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Last active December 29, 2015 15:29
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  • Save lunelson/7691476 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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fill	            Sets fill color of the shape.
fill-opacity	    Sets fill opacity of the shape.
fill-rule	    Sets fill rule of the shape.
  ** example **
  fill: #ccc;
  fill: rgba(0,0,0,.5);
  fill: red;


stroke	          Sets the stroke (line) color used to draw the outline of this shape.
stroke-dasharray  Sets the stroke (line) dashing used to draw the outline of this shape.
stroke-dashoffset Sets the stroke (line) dash offset used to draw the outline of this shape.
stroke-linecap    Sets the stroke (line) line cap used to draw the outline of this shape. Valid values are round, butt and square.
stroke-linejoin   Setsthe shape to be used at the corners of paths or basic shapes when they are stroked.
stroke-miterlimit Sets the stroke (line) miter limit used to draw the outline of this shape.
stroke-opacity    Sets the stroke (line) opacity used to draw the outline of this shape.
stroke-width      Sets the stroke (line) width used to draw the outline of this shape.
  ** example **
  stroke: #ccc;
  stroke-width: .75; / stroke-width: 2px;
  stroke-linejoin: miter | round | bevel | inherit;
  stroke-linecap:  butt | round | square | inherit;


marker            Sets marker used along the lines (edges) of this shape.
marker-start      Sets start marker used along the lines (edges) of this shape.
marker-mid        Sets mid marker used along the lines (edges) of this shape.
marker-end        Sets end marker used along the lines (edges) of this shape.


alignment-baseline            Sets how the text is aligned to its x and y coordinates.
baseline-shift                Sets the baseline shift used to render text.
dominant-baseline             Sets the dominant baseline.
glyph-orientation-horizontal  Sets horizontal glyph orientation.
glyph-orientation-vertical    Sets vertical glyph orientation.
kerning	Sets the kerning of the rendered text (kerning is letter spacing).


stop-color    Sets the stop color used in a stop element used in a gradient.
stop-opacity  Sets the stop opacity used in a stop element used in a gradient.
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