An app that teaches about various aspects of Malaria. This would be achieved using Gamification and ChatBot. Teaches about,
- What is Malaria?
- How it is caused?
- How to prevent it?
- How to treat it?
- Angular 6
- NodeJS
- MySQL + Sequelize
- Rasa_Core ( + Tensorflow)
- Karma and Mocha (for testing)
- Current bot accuracy is 70%, can be increased more.
- More scenarios can be added to Bot conversation.
- Adding location feature in the application and providing content based on the location.
- We may shift from MySQL to NoSQL.
- Mocha and Karma test coverage can be increased.
- Automated lint checking for GitHub commits.
- Implementing Object Oriented patterns in current backend code.
- Add more games!
- Reactive Design patterns using NgRx
- Malaria, a life threatening disease.
- In 2016, 216 million cases in 91 countries. (Reference, WHO)
- Nearly half of world population at risk.
- Early diagnosis helps in preventing deaths.
- Some communities in the world are still unaware of it.
- Not only a Health phenomena, affects Education and Economy
- Malaria and Food Security, a new buzz!
Target Audience: Peace Corps Volunteers, when they would go for remote missions. It would help in educating them.
- Angular and Node version update
- Passing all the existing tests
- Game, Stop the Breed
- Game, Strides Against Malaria
- Profile Update Component
- Brand guidelines updation
- Enhancements in top and side Navbar
- Performance Display Component
- Badge Functionality
- Giving user the Certificates
- Security Enhancements
- Improving the Registration Component (UI, EMail Verification, Transaction Rollback)
- Implementing the ChatBot (Training, Navigation using it and Integration with the app)
- Game, Moskito Asesinato
- Leaderboard Implementation
- A Disclaimer page
- Multiple Levels in activities
- Application Caching
- Final Demo
- Weekly wiki Report
- Blogs, initially here and then in Medium
- Upgradation from Angular 4 to 6 (Many modules had deprecated).
- Many tests were failing initially.
- Finding reliable open source content, especially images.
- No open source dialogue corpus availability for Malaria related conversations.
- Meeting deadlines consistently was something new for me.
- Improved creative thinking while developing logic for the games
- Realised a great improvement in UI/UX Sense
- Learnt Testing.
- Learnt concepts of Machine Learning and NLP.
- Learnt to Document things.
- Learnt good coding practises.
- Became more efficient in managing work (especially deadlines!)
- Became more confident in writing skills. (Blogs really helped)
- Became a better communicator (Team meetings and 1:1’s helped)
- Learnt the Open Source workflow
These three months were the best developing experience of my career. Thank you to mentors Buddhiprabha, Shreyans, Rajath, Paavini and community to help me, whenever I needed. I’m sure, this would mark the very beginning of my Open Source development career.