrism(mp*vec3(1,-1,1)+vec3(-.25,.35,-1.), vec2(.2,1.1)));
// both noses
sphere = max(sphere, -sdTriPrism(mirrorP-vec3(0,.22,-1.), vec2(.1,1.1)));
// angular mouth
sphere = max(sphere, -sdTriPrism(mp*vec3(1,-1,1)+vec3(-.37,-.03,-1.), vec2(.16,1.1)));
sphere = max(sphere, -sdTriPrism(mp*vec3(1,-1,1)+vec3(-.2,-.04,-1.), vec2(.18,1.1)));
sphere = max(sphere, -sdTriPrism(mp*vec3(1,-1,1)+vec3(0,-.05,-1.), vec2(.2,1.1)));
floorPlane = -sdBox(p-vec3(0,1,0), vec3(6,2.5,6));
float stem = dot(vec4(rp,1),vec4(1,.1,0,-.2));
stem = max(stem, p.y-1.3);
stem = max(stem, -p.y+.95);
return vec2(
floorPlane < sphere
? 0
: sphere < stem
? 1
: 2
void main(void)
vec2 uv = vec2(gl_FragCoord.x / v2Resolution.x, gl_FragCoord.y / v2Resolution.y);
uv -= 0.5;
uv /= vec2(v2Resolution.y / v2Resolution.x, 1);
vec3 cam = vec3(0,0,-5);
vec3 dir = normalize(vec3(uv,1));
cam.yz = rotate(cam.yz, .3+sin(fGlobalTime*.1)*.1);
dir.yz = rotate(dir.yz, .3+sin(fGlobalTime*.1)*.1);
cam.xz = rotate(cam.xz, fGlobalTime*.4);
dir.xz = rotate(dir.xz, fGlobalTime*.4);
float t = 0;
for(int i=0;i<100;++i)
float k = scene(cam+dir*t).x;
t += k;
if (k<.001) break;
vec3 h = cam+dir*t;
vec2 o = vec2(0.001,0);
vec3 n = normalize(vec3(
vec2 mat = scene(h);
vec3 candlePos = sin(fGlobalTime*vec3(
if (mat.x > 1.)
// sky
out_color = vec4(0,0,0,1);
else if (mat.y == 0)
// floor
float fakeLight = clamp(1.-length(h)*.12,0,1);
vec4 color = vec4(.2,0,.3,0);
vec3 fh = fract(h*.5+.501)-.5;
float checker = fh.x*fh.y*fh.z;
out_color = color*float(checker>0) * fakeLight;
else if (mat.y == 1 || mat.y == 2)
vec3 fakeN = n;
fakeN.xz = rotate(fakeN.xz, -fGlobalTime*.4);
// pumpkin
vec4 albedo = mat.y == 1 ? vec4(1,.5,0,0) : vec4(.1,.3,.1,1);
out_color = albedo * (fakeN.x*.5+.5);
out_color += pow(dot(fakeN,normalize(vec3(1,1,-1)))*.5+.5,20.)*.2;
out_color = clamp(out_color, 0,1);
bool occluded = false;
vec3 lightCheckDir = normalize(candlePos-h);
h += n *.01;
h *= .995;
float lowestK = 1e9;
for(int i=0;i<32&&!occluded;++i)
float k = scene(h+lightCheckDir*t).x;
t += k;
lowestK = min(k,lowestK);
if (k<0.001)
else if (t > distance(candlePos, h))
out_color += vec4(1,.9,.1,1) * .3 * smoothstep(0.,.02,lowestK);
//out_color = vec4(n*.5+.5,0);
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