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Last active June 21, 2022 02:11
Zig Type Reflection: Match Run Log with Function Declarations. See
> Executing task: cd apps && git pull && cd ../nuttx && git pull && ../ <
Already up-to-date.
Already up-to-date.
+ pushd ../zig-bl602-nuttx
~/pinecone/nuttx/zig-bl602-nuttx ~/pinecone/nuttx/nuttx
+ git pull
Already up-to-date.
+ zig build-obj --verbose-cimport -target riscv32-freestanding-none -mcpu=baseline_rv32-d -isystem /Users/Luppy/pinecone/nuttx/nuttx/include -I /Users/Luppy/pinecone/nuttx/apps/examples/lorawan_test -I . reflect.zig
info(compilation): C import output: zig-cache/o/a94e1ebdcec3b940f8f37c48d138d8cc/cimport.zig
| *"@typeInfo(c): ", std.builtin.Type { .Struct = (struct std.builtin.Type.Struct constant)}
| *"T.Struct.fields.len: ", 0
| *"T.Struct.decls.len: ", 4772
| *"T.Struct.decls[0].name: ", "__builtin_bswap16"
| *"", "__builtin_bswap16"
| *"", "__builtin_bswap32"
| *"", "__builtin_bswap64"
| *"", "__builtin_signbit"
| *"", "__builtin_signbitf"
| *"", "__builtin_popcount"
| *"", "__builtin_ctz"
| *"", "__builtin_clz"
| *"", "__builtin_sqrt"
| *"", "__builtin_sqrtf"
| *"", "__builtin_sin"
| *"", "__builtin_sinf"
| *"", "__builtin_cos"
| *"", "__builtin_cosf"
| *"", "__builtin_exp"
| *"", "__builtin_expf"
| *"", "__builtin_exp2"
| *"", "__builtin_exp2f"
| *"", "__builtin_log"
| *"", "__builtin_logf"
| *"", "__builtin_log2"
| *"", "__builtin_log2f"
| *"", "__builtin_log10"
| *"", "__builtin_log10f"
| *"", "__builtin_abs"
| *"", "__builtin_fabs"
| *"", "__builtin_fabsf"
| *"", "__builtin_floor"
| *"", "__builtin_floorf"
| *"", "__builtin_ceil"
| *"", "__builtin_ceilf"
| *"", "__builtin_trunc"
| *"", "__builtin_truncf"
| *"", "__builtin_round"
| *"", "__builtin_roundf"
| *"", "__builtin_strlen"
| *"", "__builtin_strcmp"
| *"", "__builtin_object_size"
| *"", "__builtin___memset_chk"
| *"", "__builtin_memset"
| *"", "__builtin___memcpy_chk"
| *"", "__builtin_memcpy"
| *"", "__builtin_expect"
| *"", "__builtin_nanf"
| *"", "__builtin_huge_valf"
| *"", "__builtin_inff"
| *"", "__builtin_isnan"
| *"", "__builtin_isinf"
| *"", "__builtin_isinf_sign"
| *"", "__has_builtin"
| *"", "__builtin_assume"
| *"", "__builtin_unreachable"
| *"", "__builtin_constant_p"
| *"", "__builtin_mul_overflow"
| *"", "_int8_t"
| *"", "_uint8_t"
| *"", "_int16_t"
| *"", "_uint16_t"
| *"", "_int32_t"
| *"", "_uint32_t"
| *"", "_int64_t"
| *"", "_uint64_t"
| *"", "_intmax_t"
| *"", "_uintmax_t"
| *"", "_wchar_t"
| *"", "_ssize_t"
| *"", "_size_t"
| *"", "irqstate_t"
| *"", "int_least64_t"
| *"", "uint_least64_t"
| *"", "int_fast64_t"
| *"", "uint_fast64_t"
| *"", "int_least32_t"
| *"", "uint_least32_t"
| *"", "int_fast32_t"
| *"", "uint_fast32_t"
| *"", "int_least16_t"
| *"", "uint_least16_t"
| *"", "int_fast16_t"
| *"", "uint_fast16_t"
| *"", "int_least8_t"
| *"", "uint_least8_t"
| *"", "int_fast8_t"
| *"", "uint_fast8_t"
| *"", "intmax_t"
| *"", "uintmax_t"
| *"", "mode_t"
| *"", "rsize_t"
| *"", "uid_t"
| *"", "gid_t"
| *"", "dev_t"
| *"", "ino_t"
| *"", "nlink_t"
| *"", "pid_t"
| *"", "id_t"
| *"", "key_t"
| *"", "ptrdiff_t"
| *"", "wchar_t"
| *"", "wint_t"
| *"", "wctype_t"
| *"", "fsblkcnt_t"
| *"", "fsfilcnt_t"
| *"", "blkcnt_t"
| *"", "off_t"
| *"", "fpos_t"
| *"", "blksize_t"
| *"", "socklen_t"
| *"", "sa_family_t"
| *"", "clock_t"
| *"", "useconds_t"
| *"", "suseconds_t"
| *"", "cpu_set_t"
| *"", "u_char"
| *"", "u_short"
| *"", "u_int"
| *"", "u_long"
| *"", "unchar"
| *"", "ushort"
| *"", "uint"
| *"", "ulong"
| *"", "s_char"
| *"", "caddr_t"
| *"", "u_int8_t"
| *"", "u_int16_t"
| *"", "u_int32_t"
| *"", "u_int64_t"
| *"", "main_t"
| *"", "ERROR"
| *"", "OK"
| *"", "enum_unnamed_1"
| *"", "__builtin_va_list"
| *"", "va_list"
| *"", "__gnuc_va_list"
| *"", "time_t"
| *"", "clockid_t"
| *"", "timer_t"
| *"", "struct_timespec"
| *"", "struct_tm"
| *"", "struct_itimerspec"
| *"", "union_sigval"
| *"", "sigev_notify_function_t"
| *"", "struct_pthread_attr_s"
| *"", "pthread_attr_t"
| *"", "struct_sigevent"
| *"", "clock"
| *"", "clock_settime"
| *"", "clock_gettime"
| *"", "clock_getres"
| *"", "timespec_get"
| *"", "timegm"
| *"", "mktime"
| *"", "gmtime"
| *"", "gmtime_r"
| *"", "localtime"
| *"", "localtime_r"
| *"", "strftime"
| *"", "strptime"
| *"", "asctime"
| *"", "asctime_r"
| *"", "ctime"
| *"", "ctime_r"
| *"", "time"
| *"", "difftime"
| *"", "timer_create"
| *"", "timer_delete"
| *"", "timer_settime"
| *"", "timer_gettime"
| *"", "timer_getoverrun"
| *"", "clock_nanosleep"
| *"", "nanosleep"
| *"", "__errno"
| *"", "_assert"
| *"", "vfork"
| *"", "getpid"
| *"", "gettid"
| *"", "getppid"
| *"", "_exit"
| *"", "sleep"
| *"", "usleep"
| *"", "pause"
| *"", "nice"
| *"", "daemon"
| *"", "close"
| *"", "dup"
| *"", "dup2"
| *"", "fsync"
| *"", "lseek"
| *"", "read"
| *"", "write"
| *"", "pread"
| *"", "pwrite"
| *"", "ftruncate"
| *"", "fchown"
| *"", "isatty"
| *"", "ttyname"
| *"", "ttyname_r"
| *"", "pipe"
| *"", "pipe2"
| *"", "alarm"
| *"", "chdir"
| *"", "getcwd"
| *"", "access"
| *"", "rmdir"
| *"", "unlink"
| *"", "truncate"
| *"", "symlink"
| *"", "readlink"
| *"", "chown"
| *"", "lchown"
| *"", "swab"
| *"", "getopt"
| *"", "getoptargp"
| *"", "getopterrp"
| *"", "getoptindp"
| *"", "getoptoptp"
| *"", "gethostname"
| *"", "sethostname"
| *"", "sysconf"
| *"", "fpathconf"
| *"", "pathconf"
| *"", "setuid"
| *"", "getuid"
| *"", "setgid"
| *"", "getgid"
| *"", "seteuid"
| *"", "geteuid"
| *"", "setegid"
| *"", "getegid"
| *"", "setreuid"
| *"", "setregid"
| *"", "getentropy"
| *"", "struct_sem_s"
| *"", "sem_t"
| *"", "sem_init"
| *"", "sem_destroy"
| *"", "sem_wait"
| *"", "sem_timedwait"
| *"", "sem_clockwait"
| *"", "sem_trywait"
| *"", "sem_post"
| *"", "sem_getvalue"
| *"", "sem_setprotocol"
| *"", "sem_getprotocol"
| *"", "sclock_t"
| *"", "g_system_timer"
| *"", "clock_timespec_compare"
| *"", "clock_timespec_add"
| *"", "clock_timespec_subtract"
| *"", "clock_time2ticks"
| *"", "clock_ticks2time"
| *"", "clock_systime_timespec"
| *"", "nxsem_init"
| *"", "nxsem_destroy"
| *"", "nxsem_wait"
| *"", "nxsem_trywait"
| *"", "nxsem_timedwait"
| *"", "nxsem_clockwait"
| *"", "nxsem_tickwait"
| *"", "nxsem_post"
| *"", "nxsem_get_value"
| *"", "nxsem_reset"
| *"", "nxsem_set_protocol"
| *"", "nxsem_wait_uninterruptible"
| *"", "nxsem_timedwait_uninterruptible"
| *"", "nxsem_clockwait_uninterruptible"
| *"", "nxsem_tickwait_uninterruptible"
| *"", "mutex_t"
| *"", "struct_rmutex_s"
| *"", "rmutex_t"
| *"", "nxmutex_init"
| *"", "nxmutex_destroy"
| *"", "nxmutex_lock"
| *"", "nxmutex_trylock"
| *"", "nxmutex_is_locked"
| *"", "nxmutex_unlock"
| *"", "nxrmutex_init"
| *"", "nxrmutex_destroy"
| *"", "nxrmutex_lock"
| *"", "nxrmutex_trylock"
| *"", "nxrmutex_is_locked"
| *"", "nxrmutex_unlock"
| *"", "struct_pollfd"
| *"", "struct_file_operations"
| *"", "struct_geometry"
| *"", "struct_block_operations"
| *"", "struct_mtd_dev_s"
| *"", "struct_stat"
| *"", "struct_fs_dirent_s"
| *"", "struct_statfs"
| *"", "struct_mountpt_operations"
| *"", "union_inode_ops_u"
| *"", "struct_inode"
| *"", "struct_file"
| *"", "struct_partition_info_s"
| *"", "struct_filelist"
| *"", "struct_file_struct"
| *"", "struct_streamlist"
| *"", "fs_initialize"
| *"", "register_driver"
| *"", "register_blockdriver"
| *"", "register_blockpartition"
| *"", "unregister_driver"
| *"", "unregister_blockdriver"
| *"", "nx_mount"
| *"", "nx_umount2"
| *"", "files_initlist"
| *"", "files_releaselist"
| *"", "files_duplist"
| *"", "file_dup"
| *"", "nx_dup"
| *"", "file_dup2"
| *"", "nx_dup2"
| *"", "file_open"
| *"", "nx_open"
| *"", "fs_getfilep"
| *"", "file_close"
| *"", "nx_close"
| *"", "open_blockdriver"
| *"", "close_blockdriver"
| *"", "struct_join_s"
| *"", "struct_task_info_s"
| *"", "struct_sq_entry_s"
| *"", "sq_entry_t"
| *"", "struct_sq_queue_s"
| *"", "sq_queue_t"
| *"", "struct_task_group_s"
| *"", "start_t"
| *"", "pthread_addr_t"
| *"", "pthread_startroutine_t"
| *"", "union_entry_u"
| *"", "entry_t"
| *"", "wdparm_t"
| *"", "wdentry_t"
| *"", "struct_wdog_s"
| *"", "sigset_t"
| *"", "struct_siginfo"
| *"", "siginfo_t"
| *"", "struct_mqueue_inode_s"
| *"", "struct_xcptcontext"
| *"", "struct_tcb_s"
| *"", "fs_fdopen"
| *"", "lib_flushall"
| *"", "file_read"
| *"", "nx_read"
| *"", "file_write"
| *"", "nx_write"
| *"", "file_pread"
| *"", "file_pwrite"
| *"", "file_sendfile"
| *"", "file_seek"
| *"", "nx_seek"
| *"", "file_fsync"
| *"", "file_truncate"
| *"", "file_mmap"
| *"", "file_munmap"
| *"", "file_ioctl"
| *"", "nx_ioctl"
| *"", "file_fcntl"
| *"", "nx_fcntl"
| *"", "file_poll"
| *"", "nx_poll"
| *"", "file_fstat"
| *"", "nx_stat"
| *"", "file_fchstat"
| *"", "nx_unlink"
| *"", "struct_dq_entry_s"
| *"", "dq_entry_t"
| *"", "struct_dq_queue_s"
| *"", "dq_queue_t"
| *"", "sq_addfirst"
| *"", "dq_addfirst"
| *"", "sq_addlast"
| *"", "dq_addlast"
| *"", "sq_addafter"
| *"", "dq_addafter"
| *"", "dq_addbefore"
| *"", "sq_cat"
| *"", "dq_cat"
| *"", "sq_remafter"
| *"", "sq_rem"
| *"", "dq_rem"
| *"", "sq_remlast"
| *"", "dq_remlast"
| *"", "sq_remfirst"
| *"", "dq_remfirst"
| *"", "sq_count"
| *"", "dq_count"
| *"", "max_align_t"
| *"", "strdup"
| *"", "strndup"
| *"", "strerror"
| *"", "strerror_r"
| *"", "strlen"
| *"", "strnlen"
| *"", "strcat"
| *"", "strlcat"
| *"", "strncat"
| *"", "strcmp"
| *"", "strncmp"
| *"", "strcoll"
| *"", "strcpy"
| *"", "stpcpy"
| *"", "strlcpy"
| *"", "strncpy"
| *"", "stpncpy"
| *"", "strpbrk"
| *"", "strchr"
| *"", "strchrnul"
| *"", "strrchr"
| *"", "strspn"
| *"", "strcspn"
| *"", "strstr"
| *"", "strcasestr"
| *"", "strsep"
| *"", "strsignal"
| *"", "strtok"
| *"", "strtok_r"
| *"", "strxfrm"
| *"", "memchr"
| *"", "memrchr"
| *"", "memccpy"
| *"", "memcmp"
| *"", "memcpy"
| *"", "memmove"
| *"", "memset"
| *"", "explicit_bzero"
| *"", "ffs"
| *"", "ffsl"
| *"", "ffsll"
| *"", "fls"
| *"", "flsl"
| *"", "flsll"
| *"", "popcount"
| *"", "popcountl"
| *"", "popcountll"
| *"", "index"
| *"", "rindex"
| *"", "strcasecmp"
| *"", "strncasecmp"
| *"", "struct_sched_param"
| *"", "task_create"
| *"", "task_delete"
| *"", "task_restart"
| *"", "task_setcancelstate"
| *"", "task_setcanceltype"
| *"", "task_testcancel"
| *"", "sched_setparam"
| *"", "sched_getparam"
| *"", "sched_setscheduler"
| *"", "sched_getscheduler"
| *"", "sched_yield"
| *"", "sched_get_priority_max"
| *"", "sched_get_priority_min"
| *"", "sched_rr_get_interval"
| *"", "sched_lock"
| *"", "sched_unlock"
| *"", "sched_lockcount"
| *"", "sched_idletask"
| *"", "sched_backtrace"
| *"", "sched_dumpstack"
| *"", "pthread_key_t"
| *"", "pthread_func_t"
| *"", "pthread_trampoline_t"
| *"", "pthread_t"
| *"", "struct_pthread_condattr_s"
| *"", "pthread_condattr_t"
| *"", "struct_pthread_cond_s"
| *"", "pthread_cond_t"
| *"", "struct_pthread_mutexattr_s"
| *"", "pthread_mutexattr_t"
| *"", "struct_pthread_mutex_s"
| *"", "pthread_mutex_t"
| *"", "struct_pthread_barrierattr_s"
| *"", "pthread_barrierattr_t"
| *"", "struct_pthread_barrier_s"
| *"", "pthread_barrier_t"
| *"", "pthread_once_t"
| *"", "struct_pthread_rwlock_s"
| *"", "pthread_rwlock_t"
| *"", "pthread_rwlockattr_t"
| *"", "pthread_attr_init"
| *"", "pthread_attr_destroy"
| *"", "pthread_attr_setschedpolicy"
| *"", "pthread_attr_getschedpolicy"
| *"", "pthread_attr_setschedparam"
| *"", "pthread_attr_getschedparam"
| *"", "pthread_attr_setinheritsched"
| *"", "pthread_attr_getinheritsched"
| *"", "pthread_attr_getdetachstate"
| *"", "pthread_attr_setdetachstate"
| *"", "pthread_attr_setstacksize"
| *"", "pthread_attr_getstacksize"
| *"", "pthread_attr_setstack"
| *"", "pthread_attr_getstack"
| *"", "pthread_setname_np"
| *"", "pthread_getname_np"
| *"", "pthread_get_stackaddr_np"
| *"", "pthread_get_stacksize_np"
| *"", "pthread_create"
| *"", "pthread_detach"
| *"", "pthread_exit"
| *"", "pthread_cancel"
| *"", "pthread_setcancelstate"
| *"", "pthread_setcanceltype"
| *"", "pthread_testcancel"
| *"", "pthread_join"
| *"", "pthread_yield"
| *"", "pthread_getschedparam"
| *"", "pthread_setschedparam"
| *"", "pthread_setschedprio"
| *"", "pthread_key_create"
| *"", "pthread_setspecific"
| *"", "pthread_getspecific"
| *"", "pthread_key_delete"
| *"", "pthread_mutexattr_init"
| *"", "pthread_mutexattr_destroy"
| *"", "pthread_mutexattr_getpshared"
| *"", "pthread_mutexattr_setpshared"
| *"", "pthread_mutexattr_gettype"
| *"", "pthread_mutexattr_settype"
| *"", "pthread_mutexattr_getprotocol"
| *"", "pthread_mutexattr_setprotocol"
| *"", "pthread_mutexattr_getrobust"
| *"", "pthread_mutexattr_setrobust"
| *"", "pthread_mutex_init"
| *"", "pthread_mutex_destroy"
| *"", "pthread_mutex_lock"
| *"", "pthread_mutex_timedlock"
| *"", "pthread_mutex_trylock"
| *"", "pthread_mutex_unlock"
| *"", "pthread_condattr_init"
| *"", "pthread_condattr_destroy"
| *"", "pthread_condattr_getclock"
| *"", "pthread_condattr_setclock"
| *"", "pthread_cond_init"
| *"", "pthread_cond_destroy"
| *"", "pthread_cond_broadcast"
| *"", "pthread_cond_signal"
| *"", "pthread_cond_wait"
| *"", "pthread_cond_timedwait"
| *"", "pthread_cond_clockwait"
| *"", "pthread_barrierattr_destroy"
| *"", "pthread_barrierattr_init"
| *"", "pthread_barrierattr_getpshared"
| *"", "pthread_barrierattr_setpshared"
| *"", "pthread_barrier_destroy"
| *"", "pthread_barrier_init"
| *"", "pthread_barrier_wait"
| *"", "pthread_once"
| *"", "pthread_rwlock_destroy"
| *"", "pthread_rwlock_init"
| *"", "pthread_rwlock_rdlock"
| *"", "pthread_rwlock_timedrdlock"
| *"", "pthread_rwlock_clockrdlock"
| *"", "pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock"
| *"", "pthread_rwlock_wrlock"
| *"", "pthread_rwlock_timedwrlock"
| *"", "pthread_rwlock_clockwrlock"
| *"", "pthread_rwlock_trywrlock"
| *"", "pthread_rwlock_unlock"
| *"", "pthread_kill"
| *"", "pthread_sigmask"
| *"", "pthread_atfork"
| *"", "sig_atomic_t"
| *"", "_sa_handler_t"
| *"", "_sa_sigaction_t"
| *"", "sighandler_t"
| *"", "union_unnamed_2"
| *"", "struct_sigaction"
| *"", "kill"
| *"", "psignal"
| *"", "psiginfo"
| *"", "raise"
| *"", "sigaction"
| *"", "sigaddset"
| *"", "sigdelset"
| *"", "sigemptyset"
| *"", "sigfillset"
| *"", "sighold"
| *"", "sigismember"
| *"", "sigignore"
| *"", "signal"
| *"", "sigpause"
| *"", "sigpending"
| *"", "sigprocmask"
| *"", "sigqueue"
| *"", "sigrelse"
| *"", "sigset"
| *"", "sigwait"
| *"", "sigtimedwait"
| *"", "sigsuspend"
| *"", "sigwaitinfo"
| *"", "up_getsp"
| *"", "up_irq_enable"
| *"", "g_current_regs"
| *"", "up_irq_save"
| *"", "up_irq_restore"
| *"", "up_interrupt_context"
| *"", "irq_t"
| *"", "xcpt_t"
| *"", "irq_attach"
| *"", "wd_start"
| *"", "wd_cancel"
| *"", "wd_gettime"
| *"", "enum_tstate_e"
| *"", "tstate_t"
| *"", "struct_stackinfo_s"
| *"", "struct_task_tcb_s"
| *"", "struct_pthread_tcb_s"
| *"", "nxsched_foreach_t"
| *"", "nxsched_self"
| *"", "nxsched_foreach"
| *"", "nxsched_get_tcb"
| *"", "nxsched_release_tcb"
| *"", "nxsched_get_files"
| *"", "nxsched_get_streams"
| *"", "nxtask_init"
| *"", "nxtask_uninit"
| *"", "nxtask_activate"
| *"", "nxtask_startup"
| *"", "nxtask_setup_vfork"
| *"", "nxtask_start_vfork"
| *"", "nxtask_abort_vfork"
| *"", "nxsched_resume_scheduler"
| *"", "nxsched_get_param"
| *"", "nxsched_set_param"
| *"", "nxsched_get_scheduler"
| *"", "nxsched_set_scheduler"
| *"", "nxsched_get_stackinfo"
| *"", "nx_wait"
| *"", "nx_waitid"
| *"", "nx_waitpid"
| *"", "FILE"
| *"", "struct_va_format"
| *"", "clearerr"
| *"", "fclose"
| *"", "fflush"
| *"", "feof"
| *"", "ferror"
| *"", "fileno"
| *"", "fgetc"
| *"", "fgetpos"
| *"", "fgets"
| *"", "fopen"
| *"", "fprintf"
| *"", "fputc"
| *"", "fputs"
| *"", "fread"
| *"", "freopen"
| *"", "fscanf"
| *"", "fseek"
| *"", "fseeko"
| *"", "fsetpos"
| *"", "ftell"
| *"", "ftello"
| *"", "fwrite"
| *"", "getc"
| *"", "getchar"
| *"", "getdelim"
| *"", "getline"
| *"", "gets"
| *"", "gets_s"
| *"", "rewind"
| *"", "setbuf"
| *"", "setvbuf"
| *"", "ungetc"
| *"", "perror"
| *"", "printf"
| *"", "putc"
| *"", "putchar"
| *"", "puts"
| *"", "rename"
| *"", "sprintf"
| *"", "asprintf"
| *"", "snprintf"
| *"", "sscanf"
| *"", "scanf"
| *"", "vasprintf"
| *"", "vfprintf"
| *"", "vfscanf"
| *"", "vprintf"
| *"", "vscanf"
| *"", "vsnprintf"
| *"", "vsprintf"
| *"", "vsscanf"
| *"", "fdopen"
| *"", "dprintf"
| *"", "vdprintf"
| *"", "tmpfile"
| *"", "tmpnam"
| *"", "tempnam"
| *"", "remove"
| *"", "popen"
| *"", "pclose"
| *"", "LMN_STATUS_OK"
| *"", "enum_LmnStatus_e"
| *"", "LmnStatus_t"
| *"", "struct_Version_s"
| *"", "union_Version_u"
| *"", "Version_t"
| *"", "srand1"
| *"", "randr"
| *"", "memcpy1"
| *"", "memcpyr"
| *"", "memset1"
| *"", "Nibble2HexChar"
| *"", "Crc32"
| *"", "Crc32Init"
| *"", "Crc32Update"
| *"", "Crc32Finalize"
| *"", "BoardCriticalSectionBegin"
| *"", "BoardCriticalSectionEnd"
| *"", "ble_npl_event_fn"
| *"", "struct_ble_npl_event"
| *"", "BLE_NPL_OK"
| *"", "BLE_NPL_EBUSY"
| *"", "BLE_NPL_ERROR"
| *"", "enum_ble_npl_error"
| *"", "ble_npl_error_t"
| *"", "struct_mq_attr"
| *"", "mqd_t"
| *"", "mq_open"
| *"", "mq_close"
| *"", "mq_unlink"
| *"", "mq_send"
| *"", "mq_timedsend"
| *"", "mq_receive"
| *"", "mq_timedreceive"
| *"", "mq_notify"
| *"", "mq_setattr"
| *"", "mq_getattr"
| *"", "ble_npl_time_t"
| *"", "ble_npl_stime_t"
| *"", "ble_npl_stack_t"
| *"", "struct_ble_npl_eventq"
| *"", "struct_ble_npl_callout"
| *"", "struct_ble_npl_mutex"
| *"", "struct_ble_npl_sem"
| *"", "struct_ble_npl_task"
| *"", "ble_npl_task_func_t"
| *"", "ble_npl_task_init"
| *"", "ble_npl_task_remove"
| *"", "ble_npl_task_count"
| *"", "ble_npl_task_yield"
| *"", "ble_npl_os_started"
| *"", "ble_npl_get_current_task_id"
| *"", "ble_npl_eventq_init"
| *"", "ble_npl_eventq_get"
| *"", "ble_npl_eventq_put"
| *"", "ble_npl_eventq_remove"
| *"", "ble_npl_event_init"
| *"", "ble_npl_event_is_queued"
| *"", "ble_npl_event_get_arg"
| *"", "ble_npl_event_set_arg"
| *"", "ble_npl_eventq_is_empty"
| *"", "ble_npl_event_run"
| *"", "ble_npl_mutex_init"
| *"", "ble_npl_mutex_pend"
| *"", "ble_npl_mutex_release"
| *"", "ble_npl_sem_init"
| *"", "ble_npl_sem_pend"
| *"", "ble_npl_sem_release"
| *"", "ble_npl_sem_get_count"
| *"", "ble_npl_callout_init"
| *"", "ble_npl_callout_reset"
| *"", "ble_npl_callout_stop"
| *"", "ble_npl_callout_is_active"
| *"", "ble_npl_callout_get_ticks"
| *"", "ble_npl_callout_remaining_ticks"
| *"", "ble_npl_callout_set_arg"
| *"", "ble_npl_time_get"
| *"", "ble_npl_time_ms_to_ticks"
| *"", "ble_npl_time_ticks_to_ms"
| *"", "ble_npl_time_ms_to_ticks32"
| *"", "ble_npl_time_ticks_to_ms32"
| *"", "ble_npl_time_delay"
| *"", "ble_npl_hw_enter_critical"
| *"", "ble_npl_hw_exit_critical"
| *"", "ble_npl_hw_is_in_critical"
| *"", "MODEM_FSK"
| *"", "MODEM_LORA"
| *"", "RadioModems_t"
| *"", "RF_IDLE"
| *"", "RF_RX_RUNNING"
| *"", "RF_TX_RUNNING"
| *"", "RF_CAD"
| *"", "RadioState_t"
| *"", "RadioEvents_t"
| *"", "struct_Radio_s"
| *"", "Radio"
| *"", "RadioOnDioIrq"
| *"", "Gpio_t"
| *"", "Spi_t"
| *"", "struct_unnamed_3"
| *"", "union_RadioStatus_u"
| *"", "RadioStatus_t"
| *"", "IrqErrorCode_t"
| *"", "enum_IrqPblSyncHeaderCode_t"
| *"", "MODE_SLEEP"
| *"", "MODE_STDBY_RC"
| *"", "MODE_FS"
| *"", "MODE_TX"
| *"", "MODE_RX"
| *"", "MODE_RX_DC"
| *"", "MODE_CAD"
| *"", "RadioOperatingModes_t"
| *"", "STDBY_RC"
| *"", "STDBY_XOSC"
| *"", "RadioStandbyModes_t"
| *"", "USE_LDO"
| *"", "USE_DCDC"
| *"", "RadioRegulatorMode_t"
| *"", "RadioPacketTypes_t"
| *"", "RADIO_RAMP_10_US"
| *"", "RADIO_RAMP_20_US"
| *"", "RADIO_RAMP_40_US"
| *"", "RADIO_RAMP_80_US"
| *"", "RADIO_RAMP_200_US"
| *"", "RADIO_RAMP_800_US"
| *"", "RADIO_RAMP_1700_US"
| *"", "RADIO_RAMP_3400_US"
| *"", "RadioRampTimes_t"
| *"", "LORA_CAD_01_SYMBOL"
| *"", "LORA_CAD_02_SYMBOL"
| *"", "LORA_CAD_04_SYMBOL"
| *"", "LORA_CAD_08_SYMBOL"
| *"", "LORA_CAD_16_SYMBOL"
| *"", "RadioLoRaCadSymbols_t"
| *"", "LORA_CAD_ONLY"
| *"", "LORA_CAD_RX"
| *"", "LORA_CAD_LBT"
| *"", "RadioCadExitModes_t"
| *"", "MOD_SHAPING_G_BT_03"
| *"", "MOD_SHAPING_G_BT_05"
| *"", "MOD_SHAPING_G_BT_07"
| *"", "MOD_SHAPING_G_BT_1"
| *"", "RadioModShapings_t"
| *"", "RX_BW_4800"
| *"", "RX_BW_5800"
| *"", "RX_BW_7300"
| *"", "RX_BW_9700"
| *"", "RX_BW_11700"
| *"", "RX_BW_14600"
| *"", "RX_BW_19500"
| *"", "RX_BW_23400"
| *"", "RX_BW_29300"
| *"", "RX_BW_39000"
| *"", "RX_BW_46900"
| *"", "RX_BW_58600"
| *"", "RX_BW_78200"
| *"", "RX_BW_93800"
| *"", "RX_BW_117300"
| *"", "RX_BW_156200"
| *"", "RX_BW_187200"
| *"", "RX_BW_234300"
| *"", "RX_BW_312000"
| *"", "RX_BW_373600"
| *"", "RX_BW_467000"
| *"", "RadioRxBandwidth_t"
| *"", "LORA_SF5"
| *"", "LORA_SF6"
| *"", "LORA_SF7"
| *"", "LORA_SF8"
| *"", "LORA_SF9"
| *"", "LORA_SF10"
| *"", "LORA_SF11"
| *"", "LORA_SF12"
| *"", "RadioLoRaSpreadingFactors_t"
| *"", "LORA_BW_500"
| *"", "LORA_BW_250"
| *"", "LORA_BW_125"
| *"", "LORA_BW_062"
| *"", "LORA_BW_041"
| *"", "LORA_BW_031"
| *"", "LORA_BW_020"
| *"", "LORA_BW_015"
| *"", "LORA_BW_010"
| *"", "LORA_BW_007"
| *"", "RadioLoRaBandwidths_t"
| *"", "LORA_CR_4_5"
| *"", "LORA_CR_4_6"
| *"", "LORA_CR_4_7"
| *"", "LORA_CR_4_8"
| *"", "RadioLoRaCodingRates_t"
| *"", "RadioPreambleDetection_t"
| *"", "RadioAddressComp_t"
| *"", "RadioPacketLengthModes_t"
| *"", "RADIO_CRC_OFF"
| *"", "RADIO_CRC_1_BYTES"
| *"", "RADIO_CRC_2_BYTES"
| *"", "RadioCrcTypes_t"
| *"", "RadioDcFree_t"
| *"", "RadioLoRaPacketLengthsMode_t"
| *"", "LORA_CRC_ON"
| *"", "LORA_CRC_OFF"
| *"", "RadioLoRaCrcModes_t"
| *"", "RadioLoRaIQModes_t"
| *"", "TCXO_CTRL_1_6V"
| *"", "TCXO_CTRL_1_7V"
| *"", "TCXO_CTRL_1_8V"
| *"", "TCXO_CTRL_2_2V"
| *"", "TCXO_CTRL_2_4V"
| *"", "TCXO_CTRL_2_7V"
| *"", "TCXO_CTRL_3_0V"
| *"", "TCXO_CTRL_3_3V"
| *"", "RadioTcxoCtrlVoltage_t"
| *"", "IRQ_TX_DONE"
| *"", "IRQ_RX_DONE"
| *"", "IRQ_CRC_ERROR"
| *"", "IRQ_CAD_DONE"
| *"", "IRQ_RADIO_ALL"
| *"", "RadioIrqMasks_t"
| *"", "RADIO_SET_FS"
| *"", "RADIO_SET_TX"
| *"", "RADIO_SET_RX"
| *"", "RADIO_SET_CAD"
| *"", "enum_RadioCommands_e"
| *"", "RadioCommands_t"
| *"", "struct_unnamed_5"
| *"", "struct_unnamed_6"
| *"", "struct_unnamed_4"
| *"", "ModulationParams_t"
| *"", "struct_unnamed_8"
| *"", "struct_unnamed_9"
| *"", "struct_unnamed_7"
| *"", "PacketParams_t"
| *"", "struct_unnamed_11"
| *"", "struct_unnamed_12"
| *"", "struct_unnamed_10"
| *"", "PacketStatus_t"
| *"", "RxCounter_t"
| *"", "struct_unnamed_13"
| *"", "CalibrationParams_t"
| *"", "struct_unnamed_14"
| *"", "SleepParams_t"
| *"", "struct_unnamed_15"
| *"", "RadioError_t"
| *"", "struct_SX126x_s"
| *"", "SX126x_t"
| *"", "DioIrqHandler"
| *"", "SX126xCallbacks_t"
| *"", "SX126xInit"
| *"", "SX126xCheckDeviceReady"
| *"", "SX126xSetPayload"
| *"", "SX126xGetPayload"
| *"", "SX126xSendPayload"
| *"", "SX126xSetSyncWord"
| *"", "SX126xSetCrcSeed"
| *"", "SX126xSetCrcPolynomial"
| *"", "SX126xSetWhiteningSeed"
| *"", "SX126xGetRandom"
| *"", "SX126xSetSleep"
| *"", "SX126xSetStandby"
| *"", "SX126xSetFs"
| *"", "SX126xSetTx"
| *"", "SX126xSetRx"
| *"", "SX126xSetRxBoosted"
| *"", "SX126xSetRxDutyCycle"
| *"", "SX126xSetCad"
| *"", "SX126xSetTxContinuousWave"
| *"", "SX126xSetTxInfinitePreamble"
| *"", "SX126xSetStopRxTimerOnPreambleDetect"
| *"", "SX126xSetLoRaSymbNumTimeout"
| *"", "SX126xSetRegulatorMode"
| *"", "SX126xCalibrate"
| *"", "SX126xCalibrateImage"
| *"", "SX126xSetLongPreamble"
| *"", "SX126xSetPaConfig"
| *"", "SX126xSetRxTxFallbackMode"
| *"", "SX126xWriteRegisters"
| *"", "SX126xReadRegisters"
| *"", "SX126xWriteBuffer"
| *"", "SX126xReadBuffer"
| *"", "SX126xSetDioIrqParams"
| *"", "SX126xGetIrqStatus"
| *"", "SX126xSetDio2AsRfSwitchCtrl"
| *"", "SX126xSetDio3AsTcxoCtrl"
| *"", "SX126xSetRfFrequency"
| *"", "SX126xSetPacketType"
| *"", "SX126xGetPacketType"
| *"", "SX126xSetTxParams"
| *"", "SX126xSetModulationParams"
| *"", "SX126xSetPacketParams"
| *"", "SX126xSetCadParams"
| *"", "SX126xSetBufferBaseAddress"
| *"", "SX126xGetStatus"
| *"", "SX126xGetRssiInst"
| *"", "SX126xGetRxBufferStatus"
| *"", "SX126xGetPacketStatus"
| *"", "SX126xGetDeviceErrors"
| *"", "SX126xClearDeviceErrors"
| *"", "SX126xClearIrqStatus"
| *"", "event_queue"
| *"", "TimerEvent_t"
| *"", "TimerInit"
| *"", "TimerStop"
| *"", "TimerSetValue"
| *"", "TimerStart"
| *"", "TimerStart2"
| *"", "DelayMs"
| *"", "TimerGetCurrentTime"
| *"", "TimerGetElapsedTime"
| *"", "SX126xIoInit"
| *"", "SX126xIoIrqInit"
| *"", "SX126xIoDeInit"
| *"", "SX126xIoTcxoInit"
| *"", "SX126xIoRfSwitchInit"
| *"", "SX126xIoDbgInit"
| *"", "SX126xReset"
| *"", "SX126xWaitOnBusy"
| *"", "SX126xWakeup"
| *"", "SX126xWriteCommand"
| *"", "SX126xReadCommand"
| *"", "SX126xWriteRegister"
| *"", "SX126xReadRegister"
| *"", "SX126xSetRfTxPower"
| *"", "SX126xGetDeviceId"
| *"", "SX126xAntSwOn"
| *"", "SX126xAntSwOff"
| *"", "SX126xCheckRfFrequency"
| *"", "SX126xGetBoardTcxoWakeupTime"
| *"", "SX126xGetDio1PinState"
| *"", "SX126xGetOperatingMode"
| *"", "SX126xSetOperatingMode"
| *"", "SX126x"
| *"", "TimerTime_t"
| *"", "struct_SysTime_s"
| *"", "SysTime_t"
| *"", "SysTimeAdd"
| *"", "SysTimeSub"
| *"", "SysTimeSet"
| *"", "SysTimeGet"
| *"", "SysTimeGetMcuTime"
| *"", "SysTimeToMs"
| *"", "SysTimeFromMs"
| *"", "SysTimeMkTime"
| *"", "SysTimeLocalTime"
| *"", "CLASS_A"
| *"", "CLASS_B"
| *"", "CLASS_C"
| *"", "enum_DeviceClass_e"
| *"", "DeviceClass_t"
| *"", "FRAME_TYPE_A"
| *"", "FRAME_TYPE_B"
| *"", "FRAME_TYPE_C"
| *"", "FRAME_TYPE_D"
| *"", "enum_eFType"
| *"", "FType_t"
| *"", "FCNT_UP"
| *"", "N_FCNT_DOWN"
| *"", "A_FCNT_DOWN"
| *"", "FCNT_DOWN"
| *"", "MC_FCNT_DOWN_0"
| *"", "MC_FCNT_DOWN_1"
| *"", "MC_FCNT_DOWN_2"
| *"", "MC_FCNT_DOWN_3"
| *"", "RJ_COUNT_0"
| *"", "RJ_COUNT_1"
| *"", "enum_eFCntIdentifier"
| *"", "FCntIdentifier_t"
| *"", "APP_KEY"
| *"", "NWK_KEY"
| *"", "J_S_INT_KEY"
| *"", "J_S_ENC_KEY"
| *"", "F_NWK_S_INT_KEY"
| *"", "S_NWK_S_INT_KEY"
| *"", "NWK_S_ENC_KEY"
| *"", "APP_S_KEY"
| *"", "MC_ROOT_KEY"
| *"", "MC_KE_KEY"
| *"", "MC_KEY_0"
| *"", "MC_APP_S_KEY_0"
| *"", "MC_NWK_S_KEY_0"
| *"", "MC_KEY_1"
| *"", "MC_APP_S_KEY_1"
| *"", "MC_NWK_S_KEY_1"
| *"", "MC_KEY_2"
| *"", "MC_APP_S_KEY_2"
| *"", "MC_NWK_S_KEY_2"
| *"", "MC_KEY_3"
| *"", "MC_APP_S_KEY_3"
| *"", "MC_NWK_S_KEY_3"
| *"", "NO_KEY"
| *"", "enum_eKeyIdentifier"
| *"", "KeyIdentifier_t"
| *"", "enum_eAddressIdentifier"
| *"", "AddressIdentifier_t"
| *"", "struct_unnamed_17"
| *"", "struct_unnamed_18"
| *"", "union_unnamed_16"
| *"", "struct_sMcRxParams"
| *"", "McRxParams_t"
| *"", "struct_unnamed_19"
| *"", "union_uMcKeys"
| *"", "struct_sMcChannelParams"
| *"", "McChannelParams_t"
| *"", "struct_sMulticastCtx"
| *"", "MulticastCtx_t"
| *"", "REJOIN_REQ_0"
| *"", "REJOIN_REQ_1"
| *"", "REJOIN_REQ_2"
| *"", "JOIN_REQ"
| *"", "enum_eJoinReqIdentifier"
| *"", "JoinReqIdentifier_t"
| *"", "enum_eLoRaMacMoteCmd"
| *"", "LoRaMacMoteCmd_t"
| *"", "enum_eLoRaMacSrvCmd"
| *"", "LoRaMacSrvCmd_t"
| *"", "struct_sBand"
| *"", "Band_t"
| *"", "struct_sFields"
| *"", "union_uDrRange"
| *"", "DrRange_t"
| *"", "struct_sChannelParams"
| *"", "ChannelParams_t"
| *"", "enum_eLoRaMacFrameType"
| *"", "LoRaMacFrameType_t"
| *"", "enum_eLoRaMacBatteryLevel"
| *"", "LoRaMacBatteryLevel_t"
| *"", "struct_sDLSettingsBits"
| *"", "union_uLoRaMacDLSettings"
| *"", "LoRaMacDLSettings_t"
| *"", "struct_sMacHeaderBits"
| *"", "union_uLoRaMacHeader"
| *"", "LoRaMacHeader_t"
| *"", "struct_sCtrlBits"
| *"", "union_uLoRaMacFrameCtrl"
| *"", "LoRaMacFrameCtrl_t"
| *"", "struct_sLoRaMacFrameHeader"
| *"", "LoRaMacFrameHeader_t"
| *"", "enum_eRegionCN470ChannelPlan"
| *"", "RegionCN470ChannelPlan_t"
| *"", "struct_sRegionNvmDataGroup1"
| *"", "RegionNvmDataGroup1_t"
| *"", "struct_sRegionNvmDataGroup2"
| *"", "RegionNvmDataGroup2_t"
| *"", "struct_sFCntList"
| *"", "FCntList_t"
| *"", "struct_sLoRaMacCryptoNvmData"
| *"", "LoRaMacCryptoNvmData_t"
| *"", "struct_sKey"
| *"", "Key_t"
| *"", "struct_sSecureElementNvCtx"
| *"", "SecureElementNvmData_t"
| *"", "struct_sPingSlotCtrlNvm"
| *"", "struct_sLoRaMacClassBPingSlotNvmData"
| *"", "LoRaMacClassBPingSlotNvmData_t"
| *"", "struct_sBeaconCtrlNvm"
| *"", "struct_sLoRaMacClassBBeaconNvmData"
| *"", "LoRaMacClassBBeaconNvmData_t"
| *"", "struct_sLoRaMacClassBNvmData"
| *"", "LoRaMacClassBNvmData_t"
| *"", "enum_eActivationType"
| *"", "ActivationType_t"
| *"", "struct_sRxChannelParams"
| *"", "RxChannelParams_t"
| *"", "RX_SLOT_WIN_1"
| *"", "RX_SLOT_WIN_2"
| *"", "RX_SLOT_NONE"
| *"", "enum_eLoRaMacRxSlot"
| *"", "LoRaMacRxSlot_t"
| *"", "struct_sLoRaMacParams"
| *"", "LoRaMacParams_t"
| *"", "struct_sInfoFields"
| *"", "union_uPingSlotInfo"
| *"", "PingSlotInfo_t"
| *"", "struct_sGwSpecific"
| *"", "struct_sBeaconInfo"
| *"", "BeaconInfo_t"
| *"", "enum_eLoRaMacEventInfoStatus"
| *"", "LoRaMacEventInfoStatus_t"
| *"", "struct_sMacFlagBits"
| *"", "union_eLoRaMacFlags_t"
| *"", "LoRaMacFlags_t"
| *"", "enum_eLoRaMacRegion"
| *"", "LoRaMacRegion_t"
| *"", "struct_sLoRaMacNvmDataGroup1"
| *"", "LoRaMacNvmDataGroup1_t"
| *"", "struct_sLoRaMacNvmDataGroup2"
| *"", "LoRaMacNvmDataGroup2_t"
| *"", "struct_sLoRaMacNvmData"
| *"", "LoRaMacNvmData_t"
| *"", "enum_eMcps"
| *"", "Mcps_t"
| *"", "struct_sRequestReturnParam"
| *"", "RequestReturnParam_t"
| *"", "struct_sMcpsReqUnconfirmed"
| *"", "McpsReqUnconfirmed_t"
| *"", "struct_sMcpsReqConfirmed"
| *"", "McpsReqConfirmed_t"
| *"", "struct_sMcpsReqProprietary"
| *"", "McpsReqProprietary_t"
| *"", "union_uMcpsParam"
| *"", "struct_sMcpsReq"
| *"", "McpsReq_t"
| *"", "struct_sMcpsConfirm"
| *"", "McpsConfirm_t"
| *"", "struct_sMcpsIndication"
| *"", "McpsIndication_t"
| *"", "MLME_JOIN"
| *"", "MLME_REJOIN_0"
| *"", "MLME_REJOIN_1"
| *"", "MLME_TXCW"
| *"", "MLME_BEACON"
| *"", "enum_eMlme"
| *"", "Mlme_t"
| *"", "struct_sMlmeReqJoin"
| *"", "MlmeReqJoin_t"
| *"", "struct_sMlmeReqTxCw"
| *"", "MlmeReqTxCw_t"
| *"", "struct_sMlmeReqPingSlotInfo"
| *"", "MlmeReqPingSlotInfo_t"
| *"", "struct_sMlmeReqDeriveMcKEKey"
| *"", "MlmeReqDeriveMcKEKey_t"
| *"", "struct_sMlmeReqDeriveMcSessionKeyPair"
| *"", "MlmeReqDeriveMcSessionKeyPair_t"
| *"", "union_uMlmeParam"
| *"", "struct_sMlmeReq"
| *"", "MlmeReq_t"
| *"", "struct_sMlmeConfirm"
| *"", "MlmeConfirm_t"
| *"", "struct_sMlmeIndication"
| *"", "MlmeIndication_t"
| *"", "MIB_DEV_EUI"
| *"", "MIB_JOIN_EUI"
| *"", "MIB_SE_PIN"
| *"", "MIB_ADR"
| *"", "MIB_NET_ID"
| *"", "MIB_DEV_ADDR"
| *"", "MIB_APP_KEY"
| *"", "MIB_NWK_KEY"
| *"", "MIB_J_S_INT_KEY"
| *"", "MIB_J_S_ENC_KEY"
| *"", "MIB_F_NWK_S_INT_KEY"
| *"", "MIB_S_NWK_S_INT_KEY"
| *"", "MIB_NWK_S_ENC_KEY"
| *"", "MIB_APP_S_KEY"
| *"", "MIB_MC_KE_KEY"
| *"", "MIB_MC_KEY_0"
| *"", "MIB_MC_APP_S_KEY_0"
| *"", "MIB_MC_NWK_S_KEY_0"
| *"", "MIB_MC_KEY_1"
| *"", "MIB_MC_APP_S_KEY_1"
| *"", "MIB_MC_NWK_S_KEY_1"
| *"", "MIB_MC_KEY_2"
| *"", "MIB_MC_APP_S_KEY_2"
| *"", "MIB_MC_NWK_S_KEY_2"
| *"", "MIB_MC_KEY_3"
| *"", "MIB_MC_APP_S_KEY_3"
| *"", "MIB_MC_NWK_S_KEY_3"
| *"", "MIB_RX2_CHANNEL"
| *"", "MIB_NVM_CTXS"
| *"", "enum_eMib"
| *"", "Mib_t"
| *"", "struct_sLrWanVersion"
| *"", "union_uMibParam"
| *"", "MibParam_t"
| *"", "struct_eMibRequestConfirm"
| *"", "MibRequestConfirm_t"
| *"", "struct_sLoRaMacTxInfo"
| *"", "LoRaMacTxInfo_t"
| *"", "enum_eLoRaMacStatus"
| *"", "LoRaMacStatus_t"
| *"", "struct_sLoRaMacPrimitives"
| *"", "LoRaMacPrimitives_t"
| *"", "struct_sLoRaMacCallback"
| *"", "LoRaMacCallback_t"
| *"", "LoRaMacMaxEirpTable"
| *"", "LoRaMacInitialization"
| *"", "LoRaMacStart"
| *"", "LoRaMacStop"
| *"", "LoRaMacIsBusy"
| *"", "LoRaMacProcess"
| *"", "LoRaMacQueryTxPossible"
| *"", "LoRaMacChannelAdd"
| *"", "LoRaMacChannelRemove"
| *"", "LoRaMacMcChannelSetup"
| *"", "LoRaMacMcChannelDelete"
| *"", "LoRaMacMcChannelGetGroupId"
| *"", "LoRaMacMcChannelSetupRxParams"
| *"", "LoRaMacMibGetRequestConfirm"
| *"", "LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm"
| *"", "LoRaMacMlmeRequest"
| *"", "LoRaMacMcpsRequest"
| *"", "LoRaMacDeInitialization"
| *"", "PHY_MIN_RX_DR"
| *"", "PHY_MIN_TX_DR"
| *"", "PHY_MAX_RX_DR"
| *"", "PHY_MAX_TX_DR"
| *"", "PHY_TX_DR"
| *"", "PHY_DEF_TX_DR"
| *"", "PHY_RX_DR"
| *"", "PHY_TX_POWER"
| *"", "PHY_DEF_RX2_DR"
| *"", "PHY_SF_FROM_DR"
| *"", "PHY_BW_FROM_DR"
| *"", "enum_ePhyAttribute"
| *"", "PhyAttribute_t"
| *"", "enum_eInitType"
| *"", "InitType_t"
| *"", "enum_eChannelsMask"
| *"", "ChannelsMask_t"
| *"", "struct_sBeaconFormat"
| *"", "BeaconFormat_t"
| *"", "union_uPhyParam"
| *"", "PhyParam_t"
| *"", "struct_sGetPhyParams"
| *"", "GetPhyParams_t"
| *"", "struct_sSetBandTxDoneParams"
| *"", "SetBandTxDoneParams_t"
| *"", "struct_sInitDefaultsParams"
| *"", "InitDefaultsParams_t"
| *"", "struct_sDatarateParams"
| *"", "union_uVerifyParams"
| *"", "VerifyParams_t"
| *"", "struct_sApplyCFListParams"
| *"", "ApplyCFListParams_t"
| *"", "struct_sChanMaskSetParams"
| *"", "ChanMaskSetParams_t"
| *"", "struct_sRxConfigParams"
| *"", "RxConfigParams_t"
| *"", "struct_sTxConfigParams"
| *"", "TxConfigParams_t"
| *"", "struct_sLinkAdrReqParams"
| *"", "LinkAdrReqParams_t"
| *"", "struct_sRxParamSetupReqParams"
| *"", "RxParamSetupReqParams_t"
| *"", "struct_sNewChannelReqParams"
| *"", "NewChannelReqParams_t"
| *"", "struct_sTxParamSetupReqParams"
| *"", "TxParamSetupReqParams_t"
| *"", "struct_sDlChannelReqParams"
| *"", "DlChannelReqParams_t"
| *"", "enum_eAlternateDrType"
| *"", "AlternateDrType_t"
| *"", "struct_sNextChanParams"
| *"", "NextChanParams_t"
| *"", "struct_sChannelAddParams"
| *"", "ChannelAddParams_t"
| *"", "struct_sChannelRemoveParams"
| *"", "ChannelRemoveParams_t"
| *"", "struct_sRxBeaconSetupParams"
| *"", "RxBeaconSetup_t"
| *"", "RegionIsActive"
| *"", "RegionGetPhyParam"
| *"", "RegionSetBandTxDone"
| *"", "RegionInitDefaults"
| *"", "RegionVerify"
| *"", "RegionApplyCFList"
| *"", "RegionChanMaskSet"
| *"", "RegionRxConfig"
| *"", "RegionComputeRxWindowParameters"
| *"", "RegionTxConfig"
| *"", "RegionLinkAdrReq"
| *"", "RegionRxParamSetupReq"
| *"", "RegionNewChannelReq"
| *"", "RegionTxParamSetupReq"
| *"", "RegionDlChannelReq"
| *"", "RegionAlternateDr"
| *"", "RegionNextChannel"
| *"", "RegionChannelAdd"
| *"", "RegionChannelsRemove"
| *"", "RegionApplyDrOffset"
| *"", "RegionRxBeaconSetup"
| *"", "RegionGetVersion"
| *"", "struct_sRegionCommonLinkAdrParams"
| *"", "RegionCommonLinkAdrParams_t"
| *"", "struct_sRegionCommonLinkAdrReqVerifyParams"
| *"", "RegionCommonLinkAdrReqVerifyParams_t"
| *"", "struct_sRegionCommonRxBeaconSetupParams"
| *"", "RegionCommonRxBeaconSetupParams_t"
| *"", "struct_sRegionCommonCountNbOfEnabledChannelsParams"
| *"", "RegionCommonCountNbOfEnabledChannelsParams_t"
| *"", "struct_sRegionCommonIdentifyChannelsParam"
| *"", "RegionCommonIdentifyChannelsParam_t"
| *"", "struct_sRegionCommonSetDutyCycleParams"
| *"", "RegionCommonSetDutyCycleParams_t"
| *"", "struct_sRegionCommonGetNextLowerTxDrParams"
| *"", "RegionCommonGetNextLowerTxDrParams_t"
| *"", "RegionCommonValueInRange"
| *"", "RegionCommonChanVerifyDr"
| *"", "RegionCommonChanDisable"
| *"", "RegionCommonCountChannels"
| *"", "RegionCommonChanMaskCopy"
| *"", "RegionCommonSetBandTxDone"
| *"", "RegionCommonUpdateBandTimeOff"
| *"", "RegionCommonParseLinkAdrReq"
| *"", "RegionCommonLinkAdrReqVerifyParams"
| *"", "RegionCommonComputeSymbolTimeLoRa"
| *"", "RegionCommonComputeSymbolTimeFsk"
| *"", "RegionCommonComputeRxWindowParameters"
| *"", "RegionCommonComputeTxPower"
| *"", "RegionCommonRxBeaconSetup"
| *"", "RegionCommonCountNbOfEnabledChannels"
| *"", "RegionCommonIdentifyChannels"
| *"", "RegionCommonGetNextLowerTxDr"
| *"", "RegionCommonLimitTxPower"
| *"", "RegionCommonGetBandwidth"
| *"", "LmHandlerAdrStates_t"
| *"", "LmHandlerFlagStatus_t"
| *"", "LmHandlerErrorStatus_t"
| *"", "LmHandlerMsgTypes_t"
| *"", "LmHandlerBoolean_t"
| *"", "LmHandlerBeaconState_t"
| *"", "LmHandlerNvmContextStates_t"
| *"", "struct_CommissioningParams_s"
| *"", "CommissioningParams_t"
| *"", "struct_LmHandlerAppData_s"
| *"", "LmHandlerAppData_t"
| *"", "union_unnamed_20"
| *"", "struct_LmHandlerRequestParams_s"
| *"", "LmHandlerRequestParams_t"
| *"", "struct_LmHandlerJoinParams_s"
| *"", "LmHandlerJoinParams_t"
| *"", "struct_LmHandlerTxParams_s"
| *"", "LmHandlerTxParams_t"
| *"", "struct_LmHandlerRxParams_s"
| *"", "LmHandlerRxParams_t"
| *"", "struct_LoRaMacHandlerBeaconParams_s"
| *"", "LoRaMacHandlerBeaconParams_t"
| *"", "struct_LmHandlerParams_s"
| *"", "LmHandlerParams_t"
| *"", "struct_LmHandlerCallbacks_s"
| *"", "LmHandlerCallbacks_t"
| *"", "LmHandlerInit"
| *"", "LmHandlerIsBusy"
| *"", "LmHandlerProcess"
| *"", "LmHandlerGetDutyCycleWaitTime"
| *"", "LmHandlerSend"
| *"", "LmHandlerJoin"
| *"", "LmHandlerJoinStatus"
| *"", "LmHandlerPingSlotReq"
| *"", "LmHandlerRequestClass"
| *"", "LmHandlerGetCurrentClass"
| *"", "LmHandlerGetCurrentDatarate"
| *"", "LmHandlerGetActiveRegion"
| *"", "LmHandlerSetSystemMaxRxError"
| *"", "LmHandlerDeviceTimeReq"
| *"", "LmHandlerPackageRegister"
| *"", "LmHandlerPackageIsInitialized"
| *"", "struct_LmhPackage_s"
| *"", "LmhPackage_t"
| *"", "struct_LmhpComplianceParams_s"
| *"", "LmhpComplianceParams_t"
| *"", "LmphCompliancePackageFactory"
| *"", "LmphClockSyncPackageFactory"
| *"", "LmhpClockSyncAppTimeReq"
| *"", "LmhpRemoteMcastSetupPackageFactory"
| *"", "struct_sFragDecoderStatus"
| *"", "FragDecoderStatus_t"
| *"", "struct_sFragDecoderCallbacks"
| *"", "FragDecoderCallbacks_t"
| *"", "FragDecoderInit"
| *"", "FragDecoderGetMaxFileSize"
| *"", "FragDecoderProcess"
| *"", "FragDecoderGetStatus"
| *"", "struct_LmhpFragmentationParams_s"
| *"", "LmhpFragmentationParams_t"
| *"", "LmhpFragmentationPackageFactory"
| *"", "DisplayNvmDataChange"
| *"", "DisplayNetworkParametersUpdate"
| *"", "DisplayMacMcpsRequestUpdate"
| *"", "DisplayMacMlmeRequestUpdate"
| *"", "DisplayJoinRequestUpdate"
| *"", "DisplayTxUpdate"
| *"", "DisplayRxUpdate"
| *"", "DisplayBeaconUpdate"
| *"", "DisplayClassUpdate"
| *"", "DisplayAppInfo"
| *"", "RadioInit"
| *"", "RadioGetStatus"
| *"", "RadioSetModem"
| *"", "RadioSetChannel"
| *"", "RadioIsChannelFree"
| *"", "RadioRandom"
| *"", "RadioSetRxConfig"
| *"", "RadioSetTxConfig"
| *"", "RadioCheckRfFrequency"
| *"", "RadioTimeOnAir"
| *"", "RadioSend"
| *"", "RadioSleep"
| *"", "RadioStandby"
| *"", "RadioRx"
| *"", "RadioStartCad"
| *"", "RadioSetTxContinuousWave"
| *"", "RadioRssi"
| *"", "RadioWrite"
| *"", "RadioRead"
| *"", "RadioWriteBuffer"
| *"", "RadioReadBuffer"
| *"", "RadioSetMaxPayloadLength"
| *"", "RadioSetPublicNetwork"
| *"", "RadioGetWakeupTime"
| *"", "RadioIrqProcess"
| *"", "RadioRxBoosted"
| *"", "RadioSetRxDutyCycle"
| *"", "RadioAddRegisterToRetentionList"
| *"", "__UINTMAX_C_SUFFIX__"
| *"", "__FLT16_DENORM_MIN__"
| *"", "__FLT16_EPSILON__"
| *"", "__FLT16_MAX__"
| *"", "__FLT16_MIN__"
| *"", "__UINT32_C_SUFFIX__"
| *"", "__UINT64_C_SUFFIX__"
| *"", "TZ_MAX_TIMES"
| *"", "TZ_MAX_TYPES"
| *"", "NL_TEXTMAX"
| *"", "offsetof"
| *"", "weak_alias"
| *"", "weak_data"
| *"", "weak_function"
| *"", "weak_const_function"
| *"", "noreturn_function"
| *"", "farcall_function"
| *"", "locate_code"
| *"", "aligned_data"
| *"", "locate_data"
| *"", "end_packed_struct"
| *"", "naked_function"
| *"", "inline_function"
| *"", "noinline_function"
| *"", "noinstrument_function"
| *"", "nostackprotect_function"
| *"", "unused_code"
| *"", "unused_data"
| *"", "used_code"
| *"", "used_data"
| *"", "__syslog__"
| *"", "formatlike"
| *"", "printflike"
| *"", "sysloglike"
| *"", "scanflike"
| *"", "strftimelike"
| *"", "no_builtin"
| *"", "EXTERN"
| *"", "__stdint_join3"
| *"", "__uint_c"
| *"", "__INTN_MIN"
| *"", "__INTN_MAX"
| *"", "__UINTN_MAX"
| *"", "__INTN_C"
| *"", "__UINTN_C"
| *"", "va_start"
| *"", "va_end"
| *"", "va_arg"
| *"", "__va_copy"
| *"", "va_copy"
| *"", "set_errno"
| *"", "PANIC"
| *"", "ASSERT"
| *"", "VERIFY"
| *"", "static_assert"
| *"", "SEM_FAILED"
| *"", "_NX_OPEN"
| *"", "_NX_IOCTL"
| *"", "umount"
| *"", "sq_init"
| *"", "dq_init"
| *"", "sq_move"
| *"", "dq_move"
| *"", "sa_handler"
| *"", "sa_sigaction"
| *"", "__STR"
| *"", "FLOAD"
| *"", "FSTORE"
| *"", "REGLOAD"
| *"", "REGSTORE"
| *"", "CSR_STATUS"
| *"", "CSR_SCRATCH"
| *"", "CSR_EPC"
| *"", "CSR_IE"
| *"", "CSR_CAUSE"
| *"", "ERET"
| *"", "nxsched_suspend_scheduler"
| *"", "MQ_NONBLOCK"
| *"", "__llvm__"
| *"", "__clang__"
| *"", "__clang_major__"
| *"", "__clang_minor__"
| *"", "__clang_patchlevel__"
| *"", "__clang_version__"
| *"", "__GNUC__"
| *"", "__GNUC_MINOR__"
| *"", "__GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__"
| *"", "__GXX_ABI_VERSION"
| *"", "__ATOMIC_ACQ_REL"
| *"", "__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST"
| *"", "__VERSION__"
| *"", "__OBJC_BOOL_IS_BOOL"
| *"", "__clang_literal_encoding__"
| *"", "__clang_wide_literal_encoding__"
| *"", "__OPTIMIZE__"
| *"", "__ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__"
| *"", "__ORDER_PDP_ENDIAN__"
| *"", "__BYTE_ORDER__"
| *"", "__LITTLE_ENDIAN__"
| *"", "_ILP32"
| *"", "__ILP32__"
| *"", "__CHAR_BIT__"
| *"", "__SCHAR_MAX__"
| *"", "__SHRT_MAX__"
| *"", "__INT_MAX__"
| *"", "__LONG_MAX__"
| *"", "__LONG_LONG_MAX__"
| *"", "__WCHAR_MAX__"
| *"", "__WINT_MAX__"
| *"", "__INTMAX_MAX__"
| *"", "__SIZE_MAX__"
| *"", "__UINTMAX_MAX__"
| *"", "__PTRDIFF_MAX__"
| *"", "__INTPTR_MAX__"
| *"", "__UINTPTR_MAX__"
| *"", "__SIZEOF_DOUBLE__"
| *"", "__SIZEOF_FLOAT__"
| *"", "__SIZEOF_INT__"
| *"", "__SIZEOF_LONG__"
| *"", "__SIZEOF_LONG_LONG__"
| *"", "__SIZEOF_POINTER__"
| *"", "__SIZEOF_SHORT__"
| *"", "__SIZEOF_PTRDIFF_T__"
| *"", "__SIZEOF_SIZE_T__"
| *"", "__SIZEOF_WCHAR_T__"
| *"", "__SIZEOF_WINT_T__"
| *"", "__INTMAX_TYPE__"
| *"", "__INTMAX_FMTd__"
| *"", "__INTMAX_FMTi__"
| *"", "__INTMAX_C_SUFFIX__"
| *"", "__UINTMAX_TYPE__"
| *"", "__UINTMAX_FMTo__"
| *"", "__UINTMAX_FMTu__"
| *"", "__UINTMAX_FMTx__"
| *"", "__UINTMAX_FMTX__"
| *"", "__INTMAX_WIDTH__"
| *"", "__PTRDIFF_TYPE__"
| *"", "__PTRDIFF_FMTd__"
| *"", "__PTRDIFF_FMTi__"
| *"", "__PTRDIFF_WIDTH__"
| *"", "__INTPTR_TYPE__"
| *"", "__INTPTR_FMTd__"
| *"", "__INTPTR_FMTi__"
| *"", "__INTPTR_WIDTH__"
| *"", "__SIZE_TYPE__"
| *"", "__SIZE_FMTo__"
| *"", "__SIZE_FMTu__"
| *"", "__SIZE_FMTx__"
| *"", "__SIZE_FMTX__"
| *"", "__SIZE_WIDTH__"
| *"", "__WCHAR_TYPE__"
| *"", "__WCHAR_WIDTH__"
| *"", "__WINT_TYPE__"
| *"", "__WINT_WIDTH__"
| *"", "__SIG_ATOMIC_WIDTH__"
| *"", "__SIG_ATOMIC_MAX__"
| *"", "__CHAR16_TYPE__"
| *"", "__CHAR32_TYPE__"
| *"", "__UINTMAX_WIDTH__"
| *"", "__UINTPTR_TYPE__"
| *"", "__UINTPTR_FMTo__"
| *"", "__UINTPTR_FMTu__"
| *"", "__UINTPTR_FMTx__"
| *"", "__UINTPTR_FMTX__"
| *"", "__UINTPTR_WIDTH__"
| *"", "__FLT16_HAS_DENORM__"
| *"", "__FLT16_DIG__"
| *"", "__FLT16_DECIMAL_DIG__"
| *"", "__FLT16_HAS_INFINITY__"
| *"", "__FLT16_HAS_QUIET_NAN__"
| *"", "__FLT16_MANT_DIG__"
| *"", "__FLT16_MAX_10_EXP__"
| *"", "__FLT16_MAX_EXP__"
| *"", "__FLT16_MIN_10_EXP__"
| *"", "__FLT16_MIN_EXP__"
| *"", "__FLT_DENORM_MIN__"
| *"", "__FLT_HAS_DENORM__"
| *"", "__FLT_DIG__"
| *"", "__FLT_DECIMAL_DIG__"
| *"", "__FLT_EPSILON__"
| *"", "__FLT_HAS_INFINITY__"
| *"", "__FLT_HAS_QUIET_NAN__"
| *"", "__FLT_MANT_DIG__"
| *"", "__FLT_MAX_10_EXP__"
| *"", "__FLT_MAX_EXP__"
| *"", "__FLT_MAX__"
| *"", "__FLT_MIN_10_EXP__"
| *"", "__FLT_MIN_EXP__"
| *"", "__FLT_MIN__"
| *"", "__DBL_DENORM_MIN__"
| *"", "__DBL_HAS_DENORM__"
| *"", "__DBL_DIG__"
| *"", "__DBL_DECIMAL_DIG__"
| *"", "__DBL_EPSILON__"
| *"", "__DBL_HAS_INFINITY__"
| *"", "__DBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN__"
| *"", "__DBL_MANT_DIG__"
| *"", "__DBL_MAX_10_EXP__"
| *"", "__DBL_MAX_EXP__"
| *"", "__DBL_MAX__"
| *"", "__DBL_MIN_10_EXP__"
| *"", "__DBL_MIN_EXP__"
| *"", "__DBL_MIN__"
| *"", "__LDBL_DENORM_MIN__"
| *"", "__LDBL_HAS_DENORM__"
| *"", "__LDBL_DIG__"
| *"", "__LDBL_DECIMAL_DIG__"
| *"", "__LDBL_EPSILON__"
| *"", "__LDBL_HAS_INFINITY__"
| *"", "__LDBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN__"
| *"", "__LDBL_MANT_DIG__"
| *"", "__LDBL_MAX_10_EXP__"
| *"", "__LDBL_MAX_EXP__"
| *"", "__LDBL_MAX__"
| *"", "__LDBL_MIN_10_EXP__"
| *"", "__LDBL_MIN_EXP__"
| *"", "__LDBL_MIN__"
| *"", "__POINTER_WIDTH__"
| *"", "__CHAR_UNSIGNED__"
| *"", "__WINT_UNSIGNED__"
| *"", "__INT8_TYPE__"
| *"", "__INT8_FMTd__"
| *"", "__INT8_FMTi__"
| *"", "__INT8_C_SUFFIX__"
| *"", "__INT16_TYPE__"
| *"", "__INT16_FMTd__"
| *"", "__INT16_FMTi__"
| *"", "__INT16_C_SUFFIX__"
| *"", "__INT32_TYPE__"
| *"", "__INT32_FMTd__"
| *"", "__INT32_FMTi__"
| *"", "__INT32_C_SUFFIX__"
| *"", "__INT64_TYPE__"
| *"", "__INT64_FMTd__"
| *"", "__INT64_FMTi__"
| *"", "__INT64_C_SUFFIX__"
| *"", "__UINT8_TYPE__"
| *"", "__UINT8_FMTo__"
| *"", "__UINT8_FMTu__"
| *"", "__UINT8_FMTx__"
| *"", "__UINT8_FMTX__"
| *"", "__UINT8_C_SUFFIX__"
| *"", "__UINT8_MAX__"
| *"", "__INT8_MAX__"
| *"", "__UINT16_TYPE__"
| *"", "__UINT16_FMTo__"
| *"", "__UINT16_FMTu__"
| *"", "__UINT16_FMTx__"
| *"", "__UINT16_FMTX__"
| *"", "__UINT16_C_SUFFIX__"
| *"", "__UINT16_MAX__"
| *"", "__INT16_MAX__"
| *"", "__UINT32_TYPE__"
| *"", "__UINT32_FMTo__"
| *"", "__UINT32_FMTu__"
| *"", "__UINT32_FMTx__"
| *"", "__UINT32_FMTX__"
| *"", "__UINT32_MAX__"
| *"", "__INT32_MAX__"
| *"", "__UINT64_TYPE__"
| *"", "__UINT64_FMTo__"
| *"", "__UINT64_FMTu__"
| *"", "__UINT64_FMTx__"
| *"", "__UINT64_FMTX__"
| *"", "__UINT64_MAX__"
| *"", "__INT64_MAX__"
| *"", "__INT_LEAST8_TYPE__"
| *"", "__INT_LEAST8_MAX__"
| *"", "__INT_LEAST8_FMTd__"
| *"", "__INT_LEAST8_FMTi__"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST8_TYPE__"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST8_MAX__"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST8_FMTo__"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST8_FMTu__"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST8_FMTx__"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST8_FMTX__"
| *"", "__INT_LEAST16_TYPE__"
| *"", "__INT_LEAST16_MAX__"
| *"", "__INT_LEAST16_FMTd__"
| *"", "__INT_LEAST16_FMTi__"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST16_TYPE__"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST16_MAX__"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST16_FMTo__"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST16_FMTu__"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST16_FMTx__"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST16_FMTX__"
| *"", "__INT_LEAST32_TYPE__"
| *"", "__INT_LEAST32_MAX__"
| *"", "__INT_LEAST32_FMTd__"
| *"", "__INT_LEAST32_FMTi__"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST32_TYPE__"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST32_MAX__"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST32_FMTo__"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST32_FMTu__"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST32_FMTx__"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST32_FMTX__"
| *"", "__INT_LEAST64_TYPE__"
| *"", "__INT_LEAST64_MAX__"
| *"", "__INT_LEAST64_FMTd__"
| *"", "__INT_LEAST64_FMTi__"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST64_TYPE__"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST64_MAX__"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST64_FMTo__"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST64_FMTu__"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST64_FMTx__"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST64_FMTX__"
| *"", "__INT_FAST8_TYPE__"
| *"", "__INT_FAST8_MAX__"
| *"", "__INT_FAST8_FMTd__"
| *"", "__INT_FAST8_FMTi__"
| *"", "__UINT_FAST8_TYPE__"
| *"", "__UINT_FAST8_MAX__"
| *"", "__UINT_FAST8_FMTo__"
| *"", "__UINT_FAST8_FMTu__"
| *"", "__UINT_FAST8_FMTx__"
| *"", "__UINT_FAST8_FMTX__"
| *"", "__INT_FAST16_TYPE__"
| *"", "__INT_FAST16_MAX__"
| *"", "__INT_FAST16_FMTd__"
| *"", "__INT_FAST16_FMTi__"
| *"", "__UINT_FAST16_TYPE__"
| *"", "__UINT_FAST16_MAX__"
| *"", "__UINT_FAST16_FMTo__"
| *"", "__UINT_FAST16_FMTu__"
| *"", "__UINT_FAST16_FMTx__"
| *"", "__UINT_FAST16_FMTX__"
| *"", "__INT_FAST32_TYPE__"
| *"", "__INT_FAST32_MAX__"
| *"", "__INT_FAST32_FMTd__"
| *"", "__INT_FAST32_FMTi__"
| *"", "__UINT_FAST32_TYPE__"
| *"", "__UINT_FAST32_MAX__"
| *"", "__UINT_FAST32_FMTo__"
| *"", "__UINT_FAST32_FMTu__"
| *"", "__UINT_FAST32_FMTx__"
| *"", "__UINT_FAST32_FMTX__"
| *"", "__INT_FAST64_TYPE__"
| *"", "__INT_FAST64_MAX__"
| *"", "__INT_FAST64_FMTd__"
| *"", "__INT_FAST64_FMTi__"
| *"", "__UINT_FAST64_TYPE__"
| *"", "__UINT_FAST64_MAX__"
| *"", "__UINT_FAST64_FMTo__"
| *"", "__UINT_FAST64_FMTu__"
| *"", "__UINT_FAST64_FMTx__"
| *"", "__UINT_FAST64_FMTX__"
| *"", "__USER_LABEL_PREFIX__"
| *"", "__FINITE_MATH_ONLY__"
| *"", "__GNUC_STDC_INLINE__"
| *"", "__FLT_EVAL_METHOD__"
| *"", "__FLT_RADIX__"
| *"", "__DECIMAL_DIG__"
| *"", "__ELF__"
| *"", "__riscv"
| *"", "__riscv_xlen"
| *"", "__riscv_cmodel_medlow"
| *"", "__riscv_float_abi_soft"
| *"", "__riscv_arch_test"
| *"", "__riscv_i"
| *"", "__riscv_m"
| *"", "__riscv_mul"
| *"", "__riscv_div"
| *"", "__riscv_muldiv"
| *"", "__riscv_a"
| *"", "__riscv_atomic"
| *"", "__riscv_f"
| *"", "__riscv_flen"
| *"", "__riscv_fdiv"
| *"", "__riscv_fsqrt"
| *"", "__riscv_c"
| *"", "__riscv_compressed"
| *"", "__STDC__"
| *"", "__STDC_HOSTED__"
| *"", "__STDC_VERSION__"
| *"", "__STDC_UTF_16__"
| *"", "__STDC_UTF_32__"
| *"", "_DEBUG"
| *"", "__NuttX__"
| *"", "NDEBUG"
| *"", "ARCH_RISCV"
| *"", "LL"
| *"", "__int_c_join"
| *"", "__INT64_DEFINED"
| *"", "unsigned"
| *"-----", "__INCLUDE_LIMITS_H"
| *"-----", "__INCLUDE_NUTTX_CONFIG_H"
| *"", "CONFIG_y"
| *"", "CONFIG_m"
| *"", "CONFIG_ARCH"
| *"", "CONFIG_ARCH_RV32"
| *"", "CONFIG_BL602_HAVE_UART0"
| *"", "CONFIG_BL602_UART0"
| *"", "CONFIG_BL602_TIMER0"
| *"", "CONFIG_BL602_I2C0"
| *"", "CONFIG_BL602_SPI0"
| *"", "CONFIG_I2C"
| *"", "CONFIG_SPI"
| *"", "CONFIG_LCD"
| *"", "CONFIG_LCD_ST7789"
| *"", "CONFIG_LCD_ST7789_XRES"
| *"", "CONFIG_LCD_ST7789_YRES"
| *"", "CONFIG_LCD_ST7789_BPP"
| *"", "CONFIG_LIBSX1262"
| *"", "CONFIG_LIBBL602_ADC"
| *"", "CONFIG_LV_DPI"
| *"", "CHAR_BIT"
| *"", "SCHAR_MIN"
| *"", "SCHAR_MAX"
| *"", "UCHAR_MAX"
| *"", "CHAR_MIN"
| *"", "CHAR_MAX"
| *"", "SHRT_MIN"
| *"", "SHRT_MAX"
| *"", "USHRT_MAX"
| *"", "INT_MIN"
| *"", "INT_MAX"
| *"", "UINT_MAX"
| *"", "LONG_MIN"
| *"", "LONG_MAX"
| *"", "ULONG_MAX"
| *"", "LLONG_MIN"
| *"", "LLONG_MAX"
| *"", "ULLONG_MAX"
| *"", "PTR_MIN"
| *"", "PTR_MAX"
| *"", "UPTR_MAX"
| *"", "WCHAR_MIN"
| *"", "WCHAR_MAX"
| *"", "MB_LEN_MAX"
| *"", "_POSIX_ARG_MAX"
| *"", "_POSIX_LINK_MAX"
| *"", "_POSIX_NAME_MAX"
| *"", "_POSIX_OPEN_MAX"
| *"", "_POSIX_PATH_MAX"
| *"", "_POSIX_PIPE_BUF"
| *"", "_POSIX_SIZE_MAX"
| *"", "_POSIX_SIZE_MIN"
| *"", "_POSIX_AIO_MAX"
| *"", "ARG_MAX"
| *"", "CHILD_MAX"
| *"", "LINK_MAX"
| *"", "MAX_CANON"
| *"", "MAX_INPUT"
| *"", "NAME_MAX"
| *"", "TTY_NAME_MAX"
| *"", "NGROUPS_MAX"
| *"", "OPEN_MAX"
| *"", "PATH_MAX"
| *"", "PIPE_BUF"
| *"", "SIZE_MAX"
| *"", "SIZE_MIN"
| *"", "RSIZE_MAX"
| *"", "SSIZE_MAX"
| *"", "SSIZE_MIN"
| *"", "STREAM_MAX"
| *"", "TZNAME_MAX"
| *"", "RTSIG_MAX"
| *"", "SYMLOOP_MAX"
| *"", "TIMER_MAX"
| *"", "NL_LANGMAX"
| *"", "NL_MSGMAX"
| *"", "NL_SETMAX"
| *"", "NZERO"
| *"", "AIO_MAX"
| *"", "MQ_OPEN_MAX"
| *"", "MQ_PRIO_MAX"
| *"", "SEM_NSEMS_MAX"
| *"", "SEM_VALUE_MAX"
| *"", "IOV_MAX"
| *"", "HOST_NAME_MAX"
| *"-----", "__INCLUDE_STDIO_H"
| *"-----", "__INCLUDE_SYS_TYPES_H"
| *"", "CONFIG_C99_BOOL"
| *"", "begin_packed_struct"
| *"", "reentrant_function"
| *"", "FAR"
| *"", "NEAR"
| *"", "DSEG"
| *"", "CODE"
| *"", "IOBJ"
| *"", "IPTR"
| *"", "UNUSED"
| *"-----", "__CLANG_STDINT_H"
| *"", "__int_least64_t"
| *"", "__uint_least64_t"
| *"", "__int_least32_t"
| *"", "__uint_least32_t"
| *"", "__int_least16_t"
| *"", "__uint_least16_t"
| *"", "__int_least8_t"
| *"", "__uint_least8_t"
| *"", "__uint32_t_defined"
| *"", "__int8_t_defined"
| *"", "__intptr_t_defined"
| *"", "_INTPTR_T"
| *"", "_UINTPTR_T"
| *"", "__int_c"
| *"", "__int64_c_suffix"
| *"", "__int32_c_suffix"
| *"", "__int16_c_suffix"
| *"", "__int8_c_suffix"
| *"", "INT64_C"
| *"", "UINT64_C"
| *"", "INT32_C"
| *"", "UINT32_C"
| *"", "INT16_C"
| *"", "UINT16_C"
| *"", "INT8_C"
| *"", "UINT8_C"
| *"", "INT64_MAX"
| *"", "INT64_MIN"
| *"", "UINT64_MAX"
| *"", "__INT_LEAST64_MIN"
| *"", "__INT_LEAST64_MAX"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST64_MAX"
| *"", "__INT_LEAST32_MIN"
| *"", "__INT_LEAST32_MAX"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST32_MAX"
| *"", "__INT_LEAST16_MIN"
| *"", "__INT_LEAST16_MAX"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST16_MAX"
| *"", "__INT_LEAST8_MIN"
| *"", "__INT_LEAST8_MAX"
| *"", "__UINT_LEAST8_MAX"
| *"", "INT_LEAST64_MIN"
| *"", "INT_LEAST64_MAX"
| *"", "UINT_LEAST64_MAX"
| *"", "INT_FAST64_MIN"
| *"", "INT_FAST64_MAX"
| *"", "UINT_FAST64_MAX"
| *"", "INT32_MAX"
| *"", "INT32_MIN"
| *"", "UINT32_MAX"
| *"", "INT_LEAST32_MIN"
| *"", "INT_LEAST32_MAX"
| *"", "UINT_LEAST32_MAX"
| *"", "INT_FAST32_MIN"
| *"", "INT_FAST32_MAX"
| *"", "UINT_FAST32_MAX"
| *"", "INT16_MAX"
| *"", "INT16_MIN"
| *"", "UINT16_MAX"
| *"", "INT_LEAST16_MIN"
| *"", "INT_LEAST16_MAX"
| *"", "UINT_LEAST16_MAX"
| *"", "INT_FAST16_MIN"
| *"", "INT_FAST16_MAX"
| *"", "UINT_FAST16_MAX"
| *"", "INT8_MAX"
| *"", "INT8_MIN"
| *"", "UINT8_MAX"
| *"", "INT_LEAST8_MIN"
| *"", "INT_LEAST8_MAX"
| *"", "UINT_LEAST8_MAX"
| *"", "INT_FAST8_MIN"
| *"", "INT_FAST8_MAX"
| *"", "UINT_FAST8_MAX"
| *"", "INTPTR_MIN"
| *"", "INTPTR_MAX"
| *"", "UINTPTR_MAX"
| *"", "PTRDIFF_MIN"
| *"", "PTRDIFF_MAX"
| *"", "INTMAX_MIN"
| *"", "INTMAX_MAX"
| *"", "UINTMAX_MAX"
| *"", "WINT_MIN"
| *"", "WINT_MAX"
| *"", "INTMAX_C"
| *"", "UINTMAX_C"
| *"", "TRUE"
| *"", "FALSE"
| *"", "NULL"
| *"", "__socklen_t_defined"
| *"-----", "__STDARG_H"
| *"", "_VA_LIST"
| *"", "__GNUC_VA_LIST"
| *"-----", "__INCLUDE_TIME_H"
| *"", "CLK_TCK"
| *"", "TIME_UTC"
| *"", "timelocal"
| *"", "strftime_l"
| *"-----", "__INCLUDE_NUTTX_FS_FS_H"
| *"-----", "__STDBOOL_H"
| *"", "bool"
| *"", "true"
| *"", "false"
| *"", "__bool_true_false_are_defined"
| *"-----", "__INCLUDE_NUTTX_MUTEX_H"
| *"-----", "__INCLUDE_ERRNO_H"
| *"", "errno"
| *"", "get_errno"
| *"", "EPERM"
| *"", "EPERM_STR"
| *"", "ENOENT"
| *"", "ENOENT_STR"
| *"", "ESRCH"
| *"", "ESRCH_STR"
| *"", "EINTR"
| *"", "EINTR_STR"
| *"", "EIO"
| *"", "EIO_STR"
| *"", "ENXIO"
| *"", "ENXIO_STR"
| *"", "E2BIG"
| *"", "E2BIG_STR"
| *"", "ENOEXEC"
| *"", "ENOEXEC_STR"
| *"", "EBADF"
| *"", "EBADF_STR"
| *"", "ECHILD"
| *"", "ECHILD_STR"
| *"", "EAGAIN"
| *"", "EAGAIN_STR"
| *"", "ENOMEM"
| *"", "ENOMEM_STR"
| *"", "EACCES"
| *"", "EACCES_STR"
| *"", "EFAULT"
| *"", "EFAULT_STR"
| *"", "ENOTBLK"
| *"", "ENOTBLK_STR"
| *"", "EBUSY"
| *"", "EBUSY_STR"
| *"", "EEXIST"
| *"", "EEXIST_STR"
| *"", "EXDEV"
| *"", "EXDEV_STR"
| *"", "ENODEV"
| *"", "ENODEV_STR"
| *"", "ENOTDIR"
| *"", "ENOTDIR_STR"
| *"", "EISDIR"
| *"", "EISDIR_STR"
| *"", "EINVAL"
| *"", "EINVAL_STR"
| *"", "ENFILE"
| *"", "ENFILE_STR"
| *"", "EMFILE"
| *"", "EMFILE_STR"
| *"", "ENOTTY"
| *"", "ENOTTY_STR"
| *"", "ETXTBSY"
| *"", "ETXTBSY_STR"
| *"", "EFBIG"
| *"", "EFBIG_STR"
| *"", "ENOSPC"
| *"", "ENOSPC_STR"
| *"", "ESPIPE"
| *"", "ESPIPE_STR"
| *"", "EROFS"
| *"", "EROFS_STR"
| *"", "EMLINK"
| *"", "EMLINK_STR"
| *"", "EPIPE"
| *"", "EPIPE_STR"
| *"", "EDOM"
| *"", "EDOM_STR"
| *"", "ERANGE"
| *"", "ERANGE_STR"
| *"", "ENOMSG"
| *"", "ENOMSG_STR"
| *"", "EIDRM"
| *"", "EIDRM_STR"
| *"", "ECHRNG"
| *"", "ECHRNG_STR"
| *"", "EL2NSYNC"
| *"", "EL2NSYNC_STR"
| *"", "EL3HLT"
| *"", "EL3HLT_STR"
| *"", "EL3RST"
| *"", "EL3RST_STR"
| *"", "ELNRNG"
| *"", "ELNRNG_STR"
| *"", "EUNATCH"
| *"", "EUNATCH_STR"
| *"", "ENOCSI"
| *"", "ENOCSI_STR"
| *"", "EL2HLT"
| *"", "EL2HLT_STR"
| *"", "EDEADLK"
| *"", "EDEADLK_STR"
| *"", "ENOLCK"
| *"", "ENOLCK_STR"
| *"", "EBADE"
| *"", "EBADE_STR"
| *"", "EBADR"
| *"", "EBADR_STR"
| *"", "EXFULL"
| *"", "EXFULL_STR"
| *"", "ENOANO"
| *"", "ENOANO_STR"
| *"", "EBADRQC"
| *"", "EBADRQC_STR"
| *"", "EBADSLT"
| *"", "EBADSLT_STR"
| *"", "EDEADLOCK"
| *"", "EBFONT"
| *"", "EBFONT_STR"
| *"", "ENOSTR"
| *"", "ENOSTR_STR"
| *"", "ENODATA"
| *"", "ENODATA_STR"
| *"", "ETIME"
| *"", "ETIME_STR"
| *"", "ENOSR"
| *"", "ENOSR_STR"
| *"", "ENONET"
| *"", "ENONET_STR"
| *"", "ENOPKG"
| *"", "ENOPKG_STR"
| *"", "EREMOTE"
| *"", "EREMOTE_STR"
| *"", "ENOLINK"
| *"", "ENOLINK_STR"
| *"", "EADV"
| *"", "EADV_STR"
| *"", "ESRMNT"
| *"", "ESRMNT_STR"
| *"", "ECOMM"
| *"", "ECOMM_STR"
| *"", "EPROTO"
| *"", "EPROTO_STR"
| *"", "EMULTIHOP"
| *"", "ELBIN"
| *"", "ELBIN_STR"
| *"", "EDOTDOT"
| *"", "EDOTDOT_STR"
| *"", "EBADMSG"
| *"", "EBADMSG_STR"
| *"", "EFTYPE"
| *"", "EFTYPE_STR"
| *"", "ENOTUNIQ"
| *"", "EBADFD"
| *"", "EBADFD_STR"
| *"", "EREMCHG"
| *"", "EREMCHG_STR"
| *"", "ELIBACC"
| *"", "ELIBACC_STR"
| *"", "ELIBBAD"
| *"", "ELIBBAD_STR"
| *"", "ELIBSCN"
| *"", "ELIBSCN_STR"
| *"", "ELIBMAX"
| *"", "ELIBMAX_STR"
| *"", "ELIBEXEC"
| *"", "ENOSYS"
| *"", "ENOSYS_STR"
| *"", "ENMFILE"
| *"", "ENMFILE_STR"
| *"", "ENOTEMPTY"
| *"", "ELOOP"
| *"", "ELOOP_STR"
| *"", "ENOBUFS"
| *"", "ENOBUFS_STR"
| *"", "ENOTSOCK"
| *"", "ESHUTDOWN"
| *"", "ENETDOWN"
| *"", "ETIMEDOUT"
| *"", "EHOSTDOWN"
| *"", "EALREADY"
| *"", "EMSGSIZE"
| *"", "ENETRESET"
| *"", "EISCONN"
| *"", "EISCONN_STR"
| *"", "ENOTCONN"
| *"", "EPROCLIM"
| *"", "EUSERS"
| *"", "EUSERS_STR"
| *"", "EDQUOT"
| *"", "EDQUOT_STR"
| *"", "ESTALE"
| *"", "ESTALE_STR"
| *"", "ENOTSUP"
| *"", "ENOTSUP_STR"
| *"", "ENOMEDIUM"
| *"", "ENOSHARE"
| *"", "EILSEQ"
| *"", "EILSEQ_STR"
| *"", "EOVERFLOW"
| *"", "ECANCELED"
| *"", "ESTRPIPE"
| *"", "__ELASTERROR"
| *"-----", "__INCLUDE_ASSERT_H"
| *"", "assert"
| *"-----", "__INCLUDE_UNISTD_H"
| *"-----", "__CLANG_LIMITS_H"
| *"-----", "_GCC_LIMITS_H_"
| *"", "LONG_LONG_MAX"
| *"", "LONG_LONG_MIN"
| *"", "SEEK_SET"
| *"", "SEEK_CUR"
| *"", "SEEK_END"
| *"", "F_OK"
| *"", "X_OK"
| *"", "W_OK"
| *"", "R_OK"
| *"", "_POSIX_TIMERS"
| *"", "_POSIX_SYNC_IO"
| *"", "_PC_2_SYMLINKS"
| *"", "_PC_ASYNC_IO"
| *"", "_PC_LINK_MAX"
| *"", "_PC_MAX_CANON"
| *"", "_PC_MAX_INPUT"
| *"", "_PC_NAME_MAX"
| *"", "_PC_NO_TRUNC"
| *"", "_PC_PATH_MAX"
| *"", "_PC_PIPE_BUF"
| *"", "_PC_PRIO_IO"
| *"", "_PC_SYMLINK_MAX"
| *"", "_PC_SYNC_IO"
| *"", "_PC_VDISABLE"
| *"", "_SC_2_C_BIND"
| *"", "_SC_2_C_DEV"
| *"", "_SC_2_CHAR_TERM"
| *"", "_SC_2_FORT_DEV"
| *"", "_SC_2_FORT_RUN"
| *"", "_SC_2_LOCALEDEF"
| *"", "_SC_2_PBS"
| *"", "_SC_2_PBS_LOCATE"
| *"", "_SC_2_PBS_MESSAGE"
| *"", "_SC_2_PBS_TRACK"
| *"", "_SC_2_SW_DEV"
| *"", "_SC_2_UPE"
| *"", "_SC_2_VERSION"
| *"", "_SC_AIO_MAX"
| *"", "_SC_ARG_MAX"
| *"", "_SC_ATEXIT_MAX"
| *"", "_SC_BARRIERS"
| *"", "_SC_BC_BASE_MAX"
| *"", "_SC_BC_DIM_MAX"
| *"", "_SC_BC_SCALE_MAX"
| *"", "_SC_BC_STRING_MAX"
| *"", "_SC_CHILD_MAX"
| *"", "_SC_CLK_TCK"
| *"", "_SC_CPUTIME"
| *"", "_SC_EXPR_NEST_MAX"
| *"", "_SC_FSYNC"
| *"", "_SC_HOST_NAME_MAX"
| *"", "_SC_IOV_MAX"
| *"", "_SC_IPV6"
| *"", "_SC_JOB_CONTROL"
| *"", "_SC_LINE_MAX"
| *"", "_SC_MEMLOCK"
| *"", "_SC_MQ_OPEN_MAX"
| *"", "_SC_MQ_PRIO_MAX"
| *"", "_SC_NGROUPS_MAX"
| *"", "_SC_OPEN_MAX"
| *"", "_SC_PAGE_SIZE"
| *"", "_SC_PAGESIZE"
| *"", "_SC_RAW_SOCKETS"
| *"", "_SC_RE_DUP_MAX"
| *"", "_SC_REGEXP"
| *"", "_SC_RTSIG_MAX"
| *"", "_SC_SAVED_IDS"
| *"", "_SC_SEM_NSEMS_MAX"
| *"", "_SC_SEM_VALUE_MAX"
| *"", "_SC_SHELL"
| *"", "_SC_SPAWN"
| *"", "_SC_SPIN_LOCKS"
| *"", "_SC_SS_REPL_MAX"
| *"", "_SC_STREAM_MAX"
| *"", "_SC_SYMLOOP_MAX"
| *"", "_SC_THREADS"
| *"", "_SC_TIMEOUTS"
| *"", "_SC_TIMER_MAX"
| *"", "_SC_TIMERS"
| *"", "_SC_TRACE"
| *"", "_SC_TRACE_LOG"
| *"", "_SC_TRACE_SYS_MAX"
| *"", "_SC_TTY_NAME_MAX"
| *"", "_SC_TZNAME_MAX"
| *"", "_SC_V6_ILP32_OFF32"
| *"", "_SC_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG"
| *"", "_SC_V6_LP64_OFF64"
| *"", "_SC_V6_LPBIG_OFFBIG"
| *"", "_SC_VERSION"
| *"", "_SC_XBS5_ILP32_OFF32"
| *"", "_SC_XBS5_ILP32_OFFBIG"
| *"", "_SC_XBS5_LP64_OFF64"
| *"", "_SC_XOPEN_CRYPT"
| *"", "_SC_XOPEN_ENH_I18N"
| *"", "_SC_XOPEN_SHM"
| *"", "_SC_XOPEN_UNIX"
| *"", "_SC_PHYS_PAGES"
| *"", "link"
| *"", "fdatasync"
| *"", "getdtablesize"
| *"", "getpagesize"
| *"", "optarg"
| *"", "opterr"
| *"", "optind"
| *"", "optopt"
| *"-----", "__INCLUDE_SEMAPHORE_H"
| *"", "SEM_PRIO_NONE"
| *"-----", "__INCLUDE_NUTTX_CLOCK_H"
| *"", "NSEC_PER_SEC"
| *"", "USEC_PER_SEC"
| *"", "MSEC_PER_SEC"
| *"", "DSEC_PER_SEC"
| *"", "HSEC_PER_SEC"
| *"", "NSEC_PER_HSEC"
| *"", "USEC_PER_HSEC"
| *"", "MSEC_PER_HSEC"
| *"", "DSEC_PER_HSEC"
| *"", "NSEC_PER_DSEC"
| *"", "USEC_PER_DSEC"
| *"", "MSEC_PER_DSEC"
| *"", "NSEC_PER_MSEC"
| *"", "USEC_PER_MSEC"
| *"", "NSEC_PER_USEC"
| *"", "SEC_PER_MIN"
| *"", "NSEC_PER_MIN"
| *"", "USEC_PER_MIN"
| *"", "MSEC_PER_MIN"
| *"", "DSEC_PER_MIN"
| *"", "HSEC_PER_MIN"
| *"", "MIN_PER_HOUR"
| *"", "NSEC_PER_HOUR"
| *"", "USEC_PER_HOUR"
| *"", "MSEC_PER_HOUR"
| *"", "DSEC_PER_HOUR"
| *"", "HSEC_PER_HOUR"
| *"", "SEC_PER_HOUR"
| *"", "HOURS_PER_DAY"
| *"", "SEC_PER_DAY"
| *"", "USEC_PER_TICK"
| *"", "TICK_PER_HOUR"
| *"", "TICK_PER_MIN"
| *"", "TICK_PER_SEC"
| *"", "TICK_PER_MSEC"
| *"", "TICK_PER_DSEC"
| *"", "TICK_PER_HSEC"
| *"", "MSEC_PER_TICK"
| *"", "NSEC_PER_TICK"
| *"", "NSEC2TICK"
| *"", "USEC2TICK"
| *"", "MSEC2TICK"
| *"", "DSEC2TICK"
| *"", "HSEC2TICK"
| *"", "SEC2TICK"
| *"", "TICK2NSEC"
| *"", "TICK2USEC"
| *"", "TICK2MSEC"
| *"", "TICK2DSEC"
| *"", "TICK2HSEC"
| *"", "TICK2SEC"
| *"", "clock_systime_ticks"
| *"", "_SEM_INIT"
| *"", "_SEM_DESTROY"
| *"", "_SEM_WAIT"
| *"", "_SEM_TRYWAIT"
| *"", "_SEM_GETVALUE"
| *"", "_SEM_POST"
| *"", "_SEM_ERRNO"
| *"", "_SEM_ERRVAL"
| *"", "nxsem_get_protocol"
| *"", "_NX_CLOSE"
| *"", "_NX_READ"
| *"", "_NX_WRITE"
| *"", "_NX_SEEK"
| *"", "_NX_STAT"
| *"", "_NX_GETERRNO"
| *"", "_NX_SETERRNO"
| *"", "_NX_GETERRVAL"
| *"", "__FS_FLAG_EOF"
| *"", "__FS_FLAG_ERROR"
| *"", "__FS_FLAG_LBF"
| *"", "__FS_FLAG_UBF"
| *"", "INODE_IS_TYPE"
| *"", "INODE_IS_SHM"
| *"", "INODE_IS_MTD"
| *"", "INODE_SET_SHM"
| *"", "INODE_SET_MTD"
| *"", "CH_STAT_MODE"
| *"", "CH_STAT_UID"
| *"", "CH_STAT_GID"
| *"", "CH_STAT_ATIME"
| *"", "CH_STAT_MTIME"
| *"", "FSNODE_SIZE"
| *"-----", "__INCLUDE_NUTTX_SCHED_H"
| *"-----", "__INCLUDE_QUEUE_H"
| *"", "sq_next"
| *"", "dq_next"
| *"", "dq_prev"
| *"", "sq_empty"
| *"", "dq_empty"
| *"", "sq_peek"
| *"", "dq_peek"
| *"", "sq_tail"
| *"", "dq_tail"
| *"-----", "__INCLUDE_SCHED_H"
| *"-----", "__INCLUDE_STRINGS_H"
| *"-----", "__INCLUDE_STRING_H"
| *"-----", "__STDDEF_H"
| *"", "__need_ptrdiff_t"
| *"", "__need_size_t"
| *"", "__need_wchar_t"
| *"", "__need_NULL"
| *"", "__need_STDDEF_H_misc"
| *"", "_PTRDIFF_T"
| *"", "_SIZE_T"
| *"", "_WCHAR_T"
| *"", "strcoll_l"
| *"", "strerror_l"
| *"", "strxfrm_l"
| *"", "bcmp"
| *"", "bcopy"
| *"", "bzero"
| *"", "strcasecmp_l"
| *"", "strncasecmp_l"
| *"", "SCHED_FIFO"
| *"", "SCHED_RR"
| *"", "SCHED_OTHER"
| *"", "SS_REPL_MAX"
| *"-----", "__INCLUDE_SIGNAL_H"
| *"-----", "__INCLUDE_PTHREAD_H"
| *"", "pthread_self"
| *"", "pthread_equal"
| *"", "MIN_SIGNO"
| *"", "MAX_SIGNO"
| *"", "GOOD_SIGNO"
| *"", "SIGNO2SET"
| *"", "SIGRTMIN"
| *"", "SIGRTMAX"
| *"", "SIGUSR1"
| *"", "SIGUSR2"
| *"", "SIGALRM"
| *"", "SIGSTOP"
| *"", "SIGTSTP"
| *"", "SIGCONT"
| *"", "SIGKILL"
| *"", "SIGINT"
| *"", "SIGQUIT"
| *"", "SIGTERM"
| *"", "SIGPIPE"
| *"", "SIGHUP"
| *"", "SIGTTIN"
| *"", "SIGWORK"
| *"", "SIG_BLOCK"
| *"", "SIG_UNBLOCK"
| *"", "SIG_SETMASK"
| *"", "SA_SIGINFO"
| *"", "SA_ONSTACK"
| *"", "SA_RESTART"
| *"", "SA_NODEFER"
| *"", "SI_USER"
| *"", "SI_QUEUE"
| *"", "SI_TIMER"
| *"", "SI_ASYNCIO"
| *"", "SI_MESGQ"
| *"", "CLD_EXITED"
| *"", "CLD_KILLED"
| *"", "CLD_DUMPED"
| *"", "CLD_TRAPPED"
| *"", "CLD_STOPPED"
| *"", "SIGEV_NONE"
| *"", "SIG_ERR"
| *"", "SIG_IGN"
| *"", "SIG_DFL"
| *"", "SIG_HOLD"
| *"-----", "__INCLUDE_NUTTX_IRQ_H"
| *"-----", "__ARCH_RISCV_INCLUDE_IRQ_H"
| *"", "__XSTR"
| *"-----", "__ARCH_RISCV_INCLUDE_CSR_H"
| *"", "CSR_USTATUS"
| *"", "CSR_UIE"
| *"", "CSR_UTVEC"
| *"", "CSR_UEPC"
| *"", "CSR_UCAUSE"
| *"", "CSR_UTVAL"
| *"", "CSR_UIP"
| *"", "CSR_FFLAGS"
| *"", "CSR_FRM"
| *"", "CSR_FCSR"
| *"", "CSR_CYCLE"
| *"", "CSR_TIME"
| *"", "CSR_INSTRET"
| *"", "CSR_HPCOUNTER10"
| *"", "CSR_HPCOUNTER11"
| *"", "CSR_HPCOUNTER12"
| *"", "CSR_HPCOUNTER13"
| *"", "CSR_HPCOUNTER14"
| *"", "CSR_HPCOUNTER15"
| *"", "CSR_HPCOUNTER16"
| *"", "CSR_HPCOUNTER17"
| *"", "CSR_HPCOUNTER18"
| *"", "CSR_HPCOUNTER19"
| *"", "CSR_HPCOUNTER20"
| *"", "CSR_HPCOUNTER21"
| *"", "CSR_HPCOUNTER22"
| *"", "CSR_HPCOUNTER24"
| *"", "CSR_HPCOUNTER25"
| *"", "CSR_HPCOUNTER26"
| *"", "CSR_HPCOUNTER27"
| *"", "CSR_HPCOUNTER28"
| *"", "CSR_HPCOUNTER29"
| *"", "CSR_HPCOUNTER30"
| *"", "CSR_HPCOUNTER31"
| *"", "CSR_CYCLEH"
| *"", "CSR_TIMEH"
| *"", "CSR_SSTATUS"
| *"", "CSR_SEDELEG"
| *"", "CSR_SIDELEG"
| *"", "CSR_SIE"
| *"", "CSR_STVEC"
| *"", "CSR_SEPC"
| *"", "CSR_SCAUSE"
| *"", "CSR_STVAL"
| *"", "CSR_SIP"
| *"", "CSR_SATP"
| *"", "CSR_MARCHID"
| *"", "CSR_MIMPID"
| *"", "CSR_MHARTID"
| *"", "CSR_MSTATUS"
| *"", "CSR_MISA"
| *"", "CSR_MEDELEG"
| *"", "CSR_MIDELEG"
| *"", "CSR_MIE"
| *"", "CSR_MTVEC"
| *"", "CSR_MEPC"
| *"", "CSR_MCAUSE"
| *"", "CSR_MTVAL"
| *"", "CSR_MIP"
| *"", "CSR_PMPCFG0"
| *"", "CSR_PMPCFG1"
| *"", "CSR_PMPCFG2"
| *"", "CSR_PMPCFG3"
| *"", "CSR_PMPADDR0"
| *"", "CSR_PMPADDR1"
| *"", "CSR_PMPADDR2"
| *"", "CSR_PMPADDR3"
| *"", "CSR_PMPADDR4"
| *"", "CSR_PMPADDR5"
| *"", "CSR_PMPADDR6"
| *"", "CSR_PMPADDR7"
| *"", "CSR_PMPADDR8"
| *"", "CSR_PMPADDR9"
| *"", "CSR_PMPADDR10"
| *"", "CSR_PMPADDR11"
| *"", "CSR_PMPADDR12"
| *"", "CSR_PMPADDR13"
| *"", "CSR_PMPADDR14"
| *"", "CSR_PMPADDR15"
| *"", "CSR_MCYCLE"
| *"", "CSR_MCYCLEH"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT3"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT4"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT5"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT6"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT7"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT8"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT9"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT10"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT11"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT12"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT13"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT14"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT15"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT16"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT17"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT18"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT19"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT20"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT21"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT22"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT23"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT24"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT25"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT26"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT27"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT28"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT29"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT30"
| *"", "CSR_MPHEVENT31"
| *"", "CSR_TSELECT"
| *"", "CSR_TDATA1"
| *"", "CSR_TDATA2"
| *"", "CSR_TDATA3"
| *"", "CSR_DCSR"
| *"", "CSR_DPC"
| *"", "MSTATUS_UIE"
| *"", "MSTATUS_SIE"
| *"", "MSTATUS_MIE"
| *"", "MSTATUS_FS"
| *"", "MSTATUS_SUM"
| *"", "MSTATUS_MXR"
| *"", "MSTATUS_TVM"
| *"", "MSTATUS_TW"
| *"", "MSTATUS_TSR"
| *"", "MIE_SSIE"
| *"", "MIE_MSIE"
| *"", "MIE_STIE"
| *"", "MIE_MTIE"
| *"", "MIE_SEIE"
| *"", "MIE_MEIE"
| *"", "MIP_SSIP"
| *"", "MIP_STIP"
| *"", "MIP_MTIP"
| *"", "MIP_SEIP"
| *"", "SSTATUS_SIE"
| *"", "SSTATUS_FS"
| *"", "SSTATUS_SUM"
| *"", "SSTATUS_MXR"
| *"", "SIE_SSIE"
| *"", "SIE_STIE"
| *"", "SIE_SEIE"
| *"", "SIP_SSIP"
| *"", "SIP_STIP"
| *"", "SIP_SEIP"
| *"", "PMPCFG_R"
| *"", "PMPCFG_W"
| *"", "PMPCFG_X"
| *"", "PMPCFG_A_OFF"
| *"", "PMPCFG_A_TOR"
| *"", "PMPCFG_A_NA4"
| *"", "PMPCFG_A_MASK"
| *"", "PMPCFG_L"
| *"-----", "__ARCH_RISCV_INCLUDE_BL602_IRQ_H"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_NUM_BASE"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_BMX_ERR"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_BMX_TO"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_L1C_BMX_ERR"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_L1C_BMX_TO"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_SEC_BMX_ERR"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_RF_TOP_INT0"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_RF_TOP_INT1"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_SDIO"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_DMA_BMX_ERR"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_SEC_GMAC"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_SEC_CDET"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_SEC_PKA"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_SEC_TRNG"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_SEC_AES"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_SEC_SHA"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_DMA_ALL"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_RESERVED0"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_RESERVED1"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_RESERVED2"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_IRTX_IRQn"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_IRRX_IRQn"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_RESERVED3"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_RESERVED4"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_SF_CTRL"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_RESERVED5"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_GPADC_DMA"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_EFUSE"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_SPI"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_RESERVED6"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_UART0"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_UART1"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_RESERVED7"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_I2C"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_RESERVED8"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_PWM"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_RESERVED9"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_TIMER_CH0"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_TIMER_CH1"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_TIMER_WDT"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_RESERVED10"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_RESERVED11"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_RESERVED12"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_RESERVED13"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_RESERVED14"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_GPIO_INT0"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_RESERVED16"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_RESERVED17"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_RESERVED18"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_RESERVED19"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_RESERVED20"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_PDS_WAKEUP"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_HBN_OUT0"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_HBN_OUT1"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_BOR"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_WIFI"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_BZ_PHY"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_BLE"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_MAC_TXRX_MISC"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_MAC_RX_TRG"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_MAC_TX_TRG"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_MAC_GEN"
| *"", "BL602_IRQ_MAC_PORT_TRG"
| *"", "NR_IRQS"
| *"", "STATUS_IE"
| *"", "STATUS_PIE"
| *"", "STATUS_PPP"
| *"", "STATUS_SUM"
| *"", "IE_EIE"
| *"", "IE_SIE"
| *"", "IE_TIE"
| *"", "RISCV_IRQ_EXT"
| *"", "RISCV_IRQ_BIT"
| *"", "REG_EPC_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X1_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X2_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X3_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X4_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X5_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X6_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X7_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X8_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X9_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X10_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X11_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X12_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X13_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X14_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X15_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X16_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X17_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X18_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X19_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X20_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X21_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X22_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X23_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X24_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X25_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X26_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X27_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X28_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X29_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X30_NDX"
| *"", "REG_X31_NDX"
| *"", "REG_INT_CTX_NDX"
| *"", "INT_XCPT_REGS"
| *"", "INT_REG_SIZE"
| *"", "INT_XCPT_SIZE"
| *"", "FPU_REG_SIZE"
| *"", "REG_F0_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F1_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F2_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F3_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F4_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F5_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F6_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F7_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F8_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F9_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F10_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F11_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F12_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F13_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F14_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F15_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F16_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F17_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F18_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F19_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F20_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F21_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F22_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F23_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F24_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F25_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F26_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F27_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F28_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F29_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F30_NDX"
| *"", "REG_F31_NDX"
| *"", "REG_FCSR_NDX"
| *"", "FPU_XCPT_REGS"
| *"", "REG_EPC"
| *"", "REG_X1"
| *"", "REG_X2"
| *"", "REG_X3"
| *"", "REG_X4"
| *"", "REG_X5"
| *"", "REG_X6"
| *"", "REG_X7"
| *"", "REG_X8"
| *"", "REG_X9"
| *"", "REG_X10"
| *"", "REG_X11"
| *"", "REG_X12"
| *"", "REG_X13"
| *"", "REG_X14"
| *"", "REG_X15"
| *"", "REG_X16"
| *"", "REG_X17"
| *"", "REG_X18"
| *"", "REG_X19"
| *"", "REG_X20"
| *"", "REG_X21"
| *"", "REG_X22"
| *"", "REG_X23"
| *"", "REG_X24"
| *"", "REG_X25"
| *"", "REG_X26"
| *"", "REG_X27"
| *"", "REG_X28"
| *"", "REG_X29"
| *"", "REG_X30"
| *"", "REG_X31"
| *"", "REG_INT_CTX"
| *"", "REG_F0"
| *"", "REG_F1"
| *"", "REG_F2"
| *"", "REG_F3"
| *"", "REG_F4"
| *"", "REG_F5"
| *"", "REG_F6"
| *"", "REG_F7"
| *"", "REG_F8"
| *"", "REG_F9"
| *"", "REG_F10"
| *"", "REG_F11"
| *"", "REG_F12"
| *"", "REG_F13"
| *"", "REG_F14"
| *"", "REG_F15"
| *"", "REG_F16"
| *"", "REG_F17"
| *"", "REG_F18"
| *"", "REG_F19"
| *"", "REG_F20"
| *"", "REG_F21"
| *"", "REG_F22"
| *"", "REG_F23"
| *"", "REG_F24"
| *"", "REG_F25"
| *"", "REG_F26"
| *"", "REG_F27"
| *"", "REG_F28"
| *"", "REG_F29"
| *"", "REG_F30"
| *"", "REG_F31"
| *"", "REG_FCSR"
| *"", "REG_RA"
| *"", "REG_SP"
| *"", "REG_GP"
| *"", "REG_TP"
| *"", "REG_T0"
| *"", "REG_T1"
| *"", "REG_T2"
| *"", "REG_S0"
| *"", "REG_FP"
| *"", "REG_S1"
| *"", "REG_A0"
| *"", "REG_A1"
| *"", "REG_A2"
| *"", "REG_A3"
| *"", "REG_A4"
| *"", "REG_A5"
| *"", "REG_A6"
| *"", "REG_A7"
| *"", "REG_S2"
| *"", "REG_S3"
| *"", "REG_S4"
| *"", "REG_S5"
| *"", "REG_S6"
| *"", "REG_S7"
| *"", "REG_S8"
| *"", "REG_S9"
| *"", "REG_S10"
| *"", "REG_S11"
| *"", "REG_T3"
| *"", "REG_T4"
| *"", "REG_T5"
| *"", "REG_T6"
| *"", "REG_FS0"
| *"", "REG_FS1"
| *"", "REG_FS2"
| *"", "REG_FS3"
| *"", "REG_FS4"
| *"", "REG_FS5"
| *"", "REG_FS6"
| *"", "REG_FS7"
| *"", "REG_FS8"
| *"", "REG_FS9"
| *"", "REG_FS10"
| *"", "REG_FS11"
| *"", "up_cpu_index"
| *"", "irq_detach"
| *"", "IRQT_MAX"
| *"", "irqchain_detach"
| *"", "enter_critical_section"
| *"", "leave_critical_section"
| *"-----", "__INCLUDE_NUTTX_WDOG_H"
| *"-----", "__INCLUDE_NUTTX_MM_SHM_H"
| *"-----", "__INCLUDE_NUTTX_MM_GRAN_H"
| *"-----", "__INCLUDE_NUTTX_NET_NET_H"
| *"", "_SCHED_ERRNO"
| *"", "_SCHED_ERRVAL"
| *"", "BUFSIZ"
| *"", "_IOFBF"
| *"", "_IOLBF"
| *"", "_IONBF"
| *"", "EOF"
| *"", "stdin"
| *"", "stdout"
| *"", "stderr"
| *"", "P_tmpdir"
| *"", "L_tmpnam"
| *"", "TMP_MAX"
| *"", "setlinebuf"
| *"-----", "__FIRMWARE_VERSION_H__"
| *"-----", "__GITHUB_VERSION_H__"
| *"-----", "__UTILITIES_H__"
| *"", "MIN"
| *"", "MAX"
| *"", "POW2"
| *"-----", "__REGIONCOMMON_H__"
| *"-----", "__LORAMAC_TYPES_H__"
| *"-----", "__TIMER_H__"
| *"-----", "__SX126x_BOARD_H__"
| *"-----", "_NIMBLE_NPL_H_"
| *"-----", "_NIMBLE_NPL_OS_H_"
| *"-----", "_NPL_OS_TYPES_H"
| *"-----", "__INCLUDE_MQUEUE_H"
| *"", "default_RNG_defined"
| *"-----", "__SX126x_H__"
| *"-----", "__RADIO_H__"
| *"", "SX1261"
| *"", "SX1262"
| *"", "CRC_IBM_SEED"
| *"", "REG_ANA_LNA"
| *"", "REG_ANA_MIXER"
| *"", "REG_RX_GAIN"
| *"", "REG_XTA_TRIM"
| *"", "REG_OCP"
| *"", "REG_RTC_CTRL"
| *"", "REG_EVT_CLR"
| *"-----", "__SYS_TIME_H__"
| *"", "TM_DAYS_IN_YEAR"
| *"", "TM_HOURS_IN_1DAY"
| *"", "TM_MONTH_MAY"
| *"", "TM_MONTH_JUNE"
| *"", "TM_MONTH_JULY"
| *"", "DR_0"
| *"", "DR_1"
| *"", "DR_2"
| *"", "DR_3"
| *"", "DR_4"
| *"", "DR_5"
| *"", "DR_6"
| *"", "DR_7"
| *"", "DR_8"
| *"", "DR_9"
| *"", "DR_10"
| *"", "DR_11"
| *"", "DR_12"
| *"", "DR_13"
| *"", "DR_14"
| *"", "DR_15"
| *"", "TX_POWER_0"
| *"", "TX_POWER_1"
| *"", "TX_POWER_2"
| *"", "TX_POWER_3"
| *"", "TX_POWER_4"
| *"", "TX_POWER_5"
| *"", "TX_POWER_6"
| *"", "TX_POWER_7"
| *"", "TX_POWER_8"
| *"", "TX_POWER_9"
| *"", "TX_POWER_10"
| *"", "TX_POWER_11"
| *"", "TX_POWER_12"
| *"", "TX_POWER_13"
| *"", "TX_POWER_14"
| *"", "TX_POWER_15"
| *"-----", "__LORAMAC_HEADER_TYPES_H__"
| *"-----", "__REGION_H__"
| *"-----", "__LORAMAC_H__"
| *"-----", "__REGIONNVM_H__"
| *"-----", "__LORAMAC_CRYPTO_NVM_H__"
| *"-----", "__SECURE_ELEMENT_NVM_H__"
| *"", "SOFT_SE"
| *"", "SE_KEY_SIZE"
| *"", "SE_EUI_SIZE"
| *"", "SE_PIN_SIZE"
| *"", "NUM_OF_KEYS"
| *"-----", "__LORAMACCLASSBNVM_H__"
| *"", "UP_LINK"
| *"", "DOWN_LINK"
| *"", "LC"
| *"-----", "__COMMISSIONING_H__"
| *"-----", "__SOFT_SE_IDENTITY_H__"
| *"-----", "__LORAMAC_HANDLER_H__"
| *"-----", "__LORAMAC_HANDLER_TYPES_H__"
| *"", "__LMHP_COMPLIANCE__"
| *"-----", "__LMH_PACKAGE_H__"
| *"-----", "__LMHP_CLOCK_SYNC_H__"
| *"-----", "__LMHP_REMOTE_MCAST_SETUP_H__"
| *"-----", "__LMHP_FRAGMENTATION_H__"
| *"-----", "__FRAG_DECODER_H__"
| *"", "FRAG_MAX_NB"
| *"", "FRAG_MAX_SIZE"
| *"-----", "__LMHANDLER_MSG_DISPLAY_H__"
| *"", "timespec"
| *"", "tm"
| *"", "itimerspec"
| *"", "sigval"
| *"", "pthread_attr_s"
| *"", "sigevent"
| *"", "sem_s"
| *"", "rmutex_s"
| *"", "pollfd"
| *"", "file_operations"
| *"", "geometry"
| *"", "block_operations"
| *"", "mtd_dev_s"
| *"", "stat"
| *"", "fs_dirent_s"
| *"", "statfs"
| *"", "mountpt_operations"
| *"", "inode_ops_u"
| *"", "inode"
| *"", "file"
| *"", "partition_info_s"
| *"", "filelist"
| *"", "file_struct"
| *"", "streamlist"
| *"", "join_s"
| *"", "task_info_s"
| *"", "sq_entry_s"
| *"", "sq_queue_s"
| *"", "task_group_s"
| *"", "entry_u"
| *"", "wdog_s"
| *"", "siginfo"
| *"", "mqueue_inode_s"
| *"", "xcptcontext"
| *"", "tcb_s"
| *"", "dq_entry_s"
| *"", "dq_queue_s"
| *"", "sched_param"
| *"", "pthread_condattr_s"
| *"", "pthread_cond_s"
| *"", "pthread_mutexattr_s"
| *"", "pthread_mutex_s"
| *"", "pthread_barrierattr_s"
| *"", "pthread_barrier_s"
| *"", "pthread_rwlock_s"
| *"", "tstate_e"
| *"", "stackinfo_s"
| *"", "task_tcb_s"
| *"", "pthread_tcb_s"
| *"", "va_format"
| *"", "LmnStatus_e"
| *"", "Version_s"
| *"", "Version_u"
| *"", "ble_npl_event"
| *"", "ble_npl_error"
| *"", "mq_attr"
| *"", "ble_npl_eventq"
| *"", "ble_npl_callout"
| *"", "ble_npl_mutex"
| *"", "ble_npl_sem"
| *"", "ble_npl_task"
| *"", "Radio_s"
| *"", "RadioStatus_u"
| *"", "IrqPblSyncHeaderCode_t"
| *"", "RadioCommands_e"
| *"", "SX126x_s"
| *"", "SysTime_s"
| *"", "DeviceClass_e"
| *"", "eFType"
| *"", "eFCntIdentifier"
| *"", "eKeyIdentifier"
| *"", "eAddressIdentifier"
| *"", "sMcRxParams"
| *"", "uMcKeys"
| *"", "sMcChannelParams"
| *"", "sMulticastCtx"
| *"", "eJoinReqIdentifier"
| *"", "eLoRaMacMoteCmd"
| *"", "eLoRaMacSrvCmd"
| *"", "sBand"
| *"", "sFields"
| *"", "uDrRange"
| *"", "sChannelParams"
| *"", "eLoRaMacFrameType"
| *"", "eLoRaMacBatteryLevel"
| *"", "sDLSettingsBits"
| *"", "uLoRaMacDLSettings"
| *"", "sMacHeaderBits"
| *"", "uLoRaMacHeader"
| *"", "sCtrlBits"
| *"", "uLoRaMacFrameCtrl"
| *"", "sLoRaMacFrameHeader"
| *"", "eRegionCN470ChannelPlan"
| *"", "sRegionNvmDataGroup1"
| *"", "sRegionNvmDataGroup2"
| *"", "sFCntList"
| *"", "sLoRaMacCryptoNvmData"
| *"", "sKey"
| *"", "sSecureElementNvCtx"
| *"", "sPingSlotCtrlNvm"
| *"", "sLoRaMacClassBPingSlotNvmData"
| *"", "sBeaconCtrlNvm"
| *"", "sLoRaMacClassBBeaconNvmData"
| *"", "sLoRaMacClassBNvmData"
| *"", "eActivationType"
| *"", "sRxChannelParams"
| *"", "eLoRaMacRxSlot"
| *"", "sLoRaMacParams"
| *"", "sInfoFields"
| *"", "uPingSlotInfo"
| *"", "sGwSpecific"
| *"", "sBeaconInfo"
| *"", "eLoRaMacEventInfoStatus"
| *"", "sMacFlagBits"
| *"", "eLoRaMacFlags_t"
| *"", "eLoRaMacRegion"
| *"", "sLoRaMacNvmDataGroup1"
| *"", "sLoRaMacNvmDataGroup2"
| *"", "sLoRaMacNvmData"
| *"", "eMcps"
| *"", "sRequestReturnParam"
| *"", "sMcpsReqUnconfirmed"
| *"", "sMcpsReqConfirmed"
| *"", "sMcpsReqProprietary"
| *"", "uMcpsParam"
| *"", "sMcpsReq"
| *"", "sMcpsConfirm"
| *"", "sMcpsIndication"
| *"", "eMlme"
| *"", "sMlmeReqJoin"
| *"", "sMlmeReqTxCw"
| *"", "sMlmeReqPingSlotInfo"
| *"", "sMlmeReqDeriveMcKEKey"
| *"", "sMlmeReqDeriveMcSessionKeyPair"
| *"", "uMlmeParam"
| *"", "sMlmeReq"
| *"", "sMlmeConfirm"
| *"", "sMlmeIndication"
| *"", "eMib"
| *"", "sLrWanVersion"
| *"", "uMibParam"
| *"", "eMibRequestConfirm"
| *"", "sLoRaMacTxInfo"
| *"", "eLoRaMacStatus"
| *"", "sLoRaMacPrimitives"
| *"", "sLoRaMacCallback"
| *"", "ePhyAttribute"
| *"", "eInitType"
| *"", "eChannelsMask"
| *"", "sBeaconFormat"
| *"", "uPhyParam"
| *"", "sGetPhyParams"
| *"", "sSetBandTxDoneParams"
| *"", "sInitDefaultsParams"
| *"", "sDatarateParams"
| *"", "uVerifyParams"
| *"", "sApplyCFListParams"
| *"", "sChanMaskSetParams"
| *"", "sRxConfigParams"
| *"", "sTxConfigParams"
| *"", "sLinkAdrReqParams"
| *"", "sRxParamSetupReqParams"
| *"", "sNewChannelReqParams"
| *"", "sTxParamSetupReqParams"
| *"", "sDlChannelReqParams"
| *"", "eAlternateDrType"
| *"", "sNextChanParams"
| *"", "sChannelAddParams"
| *"", "sChannelRemoveParams"
| *"", "sRxBeaconSetupParams"
| *"", "sRegionCommonLinkAdrParams"
| *"", "sRegionCommonLinkAdrReqVerifyParams"
| *"", "sRegionCommonRxBeaconSetupParams"
| *"", "sRegionCommonCountNbOfEnabledChannelsParams"
| *"", "sRegionCommonIdentifyChannelsParam"
| *"", "sRegionCommonSetDutyCycleParams"
| *"", "sRegionCommonGetNextLowerTxDrParams"
| *"", "CommissioningParams_s"
| *"", "LmHandlerAppData_s"
| *"", "LmHandlerRequestParams_s"
| *"", "LmHandlerJoinParams_s"
| *"", "LmHandlerTxParams_s"
| *"", "LmHandlerRxParams_s"
| *"", "LoRaMacHandlerBeaconParams_s"
| *"", "LmHandlerParams_s"
| *"", "LmHandlerCallbacks_s"
| *"", "LmhPackage_s"
| *"", "LmhpComplianceParams_s"
| *"", "sFragDecoderStatus"
| *"", "sFragDecoderCallbacks"
| *"", "LmhpFragmentationParams_s"
| *"ThisType: ", std.builtin.Type { .Struct = (struct std.builtin.Type.Struct constant)}
| *"ThisType.Struct.decls.len: ", 73
| *"ThisType.Struct.decls[0].name: ", "std"
| *"ThisType.Struct.decls[1].name: ", "c"
| *"ThisType.Struct.decls[2].name: ", "ACTIVE_REGION"
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