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Created November 14, 2018 22:40
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#version 410 core
uniform float fGlobalTime; // in seconds
uniform vec2 v2Resolution; // viewport resolution (in pixels)
uniform sampler1D texFFT; // towards 0.0 is bass / lower freq, towards 1.0 is higher / treble freq
uniform sampler1D texFFTSmoothed; // this one has longer falloff and less harsh transients
uniform sampler1D texFFTIntegrated; // this is continually increasing
uniform sampler2D texChecker;
uniform sampler2D texNoise;
uniform sampler2D texTex1;
uniform sampler2D texTex2;
uniform sampler2D texTex3;
uniform sampler2D texTex4;
layout(location = 0) out vec4 out_color; // out_color must be written in order to see anything
const float pi = acos(-1.);
const float SPEED = 3;
const float BUSSTOP_WAVELENGTH = 1000;
vec2 rotate(vec2 a, float b)
float c = cos(b);
float s = sin(b);
return vec2(
a.x * c - a.y * s,
a.x * s + a.y * c
float sdRoundBox( vec3 p, vec3 b, float r )
vec3 d = abs(p) - b;
return length(max(d,0.0)) - r
+ min(max(d.x,max(d.y,d.z)),0.0); // remove this line for an only partially signed sdf
float sdCylinder(vec3 p, float r)
return length(p.xy) - r;
float sdCappedCylinder(vec3 p, float r, float h, float steer)
p.xz = rotate(p.xz, steer);
return max(sdCylinder(p, r), abs(p.z)-h);
float bettersin(float a)
return sin(a*pi*2-.5*pi)*.5+.5;
vec2 steering(float time)
time = mod(time, 8.);
float t;
if (time < 7)
t = (time / 7);
t = 1-(time-7);
return vec2(
float shadowscene(vec3 p)
vec2 steer = steering(fGlobalTime);
vec3 bp = p;
bp.y += sin(fGlobalTime*10.)*.03;
bp.z += steer.x;
float bus = sdRoundBox(bp-vec3(0,-.1,0), vec3(4.,.8,1)-.1, .3);
float ground = p.y + 1.5;
ground = max(ground, length(p+vec3(0,1.5,0))-7);
return min(bus, ground);
vec2 scene(vec3 p)
vec2 steer = steering(fGlobalTime);
vec3 bp = p;
bp.y += sin(fGlobalTime*10.)*.03;
bp.z += steer.x;
float bus = sdRoundBox(bp-vec3(0,-.1,0), vec3(4.,.8,1)-.1, .3);
bus = max(bus, -sdCylinder(bp - vec3(3,-1,0), .5));
bus = max(bus, -sdCylinder(bp - vec3(-3,-1,0), .5));
bus = max(bus, -sdCylinder(bp - vec3(-2,-1,0), .5));
vec3 wp = p;
wp.z += steer.x;
wp.z = abs(wp.z);
wp.z -= 1;
float wheels = 1000;
wheels = min(wheels, sdCappedCylinder(wp - vec3( 3,-1,0), .4, .2, steer.y));
wheels = min(wheels, sdCappedCylinder(wp - vec3(-3,-1,0), .4, .2, 0));
wheels = min(wheels, sdCappedCylinder(wp - vec3(-2,-1,0), .4, .2, 0));
float hubcaps = 1000;
hubcaps = min(hubcaps, sdCappedCylinder(wp - vec3( 3,-1,0), .17, .3, steer.y));
hubcaps = min(hubcaps, sdCappedCylinder(wp - vec3(-3,-1,0), .17, .3, 0));
hubcaps = min(hubcaps, sdCappedCylinder(wp - vec3(-2,-1,0), .17, .3, 0));
float windows = sdRoundBox(bp - vec3(4,.1,0), vec3(.8,.3,.8), .1);
windows = min(windows, sdRoundBox(bp - vec3(2.8 +bp.y*.7,.1,0), vec3(.5,.3,2), .1));
windows = min(windows, sdRoundBox(bp - vec3(1.4 +bp.y*.7,.1,0), vec3(.5,.3,2), .1));
windows = min(windows, sdRoundBox(bp - vec3( bp.y*.7,.1,0), vec3(.5,.3,2), .1));
windows = min(windows, sdRoundBox(bp - vec3(-1.4+bp.y*.7,.1,0), vec3(.5,.3,2), .1));
windows = min(windows, sdRoundBox(bp - vec3(-2.8+bp.y*.7,.1,0), vec3(.5,.3,2), .1));
float ground = p.y + 1.5;
ground = max(ground, length(p+vec3(0,1.5,0))-7);
vec3 bsp = p;
float busstop = sdCappedCylinder(bsp.xzy+vec3(bst,4.2,.5), .05, 1, 0);
busstop = min(busstop, sdCappedCylinder(bsp.yzx+vec3(-.9,4.2,bst), .4, .05, 0));
busstop = max(busstop, sdCylinder(bsp.xzy, 7));
float mat = 0;
float best = 1000;
if (ground < best) { mat = 1; best = ground; }
if (bus < best) { mat = 2; best = bus; }
if (wheels < best) { mat = 3; best = wheels; }
if (busstop < best) { mat = 5; best = busstop; }
if (mat == 2 && windows < bus)
mat = 4;
if (mat == 3 && hubcaps < wheels)
mat = 2;
return vec2(
float sdCircle(vec2 uv, float r)
return length(uv)-r;
float sceneLRR(vec2 uv)
uv.y -= .3;
float circles = min(
sdCircle(uv+vec2(.14,0), .033),
sdCircle(uv+vec2(.24,0), .033)
sdCircle(uv+vec2(.34,0), .033),
sdCircle(uv+vec2(-.03,0), .1)
uv.y = abs(uv.y);
float chevron = dot(vec3(uv,1),vec3(1,2.3,-.4));
chevron = max(.1-uv.x, chevron);
chevron = max(-sdCircle(uv+vec2(-.05,0), .15), chevron);
return min(chevron, circles);
void main(void)
vec2 uv = vec2(gl_FragCoord.x / v2Resolution.x, gl_FragCoord.y / v2Resolution.y);
vec2 screenUV = vec2(gl_FragCoord.x / v2Resolution.x, gl_FragCoord.y / v2Resolution.y);
uv -= 0.5;
uv /= vec2(v2Resolution.y / v2Resolution.x, 1);
vec3 cam = vec3(0,0,-15);
vec3 dir = normalize(vec3(uv,1));
cam.yz = rotate(cam.yz, .3);
dir.yz = rotate(dir.yz, .3);
cam.xz = rotate(cam.xz, pi/3.);
dir.xz = rotate(dir.xz, pi/3.);
float t=0;
vec2 k=vec2(0);
for(int i=0;i<100;++i)
if (k.x<.001)
vec3 h = cam+dir*t;
vec2 o = vec2(.01, 0);
vec3 n = normalize(vec3(
out_color.rgb = n*.5+.5;
//out_color.rgb = fract(h);
if (k.x > 1)
k.y = 0;
float fakeAO = shadowscene(h+n*.8)/.8;
fakeAO = clamp(fakeAO, 0, 1) * .4 + .6;
vec3 albedo = vec3(1);
float mat = k.y;
if (mat == 0)
{ // sky
float d = sceneLRR(uv);
vec3 light = vec3(.4,.6,1);
vec3 dark = vec3(.1,0,.6);
out_color.rgb = mix(light, dark, smoothstep(-.001, .001, d));
else if (mat == 1)
{ // ground
h.z = abs(h.z);
albedo = vec3(.9, .6, 0);
if (h.z < 3.2 && h.y > -1.6)
albedo = vec3(.4);
else if (h.z < 4 && h.y > -1.6)
albedo = vec3(.6,.4,0);
if (h.z < .3 && fract(h.x*.2+fGlobalTime*SPEED) < .5 && h.y > -1.6)
albedo = vec3(1,.9,.2);
else if (mat == 2)
{ // bus
albedo = vec3(.7,.8,.9);
else if (mat == 3)
{ // wheels
albedo = vec3(.1);
else if (mat == 4)
{ // windows
albedo = vec3(.1);
else if (mat == 5)
{ // busstop
albedo = h.y > .5 ? vec3(1,0,0) : vec3(.8);
float light = dot(n, normalize(vec3(2,3,1)))*.5+.5;
out_color.rgb = albedo * light * fakeAO;
//out_color = vec4(step(screenUV.y, steering(screenUV.x * 8)));
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