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Last active December 17, 2015 00:19
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Save lunelson/5520165 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Working area for fully featured BBX Streetgang Grid
// ---
// Breakpoint (v2.0.5)
// Sass (v3.2.8)
// ---
@import "compass";
// grid variables
$grid-gutter: 30px !default;
$grid-width: 100% !default;
// breakpoints
$mobile-v: 320px !default;
$mobile-h: 480px !default;
$tablet-v: 768px !default;
$tablet-h: 1024px !default;
// utility extension mixin
@mixin x($base, $variants...) {
@extend %#{$base}.base;
@each $var in $variants {
@extend %#{$base}.#{$var};
%grid {
&.base {
@include box-sizing(border-box);
@include background-clip(content-box);
&.cell, &.col, &.column {
@extend %grid.base;
padding-left: ($grid-gutter / 2);
padding-right: ($grid-gutter / 2);
float: left;
// width: 100%;
&.row, &.block {
@extend %grid.base;
@include pie-clearfix;
margin-left: -($grid-gutter / 2);
margin-right: -($grid-gutter / 2);
&.wrap,&.wrapper {
@extend %grid.base;
@include pie-clearfix;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
padding-left: ($grid-gutter / 2);
padding-right: ($grid-gutter / 2);
// wrap mixins
@mixin wrap-size($w: 100%) { width: $w; }
@mixin wrap-set($w) { @extend %grid.wrap; @include wrap-size($w); }
@mixin bp-wrap-size($bp, $w) { @include breakpoint($bp) { @include wrap-size($w); } }
// row mixin
@mixin row-set { @extend %grid.row; }
// column mixins
@mixin col-size-old($n, $d, $args...) {
width: $n / $d * 100%;
// @if length($args) >= 1 { position: relative; }
@each $arg in $args {
$dir: nth($arg,1); $p: nth($arg,2);
@if $p == out {
margin-#{opposite-position($dir)}: 100%;
margin-#{$dir}: $n / $d * -100%;
margin-bottom: -100%;
} @else { margin-#{$dir}: $p / $d*100%; }
@mixin col-size($span, $offsets...) {
$n: nth($span,2); $d: nth($span,3);
width: $n / $d * 100%;
// @if length($offsets) >= 1 { position: relative; }
@each $offset in $offsets {
$dir: nth($offset,1); $p: nth($offset,2);
@if $p == out {
margin-#{opposite-position($dir)}: 100%;
margin-#{$dir}: $n / $d * -100%;
margin-bottom: -100%;
} @else { margin-#{$dir}: $p / $d*100%; }
@mixin col-set($args...) { @extend %grid.col; @include col-size($args...);}
@mixin bp-col-size($bp, $args...) { @include breakpoint($bp) { @include col-size($args...); } }
//.container { @include wrap-set(30em); }
//.test-row { @include row-set(); }
.test-col { @include col-set(span 2 3, right 2); }
// @include column(span 1 4)
// @include bp-column(mobile, span 2 3, right 1, left -3);
// @include bp-column(tablet, span 1 3, right 2);
// @include bp-column(desktop, span 3 3, right out);
// FUTURE FEATURE: generate and use namespaced extension points
// .desktop-span-6-3
// .desktop-right-plus-1-3
// .desktop-left-minus-2-3
// .desktop-right-outside
.test-col {
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;
-webkit-background-clip: content;
-moz-background-clip: content;
background-clip: content-box;
.test-col {
padding-left: 15px;
padding-right: 15px;
float: left;
.test-col {
width: 66.66667%;
margin-right: 66.66667%;
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