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Created October 25, 2013 09:15
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// ----
// Sass (v3.3.0.rc.1)
// Compass (v0.13.alpha.7)
// ----
@import "breakpoint";
@function str-remove($str, $sub) {
$i: str-index($str, $sub);
@if $i == 0 { @return $str; }
@else { @return str-remove(str-slice($str, 1, $i - 1) + str-slice($str, $i + 1, str-length($str)), $sub); }
@function map-debug($map) {
$result: unquote("( ");
@each $key, $value in $map {
@if type_of($value) == 'map' {
$result: unquote("#{$result} #{$key}: #{map-debug($value)}");
} @else { $result: unquote("#{$result}#{$key}: #{$value}, "); }
$result: unquote("#{$result} )");
$result: str-remove($result,", )");
$result: str-remove($result," ");
@return quote($result);
@function n-get($map, $keys...) {
@each $key in $keys { @if $map == null { @return null; } @else { $map: map-get($map, $key); } }
@return $map; }
$units: (
'em': 1em,
'ex': 1ex,
'ch': 1ch,
'rem': 1rem,
'%': 1%,
'vw': 1vw,
'vh': 1vh,
'vmin': 1vmin,
'vmax': 1vmax,
'cm': 1cm,
'mm': 1mm,
'in': 1in,
'px': 1px,
'pt': 1pt,
'pc': 1pc,
'deg': 1deg,
'grad': 1grad,
'rad': 1rad,
'turn': 1turn,
's': 1s,
'ms': 1ms,
'dpi': 1dpi,
'dpcm': 1dpcm,
'dppx': 1dppx
@function one-unit($unit) { $one-unit: map-get($units, $unit); @return if($one-unit, $one-unit, 1); }
@function strip($value) { @return $value / one-unit(unit($value)); }
@function assert($value, $unit) { @return strip($value) * one-unit($unit); }
// width and gutter can be in rem or em; ideally rem
$bp-data: (
a: (
width: 30rem,
gutter: 1rem,
scale: 125%
b: (
width: 45rem,
gutter: 1rem,
scale: 100%
c: (
width: 60rem,
gutter: 1rem,
scale: 200%
$html-font-size: 100% !default;
@mixin breakpoint-setup($data) {
$breakpoints: () !global;
@each $alias, $spec in $data {
$width: map-get($spec, width);
$gutter: map-get($spec, gutter);
$scale: map-get($spec, scale);
$breakpoint: (em: ($width + 2 * $gutter) * $scale / 100%, rem: $width);
$breakpoints: map-merge($breakpoints, (#{$alias}: $breakpoint));
@if $scale != 100% { @media (min-width: #{map-get($breakpoint, em)}) { html { font-size: $scale; } } }
@mixin bp-setup($data) {
$bp: () !global;
$prev-scale: strip($html-font-size);
@each $alias, $spec in $data {
$width: assert(map-get($spec, width), em);
$gutter: assert(map-get($spec, gutter), em);
$scale: strip(map-get($spec, scale));
$breakpoint: map-merge(map-get($data, $alias), (query: ($width + 2 * $gutter) * $scale / 100));
$bp: map-merge($bp, (#{$alias}: $breakpoint)) !global;
@if $scale != $prev-scale { @media (min-width: #{map-get($breakpoint, query)}) { html { font-size: assert($scale, '%'); } } }
$prev-scale: $scale;
// @include breakpoint-setup($bp-data);
@include bp-setup($bp-data);
.debug {
map: map-debug($bp);
bp1: n-get($bp, a, query);
bp2: n-get($bp, b, query);
bp3: n-get($bp, c, query);
@media (min-width: 40em) {
html {
font-size: 125%; } }
@media (min-width: 47em) {
html {
font-size: 100%; } }
@media (min-width: 124em) {
html {
font-size: 200%; } }
.debug {
map: "( a: ( width: 30rem, gutter: 1rem, scale: 125%, query: 40em ) b: ( width: 45rem, gutter: 1rem, scale: 100%, query: 47em ) c: ( width: 60rem, gutter: 1rem, scale: 200%, query: 124em ) )";
bp1: 40em;
bp2: 47em;
bp3: 124em; }
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