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Created May 10, 2018 15:41
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# Directory containing input files for the classifier.
# The input directory is expected to contain a ROOT file for each process named
# histofile_$PROCESS.root. This should contain a Ttree named
# Ttree_$PROCESS. Additional trees named with the schema
# Ttree_$PROCESS__$SYSTEMATIC__(plus/minus) should be included for each
# relevant shape nuisance. The Ttrees should contain a branch for each
# observable and a branch containing event weights.
input_dir: /scratch/data/TopPhysics/mvaDirs/inputs/2016/all/mz50mw50/
# Random number generation seed
seed: 52
# ROOT selection string specifying the cuts that should be made before
# classifier training takes place.
selection: >-
zMass > 71.2 && zMass < 111.2 &&
wPairMass > 60.4 && wPairMass < 100.4 &&
chi2 < 40 &&
Channel == 1
# Name of the channel, only used to name output and does not apply any selection
channel: ee
# List of channels which should be considered signal
- tZq
# List of channels which should be considered background
- DYToLL_M10To50_aMCatNLO
- FakeEG
- FakeMu
- TbartChan
- TbartW
- TsChan
- TT
- TtChan
- ttH
- TtW
- Wjets
- WW
- WZ
- ZZ
# Name of process containing collision data
# The location of the true data needs to be known when combine/THETA output is
# generated
data_process: DataEG
# Directories plots, root files, and trained classifiers should be output into
plot_dir: plots/
root_dir: root/
mva_dir: mva/
# Fraction of data to be reserved in test sample
test_fraction: 0.25
# If true, the weights of the signal channels are linearly scaled so that the
# overall normalisation for both the signal and background channels is the same
equalise_signal: true
# How negative event weights should be treated
# passthrough: negative weights are unaltered
# abs: the absolute value of all negative weights is taken
# reweight: The absolute value of all negative weights is taken. The original
# normalisation for each process is then restored by linearly
# scaling the resulting weights down. This will fail if any
# processes have an overall negative weight.
# zero: negative weights are set to 0
negative_weight_treatment: passthrough
# Classifier selection
# bdt_grad: Gradient Boosted Decision Tree (scikit-learn)
# bdt_xgb: Gradient Boosted Decision Tree (XGBoost)
# bdt_lgbm: Gradient Boosted Decision Tree (LightGBM)
# random_forest: Random Forest
# mlp: Multi-Layer Perceptron (Keras)
# load: load classfier specfied by classifer_path option
classifier: bdt_grad
# BDT configuration. Passed to scikit-learn's GradientBoostingClassifier()
# See scikit-learn documentation for more information
n_estimators: 100
verbose: 1
min_samples_split: 0.1
subsample: 0.75
learning_rate: 0.02
max_depth: 5
# Options governing the root file output
# Whether output should be in the format for combine (true) or THETA (false)
combine: true
# What form the (pseudo)-data in the files should take
# empty: Empty histograms
# poisson: Sum the Monte Carlo histograms, and perform a Poisson jump on
# each bin
# real: Use the real data
data: empty
# The strategy used to bin the MVA response in the resulting root files
# equal: specified number of equal-width bins in the (0, 1) range
# (default).
# quantile: specified number of equally-populated bins, achieved by
# placing bin edges at quantiles. Bin population does not take
# event weight into account.
# recursive_median: response is recursively bisected at the median
strategy: equal
# Set the number of bins for the equal or quantile binning stategies
bins: 20
# The recursive binning strategies will stop splitting once these limits
# are reached
min_signal_events: 0
min_background_events: 1
max_signal_error: 0.3
max_background_error: 0.3
# Features to be included in the classifier training
- bTagDisc
- fourthJetPt
- jetMass
- jjdelR
- leadJetEta
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