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Last active August 14, 2018 13:31
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Final Report for GSoC'18 (Systers, PC-Prep-Kit)


An app that teaches about various aspects of Malaria. This would be achieved using Gamification and ChatBot. Teaches about,

  • What is Malaria?
  • How it is caused?
  • How to prevent it?
  • How to treat it?

Tech Stack

  • Angular 6
  • NodeJS
  • MySQL + Sequelize
  • Rasa_Core ( + Tensorflow)
  • Karma and Mocha (for testing)

Future Development

  • Current bot accuracy is 70%, can be increased more.
  • More scenarios can be added to Bot conversation.
  • Adding location feature in the application and providing content based on the location.
  • We may shift from MySQL to NoSQL.
  • Mocha and Karma test coverage can be increased.
  • Automated lint checking for GitHub commits.
  • Implementing Object Oriented patterns in current backend code.
  • Add more games!
  • Reactive Design patterns using NgRx


  • Malaria, a life threatening disease.
  • In 2016, 216 million cases in 91 countries. (Reference, WHO)
  • Nearly half of world population at risk.
  • Early diagnosis helps in preventing deaths.
  • Some communities in the world are still unaware of it.
  • Not only a Health phenomena, affects Education and Economy
  • Malaria and Food Security, a new buzz!

Target Audience: Peace Corps Volunteers, when they would go for remote missions. It would help in educating them.


  • Angular and Node version update
  • Passing all the existing tests
  • Game, Stop the Breed
  • Game, Strides Against Malaria
  • Profile Update Component
  • Brand guidelines updation
  • Enhancements in top and side Navbar
  • Performance Display Component
  • Badge Functionality
  • Giving user the Certificates
  • Security Enhancements
  • Improving the Registration Component (UI, EMail Verification, Transaction Rollback)
  • Implementing the ChatBot (Training, Navigation using it and Integration with the app)
  • Game, Moskito Asesinato
  • Leaderboard Implementation
  • A Disclaimer page
  • Multiple Levels in activities
  • Application Caching

Learn More


Work links



  • Upgradation from Angular 4 to 6 (Many modules had deprecated).
  • Many tests were failing initially.
  • Finding reliable open source content, especially images.
  • No open source dialogue corpus availability for Malaria related conversations.
  • Meeting deadlines consistently was something new for me.

Take Aways

  • Improved creative thinking while developing logic for the games
  • Realised a great improvement in UI/UX Sense
  • Learnt Testing.
  • Learnt concepts of Machine Learning and NLP.
  • Learnt to Document things.
  • Learnt good coding practises.
  • Became more efficient in managing work (especially deadlines!)
  • Became more confident in writing skills. (Blogs really helped)
  • Became a better communicator (Team meetings and 1:1’s helped)
  • Learnt the Open Source workflow

Overall Experience

These three months were the best developing experience of my career. Thank you to mentors Buddhiprabha, Shreyans, Rajath, Paavini and community to help me, whenever I needed. I’m sure, this would mark the very beginning of my Open Source development career.

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