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Created March 13, 2010 21:55
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* Base class for databases object.
* @author Jonathan Gotti <jgotti at jgotti dot org>
* @copyleft (l) 2003-2008 Jonathan Gotti
* @package DB
* @license GNU Lesser General Public License
* @since 2006-04-16 first splitted version
* get_field and list_fields have changed -> list_table_fields (list_fields indexed by name)
* smart '?' on conditions strings
* @changelog - 2008-04-10 - new class dbprofiler
* - 2008-04-06 - autoconnect is now a static property
* - now db::getInstance call require on missing class-xxxxdb.php
* - 2008-02-19 - now get_count() method can receive optional clause as second parameter
* - add method _call() and static property db::$aliases to support methods aliases to be user defined (you can set your own aliases for any methods)
* - rename most of select_* methods with 'better' name (shorter and better meaning I hope) But old names will work just fine with new methods aliases support
* - 2007-11-20 - now beverbose property is int instead of bool and can takes 4 values
* 0 -> no output, 1-> only errors, 2-> only queries, 3-> queries + errors
* (don't forget to change true by 1 in your scripts or you won't have expected output anymore)
* - remove call to set_error() in query_to_array only query has to do it
* - 2007-10-11 - change default curpage for an input in set_slice_attrs()
* - no more autoload of console_app when not in sapi cli
* - 2007-10-08 - new methods getInstance, setDefaultConnectionStr, and __destruct
* to ease the way of getting uniques db instances for each db
* - 2007-03-28 - protect_field_names() isn't called automaticly anymore to allow
* the use of function, wild char or alias in fields list.
* will perhaps permit this again with a more effective regex in the future.
* so at this time it's up to you to use this method as needed on any select_* method (still applyed for insert and update)
* - move last_q2a_res assignment from fetch_res() method to query_to_array() (seems more ligical to me)
* - 2007-03-26 - better fields name handling (auto-protect fieldsname even if string is given)
* - 2007-01-12 - better values type handling in update and insert methods
* - 2007-01-10 - correct a bug about page counting in set_slice_attrs() and add %page replacement to fromatStr
* - better params type handling in method process_conds() (int/string/array/null)
* - 2006-12-05 - new method select_field_to_array()
* - 2006-05-15 - new methods set_slice_attrs() and select_array_slice() to easily paginate your results
class dbProfiler{
static public $precision = 4;
static public $stats = array();
protected $db = null;
protected $statFuncs = null;
function __construct($dbInstance){
$this->db = $dbInstance;
$this->statFuncs = array_merge(array_keys(db::$aliases),array_values(db::$aliases),array('delete','update','query','query_to_array'));
function __get($k){
return $this->db->$k;
function __set($k,$v){
return $this->db->$k = $v;
function __call($m,$a){
if(! in_array($m,$this->statFuncs))
return call_user_func_array(array($this->db,$m),$a);
# - get stat on queries
$stat = array("<b>$m</b>(".implode('<b>,</b> ',array_map(array($this,'_prepareArgStr'),$a)).')',$this->get_microtime());
$res = call_user_func_array(array($this->db,$m),$a);
$stat[] = $this->get_microtime();
self::$stats[] = $stat;
return $res;
function _prepareArgStr($a){
return var_export($a,1);
static function printReport(){
if(! count(self::$stats) )
$total = 0;
foreach(self::$stats as $stat){
list($query,$start,$end) = $stat;
$time = round($end-$start,self::$precision);
$rows[] = '<tr><td style="border-bottom:solid silver 1px;">'.$query.'</td><td style="border-bottom:solid silver 1px;text-align:right;">'.$time.' sec</td></tr>';
$total += $time;
echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" style="border:solid silver 1px;">
<caption style="text-align:left;font-weight:bold;" onclick="var body = document.getElementById(\'dbProfilerReport\');\'none\'?\'table-row-group\':\'none\')">dbProfiler report</caption>
<thead><tr><th style="text-align:left;border-bottom:solid silver 1px;">Query</th><th style="text-align:right;border-bottom:solid silver 1px;">time</th></tr></thead>
<tfoot><tr><td><b>Total: '.count(self::$stats).' queries</b></td><td><b>Total time: '.$total.'sec</b></td></tr></tfoot>
<tbody id="dbProfilerReport" style="display:none;">'.implode('',$rows)."</tbody>
function get_microtime(){
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime());
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
class db{
/** array of instances already created, one for each connection strings */
static protected $instances = array();
/** the default connection to use */
static public $defaultConnStr = null;
* define methods aliases
* define your own like this db::$aliases[alias] = 'realMethodName';
static public $aliases = array(
/** aliases required to keep backward compatibility */
'select_to_array' => 'select_rows',
'select_single_to_array' => 'select_row',
'select2associative_array' => 'select_associative',
'select_single_value' => 'select_value',
'select_array_slice' => 'select_slice',
'select_field_to_array' => 'select_col',
/** camelCase style aliases (for my own pleasure) */
'selectRows' => 'select_rows',
'selectRow' => 'select_row',
'selectAssociative' => 'select_associative',
'selectCol' => 'select_col',
'selectSlice' => 'select_slice',
'selectValue' => 'select_value',
/**Db hostname*/
public $host = null;
/**mysql username*/
public $user = null;
/**mysql password*/
public $pass = null;
/**resource connection (same as $conn if not applicable)*/
public $conn = null;
/**resource db selected*/
public $db = null ;
/**selected database*/
public $dbname = '';
/** resource result handler*/
public $last_qres = null;
/**array of last query to array results*/
public $last_q2a_res = array();
/**array of error number and msgs*/
public $error = array();
/**the last error array*/
public $last_error = array();
* set the level of verbosity.
* It MUST be an integar not a string or nothing will output!!!!
* 0 -> no output, 1-> only errors, 2-> only queries, 3-> queries + errors
public $beverbose = 0;
static public $autoconnect = TRUE;
*chr to protect fields names in queries
public $_protect_fldname = '`';
* return a single instance of the database corresponding to the given connection String.
* This method must be copyed in the exended class as php is not able to get the name of the calling class (one more poor aspect of this language).
* @param string $connectionStr the connection string is a semi colon separated list
* of connection parameter in the order they appear in the constructor
* preceeded by classname://
* for exemple a mysqldb connection string will look like:
* "mysqldb://dbname;dbhost:port;dbuser;dbpass"
* and a sqlitedb one will look like:
* "sqlitedb://dbfile;mode"
* @param bool $setDefault if true then this database connection will be the default one
* returned when no arguments are given.
* For conveniance the first call to this method
* will set the corresponding instance the default one
* if none has been set before
* @return db instance
static public function getInstance($connectionStr=null,$setDefault=false){
if( is_null(self::$defaultConnStr) ){
throw new Exception(__class__." Can't return an instance without any valid connection string.");
self::$defaultConnStr = $connectionStr;
$connectionStr = self::$defaultConnStr;
return self::$instances[$connectionStr];
list($class,$params) = explode('://',$connectionStr);
$params = explode(';',$params);
$paramNb = count($params);
$pEval[] = "\$params[$i]";
if(! class_exists($class) )
require (dirname(__file__)."/class-$class.php");
eval( '$instance = new '.$class.'('.implode(',',$pEval).');');
return self::$instances[$connectionStr] = $instance;
static public function setDefaultConnectionStr($connectionStr){
self::$defaultConnStr = $connectionStr;
* This way of creating an instance is not encourage anymore!
* @deprecated use @see getInstance instead
* constructor stay public even if we have getInstance for 2 reason
* 1- backward compatibility with existing scripts
* 2- permit getInstance to create any derived class without redefining it in each subclass
public function __construct(){
public function __destruct(){
foreach( self::$instances as $k=>$db){
$this->close(); #- close current object connection if not obtained by getInstance
function __call($m,$a){
if( isset(self::$aliases[$m]) )
return call_user_func_array(array($this,self::$aliases[$m]),$a);
/** open connection to database */
public function open(){}
/** close connection to previously opened database */
public function close(){}
* Select the database to work on (it's the same as the use db command or mysql_select_db function)
* @param string $dbname
* @return bool
* /
function select_db($dbname=null){}*/
* take a resource result set and return an array of type 'ASSOC','NUM','BOTH'
* @see sqlitedb or mysqldb implementation for exemple
public function fetch_res($result_set,$result_type='ASSOC'){}
public function last_insert_id(){}
* base method you should replace this one in the extended class, to use the appropriate escape func regarding the database implementation
* @param string $quotestyle (both/single/double) which type of quote to escape
* @return str
public function escape_string($string,$quotestyle='both'){
$escapes = array("\x00", "\x0a", "\x0d", "\x1a", "\x09","\\");
$replace = array('\0', '\n', '\r', '\Z' , '\t', "\\\\");
case 'double':
case 'd':
case '"':
$escapes[] = '"';
$replace[] = '\"';
case 'single':
case 's':
case "'":
$escapes[] = "'";
$replace[] = "\'";
case 'both':
case 'b':
case '"\'':
case '\'"':
$escapes[] = '"';
$replace[] = '\"';
$escapes[] = "'";
$replace[] = "\'";
return str_replace($escapes,$replace,$string);
* perform a query on the database
* @param string $Q_str
* @return= result id | FALSE
public function query($Q_str){}
* perform a query on the database like query but return the affected_rows instead of result
* give a most suitable answer on query such as INSERT OR DELETE
* @param string $Q_str
* @return int affected_rows or FALSE on error!
* @can work without this method but less smart
function query_affected_rows($Q_str){}
* get the table list from $this->dbname
* @return array
public function list_tables(){}
* return the list of field in $table
* @param string $table name of the sql table to work on
* @param bool $extended_info if true will return the result of a show field query in a query_to_array fashion
* (indexed by fieldname instead of int if false)
* @return array
public function list_table_fields($table,$extended_info=FALSE){}
/** Verifier si cette methode peut s'appliquer a SQLite */
public function show_table_keys($table){}
* optimize table statement query
* @param string $table name of the table to optimize
* @return bool
public function optimize($table){}
public function error_no(){}
public function error_str($errno=null){}
###*** COMMON METHODS ***###
* return the result of a query to an array
* @param string $Q_str SQL query
* @param string $result_type 'ASSOC', 'NUM' et 'BOTH'
* @return array | false if no result
public function query_to_array($Q_str,$result_type='ASSOC'){
$this->last_q2a_res = array();
if(! $this->query($Q_str)){
return FALSE;
return $this->last_q2a_res = $this->fetch_res($this->last_qres,$result_type);
* send a select query to $table with arr $fields requested (all by default) and with arr $conditions
* @param string|array $Table
* @param string|array $fields
* @param string|array $conditions
* @param string $res_type 'ASSOC', 'NUM' et 'BOTH'
* @Return array | false
public function select_rows($tables,$fields = '*', $conds = null,$result_type = 'ASSOC'){
//we make the table list for the Q_str
if(! $tb_str = $this->array_to_str($tables))
return FALSE;
//we make the fields list for the Q_str
if(! $fld_str = $this->array_to_str($fields) )
$fld_str = '*';
//now the WHERE str
$conds_str = $this->process_conds($conds);
$Q_str = "SELECT $fld_str FROM $tb_str $conds_str";
# echo "SQL : $Q_str\n;";
return $this->query_to_array($Q_str,$result_type);
* Same as select_rows but return only the first row.
* equal to $res = select_rows followed by $res = $res[0];
* @see select_rows for details
* @return array of fields
public function select_row($tables,$fields = '*', $conds = null,$result_type = 'ASSOC'){
if(! $res = $this->select_rows($tables,$fields,$conds,$result_type))
return FALSE;
return $res[0];
* just a quick way to do a select_rows followed by a associative_array_from_q2a_res
* see both thoose method for more information about parameters or return values
public function select_associative($tables,$fields='*',$conds=null,$index_field='id',$value_fields=null,$keep_index=FALSE){
if(! $this->select_rows($tables,$fields,$conds))
return FALSE;
return $this->associative_array_from_q2a_res($index_field,$value_fields,null,$keep_index);
* select a single value in database
* @param string $table
* @param string $field the field name where to pick-up value
* @param mixed conds
* @return mixed or FALSE
public function select_value($table,$field,$conds=null){
if($res = $this->select_row($table,$field,$conds,'NUM'))
return $res[0];
return FALSE;
* select a single table field and return all values
* @param string $table
* @param string $field name of the single field to retrieve
* @param mixed $conds
* @return array or FALSE
public function select_col($table,$field,$conds=null){
$conds_str = $this->process_conds($conds);
$Q_str = "SELECT $field FROM $table $conds_str";
if(! $res = $this->query_to_array($Q_str,'NUM') )
return FALSE;
foreach($res as $row){
$_res[] = $row[0];
return $_res;
* @return array array((array) results,(str) navigationstring, (int) totalrows)
public function select_slice($table,$fields='*',$conds=null,$pageId=1,$pageNbRows=10){
$conds = $this->process_conds($conds);
if(! ($tot = $this->select_value($table,'count(*)',$conds) ) )
return FALSE;
$limitStart = (int) $pageNbRows * ($pageId-1);
$res = $this->select_rows($table,$fields,$conds." Limit $limitStart,$pageNbRows");
# now prepare navigation links
$attrs = $this->set_slice_attrs();
$nbpages = ceil($tot/max(1,$pageNbRows));
# start/prev link
if($nbpages > 1 && $pageId != 1){
$first = str_replace('%lnk',str_replace('%page',1,$linkStr),$first);
$prev = str_replace('%lnk',str_replace('%page',$pageId-1,$linkStr),$prev);
$first = $prev = '';
# next/end link
if( $pageId < $nbpages ){
$last = str_replace('%lnk',str_replace('%page',$nbpages,$linkStr),$last);
$next = str_replace('%lnk',str_replace('%page',$pageId+1,$linkStr),$next);
$last = $next = '';
# pages links
$nblinks = isset($m[1])?$m[1]:'';
if(! $nblinks){ # all pages links
$slideStart = 1;
$slideEnd = $nbpages;
}else{ # range pages link
$delta = $nblinks%2?($nblinks-1)/2:$nblinks/2;
$slideStart = max(1,$pageId - $delta - (($pageId+$delta)<=$nbpages?0: $pageId -($nbpages-$delta)) );
$slideEnd = min($nbpages,$pageId + $delta + ($pageId > $delta?0: $delta - $pageId + 1 ) );
$pageLinks[] = str_replace( array('%lnk','%page'),
$links = implode($linkSep,$pageLinks);
$formatStr = str_replace( array('%first','%prev','%next','%last','%'.$nblinks.'links','%tot','%nbpages','%page'),
return array($res,$formatStr,$tot);
* set attributes for slice rendering.
* take an associative array of format strings to render slice links.
* - firt: first page link %lnk and %page will be replaced by the link to the page and the number of the page
* - prev: previous page link %lnk and %page will be replaced by the link to the page and the number of the page
* - next: next page link %lnk and %page will be replaced by the link to the page and the number of the page
* - last: last page link %lnk and %page will be replaced by the link to the page and the number of the page
* - pages: pages link %lnk and %page will be replaced by the link to the page and the number of the page
* - curpage: selected page link %lnk and %page will be replaced by the link to the page and the number of the page
* - linkStr: is used for rendering the url of pages %page will be replaced by the corresponding page number
* - linkSep: separator between pages links
* - formatStr: is used to render the full pagination string
* %start, %prev, %next, %last will be replaced respectively by corresponding links
* %Nlinks will be replaced by the pages links. N is the number of link to display
* including the selected page ex: %5links will show 5 pages links
* you can pass only the keys you want to replace ex: db::set_slice_attrs(array('linkStr'=>"myslice.php?page=%page"))
* all keys can also contain a %tot and %nbpages which will be replaced respectively by
* the total amount of result and the total number of pages
*@param array $attrs
*@return array
public function set_slice_attrs($attrs=null){
static $sliceAttrs;
if(! isset($sliceAttrs) ){
$sliceAttrs = array( 'first' => "<a href=\"%lnk\" class=\"pagelnk\"><<</a>",
'prev' => "<a href=\"%lnk\" class=\"pagelnk\"><</a>",
'next' => "<a href=\"%lnk\" class=\"pagelnk\">></a>",
'last' => "<a href=\"%lnk\" class=\"pagelnk\">>></a>",
'pages' => "<a href=\"%lnk\" class=\"pagelnk\">%page</a>",
#- 'curpage' => "<b><a href=\"%lnk\" class=\"pagelnk\">%page</a></b>",
'curpage' => '<input type="text" value="%page" onfocus="this.value=\'\';" onkeydown="if(event.keyCode==13){ var p=parseInt(this.value)||1;window.location=\'%lnk\'.replace(/page=%page/,\'page=\'+(p>%nbpages?%nbpages:(p<1?1:p)));return false;}" size="3" title="aller &agrave; la page" style="text-align:center;" />',
'linkStr' => "?page=%page",
'linkSep' => " ",
'formatStr'=> " %first %prev %5links %next %last"
if( is_array($attrs) ){
foreach($sliceAttrs as $k=>$v){
$sliceAttrs[$k] = isset($attrs[$k])?$attrs[$k]:$v;
return $sliceAttrs;
* Send an insert query to $table
* @param string $table
* @param array $values (arr(FLD=>VALUE,)
* @param bool $return_id the function will return the inserted_id if $return_id is true (the default value), else it'll return only true or false.
* @return insert id or FALSE
public function insert($table,$values,$return_id=TRUE){
return FALSE;
$fld = $this->protect_field_names(array_keys($values));
$val = array_map(array($this,'prepare_smart_param'),$values);
$Q_str = "INSERT INTO $table ($fld) VALUES (".$this->array_to_str($val).")";
if(! $this->query($Q_str) )
return FALSE;
$this->last_id = $this->last_insert_id();
return $return_id?$this->last_id:TRUE;
* Send a delete query to $table
* @param string $table
* @param mixed $conds
* @return int affected_rows
public function delete($table,$conds=null){
$conds_str = $this->process_conds($conds);
$Q_str = "DELETE FROM $table $conds_str";
$res = $this->query_affected_rows($Q_str);
return ($res===FALSE || $res === -1)?FALSE:$res;
$count = (int) $this->get_count($table);
if(! $this->query($Q_str) )
return FALSE;
$count2 = (int) $this->get_count($table);
return (int) ($count - $count2);
* Send an update query to $table
* @param string $table
* @param string|array $values ( 'fld=value, fld2=value2' arr(FLD=>VALUE,))
* @return int affected_rows or bool (depends on the database implementation (have we a query_affected_rows or not?))
public function update($table,$values,$conds = null){
$str = array();
foreach( $values as $k=>$v)
$str[] = $this->protect_field_names($k)." = ".$this->prepare_smart_param($v).' ';
}elseif(! is_string($values)){
return FALSE;
# now the WHERE str
$conds_str = $this->process_conds($conds);
$Q_str = "UPDATE $table SET ".(is_array($values)?$this->array_to_str($str):$values)." $conds_str";
$res = $this->query_affected_rows($Q_str);
return ($res===FALSE || $res === -1)?FALSE:$res;
return (bool) $this->query($Q_str);
* get the number of row in $table
* @param string $table table name
* @param mixed $conds
* @return int
public function get_count($table,$conds=null){
return $this->select_value($table,'count(*) as c',$conds);
*return an associative array indexed by $index_field with values $value_fields from
*a mysqldb->select_rows result
*@param string $index_field default value is id
*@param mixed $value_fields (string field name or array of fields name default is null so keep all fields
*@param array $res the mysqldb->select_rows result
*@param bool $keep_index if set to true then the index field will be keep in the values associated (unused if $value_fields is string)
*@param bool $sort_keys will automaticly sort the array by key if set to true @deprecated argument
*@return array
public function associative_array_from_q2a_res($index_field='id',$value_fields=null,$res = null,$keep_index=FALSE,$sort_keys=FALSE){
$res = $this->last_q2a_res;
if(! is_array($res)){
$this->verbose("associative_array_from_q2a_res with invalid result",__FUNCTION__,1);
return FALSE;
# then verify index exists
$this->verbose("associative_array_from_q2a_res with invalid index field '$index_field'",__FUNCTION__,1);
return FALSE;
# then we do the trick
foreach($res as $row)
$associatives_res[$row[$index_field]] = $row[$value_fields];
foreach($res as $row){
$associatives_res[$row[$index_field]] = $row;
if(! count($associatives_res))
return FALSE;
return $this->last_q2a_res = $associatives_res;
/*########## INTERNAL METHOD ##########*/
* used by other methods to parse the conditions param of a QUERY.
* If $conds is string then nothing more is done.
* If it's an array, the first value (index 0) will be consider as the full condition string and all '?' will be replaced by other values in the array (sort of sprintf).
* You can add a number before a ? to replace it by a given index in the array like 2?
* @param string|array $conds
* @return string
public function process_conds($conds=null){
if(is_string($conds) )
return $conds;
elseif(! is_array($conds) )
return '';
$conds_str = array_shift($conds);
return preg_replace('!(\d*)\?!e',"\$this->prepare_smart_param('\\1'!==''?\$conds['\\1']:(isset(\$conds[++\$i])?\$conds[\$i]:null),'single')",$conds_str);
* used internally for smart params processing
* @private
protected function prepare_smart_param($val){
return 'NULL';
}elseif (is_int($val) || is_float($val)) {
return $val;
} elseif(is_string($val)) {
return "'".$this->escape_string($val,'single')."'";
} elseif(is_array($val)) {
return implode(',', array_map(array(&$this,'prepare_smart_param'),$val));
return "''";
* used internally to prepare fields for queries
* @param string|array $fields list of fields. it's up to you to protect fieldsname if you put in fields as string
public function protect_field_names($fields){
foreach($fields as $k=>$f)
$fields[$k] = $this->_protect_fldname.$f.$this->_protect_fldname;
$fields = implode(',',$fields);
if( $this->_protect_fldname && ! substr_count($fields,$this->_protect_fldname) ){ # if already protected we do nothing
$fields = preg_replace('!\s*,\s*!',$this->_protect_fldname.','.$this->_protect_fldname,$fields);
$fields = $this->_protect_fldname . trim($fields) . $this->_protect_fldname;
return $fields?$fields:false;
protected function array_to_str($var,$sep=','){
return (is_string($var)?$var:(is_array($var)?implode($sep,$var):''));
protected function set_error($callingfunc=null){
static $i=0;
if(! $this->db ){
$this->error[$i]['nb'] = null;
$this->error[$i]['str'] = '[ERROR] No Db Handler';
$this->error[$i]['nb'] = $this->error_no();
$this->error[$i]['str'] = $this->error_str($this->error[$i]['nb']);
$this->last_error = $this->error[$i];
* print a msg on STDOUT if $this->beverbose is set to true
* @param string $msg message output string
* @param string $callingFunc name of the calling function
* @param int $msgLvl the level corresponding to the message
* 1-> error message
* 2-> query or similar informative message
* msgLvl must be an int not a string as it will be test by type
* @private
protected function verbose($msg,$callingFunc=null,$msgLvl=1){
if(! $this->beverbose)
if( ($msgLvl===2 && $this->beverbose >=2) || ($msgLvl === 1 && $this->beverbose !== 2) ){
$msg = get_class($this).($callingFunc?"::$callingFunc":'').' => '.$msg;
$useConsoleApp = ( php_sapi_name()=='cli' && class_exists('console_app',false))?true:false;
$isError = $msgLvl===1?true:false;
return console_app::msg_error($msg);
echo "<b style=\"color:red;\">[ERROR] $msg</b><br />\n";
return console_app::msg_info($msg);
echo "<b style=\"color:blue;\">$msg</b><br />\n";
* return the list of field in $table
* @deprecated still here for compatibility with old version
* @use and @see db::list_table_fields() instead
* @param string $table name of the sql table to work on
* @param bool $extended_info will return the result of a show field query in a query_to_array fashion
public function get_fields($table,$extended_info=FALSE){
return $this->list_table_fields($table,$extended_info);
* get the fields list of table
* @deprecated now the $indexed_by_name args won't exists anymore but will considered as TRUE in all case
* @see db::list_table_fields as a replacement method
* @param string $table
* @param bool $indexed_by_name the return array will be indexed by the fields name if set to true (default is FALSE)
* @return array
public function list_fields($table,$indexed_by_name=FALSE){
return $this->list_table_fields($table,TRUE);
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