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Last active February 21, 2024 01:48
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Interceptor Pattern
typedef Middleware<C> = dynamic Function(C context, Function() next);
class Interceptor<C> {
static _noop() {}
final List<Middleware<C>> middlewares = List.empty(growable: true);
Future<void> call<T>(C context, [Function() fn = _noop]) async {
if (middlewares.isEmpty) return fn();
return middlewares.reduce((pre, cur) {
return (context, next) => pre(context, () => cur(context, next));
})(context, fn);
Interceptor<C> use(Middleware<C> middleware) {
return this;
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
typedef Ctx = Map<String, dynamic>;
void main() {
test("empty", () async {
var text = "";
await Interceptor<String>().call("luo", () async => text = "luo");
expect(text, "luo");
test("basic", () async {
var text = "";
final interceptor = Interceptor();
interceptor.use((context, next) async {
text = "luo1";
}).use((context, next) async {
text = "luo2";
}).use((context, next) async {
text = "luo3";
});, () async => text = "Hello $text");
expect(text, "Hello luo3");
test("auth case", () async {
final interceptor = Interceptor<Ctx>();
authMiddleware(context, next) async {
if (!context.containsKey('authorization')) {
context["status"] = 401;
context["user"] = "User Luo";
return next();
cacheMiddleware(context, next) async {
await next();
context["cache-control"] = "no-cache";
emptyMiddleware(context, next) async {
await next();
Map<String, dynamic> context;
// no auth
context = <String, dynamic>{"req": "Greeting"};, () async {
final user = context["user"];
final req = context["req"];
context["status"] = 200;
context["rsp"] = "Hi $user, You're sending: $req";
expect(context["status"], 401);
expect(context["rsp"], null);
expect(context["user"], null);
// with auth
context = <String, dynamic>{"req": "Greeting", "authorization": "******"};, () async {
final user = context["user"];
final req = context["req"];
context["status"] = 200;
context["rsp"] = "Hi $user, You're sending: $req";
expect(context["status"], 200);
expect(context["rsp"], "Hi User Luo, You're sending: Greeting");
expect(context["user"], "User Luo");
test("the mixed return value", () async {
final interceptor = Interceptor<ValueNotifier<int>>();
interceptor.use((context, next) async {
await Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 20));
context.value |= 0x01;
await next();
interceptor.use((context, next) {
context.value |= 0x02;
return next();
final context = ValueNotifier(0);
expect(context.value, 0x03);
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