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Created January 15, 2016 07:03
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// Implemented based on the techniques described in
// the notes by Shai Simonson: 'Public Key Crpytography'
// (Page 9-10)
use std::f32;
// Index of Coincidence for English text
const IOC: f32 = 0.066332;
// Relative frequencies of English letter
// H. Beker and F. Piper, Cipher Systems, Wiley-Interscience, 1982.
const FREQS: [f32; 26] = [8.167, 1.492, 2.782, 4.253, 12.702, 2.228, 2.015, 6.094, 6.996, 0.153,
0.772, 4.025, 2.406, 6.749, 7.507, 1.929, 0.095, 5.987, 6.327, 9.056,
2.758, 0.978, 2.360, 0.150, 1.974, 0.074];
const MIN_SHIFT: usize = 3;
const MAX_SHIFT: usize = 10;
fn m(x: i8, y: i8) -> i8 {
((x % y) + y) % y
fn find_codeword_len(cipher_text: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
// Try all the lens from MIN to MAX
.map(|shift| (
// For each shift length, iterate over the cipher text
// And at the same time iterate with the same
// cipher text but shifted by `shift`
// Keep only the bytes which match in the cipher text
// and the shifted cipher text
.filter(|&(&x, &y)| x == y)
// Now count how many bytes matched
.count() as f32)
// Now, go over each shift and the corresponding number of matches
// to calculate the Index of Coincidence
.map(|(n, k)| (n, k as f32 / cipher_text.len() as f32))
// Next, calculate the distance from our reference value for English text
.map(|(n, k)| (n, (k - IOC).abs()))
// Finally, take the closest value
.fold((None, f32::INFINITY), |(n, k), (m, b)| {
if k < b {
(n, k)
} else {
(Some(m), b)
fn find_codeword(cipher_text: &[u8], len: usize) -> String {
let mut codeword = String::with_capacity(len);
// We group the cipher text into columns that share a key
let columns = (0..len).map(|skip| {
// Iterate over the cipher text
// Keeping track of the index
// Now keep the relevant ones
.filter(|&(i, _)| i % len == skip)
// We don't need the index anymore
.map(|(_, &x)| x)
// And let's put that all in a vector
// Now let's process each column in turn
for column in columns {
let mut best_shift = 0;
let mut best_norm = f32::INFINITY;
// Each column is essentially encoded as a caeser chipher so we try
// all 26 possibilities and compare the frequency distributions
for shift in 0..26 {
// Now let's find the # of occurrences of each letter
let mut freqs = [0.0f32; 26];
let len = column.iter()
// Take the ascii value, turn it 0-based, shift it and mod by 26
.map(|&x| m(x as i8 - b'A' as i8 - shift as i8, 26))
// Update our counts
.inspect(|x| freqs[*x as usize] += 1.)
// and finally just return the total which we use to normalize with
// Use the square difference to determine a measure of similarity
// to typical english text.
let norm: f32 = freqs.iter()
// first we normalize each count by the total
// and multiply by 100 so we match our reference data
.map(|&x| x / len as f32 * 100.)
// also iterate over the reference values for english text
// the square of the difference
.map(|(x, &y)| (x - y).powi(2))
// and finally sum it all up
.fold(0., |x, y| x + y);
// Update our values if we find anything better
if norm < best_norm {
best_norm = norm;
best_shift = shift;
// Update our codeword with our best guess
codeword.push((best_shift + b'A') as char);
fn main() {
let cipher_text = include_str!("cipher1.txt").trim();
println!("Cipher Text:\n{}\n", cipher_text);
if let Some(len) = find_codeword_len(cipher_text.as_ref()) {
println!("Probable Codeword Len: {}\n", len);
let codeword = find_codeword(cipher_text.as_ref(), len);
println!("Code word is probably: {}\n", codeword);
let decoded = cipher_text.bytes()
.map(|(x, y)| m(x as i8 - y as i8, 26))
.map(|x| (x as u8 + b'A') as char)
println!("Decoded Text:\n{}", decoded);
} else {
panic!("Unable to determine codeword len.");
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