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Created January 22, 2014 10:14
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// ----
// libsass (v0.7.0)
// ----
// list helper functions (some modified from SassyLists)
@function list($args...) {
$output: ();
@each $arg in $args { $output: append($output, $arg); }
@return $output;
@function unlist($list) {
@return if(length($list) == 1, nth($list, 1), $list);
@function slice($list, $start: 1, $end: length($list), $sep: 'comma') {
$output: ();
@for $i from $start through $end {
$output: append($output, nth($list, $i), $sep); }
@return $output;
@function replace-nth($list, $value, $index, $sep: 'comma') {
$output: ();
@for $i from 1 through length($list) {
@if $i == $index { $output: append($output, $value, $sep); }
@else { $output: append($output, nth($list, $i), $sep); } }
@return $output;
// list-map helper functions, purely semantic
@function tuple-key($tuple) { @return nth($tuple, 1); }
@function tuple-value($tuple) { @return nth($tuple, 2); }
// list-map versions of map-keys(), -values() and -has-key() functions
@function map-keys($list) {
$output: ();
@each $tuple in $list { $output: append($output, tuple-key($tuple), 'comma'); }
@return $output;
@function map-values($list) {
$output: ();
@each $tuple in $list { $output: append($output, tuple-value($tuple), 'comma'); }
@return $output;
@function map-has-key($list, $key) {
@each $tuple in $list { @if tuple-key($tuple) == $key { @return true; } }
@return false;
// list-map versions of map-get(), -merge() and -remove()
@function map-get($list, $key) {
@if length($list) == 0 { @return null; }
@else if length(nth($list, 1)) == 1 { @if tuple-key($list) == $key { @return tuple-value($list); } }
@else { @each $tuple in $list { @if tuple-key($tuple) == $key { @return tuple-value($tuple); } } }
@return null;
@function map-merge($list1, $list2) {
$keys1: map-keys($list1);
@each $tuple in $list2 {
$index: index($keys1, tuple-key($tuple));
@if $index { $list1: replace-nth($list1, $tuple, $index); }
@else { $list1: append($list1, $tuple, 'comma'); } }
@return $list1;
@function map-remove($list, $key) {
$keys: map-keys($list); $out: ();
@for $n from 1 through length($list) {
@if nth($keys, $n) != $key { $out: append($out, nth($list, $n), 'comma'); } }
@return $out;
// advanced: map-get-z() and map-merge-z()
@function map-get-z($list, $keys...) {
@each $key in $keys {
@if $list == null { @return null; }
@else { $list: map-get($list, $key); } }
@return $list;
@function map-merge-z($list, $keys-and-value...) {
$arg-length: length($keys-and-value);
$value: nth($keys-and-value, $arg-length);
$key-length: $arg-length - 1;
@if $key-length == 0 { $value: if(type-of($value) == 'list', map-merge($list, $value), map-merge($list, list($value ()))); }
@else { $start: if(type-of($value) == 'list', 0, 1);
@for $i from $start through $key-length {
$new-list: (); $old-list: ();
@if $i == 0 { $new-list: $value; } @else { $new-list: list(nth($keys-and-value, $key-length + 1 - $i) $value); }
@if $i == $key-length { $old-list: $list; } @else { $old-list: map-get-z($list, slice($keys-and-value, 1, $key-length - $i)...) or (); }
$value: map-merge($old-list, $new-list); } }
@return $value;
// list debug function borrowed from sassylists
@function list-debug($list, $pre: false, $level: 1) {
@if length($list) == 0 { @return "( )"; }
@if length($list) == 1 { @return if($pre, "(" + type-of($list) + ") ", "") + $list; }
$tab: " ";
$indent: "";
$break: if($pre, "\A ", "");
@for $i from 1 to $level { $indent: $indent + $tab; }
$output: "(" + $break;
@for $i from 1 through length($list) {
$item: nth($list, $i);
$output: $output + if($pre, $indent + $tab, " ");
@if length($item) > 1 {
$output: $output + if($pre, "(list: " + length($item) + ") ", "") + list-debug($item, $pre, $level + 1);
} @else {
@if $pre { $output: $output + "(" + type-of($item) + ") "; }
@if length($item) == 0 { $output: $output + "( )"; }
@else if type-of($item) == string { $output: $output + quote($item); }
@else if $item == null { $output: $output + "null"; }
@else { $output: $output + $item; }
@if $i != length($list) { $output: $output + "," + $break; }
$output: $output + $break + if($pre, if($level > 1, $indent, ""), " ") + ")";
@return quote($output);
// +++++++++++ testing
$list-map: ( alpha 1, beta 2, gamma 3 );
$new-map: map-merge($list-map, (gamma 4));
$short-map: map-remove($list-map, alpha);
$list-map-z: (
alpha (
beta (
gamma 3
.debug {
out: map-keys($list-map); //-> alpha, beta, gamma
out: map-values($list-map); //-> 1, 2, 3
out: map-has-key($list-map, gamma); //-> true
out: map-has-key($list-map, delta); //-> false
out: map-get($list-map, alpha); //-> 1
out: map-get($list-map, beta); //-> 2
out: map-get($list-map, gamma); //-> 3
out: list-debug($new-map);
out: list-debug($short-map);
out: list-debug(map-get-z($list-map-z, alpha));
out: list-debug(map-get-z($list-map-z, alpha, beta));
out: list-debug(map-get-z($list-map-z, alpha, beta, gamma));
.debug2 {
out: list-debug(map-merge-z($list-map-z, delta));
out: list-debug(map-merge-z($list-map-z, delta, epsilon));
out: list-debug(map-merge-z($list-map-z, delta, epsilon, 5));
out: list-debug(map-merge-z($list-map-z, delta, list(epsilon 5)));
out: list-debug(map-merge-z($list-map-z, (delta 4, epsilon 6)));
.debug {
out: alpha, beta, gamma;
out: 1, 2, 3;
out: true;
out: false;
out: 1;
out: 2;
out: 3;
out: "( ( alpha, 1 ), ( beta, 2 ), gamma, 4 )";
out: "( ( beta, 2 ), ( gamma, 3 ) )";
out: "( beta, ( gamma, 3 ) )";
out: "( gamma, 3 )";
out: "3"; }
.debug2 {
out: "( alpha, ( beta, ( gamma, 3 ) ), ( delta, ( ) ) )";
out: "( alpha, ( beta, ( gamma, 3 ) ), ( delta, epsilon ) )";
out: "( alpha, ( beta, ( gamma, 3 ) ), ( delta, epsilon 5 ) )";
out: "( alpha, ( beta, ( gamma, 3 ) ), ( delta, epsilon 5 ) )";
out: "( alpha, ( beta, ( gamma, 3 ) ), ( delta, 4 ), ( epsilon, 6 ) )"; }
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