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LRU cache: Circular linked map
/// if true, will pop the last
typedef LRUPolicyTest<K, V> = bool Function(LRULinkedMap lru, _Node<K, V> item);
class _Node<K, V> {
late K key;
late V value;
_Node<K, V>? prev;
_Node<K, V>? next;
class LRULinkedMap<K, V> {
static LRUPolicyTest<K, V> withCapacity<K, V>(int capacity) => (lru, item) => lru.length >= capacity;
static LRUPolicyTest<K, V> withInfinite<K, V>() => (lru, item) => false;
final LRUPolicyTest<K, V> test;
_Node<K, V>? head;
bubbleNode(_Node<K, V> node) {
if (head == node) return;
if (head != null) {
node.prev?.next =; = node.prev;
node.prev = head?.prev; = head;
head?.prev?.next = node;
head?.prev = node;
} else {
node.prev = node; = node;
head = node;
void removeNode(_Node<K, V> node) {
if (length == 1) head = null;
node.prev?.next =; = node.prev;
if (node == head) head =;
_Node<K, V>? getNodeByKey(K key) {
var cur = head;
do {
if (cur?.key == key) return cur;
cur = cur?.next;
} while (cur != null && cur != head);
return null;
_Node<K, V>? get last {
return head?.prev;
/// get
V? get(K key) {
final found = getNodeByKey(key);
if (found != null) bubbleNode(found);
return found?.value;
/// set
void set(K key, V value) {
var item = getNodeByKey(key);
if (item != null) {
item.value = value;
} else {
item = _Node<K, V>()
..key = key
..value = value;
if (test(this, item)) {
final last = this.last;
if (last != null) removeNode(last);
/// clear
void clear(K key) {
final found = getNodeByKey(key);
if (found != null) {
void clearAll() {
head = null;
int get length {
int i = 0;
var cur = head;
do {
if (cur != null) i++;
cur = cur?.next;
} while (cur != null && cur != head);
return i;
List<_Node<K, V>> getAll() {
final list = <_Node<K, V>>[];
var cur = head;
do {
if (cur != null) list.add(cur);
cur = cur?.next;
} while (cur != null && cur != head);
return list;
Map<K, V> toMap() {
return Map.fromEntries(getAll().map((node) => MapEntry(node.key, node.value)));
import 'package:app_domain/util/lru_linked_map.dart';
import 'package:flutter_test/flutter_test.dart';
void main() {
test("empty map", () {
final m = LRULinkedMap<int, dynamic>(LRULinkedMap.withCapacity(5));
expect(m.head, null);
expect(m.head, null);
expect(m.last, null);
expect(m.length, 0);
expect(m.get(0), null);
expect(m.get(1), null);
expect(m.get(2), null);
expect(m.get(3), null);
expect(m.get(4), null);
expect(m.get(5), null);
expect(m.get(6), null);
expect(m.getAll().length, 0);
expect(m.toMap().length, 0);
test("length 1", () {
final m = LRULinkedMap<int, dynamic>(LRULinkedMap.withInfinite());
m.set(0, 1);
expect(m.get(0), 1);
expect(m.head?.value, 1);
expect(m.last?.value, 1);
expect(m.length, 1);
expect(m.getAll().length, 1);
expect(m.toMap().length, 1);
test("remove node", () {
final m = LRULinkedMap<int, dynamic>(LRULinkedMap.withInfinite());
m.set(0, 1);
expect(m.length, 0);
m.set(1, 2);
m.set(2, 3);
expect(m.length, 1);
test("chain", () {
final m = LRULinkedMap<int, dynamic>(LRULinkedMap.withInfinite());
m.set(1, null); // 1
expect(m.head?.key, 1);
expect(m.head?.prev?.key, 1);
expect(m.head?.next?.key, 1);
expect(m.last?.key, 1);
m.set(2, null); // 2-1
expect(m.last?.key, 1);
expect(m.head?.key, 2);
expect(m.head?.next?.key, 1);
expect(m.head?.next?.next, m.head);
expect(m.head?.prev?.key, 1);
expect(m.head?.prev?.prev, m.head);
expect(m.head?.prev?.prev?.prev?.key, 1);
m.set(3, null); // 3-2-1
expect(m.head?.key, 3);
expect(m.head?.next?.key, 2);
expect(m.head?.next?.next?.key, 1);
expect(m.head?.next?.next?.next?.key, 3);
expect(m.head?.next?.next?.next?.next?.key, 2);
expect(m.head?.next?.next?.next?.next?.next?.key, 1);
expect(m.head?.prev?.key, 1);
expect(m.head?.prev?.prev?.key, 2);
expect(m.head?.prev?.prev?.prev, m.head);
expect(m.last?.key, 1);
expect(m.length, 2);
test("basic get set clear", () {
final m = LRULinkedMap<String, dynamic>(LRULinkedMap.withInfinite());
m.set("cache1", "cache1value");
m.set("cache2", "cache2value");
expect(m.get("cache1"), "cache1value");
expect(m.get("cache2"), "cache2value");
expect(m.get("cache3"), null);
m.set("cache3", "cache3");
expect(m.get("cache3"), null);
expect(m.head, null);
expect(m.head, m.last);
expect(m.length, 0);
test("basic get set bubble", () {
final m = LRULinkedMap<String, dynamic>(LRULinkedMap.withInfinite());
m.set("cache1", "cache1value");
m.set("cache2", "cache2value");
expect(m.length, 2);
expect(m.get("cache1"), "cache1value");
expect(m.get("cache2"), "cache2value");
expect(m.get("cache3"), null);
m.set("cache3", "cache3");
expect(m.length, 3);
expect(m.get("cache1"), "cache1value");
expect(m.get("cache2"), "cache2value");
expect(m.get("cache3"), "cache3");
m.set("cache3", "cache3value");
expect(m.length, 3);
expect(m.get("cache3"), "cache3value");
expect(m.length, 2);
expect(m.get("cache3"), null);
expect(m.head, null);
expect(m.head, m.last);
expect(m.length, 0);
test("lru policy", () {
final m = LRULinkedMap<int, dynamic>(LRULinkedMap.withCapacity(2));
m.set(1, 1);
m.set(2, 2);
m.set(3, 3);
// 3-2-{1:deleted}
expect(m.get(1), null);
expect(m.get(2), 2);
expect(m.get(3), 3);
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