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Last active July 10, 2023 02:04
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Plex Pre-roll randomizer: Grabs 10 prerolls from a directory full of videos, being 6 < 30s, 2 30-40s, 2 of the rest
import os
import random
import subprocess
import shutil
SRC_DIR = os.getenv('SRC_DIR', '/mnt/user/appdata/plex/source_prerolls')
DEST_DIR = os.getenv('DEST_DIR', '/mnt/user/appdata/plex/prerolls')
def get_duration(filename):
cmd = [
'docker', 'run', '--rm', '-v', f'{SRC_DIR}:/videos', '--entrypoint', 'ffprobe',
'linuxserver/ffmpeg', '-v', 'error', '-show_entries', 'format=duration',
'-of', 'default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1', f'/videos/{filename}'
result =, capture_output=True, text=True)
return float(result.stdout.strip())
def get_files():
categorized_files = { 'short': [], 'medium': [], 'long': [] }
for file in os.listdir(SRC_DIR):
if file.endswith('.mp4'):
duration = get_duration(file)
if duration <= 30:
elif 30 < duration <= 40:
return categorized_files
def copy_files():
categorized_files = get_files()
selected_files = []
for cat, count in [('short', 6), ('medium', 2), ('long', 2)]:
selected_files += random.sample(categorized_files[cat], count)
for i, file in enumerate(selected_files, 1):
shutil.copy(os.path.join(SRC_DIR, file), os.path.join(DEST_DIR, f'video{i}.mp4'))
if __name__ == "__main__":
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