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Last active July 29, 2019 09:08
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func count(A []int, p, q, r int) int {
const INTMAX = int(^uint(0) >> 1)
A1, A2 := make([]int, q-p), make([]int, r-q)
copy(A1, A[p:q])
copy(A2, A[q:r])
A1, A2 = append(A1, INTMAX), append(A2, INTMAX)
i, j, k := 0, 0, 0
count := 0
n1 := len(A1) - 1
for k = p; k < r; k++ {
if A1[i] > A2[j] {
A[k] = A2[j]
count += n1 - i
} else {
A[k] = A1[i]
return count
// MergeCount O(n^2)
func MergeCount(A []int, p, r int) int {
c := 0
if r > p+1 {
q := (r + p) / 2
c += MergeCount(A, p, q)
c += MergeCount(A, q, r)
c += count(A, p, q, r)
return c
func mergeCountGo(A []int, p, r int, m chan<- int) int {
c := 0
if r > p+1 {
q := (r + p) / 2
if r-p > 1000 {
a, b := make(chan int), make(chan int)
go mergeCountGo(A, p, q, a)
go mergeCountGo(A, q, r, b)
c += <-a
c += <-b
} else {
c += mergeCountGo(A, p, q, nil)
c += mergeCountGo(A, q, r, nil)
c += count(A, p, q, r)
if m != nil {
m <- c
return c
// MergeCountGo O(n^2)
func MergeCountGo(A []int, p, r int) int {
c := 0
if r > p+1 {
q := (r + p) / 2
if r-p > 1000 {
a, b := make(chan int), make(chan int)
go mergeCountGo(A, p, q, a)
go mergeCountGo(A, q, r, b)
c += <-a
c += <-b
} else {
c += MergeCountGo(A, p, q)
c += MergeCountGo(A, q, r)
c += count(A, p, q, r)
return c
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