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Created April 11, 2014 18:03
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Misterix2 Dowloader
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
##.__ ______ ________
##| | ____ ________/ __ \/ __ \
##| | _/ __ \\___ /> <\____ /
##| |_\ ___/ / // -- \ / /
##|____/\___ >_____ \______ / /____/
## \/ \/ \/
## Downloader by lupettohf -*- Versione 1.0.0
import urllib2
import zipfile
import os
import requests
## -+- Variabili -+-
url = ""
unzipdir = os.getcwd()
zipfileloc = os.getcwd() + "/"
## Controllo sistema operativo
from sys import platform as _platform
if _platform == "linux" or _platform == "linux2":
osS = "Linux"
elif _platform == "darwin":
osS = "Mac Os X (LEZZOH!)"
## Downloader con progresso.
file_name = url.split("/")[-1]
u = urllib2.urlopen(url)
f = open(file_name, "wb")
meta =
file_size = int(meta.getheaders("Content-Length")[0])
os.system("clear") ## <--- pulisce il terminale
print(" __ .__ ________ ")
print(" _____ ___.__. _______/ |_ ___________|__|__ ___ \_____ \ ")
print(" / < | |/ ___/\ __\/ __ \_ __ \ \ \/ / / ____/ ")
print("| Y Y \___ |\___ \ | | \ ___/| | \/ |> < / \ ")
print("|__|_| / ____/____ > |__| \___ >__| |__/__/\_ \ \_______ \ ")
print(" \/\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ")
print(" Sistema operativo %s" %(osS))
print "-*- Download in corso: %s Bytes: %s -*-" % (file_name, file_size)
file_size_dl = 0
block_sz = 8192
while True:
buffer =
if not buffer:
file_size_dl += len(buffer)
status = r"%10d [%3.2f%%]" % (file_size_dl, file_size_dl * 100. / file_size)
status = status + chr(8)*(len(status)+1)
print status,
## Unzippa la Misterix2
print ("Download completato. Non chiudere la finestra, sto estraendo il file zip...")
mxzip = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfileloc)
print("Unzip Completato")
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