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Load the Angular.js $templateCache while building assets for Rails Asset Pipeline. Be sure in require the `templates` module as a dependency of your Angular.js app.

AngularJS + Rails Asset Pipeline updated to Sprockets 3 + other changes


  • Sprockets 3 doesn't seem to need me to inject JavascriptHelpers.
  • Using environment[file].to_s to fetch the compiled sources.
  • Everything in my app (templates and scripts) is inside an app/ folder which is my angular app, so I leave that path part out on the $templateCache key
  • I'm only supporting slim templates because I only use slim, but it should fairly easy to add other template engines.
  • The previous script broke on files like course-link.directive.slim. We just remove the .slim extension now.
//= require angular
//= require angular-animate
//= require angular-resource
//= require_tree ./app
# app/assets/javascript/app/
@myApp = angular.module('app', ['ngResource', 'app.templates'])
# config/initializers/slim_assets.rb
Rails.application.assets.register_engine('.slim', Slim::Template)
<%# app/assets/javascript/app/templates %>
angular.module('app.templates', []).run([ '$templateCache', function($templateCache) {
app_root = File.expand_path('../', __FILE__)
templates = File.join(app_root, %w{** *.slim})
Dir.glob(templates).each do |f|
key = f.gsub(%r(^#{app_root}/),'').gsub(/\.slim/, '')
content = environment["app/#{key}.html"].to_s
$templateCache.put("<%= key %>", "<%= escape_javascript(content) %>" );
<% end %>
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