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Last active February 1, 2023 18:12
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Simulation of population under 100% selection
## Hardy Weinberg script (2)
## Simulating changes in genotype frequencies over time
## under 100% selection against homozygous recessive
## Instruction: Press "-->Source"
##################### CODE: Ignore all of this below ###########################
for (i in 1) {
parental.alleles <- c(rep("b", times = 100), rep("B", times = 100))
numbers <- c(sprintf('%0.3d', 1:100), sprintf('%0.3d',1:100))
x <- paste(parental.alleles, numbers, sep = "")
BB.f <- NA
Bb.f <- NA
bb.f <- NA
selected.1 <- NA
k <- 1
morgue <- NA
while(length(x) > 0) {
s <- sample(x, replace = FALSE, size = 2)
a <- paste(s, collapse = "")
selected.1[k] <- paste(c(substring(a, 1, 1), (substring(a, 5, 5))), collapse = "")
x <- x[!x %in% s]
k <- k + 1
BB <- length(selected.1[! selected.1 %in% c('bb', 'Bb', "bB")])
Bb <- length(selected.1[! selected.1 %in% c('bb', 'BB')])
bb <- length(selected.1[! selected.1 %in% c('BB', 'Bb', "bB")])
total.a <- BB + Bb + bb
morgue[1] <- bb*2
BB.f[1] <- BB / total.a
bb.f[1] <- bb / total.a
Bb.f[1] <- Bb / total.a
### GENERATION ONE: 75% of bb survive
gen1.alleles <- c(rep("b", times = Bb), rep("B", times = BB*2+Bb))
numbers <- c(sprintf('%0.3d', 1:(Bb)), sprintf('%0.3d',1:(BB*2+Bb)))
x <- paste(gen1.alleles, numbers, sep = "")
selected.2 <- NA
k <- 1
while(length(x) > 0) {
s <- sample(x, replace = FALSE, size = 2)
a <- paste(s, collapse = "")
selected.2[k] <- paste(c(substring(a, 1, 1), (substring(a, 5, 5))), collapse = "")
x <- x[!x %in% s]
k <- k+1
BB <- length(selected.2[! selected.2 %in% c('bb', 'Bb', "bB")])
Bb <- length(selected.2[! selected.2 %in% c('bb', 'BB')])
bb <- length(selected.2[! selected.2 %in% c('BB', 'Bb', "bB")])
total.a <- BB + Bb + bb
morgue[2] <- bb*2
BB.f[2] <- BB / total.a
bb.f[2] <- bb / total.a
Bb.f[2] <- Bb / total.a
### GENERATION TWO: 75% of bb survive
gen2.alleles <- c(rep("b", times = Bb), rep("B", times = BB*2+Bb))
numbers <- c(sprintf('%0.3d', 1:(Bb)), sprintf('%0.3d',1:(BB*2+Bb)))
x <- paste(gen2.alleles, numbers, sep = "")
selected.3 <- NA
k <- 1
while(length(x) > 0) {
s <- sample(x, replace = FALSE, size = 2)
a <- paste(s, collapse = "")
selected.3[k] <- paste(c(substring(a, 1, 1), (substring(a, 5, 5))), collapse = "")
x <- x[!x %in% s]
k <- k+1
BB <- length(selected.3[! selected.3 %in% c('bb', 'Bb', "bB")])
Bb <- length(selected.3[! selected.3 %in% c('bb', 'BB')])
bb <- length(selected.3[! selected.3 %in% c('BB', 'Bb', "bB")])
total.a <- BB + Bb + bb
morgue[3] <- bb*2
BB.f[3] <- BB / total.a
bb.f[3] <- bb / total.a
Bb.f[3] <- Bb / total.a
### GENERATION THREE: 75% of bb survive
gen3.alleles <- c(rep("b", times = Bb), rep("B", times = BB*2+Bb))
numbers <- c(sprintf('%0.3d', 1:(Bb)), sprintf('%0.3d',1:(BB*2+Bb)))
x <- paste(gen3.alleles, numbers, sep = "")
selected.4 <- NA
k <- 1
while(length(x) > 0) {
s <- sample(x, replace = FALSE, size = 2)
a <- paste(s, collapse = "")
selected.4[k] <- paste(c(substring(a, 1, 1), (substring(a, 5, 5))), collapse = "")
x <- x[!x %in% s]
k <- k+1
BB <- length(selected.4[! selected.4 %in% c('bb', 'Bb', "bB")])
Bb <- length(selected.4[! selected.4 %in% c('bb', 'BB')])
bb <- length(selected.4[! selected.4 %in% c('BB', 'Bb', "bB")])
total.a <- BB + Bb + bb
morgue[4] <- bb*2
BB.f[4] <- BB / total.a
bb.f[4] <- bb / total.a
Bb.f[4] <- Bb / total.a
### GENERATION FOUR: 75% of bb survive
gen4.alleles <- c(rep("b", times = Bb), rep("B", times = BB*2+Bb))
numbers <- c(sprintf('%0.3d', 1:(Bb)), sprintf('%0.3d',1:(BB*2+Bb)))
x <- paste(gen4.alleles, numbers, sep = "")
selected.5 <- NA
k <- 1
while(length(x) > 0) {
s <- sample(x, replace = FALSE, size = 2)
a <- paste(s, collapse = "")
selected.5[k] <- paste(c(substring(a, 1, 1), (substring(a, 5, 5))), collapse = "")
x <- x[!x %in% s]
k <- k+1
BB <- length(selected.5[! selected.5 %in% c('bb', 'Bb', "bB")])
Bb <- length(selected.5[! selected.5 %in% c('bb', 'BB')])
bb <- length(selected.5[! selected.5 %in% c('BB', 'Bb', "bB")])
total.a <- BB + Bb + bb
morgue[5] <- bb*2
BB.f[5] <- BB / total.a
bb.f[5] <- bb / total.a
Bb.f[5] <- Bb / total.a
### GENERATION FIVE: 75% of bb survive
gen5.alleles <- c(rep("b", times = Bb), rep("B", times = BB*2+Bb))
numbers <- c(sprintf('%0.3d', 1:(Bb)), sprintf('%0.3d',1:(BB*2+Bb)))
x <- paste(gen5.alleles, numbers, sep = "")
selected.6 <- NA
k <- 1
while(length(x) > 0) {
s <- sample(x, replace = FALSE, size = 2)
a <- paste(s, collapse = "")
selected.6[k] <- paste(c(substring(a, 1, 1), (substring(a, 5, 5))), collapse = "")
x <- x[!x %in% s]
k <- k+1
BB <- length(selected.6[! selected.6 %in% c('bb', 'Bb', "bB")])
Bb <- length(selected.6[! selected.6 %in% c('bb', 'BB')])
bb <- length(selected.6[! selected.6 %in% c('BB', 'Bb', "bB")])
total.a <- BB + Bb + bb
morgue[6] <- bb*2
BB.f[6] <- BB / total.a
bb.f[6] <- bb / total.a
Bb.f[6] <- Bb / total.a
gen <- seq(1:6)
generation <- c("P", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5")
plot(BB.f ~ gen, ylim = c(0, 1), type = "b", col = "blue",
ylab = "Genotype frequency", xaxt = "n",
xlab = "Generation", pch = 16, lwd = 2,
main = "Genotype frequencies with 100% selection against bb")
axis(1, at=1:6, labels=generation)
lines(Bb.f ~ gen, col = "red", type = "b", pch = 16, lwd = 2)
lines(bb.f ~ gen, col = "green", type = "b", pch = 16, lwd = 2)
legend(1, 1, legend=c("BB", "Bb", "bb"),
col=c("blue", "red", "green"), lty=1, lwd = 2, cex=0.8)
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