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Created January 30, 2014 10:50
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Another Scratchpad for MQ system
// ----
// libsass (v0.7.0)
// ----
@import "sass-list-maps";
@function get($args...) {
@return map-get-z($args...);
@function merge($args...) {
@return map-merge-z($args...);
@function set($args...) {
@return map-merge-z($args...);
@function single($unit) {
$keys: 'em', 'ex', 'ch', 'rem', '%', 'vw', 'vh', 'vmin', 'vmax', 'cm', 'mm', 'in', 'px', 'pt', 'pc', 'deg', 'grad', 'rad', 'turn', 's', 'ms', 'dpi', 'dpcm', 'dppx';
$values: 1em, 1ex, 1ch, 1rem, 1%, 1vw, 1vh, 1vmin, 1vmax, 1cm, 1mm, 1in, 1px, 1pt, 1pc, 1deg, 1grad, 1rad, 1turn, 1s, 1ms, 1dpi, 1dpcm, 1dppx;
$index: index($keys, $unit); @if $index { @return nth($values, $index); } @return 1; }
@function strip($value) { @return $value / single(unit($value)); }
@function assert($value, $unit) { @return strip($value) * single($unit); }
what's wrong / what's next
- base scale should affect mq scales, but not mq em widths
- standard html and body declarations should also be included?
- build in the routine for checking if html has already been declared at that size
// default media query data
$mq-data: (
base (
gutter 1rem,
scale 100%
alpha (
width 30rem,
gutter 2rem,
scale 110%
beta (
width 45rem,
gutter 2rem,
scale 110%
gamma (
width 60rem,
gutter 2rem,
scale 110%
delta (
width 60rem,
gutter 3rem,
scale 125%
) !default;
// initialize global current query data
$mq-current: get($mq-data, 'base');
$base-scale: get($mq-data, 'base', 'scale');
$base-line-height: 1.5;
// global object we will populate
// populate the mq object
@mixin mq-setup() {
@each $mq in $mq-data {
$alias: tuple-key($mq);
$spec: tuple-value($mq);
@if $alias != 'base' {
// collect basic params
$width: get($spec, 'width');
$height: get($spec, 'height');
$scale: get($spec, 'scale');
$scale: if(unit($scale) == '%', strip($scale) / 100, $scale); // remove?
$gutter: get($spec, 'gutter');
// compute the query params (width only, so far)
$base-scale: get($mq-data, 'base', 'scale');
$base-scale: if(unit($base-scale) == '%', strip($base-scale) / 100, $base-scale); // remove?
// $norm-scale: if(unit($scale) == '%', strip($scale) / 100, $scale) * if(unit($base-scale) == '%', strip($base-scale) / 100, $base-scale);
$query: (assert($width, em) + 2 * assert($gutter, em)) * $scale;
// merge back to mq object
$mq-data: merge($mq-data, $alias, 'query-width', $query);
@media screen and (min-width: #{$query}) {
html { font-size: $scale * $base-scale * 100%; }
body, .col_body { margin-left: $gutter; margin-right: $gutter; }
.row_body { margin-left: - $gutter; margin-right: - $gutter; }
} @else {
$scale: get($spec, scale);
$gutter: get($spec, 'gutter');
html { font-size: if(unit($scale) == '%', strip($scale) / 100, $scale) * 100%; }
body, .col_body { margin-left: $gutter; margin-right: $gutter; }
.row_body { margin-left: - $gutter; margin-right: - $gutter; }
@include mq-setup();
@mixin mq($alias) {
$mq-temp: $mq-current;
$mq-current: get($mq-data, $alias);
$mq-current: $mq-temp;
@function mq($var) { @return get($mq-current, $var); }
// ++++ BREAKPOINT Aliases and Modifications
$html-font-size: 100% !default;
$mq: (); // the object we will populate
// // this version outputs html declaration more conservatively; requires query-data in order from small to large
// @mixin query-setup-alt($queries) {
// $mq: () !global;
// $prev-scale: strip($html-font-size);
// @each $alias, $spec in $hash {
// $width: assert(map-get($spec, width), em);
// $gutter: assert(map-get($spec, gutter), em);
// $scale: strip(map-get($spec, scale));
// $output: map-merge(map-get($hash, $alias), (query: ($width + 2 * $gutter) * $scale / 100));
// $mq: map-merge($mq, (#{$alias}: $output)) !global;
// @if $scale != $prev-scale { @media (min-width: #{map-get($output, query)}) { html { font-size: assert($scale, '%'); } } }
// $prev-scale: $scale;
// }
// }
// query-query calculates query for aliases and fires breakpoint
@mixin query($aliases...) {
$aliases: if(length($aliases) == 1, nth($aliases, 1), $aliases); $directive: nth($aliases, 1);
$lti: index(lessthan less-than lt before below, $directive); $query: ();
@if $lti { $aliases: reject($aliases, $directive); $query: (max-width get($mq, nth($aliases, 1), query)); }
@else { @each $alias in $aliases { $query: append($query, get($mq, $alias, query)); } }
@include breakpoint($query) { @content; }
// get specific mq parameters
@function q-width($alias) { @return map-get(map-get($mq, $alias), 'width'); }
@function q-scale($alias) { @return map-get(map-get($mq, $alias), 'scale'); }
@function q-gutter($alias) { @return map-get(map-get($mq, $alias), 'gutter'); }
@function q-query($alias) { @return map-get(map-get($mq, $alias), 'query'); }
// // apply mq parameters to properties
// @mixin q-apply($map) {
// @each $alias in map-keys($mq) {
// @include query($alias) {
// @each $tuple in $map {
// // $property, $q-func
// $property: tuple-key();
// $q-func
// #{$property}: call($q-func, $alias);
// }
// }
// }
// }
// calc rems for pixels, per query scale
@function q-rem($alias, $val, $sep: 'space') {
$scale: map-get(map-get($mq, $alias), 'scale');
$n-scale: if(unit($scale) == '%', strip($scale) / 100, $scale) * $base-font-size / 16px;
// if $val is fucked, bail
@if not $val { @return false; }
// if $val is a pixel qty, do rem for px
@else if length($val) > 1 {
$out: (); @each $v in $val {
@if unit($v) == 'rem' { $out: append($out, $v, $sep); }
@else { $out: append($out, assert($v / strip($base-font-size * $n-scale), rem), $sep); }
@return $out;
} @else {
@if unit($val) == 'rem' { @return $val; }
@else { @return assert($val / strip($base-font-size * $n-scale), rem); }
.test {
debugger: unit(100%);
out: get($mq-data, alpha, query-width);
@include mq(alpha) {
width: mq(width);
@include mq(beta) {
width: mq(width);
width: mq(width);
what's wrong / what's next
- base scale should affect mq scales, but not mq em widths
- standard html and body declarations should also be included?
- build in the routine for checking if html has already been declared at that size
html {
font-size: 100%; }
body, .col_body {
margin-left: 1rem;
margin-right: 1rem; }
.row_body {
margin-left: -1rem;
margin-right: -1rem; }
@media screen and (min-width: 37.4em) {
html {
font-size: 110%; }
body, .col_body {
margin-left: 2rem;
margin-right: 2rem; }
.row_body {
margin-left: -2rem;
margin-right: -2rem; } }
@media screen and (min-width: 53.9em) {
html {
font-size: 110%; }
body, .col_body {
margin-left: 2rem;
margin-right: 2rem; }
.row_body {
margin-left: -2rem;
margin-right: -2rem; } }
@media screen and (min-width: 70.4em) {
html {
font-size: 110%; }
body, .col_body {
margin-left: 2rem;
margin-right: 2rem; }
.row_body {
margin-left: -2rem;
margin-right: -2rem; } }
@media screen and (min-width: 82.5em) {
html {
font-size: 125%; }
body, .col_body {
margin-left: 3rem;
margin-right: 3rem; }
.row_body {
margin-left: -3rem;
margin-right: -3rem; } }
.test {
debugger: "%";
out: 37.4em;
width: 30rem;
width: 45rem;
width: null; }
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