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Last active August 8, 2019 02:13
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// Quack.c: an array-based implementation of a quack
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct node *Quack;
Quack createQuack(void); // create and return Quack
Quack destroyQuack(Quack); // remove the Quack
void push(int, Quack); // put int on the top of the quack
void qush(int, Quack); // put int at the bottom of the quack
int pop(Quack); // pop and return the top element on the quack
int isEmptyQuack(Quack); // return 1 is Quack is empty, else 0
void makeEmptyQuack(Quack);// remove all the elements on Quack
void showQuack(Quack); // print the contents of Quack, from the top down
#define HEIGHT 1000
struct node {
int array[HEIGHT];
int top;
Quack createQuack(void) {
Quack qs;
qs = malloc(sizeof(struct node));
if (qs == NULL) {
fprintf (stderr, "createQuack: no memory, aborting\n");
exit(1); // should pass control back to the caller
qs->top = -1;
return qs;
void push(int data, Quack qs) {
if (qs == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "push: quack not initialised\n");
else {
if (qs->top >= HEIGHT-1) {
fprintf(stderr, "push: quack overflow\n");
else {
qs->array[qs->top] = data;
void qush(int data, Quack que) { // adds data to the bottom of the array
if (que == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "qush: quack not initialised\n");
else {
if (que->top >= HEIGHT-1) {
fprintf(stderr, "qush: quack overflow\n");
else {
++que->top; // next available spot
int i;
for (i=que->top; i>=1; i--) {
que->array[i] = que->array[i-1];// move each element up 1
que->array[0] = data;
int pop(Quack qs) { // return top element, or 0 if error
int retval = 0;
if (qs == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "pop: quack not initialised\n");
else {
if (isEmptyQuack(qs)) {
fprintf(stderr, "pop: quack underflow\n");
else {
retval = qs->array[qs->top]; // top element on stack
return retval;
void makeEmptyQuack(Quack qs) {
if (qs == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "makeEmptyQuack: quack not initialised\n");
else {
while (!isEmptyQuack(qs)) {
Quack destroyQuack(Quack qs) {
if (qs == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "destroyQuack: quack not initialised\n");
return qs;
int isEmptyQuack(Quack qs) {
int empty = 0;
if (qs == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "isEmptyQuack: quack not initialised\n");
else {
empty = qs->top < 0;
return empty;
void showQuack(Quack qs) {
if (qs == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "showQuack: quack not initialised\n");
else {
printf("Quack: ");
if (qs->top < 0) {
printf("<< >>\n");
else {
int i;
printf("<<"); // start with a <<
for (i = qs->top; i > 0; --i) {
printf("%d, ", qs->array[i]); // print each element
printf("%d>>\n", qs->array[0]); // last element includes a >>
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