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Created July 27, 2013 21:15
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; ModuleID = 'rust.rc'
target datalayout = "e-p:64:64:64-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-s0:64:64-f80:128:128-n8:16:32:64-S128"
target triple = "x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu"
%tydesc = type { i64, i64, void ({}*, i8*)*, void ({}*, i8*)*, void ({}*, i8*)*, void ({}*, i8*)* }
%enum.ValidUsage = type { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }
%enum.Action = type { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }
%str_slice = type { i8*, i64 }
%enum.UsageSource = type { i64, %str_slice, [0 x i8] }
%"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]" = type {}
%"enum.std::option::Option<~str>[#1]" = type { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* }
%"struct.std::path::PosixPath[#1]" = type { i8, { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* }
%"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]" = type { i32, %"enum.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Count[#1]", %"enum.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Count[#1]", %"enum.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Ty[#1]" }
%"enum.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Count[#1]" = type { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }
%"enum.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Ty[#1]" = type { i64 }
%struct.Command = type { %str_slice, %enum.Action, %str_slice, %enum.UsageSource }
%"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]" = type { i64, i64, {} }
%"enum.std::option::Option<Command>[#1]" = type { i64, [88 x i8] }
@_rust_crate_map_rust_0.8-pre_8d2fe0c0fe8188b = global { i32, i8*, i64, [8 x i64] } { i32 1, i8* bitcast (void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* @"_ZN8unstable4lang10annihilate16_82984335c95fdd514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE" to i8*), i64 ptrtoint ([1 x { i64, i64 }]* @_rust_mod_map to i64), [8 x i64] [i64 ptrtoint (i64* @_rust_crate_map_std_0.8-pre_6c65cf4b443341b1 to i64), i64 ptrtoint (i64* @_rust_crate_map_rustpkg_0.8-pre_38a86178bd95e7e1 to i64), i64 ptrtoint (i64* @_rust_crate_map_extra_0.8-pre_a7c050cfd46b2c9a to i64), i64 ptrtoint (i64* @_rust_crate_map_rustc_0.8-pre_d3cb8c2ccd84a7a7 to i64), i64 ptrtoint (i64* @_rust_crate_map_syntax_0.8-pre_64629f7f0c6a9bc to i64), i64 ptrtoint (i64* @_rust_crate_map_rustdoc_0.8-pre_6b49af4948607d84 to i64), i64 ptrtoint (i64* @_rust_crate_map_rusti_0.8-pre_53e0ef2ae196aaff to i64), i64 0] }
@"_ZN10ValidUsage5Valid7descrim17_80d11077bd3d8df614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE" = constant i64 0
@"_ZN10ValidUsage7Invalid7descrim17_80d11077bd3d8df614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE" = constant i64 1
@"_ZN6Action4Call7descrim17_80d11077bd3d8df614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE" = constant i64 0
@"_ZN6Action8CallMain7descrim17_80d11077bd3d8df614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE" = constant i64 1
@"_ZN11UsageSource6UsgStr7descrim17_80d11077bd3d8df614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE" = constant i64 0
@"_ZN11UsageSource7UsgCall7descrim17_80d11077bd3d8df614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE" = constant i64 1
@str10647 = internal constant [6 x i8] c"build\00"
@str10648 = internal constant [6 x i8] c"rustc\00"
@str10649 = internal constant [26 x i8] c"compile rust source files\00"
@str10651 = internal constant [4 x i8] c"run\00"
@str10653 = internal constant [32 x i8] c"build an executable, and run it\00"
@str10654 = internal constant [167 x i8] c"The run command is an shortcut for the command line \0A\22rustc <filename> -o <filestem>~ && ./<filestem>~ [<arguments>...]\22.\0A\0AUsage:\09rust run <filename> [<arguments>...]\00"
@str10655 = internal constant [5 x i8] c"test\00"
@str10656 = internal constant [36 x i8] c"build a test executable, and run it\00"
@str10657 = internal constant [149 x i8] c"The test command is an shortcut for the command line \0A\22rustc --test <filename> -o <filestem>test~ && ./<filestem>test~\22\0A\0AUsage:\09rust test <filename>\00"
@str10658 = internal constant [4 x i8] c"doc\00"
@str10659 = internal constant [8 x i8] c"rustdoc\00"
@str10660 = internal constant [41 x i8] c"generate documentation from doc comments\00"
@str10661 = internal constant [4 x i8] c"pkg\00"
@str10662 = internal constant [8 x i8] c"rustpkg\00"
@str10663 = internal constant [39 x i8] c"download, build, install rust packages\00"
@str10664 = internal constant [7 x i8] c"sketch\00"
@str10665 = internal constant [6 x i8] c"rusti\00"
@str10666 = internal constant [23 x i8] c"run a rust interpreter\00"
@str10667 = internal constant [14 x i8] c"\0AUsage:\09rusti\00"
@str10668 = internal constant [5 x i8] c"help\00"
@str10669 = internal constant [33 x i8] c"show detailed usage of a command\00"
@str10670 = internal constant [160 x i8] c"The help command displays the usage text of another command.\0AThe text is either build in, or provided by the corresponding program.\0A\0AUsage:\09rust help <command>\00"
@const = private constant { { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } } { { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } } { { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([6 x i8]* @str10647, i32 0, i32 0), i64 6 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] } { i64 1, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([6 x i8]* @str10648, i32 0, i32 0), i64 6 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* @"_ZN4main15_f3d16eaf7d573814_0$x2e8$x2dpreE", [0 x i8] undef }, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([26 x i8]* @str10649, i32 0, i32 0), i64 26 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } { i64 1, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* @"_ZN10rustc_help16_d7417fb5c428c7e14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE", [8 x i8] undef } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } { { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([4 x i8]* @str10651, i32 0, i32 0), i64 4 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] } { i64 0, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)* @"_ZN7cmd_run17_64cd22cf85a72bbc14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE", [16 x i8] undef }, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([32 x i8]* @str10653, i32 0, i32 0), i64 32 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } { i64 0, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([167 x i8]* @str10654, i32 0, i32 0), i64 167 }, [0 x i8] undef } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } { { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([5 x i8]* @str10655, i32 0, i32 0), i64 5 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] } { i64 0, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)* @"_ZN8cmd_test17_64cd22cf85a72bbc14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE", [16 x i8] undef }, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([36 x i8]* @str10656, i32 0, i32 0), i64 36 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } { i64 0, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([149 x i8]* @str10657, i32 0, i32 0), i64 149 }, [0 x i8] undef } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } } { { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([4 x i8]* @str10658, i32 0, i32 0), i64 4 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] } { i64 1, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i8]* @str10659, i32 0, i32 0), i64 8 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* @"_ZN4main16_923425a5c682dca14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE", [0 x i8] undef }, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([41 x i8]* @str10660, i32 0, i32 0), i64 41 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } { i64 1, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* @"_ZN6config5usage16_923425a5c682dca14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE", [8 x i8] undef } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } } { { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([4 x i8]* @str10661, i32 0, i32 0), i64 4 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] } { i64 1, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i8]* @str10662, i32 0, i32 0), i64 8 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* @"_ZN4main16_f7604413a6f2de214_0$x2e8$x2dpreE", [0 x i8] undef }, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([39 x i8]* @str10663, i32 0, i32 0), i64 39 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } { i64 1, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* @"_ZN5usage7general16_f7604413a6f2de214_0$x2e8$x2dpreE", [8 x i8] undef } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } { { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([7 x i8]* @str10664, i32 0, i32 0), i64 7 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] } { i64 1, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([6 x i8]* @str10665, i32 0, i32 0), i64 6 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* @"_ZN4main17_3a346db0adc4cf5114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE", [0 x i8] undef }, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([23 x i8]* @str10666, i32 0, i32 0), i64 23 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } { i64 0, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([14 x i8]* @str10667, i32 0, i32 0), i64 14 }, [0 x i8] undef } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } { { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([5 x i8]* @str10668, i32 0, i32 0), i64 5 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] } { i64 0, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)* @"_ZN8cmd_help17_64cd22cf85a72bbc14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE", [16 x i8] undef }, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([33 x i8]* @str10669, i32 0, i32 0), i64 33 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } { i64 0, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([160 x i8]* @str10670, i32 0, i32 0), i64 160 }, [0 x i8] undef } } }
@str10726 = internal constant [40 x i8] c"/scratch/laden/rust/src/librust/\00"
@str10809 = internal constant [27 x i8] c"vector size is too large: \00"
@str10820 = internal constant [38 x i8] c"/scratch/laden/rust/src/libstd/\00"
@str10873 = internal constant [19 x i8] c"assertion failed: \00"
@str10874 = internal constant [8 x i8] c"len > 0\00"
@str10875 = internal constant [38 x i8] c"/scratch/laden/rust/src/libstd/\00"
@str11019 = internal constant [5 x i8] c"The \00"
@str11020 = internal constant [30 x i8] c" command is an alias for the \00"
@str11021 = internal constant [10 x i8] c" program.\00"
@str11022 = internal constant [1 x i8] zeroinitializer
@str11023 = internal constant [2 x i8] c"\0A\00"
@str11026 = internal constant [20 x i8] c"option::unwrap None\00"
@str11027 = internal constant [41 x i8] c"/scratch/laden/rust/src/libstd/\00"
@str11042 = internal constant [6 x i8] c"test~\00"
@str11044 = internal constant [7 x i8] c"--test\00"
@str11051 = internal constant [3 x i8] c"-o\00"
@str11052 = internal constant [3 x i8] c"./\00"
@str11159 = internal constant [177 x i8] c"The rust tool is a convenience for managing rust source code.\0AIt acts as a shortcut for programs of the rust tool chain.\0A\0AUsage:\09rust <command> [arguments]\0A\0AThe commands are:\0A\0A\00"
@str11165 = internal constant [2 x i8] c" \00"
@str11166 = internal constant [5 x i8] c" \00"
@str11167 = internal constant [67 x i8] c"\0AUse \22rust help <command>\22 for more information about a command.\0A\0A\00"
@str11171 = internal constant [3 x i8] c"-v\00"
@str11172 = internal constant [10 x i8] c"--version\00"
@str11180 = internal constant [13 x i8] c"start <= end\00"
@_rust_crate_map_std_0.8-pre_6c65cf4b443341b1 = external global i64
@_rust_crate_map_rustpkg_0.8-pre_38a86178bd95e7e1 = external global i64
@_rust_crate_map_extra_0.8-pre_a7c050cfd46b2c9a = external global i64
@_rust_crate_map_rustc_0.8-pre_d3cb8c2ccd84a7a7 = external global i64
@_rust_crate_map_syntax_0.8-pre_64629f7f0c6a9bc = external global i64
@_rust_crate_map_rustdoc_0.8-pre_6b49af4948607d84 = external global i64
@_rust_crate_map_rusti_0.8-pre_53e0ef2ae196aaff = external global i64
@_rust_mod_map = internal global [1 x { i64, i64 }] zeroinitializer
@rust_abi_version = constant i64 1
@rust_metadata = internal global { [7415 x i8] } { [7415 x i8] c"rust\00\00\00\01\ED]\09x\1B\D5\9D\97\1D\E7\8Es\10\02\E1H+\E2\E0$\92\0F\DD\87IBB\92\16h\13\BA\04Bi0b43r\06\CB\92\A2\C3\B1e+\1C\91\9DK\E4 \E1\8A\08\09\81PJ[Ji\17J\E9\C1U\CAW\B6\1F\B0\D0\B2e{l\BB\ED\EE\B6\DD\B6\DB\83\DD\D2\D2\EE\FE\DEhf\9E\DE\8C,\C9\8Em\DCn\F3}?e\F4\E6\CD\FB\1F\EF\F7\FE\EF?o4\CF\0F\CF5\99\E6\F8\04GH\B4\F1\B6\90\E8\B3\FB|\C1\FB\E7\9Aj&\9F\C4\89/=\88\8F'\EF\C1G]X\8At\DE\8D\833\E4o\11\AEK<A\0E\E2\A9D\92\14/\90\8B\BB\C5x\82\14O\B5\B5\F8\9Acq\91\9Cq\C8gR)I 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@llvm.used = appending global [1 x i8*] [i8* getelementptr inbounds ({ [7415 x i8] }* @rust_metadata, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0)]
declare void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* nocapture, i8* nocapture, i64, i32, i1) #0
declare void @llvm.memmove.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* nocapture, i8* nocapture, i64, i32, i1) #0
declare void @llvm.memset.p0i8.i64(i8* nocapture, i8, i64, i32, i1) #0
declare i32 @upcall_rust_personality() #0
declare void @upcall_reset_stack_limit() #0
define void @"_ZN10ValidUsage10ValidUsage5Valid17_1e8f9dbf9d8188c814_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%enum.ValidUsage* nocapture, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture, i64) #1 {
"function top level":
%3 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.ValidUsage* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 0, i64* %3, align 8
%4 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.ValidUsage* %0, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %2, i64* %4, align 8
ret void
define void @"_ZN6Action6Action4Call17_9e9a747d18168a1e14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%enum.Action* nocapture, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*) #1 {
"function top level":
%3 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.Action* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 0, i64* %3, align 8
%4 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.Action* %0, i64 0, i32 1
store void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)* %2, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)** %4, align 8
ret void
define void @"_ZN6Action6Action8CallMain17_b2673849a278305b14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%enum.Action* nocapture, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture, %str_slice* nocapture, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*) #1 {
"function top level":
%4 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.Action* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %4, align 8
%5 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.Action* %0, i64 0, i32 1
%6 = bitcast %str_slice* %2 to i8*
%7 = bitcast void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)** %5 to i8*
tail call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %7, i8* %6, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
%8 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.Action* %0, i64 0, i32 2, i64 8
%9 = bitcast i8* %8 to void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)**
store void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* %3, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)** %9, align 8
ret void
define void @"_ZN11UsageSource11UsageSource6UsgStr17_4518e7c6172c203814_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%enum.UsageSource* nocapture, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture, %str_slice* nocapture) #1 {
"function top level":
%3 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.UsageSource* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 0, i64* %3, align 8
%4 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.UsageSource* %0, i64 0, i32 1
%5 = bitcast %str_slice* %2 to i8*
%6 = bitcast %str_slice* %4 to i8*
tail call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %6, i8* %5, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
ret void
define void @"_ZN11UsageSource11UsageSource7UsgCall17_f5952b30e8baf33714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%enum.UsageSource* nocapture, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*) #1 {
"function top level":
%3 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.UsageSource* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %3, align 8
%4 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.UsageSource* %0, i64 0, i32 1, i32 0
%.c = bitcast void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* %2 to i8*
store i8* %.c, i8** %4, align 8
ret void
declare void @"_ZN4main15_f3d16eaf7d573814_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)
define void @"_ZN10rustc_help16_d7417fb5c428c7e14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture) #2 {
"function top level":
%__adjust.i = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__arg = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%1 = call { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* @"_ZN2os4args16_707125f9258e1ff14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef)
%2 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %1, i64 0, i32 0
%3 = load i64* %2, align 8
%4 = icmp eq i64 %3, 0
br i1 %4, label %cond, label %next
next: ; preds = %"function top level"
%5 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %1, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%6 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %6)
%7 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %5, align 8
%8 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %7, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%9 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %7, i64 0, i32 0
%10 = load i64* %9, align 8
%11 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %8, i8** %11, align 8
%12 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %10, i64* %12, align 8
%13 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%14 = invoke fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_106778to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %13)
to label %"normal return1" unwind label %unwind
cond: ; preds = %"function top level"
invoke void @"_ZN8unstable4lang17fail_bounds_check17_7112ff25e39642a214_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([40 x i8]* @str10726, i64 0, i64 0), i64 121, i64 0, i64 0)
to label %"normal return" unwind label %unwind
"normal return": ; preds = %cond
unwind: ; preds = %next, %cond
%15 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%16 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %1, null
br i1 %16, label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_free_10937E.exit", label %cond.i
cond.i: ; preds = %unwind
%17 = load i64* %2, align 8
%18 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %1, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%19 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %18 to i8*
%20 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %19, i64 %17
%21 = bitcast i8* %20 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%22 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %18, %21
br i1 %22, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i"
iter_vec_loop_body.i.i: ; preds = %cond.i, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i"
%23 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %27, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i" ], [ %18, %cond.i ]
%24 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %23, align 8
%25 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %24, null
br i1 %25, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i", label %cond.i.i.i.i
cond.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i
%26 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %24 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %26)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i, %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i
%27 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %23, i64 1
%28 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %27, %21
br i1 %28, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i"
"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i", %cond.i
%29 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %1 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %29)
br label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_free_10937E.exit"
"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_free_10937E.exit": ; preds = %unwind, %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i"
resume { i8*, i32 } %15
"normal return1": ; preds = %next
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %6)
%30 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %1, null
br i1 %30, label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_free_10937E.exit10", label %cond.i5
cond.i5: ; preds = %"normal return1"
%31 = load i64* %2, align 8
%32 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %5 to i8*
%33 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %32, i64 %31
%34 = bitcast i8* %33 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%35 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %5, %34
br i1 %35, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i6, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i9"
iter_vec_loop_body.i.i6: ; preds = %cond.i5, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i8"
%36 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %40, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i8" ], [ %5, %cond.i5 ]
%37 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %36, align 8
%38 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %37, null
br i1 %38, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i8", label %cond.i.i.i.i7
cond.i.i.i.i7: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i6
%39 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %37 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %39)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i8"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i8": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i7, %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i6
%40 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %36, i64 1
%41 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %40, %34
br i1 %41, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i6, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i9"
"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i9": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i8", %cond.i5
%42 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %1 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %42)
br label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_free_10937E.exit10"
"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_free_10937E.exit10": ; preds = %"normal return1", %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i9"
%43 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %14, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%44 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %14, i64 0, i32 0
%45 = load i64* %44, align 8
%__adjust.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %43, i8** %__adjust.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust.sroa.1.8..idx15 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %45, i64* %__adjust.sroa.1.8..idx15, align 8
%46 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg to %str_slice*
invoke void @"_ZN5usage16_b6588a19758f49114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %46)
to label %"normal return2" unwind label %unwind3
"normal return2": ; preds = %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_free_10937E.exit10"
%47 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %14, null
br i1 %47, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit", label %cond.i11
cond.i11: ; preds = %"normal return2"
%48 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %14 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %48)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit": ; preds = %"normal return2", %cond.i11
ret void
unwind3: ; preds = %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_free_10937E.exit10"
%49 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%50 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %14, null
br i1 %50, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit13", label %cond.i12
cond.i12: ; preds = %unwind3
%51 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %14 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %51)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit13"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit13": ; preds = %unwind3, %cond.i12
resume { i8*, i32 } %49
define void @"_ZN7cmd_run17_64cd22cf85a72bbc14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%enum.ValidUsage* nocapture, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* nocapture) #2 {
"function top level":
%__trans_ret_slot.i = alloca {}, align 8
%ret.i62 = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*, align 8
%ret.i = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*, align 8
%__arg.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__arg2.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%3 = alloca %"enum.std::option::Option<~str>[#1]", align 8
%4 = alloca %"struct.std::path::PosixPath[#1]", align 8
%__arg = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__adjust2 = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__arg6 = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%5 = alloca [3 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*], align 8
%__adjust7 = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__adjust15 = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__arg20 = alloca { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }, align 8
%__arg22 = alloca { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }, align 8
%__adjust27 = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__arg33 = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__arg35 = alloca { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }, align 8
%.sub = getelementptr inbounds [3 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*]* %5, i64 0, i64 0
%6 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %2, i64 0, i32 1
%7 = load i64* %6, align 8
%8 = icmp sgt i64 %7, 7
br i1 %8, label %match_case, label %compare_vec_len_next
match_case: ; preds = %"function top level"
%9 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %2, i64 0, i32 0
%10 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %9, align 8
%11 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %10, i64 1
%12 = add i64 %7, -8
%13 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %10, align 8
%14 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %13, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%15 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %13, i64 0, i32 0
%16 = load i64* %15, align 8
%__adjust.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %14, i8** %__adjust.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust.sroa.1.8..idx145 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %16, i64* %__adjust.sroa.1.8..idx145, align 8
%17 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg to %str_slice*
call void @"_ZN4path9PosixPath17_7c6da4115ba3bd6514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%"struct.std::path::PosixPath[#1]"* %4, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %17)
%18 = bitcast %"struct.std::path::PosixPath[#1]"* %4 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
invoke void @"_ZN4path14__extensions__10meth_225818filestem17_b384379c13763c9b14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%"enum.std::option::Option<~str>[#1]"* %3, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %18)
to label %"normal return" unwind label %unwind
compare_vec_len_next: ; preds = %"function top level"
%19 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.ValidUsage* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %19, align 8
br label %join
"normal return": ; preds = %match_case
%20 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::path::PosixPath[#1]"* %4, i64 0, i32 1
%21 = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %20, align 8
%22 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %21, null
br i1 %22, label %_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11038E.exit, label %cond.i.i.i
cond.i.i.i: ; preds = %"normal return"
%23 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %21, i64 0, i32 0
%24 = load i64* %23, align 8
%25 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %21, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%26 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %25 to i8*
%27 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %26, i64 %24
%28 = bitcast i8* %27 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%29 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %25, %28
br i1 %29, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i.i"
iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %cond.i.i.i, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i.i"
%30 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %34, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i.i" ], [ %25, %cond.i.i.i ]
%31 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %30, align 8
%32 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %31, null
br i1 %32, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i.i", label %cond.i.i.i.i.i.i
cond.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i
%33 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %31 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %33)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i.i"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i.i": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i.i.i, %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i
%34 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %30, i64 1
%35 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %34, %28
br i1 %35, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i.i"
"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i.i": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i.i", %cond.i.i.i
%36 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %21 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %36)
br label %_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11038E.exit
_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11038E.exit: ; preds = %"normal return", %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i.i"
%37 = getelementptr inbounds %"enum.std::option::Option<~str>[#1]"* %3, i64 0, i32 0
%38 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %37, align 8
%39 = bitcast {}* %__trans_ret_slot.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 0, i8* %39)
%40 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %40)
%41 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg2.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %41)
%42 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %38, null
br i1 %42, label %match_else.i, label %"_ZN6option14__extensions__12unwrap_1102417_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
match_else.i: ; preds = %_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11038E.exit
%.sroa.010.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([20 x i8]* @str11026, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.010.0..idx.i, align 8
%.sroa.111.8..idx12.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 20, i64* %.sroa.111.8..idx12.i, align 8
%.sroa.07.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg2.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([41 x i8]* @str11027, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.07.0..idx.i, align 8
%.sroa.18.8..idx9.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg2.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 41, i64* %.sroa.18.8..idx9.i, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN3sys14__extensions__10meth_127919fail_with16_db4c44d01ce411614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({}* %__trans_ret_slot.i, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %__arg.i, %str_slice* %__arg2.i, i64 320)
to label %"normal return.i" unwind label %"_ZN34std..option..Option$LT$$UP$str$GT$15_5f00cd69e4f07515glue_drop_11032E.exit4.i"
"normal return.i": ; preds = %match_else.i
"_ZN34std..option..Option$LT$$UP$str$GT$15_5f00cd69e4f07515glue_drop_11032E.exit4.i": ; preds = %match_else.i
%43 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
resume { i8*, i32 } %43
"_ZN6option14__extensions__12unwrap_1102417_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit": ; preds = %_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11038E.exit
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 0, i8* %39)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %40)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %41)
%44 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %38, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%45 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %38, i64 0, i32 0
%46 = load i64* %45, align 8
%47 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust2, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %44, i8** %47, align 8
%48 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust2, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %46, i64* %48, align 8
%49 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust2 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%50 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 8, i8* %50)
%51 = invoke fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_106778to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %49)
to label %.noexc unwind label %unwind4
.noexc: ; preds = %"_ZN6option14__extensions__12unwrap_1102417_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %51, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
%52 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%53 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %51, i64 0, i32 0
%54 = load i64* %53, align 8
%55 = lshr i64 %54, 1
%56 = or i64 %55, %54
%57 = lshr i64 %56, 2
%58 = or i64 %57, %56
%59 = lshr i64 %58, 4
%60 = or i64 %59, %58
%61 = lshr i64 %60, 8
%62 = or i64 %61, %60
%63 = lshr i64 %62, 16
%64 = or i64 %63, %62
%65 = lshr i64 %64, 32
%66 = or i64 %65, %64
%67 = add i64 %66, 1
invoke fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__13reserve_1076916_7da913789de211514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %52, i64 %67)
to label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit" unwind label %unwind.i40
unwind.i40: ; preds = %.noexc
%68 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%69 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
%70 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %69, null
br i1 %70, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit49", label %cond.i.i2.i
cond.i.i2.i: ; preds = %unwind.i40
%71 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %69 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %71)
to label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit49" unwind label %unwind4
unwind: ; preds = %match_case
%72 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%73 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::path::PosixPath[#1]"* %4, i64 0, i32 1
%74 = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %73, align 8
%75 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %74, null
br i1 %75, label %_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11038E.exit47, label %cond.i.i.i42
cond.i.i.i42: ; preds = %unwind
%76 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %74, i64 0, i32 0
%77 = load i64* %76, align 8
%78 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %74, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%79 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %78 to i8*
%80 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %79, i64 %77
%81 = bitcast i8* %80 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%82 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %78, %81
br i1 %82, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i43, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i.i46"
iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i43: ; preds = %cond.i.i.i42, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i.i45"
%83 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %87, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i.i45" ], [ %78, %cond.i.i.i42 ]
%84 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %83, align 8
%85 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %84, null
br i1 %85, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i.i45", label %cond.i.i.i.i.i.i44
cond.i.i.i.i.i.i44: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i43
%86 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %84 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %86)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i.i45"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i.i45": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i.i.i44, %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i43
%87 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %83, i64 1
%88 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %87, %81
br i1 %88, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i43, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i.i46"
"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i.i46": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i.i45", %cond.i.i.i42
%89 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %74 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %89)
br label %_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11038E.exit47
_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11038E.exit47: ; preds = %unwind, %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i.i46"
resume { i8*, i32 } %72
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit": ; preds = %.noexc
%90 = add i64 %54, -1
%91 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
%92 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %91, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%93 = ptrtoint i8* %92 to i64
%94 = add i64 %90, %93
%95 = inttoptr i64 %94 to i8*
store i8 126, i8* %95, align 1
%96 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
%97 = add i64 %54, 1
%98 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %96, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 %97, i64* %98, align 8
%99 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %96, i64 1
%100 = ptrtoint { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %99 to i64
%101 = add i64 %100, %54
%102 = inttoptr i64 %101 to i8*
store i8 0, i8* %102, align 1
%103 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 8, i8* %50)
%104 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %38 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %104)
%.sroa.093.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg6, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([6 x i8]* @str10648, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.093.0..idx, align 8
%.sroa.194.8..idx95 = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg6, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 6, i64* %.sroa.194.8..idx95, align 8
%105 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %10, align 8
%106 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %105, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%107 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %105, i64 0, i32 0
%108 = load i64* %107, align 8
%109 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust7, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %106, i8** %109, align 8
%110 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust7, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %108, i64* %110, align 8
%111 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust7 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%112 = invoke fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_106778to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %111)
to label %"normal return8" unwind label %unwind9
unwind4: ; preds = %cond.i.i2.i, %"_ZN6option14__extensions__12unwrap_1102417_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
%113 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit49"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit49": ; preds = %unwind.i40, %cond.i.i2.i, %unwind4
%eh.lpad-body = phi { i8*, i32 } [ %113, %unwind4 ], [ %68, %cond.i.i2.i ], [ %68, %unwind.i40 ]
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%114 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %38 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %114)
resume { i8*, i32 } %eh.lpad-body
"normal return8": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit"
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %112, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %.sub, align 8
%115 = getelementptr inbounds [3 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*]* %5, i64 0, i64 1
%116 = invoke { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @str11051, i64 0, i64 0), i64 2)
to label %"normal return12" unwind label %unwind13
unwind9: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit"
%117 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract110 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %117, 0
%.fca.1.extract112 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %117, 1
br label %cleanup10
cleanup10: ; preds = %cond.i.i52, %cleanup14, %unwind24, %unwind9
%.sroa.0139.0 = phi i8* [ %.fca.0.extract128, %unwind24 ], [ %.fca.0.extract110, %unwind9 ], [ %.sroa.0139.2, %cleanup14 ], [ %.sroa.0139.2, %cond.i.i52 ]
%.sroa.1142.0 = phi i32 [ %.fca.1.extract130, %unwind24 ], [ %.fca.1.extract112, %unwind9 ], [ %.sroa.1142.2, %cleanup14 ], [ %.sroa.1142.2, %cond.i.i52 ]
%118 = getelementptr inbounds [3 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*]* %5, i64 1, i64 0
br label %iter_vec_loop_body.i
iter_vec_loop_body.i: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i", %cleanup10
%119 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %.sub, %cleanup10 ], [ %123, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i" ]
%120 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %119, align 8
%121 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %120, null
br i1 %121, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i", label %cond.i.i.i51
cond.i.i.i51: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i
%122 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %120 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %122)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i51, %iter_vec_loop_body.i
%123 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %119, i64 1
%124 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %123, %118
br i1 %124, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i, label %cleanup11
cleanup11: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i", %cond.i81, %unwind37, %cond.i.i77, %unwind30.body, %unwind26
%.sroa.0139.1 = phi i8* [ %.fca.0.extract132, %unwind26 ], [ %eh.lpad-body73.fca.0.extract, %unwind30.body ], [ %eh.lpad-body73.fca.0.extract, %cond.i.i77 ], [ %.fca.0.extract136, %unwind37 ], [ %.fca.0.extract136, %cond.i81 ], [ %.sroa.0139.0, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i" ]
%.sroa.1142.1 = phi i32 [ %.fca.1.extract134, %unwind26 ], [ %eh.lpad-body73.fca.1.extract, %unwind30.body ], [ %eh.lpad-body73.fca.1.extract, %cond.i.i77 ], [ %.fca.1.extract138, %unwind37 ], [ %.fca.1.extract138, %cond.i81 ], [ %.sroa.1142.0, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i" ]
%125 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %103, null
br i1 %125, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit", label %cond.i.i
cond.i.i: ; preds = %cleanup11
%126 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %103 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %126)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit": ; preds = %cleanup11, %cond.i.i
%.fca.0.insert115 = insertvalue { i8*, i32 } undef, i8* %.sroa.0139.1, 0
%.fca.1.insert118 = insertvalue { i8*, i32 } %.fca.0.insert115, i32 %.sroa.1142.1, 1
resume { i8*, i32 } %.fca.1.insert118
"normal return12": ; preds = %"normal return8"
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %116, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %115, align 8
%127 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %103, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%128 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %103, i64 0, i32 0
%129 = load i64* %128, align 8
%130 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust15, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %127, i8** %130, align 8
%131 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust15, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %129, i64* %131, align 8
%132 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust15 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%133 = invoke fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_106778to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %132)
to label %"normal return16" unwind label %unwind17
unwind13: ; preds = %"normal return8"
%134 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract120 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %134, 0
%.fca.1.extract122 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %134, 1
br label %cleanup14
cleanup14: ; preds = %cond.i.i54, %unwind17, %unwind13
%.sroa.0139.2 = phi i8* [ %.fca.0.extract120, %unwind13 ], [ %.fca.0.extract124, %unwind17 ], [ %.fca.0.extract124, %cond.i.i54 ]
%.sroa.1142.2 = phi i32 [ %.fca.1.extract122, %unwind13 ], [ %.fca.1.extract126, %unwind17 ], [ %.fca.1.extract126, %cond.i.i54 ]
%135 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %.sub, align 8
%136 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %135, null
br i1 %136, label %cleanup10, label %cond.i.i52
cond.i.i52: ; preds = %cleanup14
%137 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %135 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %137)
br label %cleanup10
"normal return16": ; preds = %"normal return12"
%138 = getelementptr inbounds [3 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*]* %5, i64 0, i64 2
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %133, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %138, align 8
%__adjust19.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg20, i64 0, i32 0
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %.sub, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %__adjust19.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust19.sroa.1.8..idx92 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg20, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 24, i64* %__adjust19.sroa.1.8..idx92, align 8
%__adjust21.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %__arg22, i64 0, i32 0
store void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* @"_ZN4main15_f3d16eaf7d573814_0$x2e8$x2dpreE", void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)** %__adjust21.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust21.sroa.1.8..idx91 = getelementptr inbounds { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %__arg22, i64 0, i32 1
store { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* null, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }** %__adjust21.sroa.1.8..idx91, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN6invoke15_dc2cf633faae8514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %__arg6, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg20, { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %__arg22)
to label %"normal return23" unwind label %unwind24
unwind17: ; preds = %"normal return12"
%139 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract124 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %139, 0
%.fca.1.extract126 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %139, 1
%140 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %115, align 8
%141 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %140, null
br i1 %141, label %cleanup14, label %cond.i.i54
cond.i.i54: ; preds = %unwind17
%142 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %140 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %142)
br label %cleanup14
"normal return23": ; preds = %"normal return16"
%143 = getelementptr inbounds [3 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*]* %5, i64 1, i64 0
br label %iter_vec_loop_body.i56
iter_vec_loop_body.i56: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i58", %"normal return23"
%144 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %.sub, %"normal return23" ], [ %148, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i58" ]
%145 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %144, align 8
%146 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %145, null
br i1 %146, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i58", label %cond.i.i.i57
cond.i.i.i57: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i56
%147 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %145 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %147)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i58"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i58": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i57, %iter_vec_loop_body.i56
%148 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %144, i64 1
%149 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %148, %143
br i1 %149, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i56, label %"_ZN43_$x5bmut$x20$UP$str$C$$x20$x2e$x2e$x203$x5d17_532afdfc68fa17fa15glue_drop_11064E.exit59"
"_ZN43_$x5bmut$x20$UP$str$C$$x20$x2e$x2e$x203$x5d17_532afdfc68fa17fa15glue_drop_11064E.exit59": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i58"
%150 = invoke { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @str11052, i64 0, i64 0), i64 2)
to label %"normal return25" unwind label %unwind26
unwind24: ; preds = %"normal return16"
%151 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract128 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %151, 0
%.fca.1.extract130 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %151, 1
br label %cleanup10
"normal return25": ; preds = %"_ZN43_$x5bmut$x20$UP$str$C$$x20$x2e$x2e$x203$x5d17_532afdfc68fa17fa15glue_drop_11064E.exit59"
%152 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %150, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%153 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %150, i64 0, i32 0
%154 = load i64* %153, align 8
%155 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust27, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %152, i8** %155, align 8
%156 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust27, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %154, i64* %156, align 8
%157 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust27 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%158 = load i64* %128, align 8
%159 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i62 to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 8, i8* %159)
%160 = invoke fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_106778to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %157)
to label %.noexc71 unwind label %unwind30
.noexc71: ; preds = %"normal return25"
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %160, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i62, align 8
%161 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i62 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%162 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %160, i64 0, i32 0
%163 = load i64* %162, align 8
%164 = add i64 %163, -1
%165 = add i64 %158, -1
%166 = add i64 %164, %165
%167 = lshr i64 %166, 1
%168 = or i64 %167, %166
%169 = lshr i64 %168, 2
%170 = or i64 %169, %168
%171 = lshr i64 %170, 4
%172 = or i64 %171, %170
%173 = lshr i64 %172, 8
%174 = or i64 %173, %172
%175 = lshr i64 %174, 16
%176 = or i64 %175, %174
%177 = lshr i64 %176, 32
%178 = or i64 %177, %176
%179 = add i64 %178, 1
invoke fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__13reserve_1076916_7da913789de211514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %161, i64 %179)
to label %"normal return29" unwind label %unwind.i68
unwind.i68: ; preds = %.noexc71
%180 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%181 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i62, align 8
%182 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %181, null
br i1 %182, label %unwind30.body, label %cond.i.i2.i69
cond.i.i2.i69: ; preds = %unwind.i68
%183 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %181 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %183)
to label %unwind30.body unwind label %unwind30
unwind26: ; preds = %"_ZN43_$x5bmut$x20$UP$str$C$$x20$x2e$x2e$x203$x5d17_532afdfc68fa17fa15glue_drop_11064E.exit59"
%184 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract132 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %184, 0
%.fca.1.extract134 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %184, 1
br label %cleanup11
"normal return29": ; preds = %.noexc71
%185 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i62, align 8
%186 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %185, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%187 = ptrtoint i8* %186 to i64
%188 = add i64 %187, %164
%189 = inttoptr i64 %188 to i8*
call void @llvm.memmove.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %189, i8* %127, i64 %165, i32 1, i1 false)
%190 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i62, align 8
%191 = add i64 %163, %165
%192 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %190, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 %191, i64* %192, align 8
%193 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %190, i64 1
%194 = ptrtoint { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %193 to i64
%195 = add i64 %194, %166
%196 = inttoptr i64 %195 to i8*
store i8 0, i8* %196, align 1
%197 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i62, align 8
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 8, i8* %159)
%198 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %150, null
br i1 %198, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit76", label %cond.i.i75
cond.i.i75: ; preds = %"normal return29"
%199 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %150 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %199)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit76"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit76": ; preds = %"normal return29", %cond.i.i75
%200 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %197, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%201 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %197, i64 0, i32 0
%202 = load i64* %201, align 8
%__adjust32.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg33, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %200, i8** %__adjust32.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust32.sroa.1.8..idx87 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg33, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %202, i64* %__adjust32.sroa.1.8..idx87, align 8
%203 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg33 to %str_slice*
%__adjust34.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg35, i64 0, i32 0
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %11, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %__adjust34.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust34.sroa.1.8..idx86 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg35, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %12, i64* %__adjust34.sroa.1.8..idx86, align 8
%204 = invoke i64 @"_ZN3run14process_status17_414f913ecacd531b14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %203, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg35)
to label %"normal return36" unwind label %unwind37
unwind30: ; preds = %cond.i.i2.i69, %"normal return25"
%205 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind30.body
unwind30.body: ; preds = %unwind.i68, %cond.i.i2.i69, %unwind30
%eh.lpad-body73 = phi { i8*, i32 } [ %205, %unwind30 ], [ %180, %cond.i.i2.i69 ], [ %180, %unwind.i68 ]
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%eh.lpad-body73.fca.0.extract = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %eh.lpad-body73, 0
%eh.lpad-body73.fca.1.extract = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %eh.lpad-body73, 1
%206 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %150, null
br i1 %206, label %cleanup11, label %cond.i.i77
cond.i.i77: ; preds = %unwind30.body
%207 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %150 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %207)
br label %cleanup11
"normal return36": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit76"
%208 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %197, null
br i1 %208, label %"normal return39", label %cond.i79
cond.i79: ; preds = %"normal return36"
%209 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %197 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %209)
br label %"normal return39"
unwind37: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit76"
%210 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract136 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %210, 0
%.fca.1.extract138 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %210, 1
%211 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %197, null
br i1 %211, label %cleanup11, label %cond.i81
cond.i81: ; preds = %unwind37
%212 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %197 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %212)
br label %cleanup11
"normal return39": ; preds = %cond.i79, %"normal return36"
%213 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.ValidUsage* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 0, i64* %213, align 8
%214 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.ValidUsage* %0, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %204, i64* %214, align 8
%215 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %103, null
br i1 %215, label %join, label %cond.i.i83
cond.i.i83: ; preds = %"normal return39"
%216 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %103 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %216)
br label %join
join: ; preds = %cond.i.i83, %"normal return39", %compare_vec_len_next
ret void
define void @"_ZN8cmd_test17_64cd22cf85a72bbc14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%enum.ValidUsage* nocapture, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* nocapture) #2 {
"function top level":
%__trans_ret_slot.i = alloca {}, align 8
%ret.i69 = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*, align 8
%ret.i = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*, align 8
%__arg.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__arg2.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%3 = alloca %"enum.std::option::Option<~str>[#1]", align 8
%4 = alloca %"struct.std::path::PosixPath[#1]", align 8
%__arg = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__adjust2 = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__arg6 = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%5 = alloca [4 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*], align 8
%__adjust11 = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__adjust18 = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__arg23 = alloca { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }, align 8
%__arg25 = alloca { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }, align 8
%__adjust30 = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__arg36 = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__arg38 = alloca { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }, align 8
%.sub = getelementptr inbounds [4 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*]* %5, i64 0, i64 0
%6 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %2, i64 0, i32 1
%7 = load i64* %6, align 8 = add i64 %7, -8
%8 = icmp ult i64, 8
br i1 %8, label %match_case, label %compare_vec_len_next
match_case: ; preds = %"function top level"
%9 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %2, i64 0, i32 0
%10 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %9, align 8
%11 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %10, align 8
%12 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %11, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%13 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %11, i64 0, i32 0
%14 = load i64* %13, align 8
%__adjust.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %12, i8** %__adjust.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust.sroa.1.8..idx156 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %14, i64* %__adjust.sroa.1.8..idx156, align 8
%15 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg to %str_slice*
call void @"_ZN4path9PosixPath17_7c6da4115ba3bd6514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%"struct.std::path::PosixPath[#1]"* %4, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %15)
%16 = bitcast %"struct.std::path::PosixPath[#1]"* %4 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
invoke void @"_ZN4path14__extensions__10meth_225818filestem17_b384379c13763c9b14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%"enum.std::option::Option<~str>[#1]"* %3, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %16)
to label %"normal return" unwind label %unwind
compare_vec_len_next: ; preds = %"function top level"
%17 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.ValidUsage* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %17, align 8
br label %join
"normal return": ; preds = %match_case
%18 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::path::PosixPath[#1]"* %4, i64 0, i32 1
%19 = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %18, align 8
%20 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %19, null
br i1 %20, label %_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11038E.exit, label %cond.i.i.i
cond.i.i.i: ; preds = %"normal return"
%21 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %19, i64 0, i32 0
%22 = load i64* %21, align 8
%23 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %19, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%24 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %23 to i8*
%25 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %24, i64 %22
%26 = bitcast i8* %25 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%27 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %23, %26
br i1 %27, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i.i"
iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %cond.i.i.i, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i.i"
%28 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %32, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i.i" ], [ %23, %cond.i.i.i ]
%29 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %28, align 8
%30 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %29, null
br i1 %30, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i.i", label %cond.i.i.i.i.i.i
cond.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i
%31 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %29 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %31)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i.i"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i.i": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i.i.i, %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i
%32 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %28, i64 1
%33 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %32, %26
br i1 %33, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i.i"
"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i.i": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i.i", %cond.i.i.i
%34 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %19 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %34)
br label %_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11038E.exit
_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11038E.exit: ; preds = %"normal return", %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i.i"
%35 = getelementptr inbounds %"enum.std::option::Option<~str>[#1]"* %3, i64 0, i32 0
%36 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %35, align 8
%37 = bitcast {}* %__trans_ret_slot.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 0, i8* %37)
%38 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %38)
%39 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg2.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %39)
%40 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %36, null
br i1 %40, label %match_else.i, label %"_ZN6option14__extensions__12unwrap_1102417_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
match_else.i: ; preds = %_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11038E.exit
%.sroa.010.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([20 x i8]* @str11026, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.010.0..idx.i, align 8
%.sroa.111.8..idx12.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 20, i64* %.sroa.111.8..idx12.i, align 8
%.sroa.07.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg2.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([41 x i8]* @str11027, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.07.0..idx.i, align 8
%.sroa.18.8..idx9.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg2.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 41, i64* %.sroa.18.8..idx9.i, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN3sys14__extensions__10meth_127919fail_with16_db4c44d01ce411614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({}* %__trans_ret_slot.i, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %__arg.i, %str_slice* %__arg2.i, i64 320)
to label %"normal return.i" unwind label %"_ZN34std..option..Option$LT$$UP$str$GT$15_5f00cd69e4f07515glue_drop_11032E.exit4.i"
"normal return.i": ; preds = %match_else.i
"_ZN34std..option..Option$LT$$UP$str$GT$15_5f00cd69e4f07515glue_drop_11032E.exit4.i": ; preds = %match_else.i
%41 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
resume { i8*, i32 } %41
"_ZN6option14__extensions__12unwrap_1102417_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit": ; preds = %_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11038E.exit
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 0, i8* %37)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %38)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %39)
%42 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %36, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%43 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %36, i64 0, i32 0
%44 = load i64* %43, align 8
%45 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust2, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %42, i8** %45, align 8
%46 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust2, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %44, i64* %46, align 8
%47 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust2 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%48 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 8, i8* %48)
%49 = invoke fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_106778to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %47)
to label %.noexc unwind label %unwind4
.noexc: ; preds = %"_ZN6option14__extensions__12unwrap_1102417_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %49, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
%50 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%51 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %49, i64 0, i32 0
%52 = load i64* %51, align 8
%53 = add i64 %52, 4
%54 = lshr i64 %53, 1
%55 = or i64 %54, %53
%56 = lshr i64 %55, 2
%57 = or i64 %56, %55
%58 = lshr i64 %57, 4
%59 = or i64 %58, %57
%60 = lshr i64 %59, 8
%61 = or i64 %60, %59
%62 = lshr i64 %61, 16
%63 = or i64 %62, %61
%64 = lshr i64 %63, 32
%65 = or i64 %64, %63
%66 = add i64 %65, 1
invoke fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__13reserve_1076916_7da913789de211514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %50, i64 %66)
to label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit" unwind label %unwind.i43
unwind.i43: ; preds = %.noexc
%67 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%68 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
%69 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %68, null
br i1 %69, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit53", label %cond.i.i2.i
cond.i.i2.i: ; preds = %unwind.i43
%70 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %68 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %70)
to label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit53" unwind label %unwind4
unwind: ; preds = %match_case
%71 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%72 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::path::PosixPath[#1]"* %4, i64 0, i32 1
%73 = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %72, align 8
%74 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %73, null
br i1 %74, label %_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11038E.exit50, label %cond.i.i.i45
cond.i.i.i45: ; preds = %unwind
%75 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %73, i64 0, i32 0
%76 = load i64* %75, align 8
%77 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %73, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%78 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %77 to i8*
%79 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %78, i64 %76
%80 = bitcast i8* %79 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%81 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %77, %80
br i1 %81, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i46, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i.i49"
iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i46: ; preds = %cond.i.i.i45, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i.i48"
%82 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %86, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i.i48" ], [ %77, %cond.i.i.i45 ]
%83 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %82, align 8
%84 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %83, null
br i1 %84, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i.i48", label %cond.i.i.i.i.i.i47
cond.i.i.i.i.i.i47: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i46
%85 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %83 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %85)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i.i48"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i.i48": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i.i.i47, %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i46
%86 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %82, i64 1
%87 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %86, %80
br i1 %87, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i46, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i.i49"
"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i.i49": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i.i48", %cond.i.i.i45
%88 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %73 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %88)
br label %_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11038E.exit50
_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11038E.exit50: ; preds = %unwind, %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i.i49"
resume { i8*, i32 } %71
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit": ; preds = %.noexc
%89 = add i64 %52, -1
%90 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
%91 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %90, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%92 = ptrtoint i8* %91 to i64
%93 = add i64 %89, %92
%94 = inttoptr i64 %93 to i8*
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %94, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([6 x i8]* @str11042, i64 0, i64 0), i64 5, i32 1, i1 false)
%95 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
%96 = add i64 %52, 5
%97 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %95, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 %96, i64* %97, align 8
%98 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %95, i64 1
%99 = ptrtoint { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %98 to i64
%100 = add i64 %99, %53
%101 = inttoptr i64 %100 to i8*
store i8 0, i8* %101, align 1
%102 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 8, i8* %48)
%103 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %36 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %103)
%.sroa.0100.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg6, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([6 x i8]* @str10648, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.0100.0..idx, align 8
%.sroa.1101.8..idx102 = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg6, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 6, i64* %.sroa.1101.8..idx102, align 8
%104 = invoke { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([7 x i8]* @str11044, i64 0, i64 0), i64 6)
to label %"normal return7" unwind label %unwind8
unwind4: ; preds = %cond.i.i2.i, %"_ZN6option14__extensions__12unwrap_1102417_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
%105 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit53"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit53": ; preds = %unwind.i43, %cond.i.i2.i, %unwind4
%eh.lpad-body = phi { i8*, i32 } [ %105, %unwind4 ], [ %67, %cond.i.i2.i ], [ %67, %unwind.i43 ]
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%106 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %36 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %106)
resume { i8*, i32 } %eh.lpad-body
"normal return7": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit"
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %104, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %.sub, align 8
%107 = getelementptr inbounds [4 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*]* %5, i64 0, i64 1
%108 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %10, align 8
%109 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %108, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%110 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %108, i64 0, i32 0
%111 = load i64* %110, align 8
%112 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust11, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %109, i8** %112, align 8
%113 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust11, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %111, i64* %113, align 8
%114 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust11 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%115 = invoke fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_106778to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %114)
to label %"normal return12" unwind label %unwind13
unwind8: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit"
%116 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract117 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %116, 0
%.fca.1.extract119 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %116, 1
br label %cleanup9
cleanup9: ; preds = %cond.i.i57, %cleanup14, %unwind27, %unwind8
%.sroa.0150.0 = phi i8* [ %.fca.0.extract139, %unwind27 ], [ %.fca.0.extract117, %unwind8 ], [ %.sroa.0150.2, %cleanup14 ], [ %.sroa.0150.2, %cond.i.i57 ]
%.sroa.1153.0 = phi i32 [ %.fca.1.extract141, %unwind27 ], [ %.fca.1.extract119, %unwind8 ], [ %.sroa.1153.2, %cleanup14 ], [ %.sroa.1153.2, %cond.i.i57 ]
%117 = getelementptr inbounds [4 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*]* %5, i64 1, i64 0
br label %iter_vec_loop_body.i
iter_vec_loop_body.i: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i", %cleanup9
%118 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %.sub, %cleanup9 ], [ %122, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i" ]
%119 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %118, align 8
%120 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %119, null
br i1 %120, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i", label %cond.i.i.i54
cond.i.i.i54: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i
%121 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %119 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %121)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i54, %iter_vec_loop_body.i
%122 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %118, i64 1
%123 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %122, %117
br i1 %123, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i, label %cleanup10
cleanup10: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i", %cond.i88, %unwind40, %cond.i.i84, %unwind33.body, %unwind29
%.sroa.0150.1 = phi i8* [ %.fca.0.extract143, %unwind29 ], [ %eh.lpad-body80.fca.0.extract, %unwind33.body ], [ %eh.lpad-body80.fca.0.extract, %cond.i.i84 ], [ %.fca.0.extract147, %unwind40 ], [ %.fca.0.extract147, %cond.i88 ], [ %.sroa.0150.0, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i" ]
%.sroa.1153.1 = phi i32 [ %.fca.1.extract145, %unwind29 ], [ %eh.lpad-body80.fca.1.extract, %unwind33.body ], [ %eh.lpad-body80.fca.1.extract, %cond.i.i84 ], [ %.fca.1.extract149, %unwind40 ], [ %.fca.1.extract149, %cond.i88 ], [ %.sroa.1153.0, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i" ]
%124 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %102, null
br i1 %124, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit", label %cond.i.i
cond.i.i: ; preds = %cleanup10
%125 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %102 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %125)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit": ; preds = %cleanup10, %cond.i.i
%.fca.0.insert122 = insertvalue { i8*, i32 } undef, i8* %.sroa.0150.1, 0
%.fca.1.insert125 = insertvalue { i8*, i32 } %.fca.0.insert122, i32 %.sroa.1153.1, 1
resume { i8*, i32 } %.fca.1.insert125
"normal return12": ; preds = %"normal return7"
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %115, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %107, align 8
%126 = getelementptr inbounds [4 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*]* %5, i64 0, i64 2
%127 = invoke { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @str11051, i64 0, i64 0), i64 2)
to label %"normal return15" unwind label %unwind16
unwind13: ; preds = %"normal return7"
%128 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract127 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %128, 0
%.fca.1.extract129 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %128, 1
br label %cleanup14
cleanup14: ; preds = %cond.i.i59, %cleanup17, %unwind13
%.sroa.0150.2 = phi i8* [ %.fca.0.extract127, %unwind13 ], [ %.sroa.0150.3, %cleanup17 ], [ %.sroa.0150.3, %cond.i.i59 ]
%.sroa.1153.2 = phi i32 [ %.fca.1.extract129, %unwind13 ], [ %.sroa.1153.3, %cleanup17 ], [ %.sroa.1153.3, %cond.i.i59 ]
%129 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %.sub, align 8
%130 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %129, null
br i1 %130, label %cleanup9, label %cond.i.i57
cond.i.i57: ; preds = %cleanup14
%131 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %129 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %131)
br label %cleanup9
"normal return15": ; preds = %"normal return12"
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %127, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %126, align 8
%132 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %102, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%133 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %102, i64 0, i32 0
%134 = load i64* %133, align 8
%135 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust18, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %132, i8** %135, align 8
%136 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust18, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %134, i64* %136, align 8
%137 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust18 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%138 = invoke fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_106778to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %137)
to label %"normal return19" unwind label %unwind20
unwind16: ; preds = %"normal return12"
%139 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract131 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %139, 0
%.fca.1.extract133 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %139, 1
br label %cleanup17
cleanup17: ; preds = %cond.i.i61, %unwind20, %unwind16
%.sroa.0150.3 = phi i8* [ %.fca.0.extract131, %unwind16 ], [ %.fca.0.extract135, %unwind20 ], [ %.fca.0.extract135, %cond.i.i61 ]
%.sroa.1153.3 = phi i32 [ %.fca.1.extract133, %unwind16 ], [ %.fca.1.extract137, %unwind20 ], [ %.fca.1.extract137, %cond.i.i61 ]
%140 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %107, align 8
%141 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %140, null
br i1 %141, label %cleanup14, label %cond.i.i59
cond.i.i59: ; preds = %cleanup17
%142 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %140 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %142)
br label %cleanup14
"normal return19": ; preds = %"normal return15"
%143 = getelementptr inbounds [4 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*]* %5, i64 0, i64 3
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %138, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %143, align 8
%__adjust22.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg23, i64 0, i32 0
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %.sub, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %__adjust22.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust22.sroa.1.8..idx99 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg23, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 32, i64* %__adjust22.sroa.1.8..idx99, align 8
%__adjust24.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %__arg25, i64 0, i32 0
store void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* @"_ZN4main15_f3d16eaf7d573814_0$x2e8$x2dpreE", void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)** %__adjust24.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust24.sroa.1.8..idx98 = getelementptr inbounds { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %__arg25, i64 0, i32 1
store { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* null, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }** %__adjust24.sroa.1.8..idx98, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN6invoke15_dc2cf633faae8514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %__arg6, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg23, { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %__arg25)
to label %"normal return26" unwind label %unwind27
unwind20: ; preds = %"normal return15"
%144 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract135 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %144, 0
%.fca.1.extract137 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %144, 1
%145 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %126, align 8
%146 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %145, null
br i1 %146, label %cleanup17, label %cond.i.i61
cond.i.i61: ; preds = %unwind20
%147 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %145 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %147)
br label %cleanup17
"normal return26": ; preds = %"normal return19"
%148 = getelementptr inbounds [4 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*]* %5, i64 1, i64 0
br label %iter_vec_loop_body.i63
iter_vec_loop_body.i63: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i65", %"normal return26"
%149 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %.sub, %"normal return26" ], [ %153, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i65" ]
%150 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %149, align 8
%151 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %150, null
br i1 %151, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i65", label %cond.i.i.i64
cond.i.i.i64: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i63
%152 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %150 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %152)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i65"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i65": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i64, %iter_vec_loop_body.i63
%153 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %149, i64 1
%154 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %153, %148
br i1 %154, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i63, label %"_ZN43_$x5bmut$x20$UP$str$C$$x20$x2e$x2e$x204$x5d17_543417d9d832208515glue_drop_11049E.exit66"
"_ZN43_$x5bmut$x20$UP$str$C$$x20$x2e$x2e$x204$x5d17_543417d9d832208515glue_drop_11049E.exit66": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i65"
%155 = invoke { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @str11052, i64 0, i64 0), i64 2)
to label %"normal return28" unwind label %unwind29
unwind27: ; preds = %"normal return19"
%156 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract139 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %156, 0
%.fca.1.extract141 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %156, 1
br label %cleanup9
"normal return28": ; preds = %"_ZN43_$x5bmut$x20$UP$str$C$$x20$x2e$x2e$x204$x5d17_543417d9d832208515glue_drop_11049E.exit66"
%157 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %155, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%158 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %155, i64 0, i32 0
%159 = load i64* %158, align 8
%160 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust30, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %157, i8** %160, align 8
%161 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust30, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %159, i64* %161, align 8
%162 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust30 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%163 = load i64* %133, align 8
%164 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i69 to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 8, i8* %164)
%165 = invoke fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_106778to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %162)
to label %.noexc78 unwind label %unwind33
.noexc78: ; preds = %"normal return28"
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %165, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i69, align 8
%166 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i69 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%167 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %165, i64 0, i32 0
%168 = load i64* %167, align 8
%169 = add i64 %168, -1
%170 = add i64 %163, -1
%171 = add i64 %169, %170
%172 = lshr i64 %171, 1
%173 = or i64 %172, %171
%174 = lshr i64 %173, 2
%175 = or i64 %174, %173
%176 = lshr i64 %175, 4
%177 = or i64 %176, %175
%178 = lshr i64 %177, 8
%179 = or i64 %178, %177
%180 = lshr i64 %179, 16
%181 = or i64 %180, %179
%182 = lshr i64 %181, 32
%183 = or i64 %182, %181
%184 = add i64 %183, 1
invoke fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__13reserve_1076916_7da913789de211514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %166, i64 %184)
to label %"normal return32" unwind label %unwind.i75
unwind.i75: ; preds = %.noexc78
%185 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%186 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i69, align 8
%187 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %186, null
br i1 %187, label %unwind33.body, label %cond.i.i2.i76
cond.i.i2.i76: ; preds = %unwind.i75
%188 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %186 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %188)
to label %unwind33.body unwind label %unwind33
unwind29: ; preds = %"_ZN43_$x5bmut$x20$UP$str$C$$x20$x2e$x2e$x204$x5d17_543417d9d832208515glue_drop_11049E.exit66"
%189 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract143 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %189, 0
%.fca.1.extract145 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %189, 1
br label %cleanup10
"normal return32": ; preds = %.noexc78
%190 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i69, align 8
%191 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %190, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%192 = ptrtoint i8* %191 to i64
%193 = add i64 %192, %169
%194 = inttoptr i64 %193 to i8*
call void @llvm.memmove.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %194, i8* %132, i64 %170, i32 1, i1 false)
%195 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i69, align 8
%196 = add i64 %168, %170
%197 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %195, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 %196, i64* %197, align 8
%198 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %195, i64 1
%199 = ptrtoint { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %198 to i64
%200 = add i64 %199, %171
%201 = inttoptr i64 %200 to i8*
store i8 0, i8* %201, align 1
%202 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i69, align 8
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 8, i8* %164)
%203 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %155, null
br i1 %203, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit83", label %cond.i.i82
cond.i.i82: ; preds = %"normal return32"
%204 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %155 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %204)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit83"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit83": ; preds = %"normal return32", %cond.i.i82
%205 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %202, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%206 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %202, i64 0, i32 0
%207 = load i64* %206, align 8
%__adjust35.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg36, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %205, i8** %__adjust35.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust35.sroa.1.8..idx94 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg36, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %207, i64* %__adjust35.sroa.1.8..idx94, align 8
%208 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg36 to %str_slice*
%209 = bitcast {}* %__trans_ret_slot.i to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%__adjust37.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg38, i64 0, i32 0
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %209, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %__adjust37.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust37.sroa.1.8..idx93 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg38, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 0, i64* %__adjust37.sroa.1.8..idx93, align 8
%210 = invoke i64 @"_ZN3run14process_status17_414f913ecacd531b14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %208, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg38)
to label %"normal return39" unwind label %unwind40
unwind33: ; preds = %cond.i.i2.i76, %"normal return28"
%211 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind33.body
unwind33.body: ; preds = %unwind.i75, %cond.i.i2.i76, %unwind33
%eh.lpad-body80 = phi { i8*, i32 } [ %211, %unwind33 ], [ %185, %cond.i.i2.i76 ], [ %185, %unwind.i75 ]
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%eh.lpad-body80.fca.0.extract = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %eh.lpad-body80, 0
%eh.lpad-body80.fca.1.extract = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %eh.lpad-body80, 1
%212 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %155, null
br i1 %212, label %cleanup10, label %cond.i.i84
cond.i.i84: ; preds = %unwind33.body
%213 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %155 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %213)
br label %cleanup10
"normal return39": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit83"
%214 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %202, null
br i1 %214, label %"normal return42", label %cond.i86
cond.i86: ; preds = %"normal return39"
%215 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %202 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %215)
br label %"normal return42"
unwind40: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit83"
%216 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract147 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %216, 0
%.fca.1.extract149 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %216, 1
%217 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %202, null
br i1 %217, label %cleanup10, label %cond.i88
cond.i88: ; preds = %unwind40
%218 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %202 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %218)
br label %cleanup10
"normal return42": ; preds = %cond.i86, %"normal return39"
%219 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.ValidUsage* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 0, i64* %219, align 8
%220 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.ValidUsage* %0, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %210, i64* %220, align 8
%221 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %102, null
br i1 %221, label %join, label %cond.i.i90
cond.i.i90: ; preds = %"normal return42"
%222 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %102 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %222)
br label %join
join: ; preds = %cond.i.i90, %"normal return42", %compare_vec_len_next
ret void
declare void @"_ZN4main16_923425a5c682dca14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)
declare void @"_ZN6config5usage16_923425a5c682dca14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)
declare void @"_ZN4main16_f7604413a6f2de214_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)
declare void @"_ZN5usage7general16_f7604413a6f2de214_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)
declare void @"_ZN4main17_3a346db0adc4cf5114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)
define void @"_ZN8cmd_help17_64cd22cf85a72bbc14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%enum.ValidUsage* nocapture, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* nocapture) #2 {
"function top level":
%.sroa.1.sroa.0.i = alloca [16 x i8], align 8
%command.sroa.0.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%command.sroa.2.i = alloca [40 x i8], align 8
%prog.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__fmtbuf.i = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*, align 8
%__arg9.i = alloca %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]", align 8
%__arg10.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__arg14.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__arg16.i = alloca %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]", align 8
%__arg17.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__arg19.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__arg22.i = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__fmtbuf32.i = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*, align 8
%__arg34.i = alloca %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]", align 8
%__arg35.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__arg39.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__arg42.i = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__adjust.i = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%3 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %2, i64 0, i32 1
%4 = load i64* %3, align 8 = add i64 %4, -8
%5 = icmp ult i64, 8
br i1 %5, label %match_case, label %compare_vec_len_next
match_case: ; preds = %"function top level"
%6 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %2, i64 0, i32 0
%7 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %6, align 8
%8 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %8)
%9 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %7, align 8
%10 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %9, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%11 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %9, i64 0, i32 0
%12 = load i64* %11, align 8
%13 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %10, i8** %13, align 8
%14 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %12, i64* %14, align 8
%15 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%16 = call fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_106778to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %15)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %8)
%.sroa.1.sroa.0.i.0.idx = getelementptr inbounds [16 x i8]* %.sroa.1.sroa.0.i, i64 0, i64 0
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %.sroa.1.sroa.0.i.0.idx)
%command.sroa.0.i.0.cast = bitcast %str_slice* %command.sroa.0.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %command.sroa.0.i.0.cast)
%command.sroa.2.i.0.idx30 = getelementptr inbounds [40 x i8]* %command.sroa.2.i, i64 0, i64 0
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 40, i8* %command.sroa.2.i.0.idx30)
%prog.i.0.cast = bitcast %str_slice* %prog.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %prog.i.0.cast)
%17 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 8, i8* %17)
%18 = bitcast %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg9.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 48, i8* %18)
%19 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg10.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %19)
%20 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg14.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %20)
%21 = bitcast %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg16.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 48, i8* %21)
%22 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg17.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %22)
%23 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg19.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %23)
%24 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg22.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %24)
%25 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf32.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 8, i8* %25)
%26 = bitcast %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg34.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 48, i8* %26)
%27 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg35.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %27)
%28 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg39.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %28)
%29 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg42.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %29)
%30 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %16, i64 0, i32 0
%31 = load i64* %30, align 8
br i1 icmp eq (%"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* bitcast ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*), %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* inttoptr (i64 add (i64 ptrtoint ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to i64), i64 616) to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*)), label %match_else.i, label %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1101017_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i.preheader.i"
"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1101017_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i.preheader.i": ; preds = %match_case
%32 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %16, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%33 = bitcast i8* %32 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%34 = add i64 %31, -1
br label %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1101017_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i.i"
"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1101017_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i.i": ; preds = %"`loop`.i.i.backedge.i.i", %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1101017_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i.preheader.i"
%.sroa.08.091.i.i = phi i64 [ %35, %"`loop`.i.i.backedge.i.i" ], [ ptrtoint ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to i64), %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1101017_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i.preheader.i" ]
%35 = add i64 %.sroa.08.091.i.i, 88
%36 = inttoptr i64 %.sroa.08.091.i.i to %struct.Command*
%__arg1.i.sroa.1.8..idx43.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Command* %36, i64 0, i32 0, i32 1
%__arg1.i.sroa.1.8.copyload.i.i = load i64* %__arg1.i.sroa.1.8..idx43.i.i, align 8
%37 = icmp eq i64 %__arg1.i.sroa.1.8.copyload.i.i, %31
br i1 %37, label %_ZN3str8eq_slice4anon4anon13expr_fn_11014E.exit.i.i, label %"`loop`.i.i.backedge.i.i"
"`loop`.i.i.backedge.i.i": ; preds = %.noexc.i, %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1101017_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i.i"
%38 = inttoptr i64 %35 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%39 = icmp eq %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %38, inttoptr (i64 add (i64 ptrtoint ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to i64), i64 616) to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*)
%40 = icmp eq i64 %35, 0
%or.cond.i.i = or i1 %39, %40
br i1 %or.cond.i.i, label %match_else.i, label %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1101017_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i.i"
_ZN3str8eq_slice4anon4anon13expr_fn_11014E.exit.i.i: ; preds = %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1101017_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i.i"
%__arg1.i.sroa.0.0..idx.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Command* %36, i64 0, i32 0, i32 0
%__arg1.i.sroa.0.0.copyload.i.i = load i8** %__arg1.i.sroa.0.0..idx.i.i, align 8
%41 = bitcast i8* %__arg1.i.sroa.0.0.copyload.i.i to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%42 = invoke i32 @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956string6memcmp17_c0e5887b4130711314_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %41, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %33, i64 %34)
to label %.noexc.i unwind label %unwind.loopexit.i
.noexc.i: ; preds = %_ZN3str8eq_slice4anon4anon13expr_fn_11014E.exit.i.i
%43 = icmp eq i32 %42, 0
br i1 %43, label %match_case.i, label %"`loop`.i.i.backedge.i.i"
unwind.loopexit.i: ; preds = %_ZN3str8eq_slice4anon4anon13expr_fn_11014E.exit.i.i
%lpad.loopexit.i = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind.i
unwind.nonloopexit.i: ; preds = %match_case31.i, %match_else30.i, %match_case7.i
%lpad.nonloopexit.i = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind.i
unwind.i: ; preds = %unwind.nonloopexit.i, %unwind.loopexit.i
%lpad.phi.i = phi { i8*, i32 } [ %lpad.loopexit.i, %unwind.loopexit.i ], [ %lpad.nonloopexit.i, %unwind.nonloopexit.i ]
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract.i = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %lpad.phi.i, 0
%.fca.1.extract.i = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %lpad.phi.i, 1
br label %cleanup.i
cleanup.i: ; preds = %cond.i18.i, %unwind44.i, %cond.i.i12.i, %unwind37.i, %cond.i8.i, %unwind24.i, %cond.i.i4.i, %unwind12.i, %unwind.i
%.sroa.085.0.i = phi i8* [ %.fca.0.extract.i, %unwind.i ], [ %.fca.0.extract70.i, %unwind12.i ], [ %.fca.0.extract70.i, %cond.i.i4.i ], [ %.fca.0.extract74.i, %unwind24.i ], [ %.fca.0.extract74.i, %cond.i8.i ], [ %.fca.0.extract78.i, %unwind37.i ], [ %.fca.0.extract78.i, %cond.i.i12.i ], [ %.fca.0.extract82.i, %unwind44.i ], [ %.fca.0.extract82.i, %cond.i18.i ]
%.sroa.186.0.i = phi i32 [ %.fca.1.extract.i, %unwind.i ], [ %.fca.1.extract72.i, %unwind12.i ], [ %.fca.1.extract72.i, %cond.i.i4.i ], [ %.fca.1.extract76.i, %unwind24.i ], [ %.fca.1.extract76.i, %cond.i8.i ], [ %.fca.1.extract80.i, %unwind37.i ], [ %.fca.1.extract80.i, %cond.i.i12.i ], [ %.fca.1.extract84.i, %unwind44.i ], [ %.fca.1.extract84.i, %cond.i18.i ]
%44 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %16, null
br i1 %44, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i", label %cond.i.i.i
cond.i.i.i: ; preds = %cleanup.i
%45 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %16 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %45)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i, %cleanup.i
%.fca.0.insert.i = insertvalue { i8*, i32 } undef, i8* %.sroa.085.0.i, 0
%.fca.1.insert.i = insertvalue { i8*, i32 } %.fca.0.insert.i, i32 %.sroa.186.0.i, 1
resume { i8*, i32 } %.fca.1.insert.i
match_else.i: ; preds = %"`loop`.i.i.backedge.i.i", %match_case
%46 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.ValidUsage* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %46, align 8
br label %join49.i
match_case.i: ; preds = %.noexc.i
%47 = inttoptr i64 %.sroa.08.091.i.i to i8*
%__arg.i.i.i.sroa.1.16..idx = getelementptr inbounds i8* %47, i64 16
%__arg.i.i.i.sroa.1.16..cast = bitcast i8* %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.1.16..idx to i64*
%__arg.i.i.i.sroa.1.16.copyload = load i64* %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.1.16..cast, align 8
%__arg.i.i.i.sroa.2.24..raw_idx = getelementptr inbounds i8* %47, i64 24
%__arg.i.i.i.sroa.3.64..idx = getelementptr inbounds i8* %47, i64 64
%__arg.i.i.i.sroa.3.64..cast = bitcast i8* %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.3.64..idx to i64*
%__arg.i.i.i.sroa.3.64.copyload = load i64* %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.3.64..cast, align 8
%__arg.i.i.i.sroa.4.72..idx = getelementptr inbounds i8* %47, i64 72
%__arg.i.i.i.sroa.4.72..cast = bitcast i8* %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.4.72..idx to void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)**
%__arg.i.i.i.sroa.4.72.copyload = load void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)** %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.4.72..cast, align 8
%__arg.i.i.i.sroa.5.80..idx = getelementptr inbounds i8* %47, i64 80
%__arg.i.i.i.sroa.5.80..cast = bitcast i8* %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.5.80..idx to i64*
%__arg.i.i.i.sroa.5.80.copyload = load i64* %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.5.80..cast, align 8
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %.sroa.1.sroa.0.i.0.idx, i8* %47, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
call void @llvm.memmove.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %command.sroa.2.i.0.idx30, i8* %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.2.24..raw_idx, i64 40, i32 8, i1 false)
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %command.sroa.0.i.0.cast, i8* %.sroa.1.sroa.0.i.0.idx, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
%cond1.i = icmp eq i64 %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.1.16.copyload, 1
br i1 %cond1.i, label %match_case7.i, label %join.i
match_case7.i: ; preds = %match_case.i
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %prog.i.0.cast, i8* %command.sroa.2.i.0.idx30, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
%48 = invoke { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([5 x i8]* @str11019, i64 0, i64 0), i64 4)
to label %"normal return8.i" unwind label %unwind.nonloopexit.i
"normal return8.i": ; preds = %match_case7.i
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %48, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i, align 8
%.sroa.054.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg9.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i32 0, i32* %.sroa.054.0..idx.i, align 8
%.sroa.256.8..idx57.i = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg9.i, i64 0, i32 1, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.256.8..idx57.i, align 8
%.sroa.460.24..idx61.i = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg9.i, i64 0, i32 2, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.460.24..idx61.i, align 8
%.sroa.664.40..idx65.i = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg9.i, i64 0, i32 3, i32 0
store i64 0, i64* %.sroa.664.40..idx65.i, align 8
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %19, i8* %command.sroa.0.i.0.cast, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
invoke void @"_ZN8unstable6extfmt2rt8conv_str17_97a3fb4818a71dce14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg9.i, %str_slice* %__arg10.i, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i)
to label %"normal return11.i" unwind label %unwind12.i
"normal return11.i": ; preds = %"normal return8.i"
%.sroa.051.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg14.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([30 x i8]* @str11020, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.051.0..idx.i, align 8
%.sroa.152.8..idx53.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg14.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 30, i64* %.sroa.152.8..idx53.i, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN3str8push_str16_d83c17bf50a939914_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i, %str_slice* %__arg14.i)
to label %"normal return15.i" unwind label %unwind12.i
unwind12.i: ; preds = %"normal return18.i", %"normal return15.i", %"normal return11.i", %"normal return8.i"
%49 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract70.i = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %49, 0
%.fca.1.extract72.i = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %49, 1
%50 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i, align 8
%51 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %50, null
br i1 %51, label %cleanup.i, label %cond.i.i4.i
cond.i.i4.i: ; preds = %unwind12.i
%52 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %50 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %52)
br label %cleanup.i
"normal return15.i": ; preds = %"normal return11.i"
%.sroa.039.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg16.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i32 0, i32* %.sroa.039.0..idx.i, align 8
%.sroa.241.8..idx42.i = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg16.i, i64 0, i32 1, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.241.8..idx42.i, align 8
%.sroa.445.24..idx46.i = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg16.i, i64 0, i32 2, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.445.24..idx46.i, align 8
%.sroa.649.40..idx50.i = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg16.i, i64 0, i32 3, i32 0
store i64 0, i64* %.sroa.649.40..idx50.i, align 8
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %22, i8* %prog.i.0.cast, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
invoke void @"_ZN8unstable6extfmt2rt8conv_str17_97a3fb4818a71dce14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg16.i, %str_slice* %__arg17.i, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i)
to label %"normal return18.i" unwind label %unwind12.i
"normal return18.i": ; preds = %"normal return15.i"
%.sroa.036.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg19.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([10 x i8]* @str11021, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.036.0..idx.i, align 8
%.sroa.137.8..idx38.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg19.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 10, i64* %.sroa.137.8..idx38.i, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN3str8push_str16_d83c17bf50a939914_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i, %str_slice* %__arg19.i)
to label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit7.i" unwind label %unwind12.i
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit7.i": ; preds = %"normal return18.i"
%53 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i, align 8
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* null, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i, align 8
%54 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %53, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%55 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %53, i64 0, i32 0
%56 = load i64* %55, align 8
%__adjust21.sroa.0.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg22.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %54, i8** %__adjust21.sroa.0.0..idx.i, align 8
%__adjust21.sroa.1.8..idx35.i = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg22.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %56, i64* %__adjust21.sroa.1.8..idx35.i, align 8
%57 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg22.i to %str_slice*
invoke void @"_ZN2io7println17_cbd0294d6bc48ab614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %57)
to label %"normal return23.i" unwind label %unwind24.i
"normal return23.i": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit7.i"
%58 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %53, null
br i1 %58, label %join.i, label %cond.i.i
cond.i.i: ; preds = %"normal return23.i"
%59 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %53 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %59)
br label %join.i
unwind24.i: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit7.i"
%60 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract74.i = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %60, 0
%.fca.1.extract76.i = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %60, 1
%61 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %53, null
br i1 %61, label %cleanup.i, label %cond.i8.i
cond.i8.i: ; preds = %unwind24.i
%62 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %53 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %62)
br label %cleanup.i
join.i: ; preds = %cond.i.i, %"normal return23.i", %match_case.i
%cond2.i = icmp eq i64 %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.3.64.copyload, 0
br i1 %cond2.i, label %match_case31.i, label %match_else30.i
match_else30.i: ; preds = %join.i
invoke void %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.4.72.copyload({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef)
to label %join47.i unwind label %unwind.nonloopexit.i
match_case31.i: ; preds = %join.i
%63 = invoke { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([1 x i8]* @str11022, i64 0, i64 0), i64 0)
to label %"normal return33.i" unwind label %unwind.nonloopexit.i
"normal return33.i": ; preds = %match_case31.i
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %63, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf32.i, align 8
%.sroa.025.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg34.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i32 0, i32* %.sroa.025.0..idx.i, align 8
%.sroa.2.8..idx27.i = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg34.i, i64 0, i32 1, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.2.8..idx27.i, align 8
%.sroa.4.24..idx29.i = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg34.i, i64 0, i32 2, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.4.24..idx29.i, align 8
%.sroa.6.40..idx31.i = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg34.i, i64 0, i32 3, i32 0
store i64 0, i64* %.sroa.6.40..idx31.i, align 8
%64 = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg35.i, i64 0, i32 0
%.sroa.1.sroa.4.72.copyload.c.i = bitcast void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.4.72.copyload to i8*
store i8* %.sroa.1.sroa.4.72.copyload.c.i, i8** %64, align 8
%msg.sroa.1.8..idx96.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg35.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.5.80.copyload, i64* %msg.sroa.1.8..idx96.i, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN8unstable6extfmt2rt8conv_str17_97a3fb4818a71dce14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg34.i, %str_slice* %__arg35.i, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf32.i)
to label %"normal return36.i" unwind label %unwind37.i
"normal return36.i": ; preds = %"normal return33.i"
%.sroa.0.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg39.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([2 x i8]* @str11023, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.0.0..idx.i, align 8
%.sroa.1.8..idx24.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg39.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 2, i64* %.sroa.1.8..idx24.i, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN3str8push_str16_d83c17bf50a939914_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf32.i, %str_slice* %__arg39.i)
to label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit15.i" unwind label %unwind37.i
unwind37.i: ; preds = %"normal return36.i", %"normal return33.i"
%65 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract78.i = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %65, 0
%.fca.1.extract80.i = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %65, 1
%66 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf32.i, align 8
%67 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %66, null
br i1 %67, label %cleanup.i, label %cond.i.i12.i
cond.i.i12.i: ; preds = %unwind37.i
%68 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %66 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %68)
br label %cleanup.i
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit15.i": ; preds = %"normal return36.i"
%69 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf32.i, align 8
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* null, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf32.i, align 8
%70 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %69, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%71 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %69, i64 0, i32 0
%72 = load i64* %71, align 8
%__adjust41.sroa.0.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg42.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %70, i8** %__adjust41.sroa.0.0..idx.i, align 8
%__adjust41.sroa.1.8..idx23.i = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg42.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %72, i64* %__adjust41.sroa.1.8..idx23.i, align 8
%73 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg42.i to %str_slice*
invoke void @"_ZN2io7println17_cbd0294d6bc48ab614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %73)
to label %"normal return43.i" unwind label %unwind44.i
"normal return43.i": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit15.i"
%74 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %69, null
br i1 %74, label %join47.i, label %cond.i16.i
cond.i16.i: ; preds = %"normal return43.i"
%75 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %69 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %75)
br label %join47.i
unwind44.i: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit15.i"
%76 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract82.i = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %76, 0
%.fca.1.extract84.i = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %76, 1
%77 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %69, null
br i1 %77, label %cleanup.i, label %cond.i18.i
cond.i18.i: ; preds = %unwind44.i
%78 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %69 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %78)
br label %cleanup.i
join47.i: ; preds = %cond.i16.i, %"normal return43.i", %match_else30.i
%79 = bitcast %enum.ValidUsage* %0 to i8*
call void @llvm.memset.p0i8.i64(i8* %79, i8 0, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
br label %join49.i
join49.i: ; preds = %join47.i, %match_else.i
%80 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %16, null
br i1 %80, label %join, label %cond.i.i20.i
cond.i.i20.i: ; preds = %join49.i
%81 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %16 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %81)
br label %join
compare_vec_len_next: ; preds = %"function top level"
%82 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.ValidUsage* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %82, align 8
br label %join
join: ; preds = %cond.i.i20.i, %join49.i, %compare_vec_len_next
ret void
declare void @"_ZN5usage16_b6588a19758f49114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, %str_slice*)
define internal fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_106778to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture) #3 {
"function top level":
%__trans_ret_slot.i = alloca {}, align 8
%ret.i = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*, align 8
%__adjust.i = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__arg3.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%v.i = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*, align 8
%__arg.sroa.0.0..cast.i = bitcast { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %0 to i8**
%__arg.sroa.0.0.copyload.i = load i8** %__arg.sroa.0.0..cast.i, align 8
%__arg.sroa.1.8..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %0, i64 0, i32 1
%__arg.sroa.1.8..cast.i = bitcast %tydesc** %__arg.sroa.1.8..idx.i to i64*
%__arg.sroa.1.8.copyload.i = load i64* %__arg.sroa.1.8..cast.i, align 8
%1 = bitcast {}* %__trans_ret_slot.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 0, i8* %1)
%2 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %2)
%3 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg3.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %3)
%4 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %v.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 8, i8* %4)
%5 = icmp eq i64 %__arg.sroa.1.8.copyload.i, 0
br i1 %5, label %then.i, label %next.i
then.i: ; preds = %"function top level"
%6 = call { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([19 x i8]* @str10873, i64 0, i64 0), i64 18)
%7 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %6, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%8 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %6, i64 0, i32 0
%9 = load i64* %8, align 8
%10 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %7, i8** %10, align 8
%11 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %9, i64* %11, align 8
%12 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%13 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 8, i8* %13)
%14 = invoke fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_106778to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %12)
to label %.noexc110 unwind label %unwind.i
.noexc110: ; preds = %then.i
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %14, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
%15 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %14, i64 0, i32 0
%16 = load i64* %15, align 8
%17 = add i64 %16, 6
%18 = lshr i64 %17, 1
%19 = or i64 %18, %17
%20 = lshr i64 %19, 2
%21 = or i64 %20, %19
%22 = lshr i64 %21, 4
%23 = or i64 %22, %21
%24 = lshr i64 %23, 8
%25 = or i64 %24, %23
%26 = lshr i64 %25, 16
%27 = or i64 %26, %25
%28 = lshr i64 %27, 32
%29 = or i64 %28, %27
%30 = add i64 %29, 1
%31 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
invoke fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__13reserve_1076916_7da913789de211514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %31, i64 %30)
to label %"normal return.i" unwind label %unwind.i7
unwind.i7: ; preds = %.noexc110
%32 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%33 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
%34 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %33, null
br i1 %34, label %unwind.i.body, label %cond.i12
cond.i12: ; preds = %unwind.i7
%35 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %33 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %35)
to label %unwind.i.body unwind label %unwind.i
"normal return.i": ; preds = %.noexc110
%36 = add i64 %16, -1
%37 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
%38 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %37, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%39 = ptrtoint i8* %38 to i64
%40 = add i64 %36, %39
%41 = inttoptr i64 %40 to i8*
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %41, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i8]* @str10874, i64 0, i64 0), i64 7, i32 1, i1 false)
%42 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
%43 = add i64 %16, 7
%44 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %42, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 %43, i64* %44, align 8
%45 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %42, i64 1
%46 = ptrtoint { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %45 to i64
%47 = add i64 %17, %46
%48 = inttoptr i64 %47 to i8*
store i8 0, i8* %48, align 1
%49 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 8, i8* %13)
%50 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %6, null
br i1 %50, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit18", label %cond.i17
cond.i17: ; preds = %"normal return.i"
%51 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %6 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %51)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit18"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit18": ; preds = %"normal return.i", %cond.i17
%.sroa.0186.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg3.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([38 x i8]* @str10875, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.0186.0..idx, align 8
%.sroa.1188.8..idx189 = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg3.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 38, i64* %.sroa.1188.8..idx189, align 8
call void @"_ZN3sys14__extensions__10meth_111489fail_with17_d96679812a86c36714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({}* %__trans_ret_slot.i, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %49, %str_slice* %__arg3.i, i64 1581)
unwind.i: ; preds = %cond.i12, %then.i
%52 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind.i.body
unwind.i.body: ; preds = %unwind.i7, %cond.i12, %unwind.i
%eh.lpad-body = phi { i8*, i32 } [ %52, %unwind.i ], [ %32, %cond.i12 ], [ %32, %unwind.i7 ]
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%53 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %6, null
br i1 %53, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit21", label %cond.i20
cond.i20: ; preds = %unwind.i.body
%54 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %6 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %54)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit21"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit21": ; preds = %unwind.i.body, %cond.i20
resume { i8*, i32 } %eh.lpad-body
next.i: ; preds = %"function top level"
%55 = add i64 %__arg.sroa.1.8.copyload.i, 16
%56 = call %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib6malloc17_29e63c4e98d61cf514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i64 %55)
%57 = icmp eq %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %56, null
br i1 %57, label %then.i24, label %.noexc40
then.i24: ; preds = %next.i
call void @"_ZN2rt11global_heap5abort16_df5982df3c0192c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef)
br label %.noexc40
unwind7.i.body: ; preds = %"while loop cond.i170.preheader"
%58 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%59 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %v.i, align 8
%60 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %59, null
br i1 %60, label %"_ZN8_$UP$u3216_3347fe3223215de15glue_free_10893E.exit37", label %cond.i36
cond.i36: ; preds = %unwind7.i.body
%61 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %59 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %61)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$u3216_3347fe3223215de15glue_free_10893E.exit37"
"_ZN8_$UP$u3216_3347fe3223215de15glue_free_10893E.exit37": ; preds = %unwind7.i.body, %cond.i36
resume { i8*, i32 } %58
.noexc40: ; preds = %then.i24, %next.i
%62 = bitcast %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %56 to %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"*
%63 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"* %62, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %__arg.sroa.1.8.copyload.i, i64* %63, align 8
%64 = bitcast %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %56 to i64*
store i64 0, i64* %64, align 8
%.c.i = bitcast %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %56 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %.c.i, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %v.i, align 8
%65 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %.c.i, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%66 = add i64 %__arg.sroa.1.8.copyload.i, -1
call void @llvm.memmove.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %65, i8* %__arg.sroa.0.0.copyload.i, i64 %66, i32 1, i1 false)
%67 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %v.i, align 8
%68 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %67, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 %66, i64* %68, align 8
%69 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %v.i, align 8
%70 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %69, i64 0, i32 0
%71 = load i64* %70, align 8
%72 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %69, i64 0, i32 1
%73 = load i64* %72, align 8
%74 = icmp ugt i64 %73, %71
br i1 %74, label %_ZN3std3str14__extensions__8to_owned4anon13expr_fn_10727E.exit, label %"while loop cond.i170.preheader"
"while loop cond.i170.preheader": ; preds = %.noexc40
%75 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %v.i to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%76 = lshr i64 %71, 1
%77 = or i64 %76, %71
%78 = lshr i64 %77, 2
%79 = or i64 %78, %77
%80 = lshr i64 %79, 4
%81 = or i64 %80, %79
%82 = lshr i64 %81, 8
%83 = or i64 %82, %81
%84 = lshr i64 %83, 16
%85 = or i64 %84, %83
%86 = lshr i64 %85, 32
%87 = or i64 %86, %85
%88 = add i64 %87, 1
invoke fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__13reserve_1076916_7da913789de211514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %75, i64 %88)
to label %"while loop cond.i170.preheader._ZN3std3str14__extensions__8to_owned4anon13expr_fn_10727E.exit_crit_edge" unwind label %unwind7.i.body
"while loop cond.i170.preheader._ZN3std3str14__extensions__8to_owned4anon13expr_fn_10727E.exit_crit_edge": ; preds = %"while loop cond.i170.preheader"
%.pre = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %v.i, align 8
%.phi.trans.insert = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %.pre, i64 0, i32 0
%.pre390 = load i64* %.phi.trans.insert, align 8
br label %_ZN3std3str14__extensions__8to_owned4anon13expr_fn_10727E.exit
_ZN3std3str14__extensions__8to_owned4anon13expr_fn_10727E.exit: ; preds = %"while loop cond.i170.preheader._ZN3std3str14__extensions__8to_owned4anon13expr_fn_10727E.exit_crit_edge", %.noexc40
%89 = phi i64 [ %.pre390, %"while loop cond.i170.preheader._ZN3std3str14__extensions__8to_owned4anon13expr_fn_10727E.exit_crit_edge" ], [ %71, %.noexc40 ]
%90 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* [ %.pre, %"while loop cond.i170.preheader._ZN3std3str14__extensions__8to_owned4anon13expr_fn_10727E.exit_crit_edge" ], [ %69, %.noexc40 ]
%91 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %90, i64 0, i32 0
%92 = add i64 %89, 1
store i64 %92, i64* %91, align 8
%93 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %v.i, align 8
%94 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %93, i64 1
%95 = ptrtoint { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %94 to i64
%96 = add i64 %95, %89
%97 = inttoptr i64 %96 to i8*
store i8 0, i8* %97, align 1
%98 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %v.i, align 8
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 0, i8* %1)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %2)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %3)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 8, i8* %4)
ret { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %98
declare void @"_ZN3sys14__extensions__10meth_111489fail_with17_d96679812a86c36714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({}*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*, %str_slice*, i64)
define internal fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__13reserve_1076916_7da913789de211514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, i64) #2 {
"function top level":
%__trans_ret_slot = alloca {}, align 8
%__fmtbuf = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*, align 8
%__arg5 = alloca %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]", align 8
%__arg7 = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%2 = bitcast { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %0 to %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"**
%3 = load %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"** %2, align 8
%4 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"* %3, i64 0, i32 1
%5 = load i64* %4, align 8
%6 = icmp ult i64 %5, %1
br i1 %6, label %join, label %next10
join: ; preds = %"function top level"
%uadd = call { i64, i1 } @llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i64(i64 %1, i64 16)
%7 = extractvalue { i64, i1 } %uadd, 1
br i1 %7, label %then3, label %next8
then3: ; preds = %join
%8 = call { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([27 x i8]* @str10809, i64 0, i64 0), i64 26)
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %8, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf, align 8
%.sroa.018.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg5, i64 0, i32 0
store i32 0, i32* %.sroa.018.0..idx, align 8
%.sroa.2.8..idx20 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg5, i64 0, i32 1, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.2.8..idx20, align 8
%.sroa.4.24..idx22 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg5, i64 0, i32 2, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.4.24..idx22, align 8
%.sroa.6.40..idx24 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg5, i64 0, i32 3, i32 0
store i64 0, i64* %.sroa.6.40..idx24, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN8unstable6extfmt2rt9conv_uint17_7d8efb9aa1a1a0b614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg5, i64 %1, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf)
to label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit12" unwind label %unwind
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit12": ; preds = %then3
%9 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf, align 8
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* null, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf, align 8
%.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg7, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([38 x i8]* @str10820, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%.sroa.1.8..idx13 = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg7, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 38, i64* %.sroa.1.8..idx13, align 8
call void @"_ZN3sys14__extensions__10meth_111489fail_with17_d96679812a86c36714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({}* %__trans_ret_slot, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %9, %str_slice* %__arg7, i64 1166)
unwind: ; preds = %then3
%10 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%11 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf, align 8
%12 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %11, null
br i1 %12, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit", label %cond.i.i
cond.i.i: ; preds = %unwind
%13 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %11 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %13)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit": ; preds = %unwind, %cond.i.i
resume { i8*, i32 } %10
next8: ; preds = %join
%14 = extractvalue { i64, i1 } %uadd, 0
%15 = bitcast %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"* %3 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%16 = call %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib7realloc16_e898c12982ea93e14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %15, i64 %14)
%17 = icmp eq %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %16, null
br i1 %17, label %then.i, label %"_ZN2rt11global_heap11realloc_raw17_7876e87b6e4b168c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
then.i: ; preds = %next8
call void @"_ZN2rt11global_heap5abort16_df5982df3c0192c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef)
br label %"_ZN2rt11global_heap11realloc_raw17_7876e87b6e4b168c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
"_ZN2rt11global_heap11realloc_raw17_7876e87b6e4b168c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit": ; preds = %next8, %then.i
%18 = bitcast %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %16 to %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"*
%19 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %0, i64 0, i32 0
%.c = ptrtoint %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %16 to i64
store i64 %.c, i64* %19, align 8
%20 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"* %18, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %1, i64* %20, align 8
br label %next10
next10: ; preds = %"function top level", %"_ZN2rt11global_heap11realloc_raw17_7876e87b6e4b168c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
ret void
declare { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, i8*, i64)
declare void @"_ZN8unstable6extfmt2rt9conv_uint17_7d8efb9aa1a1a0b614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"*, i64, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**)
declare void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*)
declare %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib7realloc16_e898c12982ea93e14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*, i64)
declare void @"_ZN2rt11global_heap5abort16_df5982df3c0192c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)
declare %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib6malloc17_29e63c4e98d61cf514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, i64)
declare { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* @"_ZN2os4args16_707125f9258e1ff14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)
declare void @"_ZN8unstable4lang17fail_bounds_check17_7112ff25e39642a214_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, i8*, i64, i64, i64)
define void @"_ZN8find_cmd17_d4675eccdab8bd1614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%"enum.std::option::Option<Command>[#1]"* nocapture, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture, %str_slice* nocapture) #2 {
"function top level":
%__arg.i = alloca %struct.Command, align 8
%__arg2.i.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %2, i64 0, i32 0
%__arg2.i.sroa.1.8..idx78 = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %2, i64 0, i32 1
br i1 icmp eq (%"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* bitcast ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*), %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* inttoptr (i64 add (i64 ptrtoint ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to i64), i64 616) to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*)), label %match_case.i, label %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1101017_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52"
"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1101017_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52": ; preds = %"`loop`.i.i.backedge", %"function top level"
%.sroa.08.091 = phi i64 [ ptrtoint ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to i64), %"function top level" ], [ %3, %"`loop`.i.i.backedge" ]
%3 = add i64 %.sroa.08.091, 88
%4 = inttoptr i64 %.sroa.08.091 to %struct.Command*
%__arg1.i.sroa.1.8..idx43 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Command* %4, i64 0, i32 0, i32 1
%__arg1.i.sroa.1.8.copyload = load i64* %__arg1.i.sroa.1.8..idx43, align 8
%__arg2.i.sroa.1.8.copyload = load i64* %__arg2.i.sroa.1.8..idx78, align 8
%5 = icmp eq i64 %__arg1.i.sroa.1.8.copyload, %__arg2.i.sroa.1.8.copyload
br i1 %5, label %_ZN3str8eq_slice4anon4anon13expr_fn_11014E.exit, label %"`loop`.i.i.backedge"
"`loop`.i.i.backedge": ; preds = %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1101017_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52", %_ZN3str8eq_slice4anon4anon13expr_fn_11014E.exit
%6 = inttoptr i64 %3 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%7 = icmp eq %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %6, inttoptr (i64 add (i64 ptrtoint ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to i64), i64 616) to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*)
%8 = icmp eq i64 %3, 0
%or.cond = or i1 %7, %8
br i1 %or.cond, label %match_case.i, label %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1101017_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52"
_ZN3str8eq_slice4anon4anon13expr_fn_11014E.exit: ; preds = %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1101017_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52"
%__arg1.i.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Command* %4, i64 0, i32 0, i32 0
%__arg2.i.sroa.0.0.copyload = load i8** %__arg2.i.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__arg1.i.sroa.0.0.copyload = load i8** %__arg1.i.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%9 = bitcast i8* %__arg1.i.sroa.0.0.copyload to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%10 = bitcast i8* %__arg2.i.sroa.0.0.copyload to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%11 = add i64 %__arg1.i.sroa.1.8.copyload, -1
%12 = call i32 @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956string6memcmp17_c0e5887b4130711314_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %9, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %10, i64 %11)
%13 = icmp eq i32 %12, 0
br i1 %13, label %match_else.i, label %"`loop`.i.i.backedge"
match_else.i: ; preds = %_ZN3str8eq_slice4anon4anon13expr_fn_11014E.exit
%14 = bitcast %struct.Command* %__arg.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 88, i8* %14)
%15 = inttoptr i64 %.sroa.08.091 to i8*
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %14, i8* %15, i64 88, i32 8, i1 false)
%16 = getelementptr inbounds %"enum.std::option::Option<Command>[#1]"* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %16, align 8
%17 = getelementptr inbounds %"enum.std::option::Option<Command>[#1]"* %0, i64 0, i32 1, i64 0
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %17, i8* %14, i64 88, i32 8, i1 false) #0
br label %"_ZN6option14__extensions__17map_consume_1094616_40771e9153818ec14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
match_case.i: ; preds = %"`loop`.i.i.backedge", %"function top level"
%18 = bitcast %struct.Command* %__arg.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 88, i8* %18)
%19 = getelementptr inbounds %"enum.std::option::Option<Command>[#1]"* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 0, i64* %19, align 8
br label %"_ZN6option14__extensions__17map_consume_1094616_40771e9153818ec14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
"_ZN6option14__extensions__17map_consume_1094616_40771e9153818ec14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit": ; preds = %match_else.i, %match_case.i
%20 = phi i8* [ %14, %match_else.i ], [ %18, %match_case.i ]
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 88, i8* %20)
ret void
declare i32 @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956string6memcmp17_c0e5887b4130711314_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*, i64)
declare void @"_ZN2io7println17_cbd0294d6bc48ab614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, %str_slice*)
declare void @"_ZN8unstable6extfmt2rt8conv_str17_97a3fb4818a71dce14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"*, %str_slice*, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**)
declare void @"_ZN3str8push_str16_d83c17bf50a939914_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, %str_slice*)
declare void @"_ZN3sys14__extensions__10meth_127919fail_with16_db4c44d01ce411614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({}*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, %str_slice*, %str_slice*, i64)
declare void @"_ZN4path14__extensions__10meth_225818filestem17_b384379c13763c9b14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%"enum.std::option::Option<~str>[#1]"*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)
declare void @"_ZN4path9PosixPath17_7c6da4115ba3bd6514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%"struct.std::path::PosixPath[#1]"*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, %str_slice*)
define void @"_ZN6invoke15_dc2cf633faae8514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture, %str_slice* nocapture, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* nocapture, { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* nocapture) #2 {
"function top level":
%__adjust.i.i = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%result.i = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }*, align 8
%osargs = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }*, align 8
%4 = call %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib6malloc17_29e63c4e98d61cf514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i64 48)
%5 = icmp eq %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %4, null
br i1 %5, label %then.i.i, label %"_ZN2rt11global_heap15exchange_malloc16_ecc457221971b4814_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
then.i.i: ; preds = %"function top level"
call void @"_ZN2rt11global_heap5abort16_df5982df3c0192c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef)
br label %"_ZN2rt11global_heap15exchange_malloc16_ecc457221971b4814_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
"_ZN2rt11global_heap15exchange_malloc16_ecc457221971b4814_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit": ; preds = %"function top level", %then.i.i
%6 = bitcast %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %4 to i8*
%7 = bitcast %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %4 to i64*
store i64 8, i64* %7, align 8
%8 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %6, i64 8
%9 = bitcast i8* %8 to i64*
store i64 32, i64* %9, align 8
%10 = bitcast %str_slice* %1 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%11 = invoke fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_106778to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %10)
to label %"normal return" unwind label %unwind
"normal return": ; preds = %"_ZN2rt11global_heap15exchange_malloc16_ecc457221971b4814_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
%12 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %6, i64 16
%13 = bitcast %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %4 to { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }*
%14 = bitcast i8* %12 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %11, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %14, align 8
store { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %13, { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %osargs, align 8
%15 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %result.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 8, i8* %15)
%s.sroa.1.8..idx.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %2, i64 0, i32 1
%s.sroa.1.8.copyload.i.i.i = load i64* %s.sroa.1.8..idx.i.i.i, align 1
%16 = and i64 %s.sroa.1.8.copyload.i.i.i, -8
%17 = add i64 %16, 16
%18 = invoke %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib6malloc17_29e63c4e98d61cf514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i64 %17)
to label %.noexc unwind label %unwind2.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
.noexc: ; preds = %"normal return"
%19 = icmp eq %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %18, null
br i1 %19, label %then.i.i.i, label %"normal return.i"
then.i.i.i: ; preds = %.noexc
invoke void @"_ZN2rt11global_heap5abort16_df5982df3c0192c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef)
to label %"normal return.i" unwind label %unwind2.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
"normal return.i": ; preds = %then.i.i.i, %.noexc
%20 = bitcast %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %18 to %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"*
%21 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"* %20, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %16, i64* %21, align 8
%22 = bitcast %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %18 to i64*
store i64 0, i64* %22, align 8
%.c.i.i.i.i = bitcast %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %18 to { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }*
store { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %.c.i.i.i.i, { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %result.i, align 8
%23 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %2, i64 0, i32 0
%24 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %23, align 8
%25 = load i64* %s.sroa.1.8..idx.i.i.i, align 8
%26 = ptrtoint { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %24 to i64
%27 = and i64 %25, -8
%28 = add i64 %27, %26
%29 = inttoptr i64 %28 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%30 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %24 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%31 = icmp eq %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %30, %29
br i1 %31, label %"normal return1", label %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__10next_1113815_3b383846f414f614_0$x2e8$"
"_ZN3vec14__extensions__10next_1113815_3b383846f414f614_0$x2e8$": ; preds = %"normal return.i"
%32 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i.i to i8*
%33 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i.i, i64 0, i32 0
%34 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i.i, i64 0, i32 1
%35 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i.i to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%36 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %result.i to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
br label %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__10next_1113815_3b383846f414f614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit.i.i"
"_ZN3vec14__extensions__10next_1113815_3b383846f414f614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit.i.i": ; preds = %.noexc.i, %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__10next_1113815_3b383846f414f614_0$x2e8$"
%.sroa.015.082.i = phi i64 [ %26, %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__10next_1113815_3b383846f414f614_0$x2e8$" ], [ %37, %.noexc.i ]
%37 = add i64 %.sroa.015.082.i, 8
%38 = icmp eq i64 %.sroa.015.082.i, 0
br i1 %38, label %"normal return2.loopexit.i", label %match_case.i.i
match_case.i.i: ; preds = %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__10next_1113815_3b383846f414f614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit.i.i"
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %32)
%39 = inttoptr i64 %.sroa.015.082.i to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%40 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %39, align 8
%41 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %40, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%42 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %40, i64 0, i32 0
%43 = load i64* %42, align 8
store i8* %41, i8** %33, align 8
store i64 %43, i64* %34, align 8
%44 = invoke fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_106778to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %35)
to label %"normal return8.i.i" unwind label %unwind.loopexit.i
unwind.i.body.i: ; preds = %"normal return12.i.i"
%45 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%46 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %44, null
br i1 %46, label %unwind.body.i, label %cond.i.i34.i
cond.i.i34.i: ; preds = %unwind.i.body.i
%47 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %44 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %47)
to label %unwind.body.i unwind label %unwind.nonloopexit.i
"normal return8.i.i": ; preds = %match_case.i.i
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %32)
%48 = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %result.i, align 8
%49 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %48, i64 0, i32 0
%50 = load i64* %49, align 8
%51 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %48, i64 0, i32 1
%52 = load i64* %51, align 8
%53 = icmp ugt i64 %52, %50
br i1 %53, label %.noexc.i, label %"normal return12.i.i"
"normal return12.i.i": ; preds = %"normal return8.i.i"
%54 = lshr i64 %50, 3
%55 = lshr i64 %50, 4
%56 = or i64 %55, %54
%57 = lshr i64 %56, 2
%58 = or i64 %57, %56
%59 = lshr i64 %58, 4
%60 = or i64 %59, %58
%61 = lshr i64 %60, 8
%62 = or i64 %61, %60
%63 = lshr i64 %62, 16
%64 = or i64 %63, %62
%65 = lshr i64 %64, 32
%66 = or i64 %65, %64
%67 = add i64 %66, 1
invoke fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__13reserve_1108916_7da913789de211514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %36, i64 %67)
to label %"normal return12.i..noexc_crit_edge.i" unwind label %unwind.i.body.i
"normal return12.i..noexc_crit_edge.i": ; preds = %"normal return12.i.i"
%.pre.i = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %result.i, align 8
%.phi.trans.insert.i = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %.pre.i, i64 0, i32 0
%.pre84.i = load i64* %.phi.trans.insert.i, align 8
br label %.noexc.i
.noexc.i: ; preds = %"normal return12.i..noexc_crit_edge.i", %"normal return8.i.i"
%68 = phi i64 [ %.pre84.i, %"normal return12.i..noexc_crit_edge.i" ], [ %50, %"normal return8.i.i" ]
%69 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* [ %.pre.i, %"normal return12.i..noexc_crit_edge.i" ], [ %48, %"normal return8.i.i" ]
%70 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %69, i64 0, i32 0
%71 = add i64 %68, 8
store i64 %71, i64* %70, align 8
%72 = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %result.i, align 8
%73 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %72, i64 1
%74 = ptrtoint { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %73 to i64
%75 = add i64 %74, %68
%76 = inttoptr i64 %75 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %44, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %76, align 8
%77 = inttoptr i64 %37 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%78 = icmp eq %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %77, %29
br i1 %78, label %"normal return2.loopexit.i", label %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__10next_1113815_3b383846f414f614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit.i.i"
unwind.loopexit.i: ; preds = %match_case.i.i
%lpad.loopexit.i = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind.body.i
unwind.nonloopexit.i: ; preds = %cond.i.i34.i
%lpad.nonloopexit.i = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind.body.i
unwind.body.i: ; preds = %unwind.nonloopexit.i, %unwind.loopexit.i, %cond.i.i34.i, %unwind.i.body.i
%eh.lpad-body.i = phi { i8*, i32 } [ %45, %unwind.i.body.i ], [ %45, %cond.i.i34.i ], [ %lpad.loopexit.i, %unwind.loopexit.i ], [ %lpad.nonloopexit.i, %unwind.nonloopexit.i ]
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%79 = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %result.i, align 8
%80 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %79, null
br i1 %80, label %unwind2.body, label %cond.i.i3.i
cond.i.i3.i: ; preds = %unwind.body.i
%81 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %79, i64 0, i32 0
%82 = load i64* %81, align 8
%83 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %79, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%84 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %83 to i8*
%85 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %84, i64 %82
%86 = bitcast i8* %85 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%87 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %83, %86
br i1 %87, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i4.i, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i7.i"
iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i4.i: ; preds = %cond.i.i3.i, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i6.i"
%88 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %92, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i6.i" ], [ %83, %cond.i.i3.i ]
%89 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %88, align 8
%90 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %89, null
br i1 %90, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i6.i", label %cond.i.i.i.i.i5.i
cond.i.i.i.i.i5.i: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i4.i
%91 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %89 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %91)
to label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i6.i" unwind label %unwind2.nonloopexit.loopexit
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i6.i": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i.i5.i, %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i4.i
%92 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %88, i64 1
%93 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %92, %86
br i1 %93, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i4.i, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i7.i"
"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i7.i": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i6.i", %cond.i.i3.i
%94 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %79 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %94)
to label %unwind2.body unwind label %unwind2.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
"normal return2.loopexit.i": ; preds = %.noexc.i, %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__10next_1113815_3b383846f414f614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit.i.i"
%.pre85.i = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %result.i, align 8
br label %"normal return1"
unwind: ; preds = %"_ZN2rt11global_heap15exchange_malloc16_ecc457221971b4814_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
%95 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %4)
resume { i8*, i32 } %95
"normal return1": ; preds = %"normal return2.loopexit.i", %"normal return.i"
%96 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* [ %.pre85.i, %"normal return2.loopexit.i" ], [ %.c.i.i.i.i, %"normal return.i" ]
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 8, i8* %15)
%97 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %osargs to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%98 = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %osargs, align 8
%99 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %98, i64 0, i32 0
%100 = load i64* %99, align 8
%101 = lshr i64 %100, 3
%102 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %96, i64 0, i32 0
%103 = load i64* %102, align 8
%104 = lshr i64 %103, 3
%105 = add i64 %104, %101
invoke fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__13reserve_1108916_7da913789de211514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %97, i64 %105)
to label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11040E.exit.i" unwind label %cond.i.i12.i
cond.i.i12.i: ; preds = %"normal return1"
%106 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%107 = load i64* %102, align 8
%108 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %96, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%109 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %108 to i8*
%110 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %109, i64 %107
%111 = bitcast i8* %110 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%112 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %108, %111
br i1 %112, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i13.i, label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11040E.exit17.i"
iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i13.i: ; preds = %cond.i.i12.i, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i15.i"
%113 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %117, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i15.i" ], [ %108, %cond.i.i12.i ]
%114 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %113, align 8
%115 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %114, null
br i1 %115, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i15.i", label %cond.i.i.i.i.i14.i
cond.i.i.i.i.i14.i: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i13.i
%116 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %114 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %116)
to label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i15.i" unwind label %unwind2.loopexit
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i15.i": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i.i14.i, %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i13.i
%117 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %113, i64 1
%118 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %117, %111
br i1 %118, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i13.i, label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11040E.exit17.i"
"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11040E.exit17.i": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i15.i", %cond.i.i12.i
%119 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %96 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %119)
to label %unwind2.body unwind label %unwind2.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11040E.exit.i": ; preds = %"normal return1"
%120 = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %osargs, align 8
%121 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %120, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%122 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %96, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%123 = ptrtoint { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %121 to i64
%124 = shl nuw i64 %101, 3
%125 = add i64 %123, %124
%126 = inttoptr i64 %125 to i8*
%127 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %122 to i8*
%128 = shl nuw i64 %104, 3
call void @llvm.memmove.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %126, i8* %127, i64 %128, i32 8, i1 false) #0
%129 = shl i64 %105, 3
%130 = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %osargs, align 8
%131 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %130, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 %129, i64* %131, align 8
store i64 0, i64* %102, align 8
%132 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %96 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %132)
to label %"normal return4" unwind label %unwind2.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
unwind2.loopexit: ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i.i14.i
%lpad.loopexit = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind2.body
unwind2.nonloopexit.loopexit: ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i.i5.i
%lpad.loopexit32 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind2.body
unwind2.nonloopexit.nonloopexit: ; preds = %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11040E.exit.i", %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11040E.exit17.i", %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i7.i", %then.i.i.i, %"normal return", %"normal return6", %"normal return4"
%lpad.nonloopexit33 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind2.body
unwind2.body: ; preds = %unwind2.loopexit, %unwind2.nonloopexit.nonloopexit, %unwind2.nonloopexit.loopexit, %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11040E.exit17.i", %unwind.body.i, %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i7.i"
%eh.lpad-body = phi { i8*, i32 } [ %eh.lpad-body.i, %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i7.i" ], [ %eh.lpad-body.i, %unwind.body.i ], [ %106, %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11040E.exit17.i" ], [ %lpad.loopexit, %unwind2.loopexit ], [ %lpad.loopexit32, %unwind2.nonloopexit.loopexit ], [ %lpad.nonloopexit33, %unwind2.nonloopexit.nonloopexit ]
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%133 = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %osargs, align 8
%134 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %133, null
br i1 %134, label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11040E.exit", label %cond.i.i
cond.i.i: ; preds = %unwind2.body
%135 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %133, i64 0, i32 0
%136 = load i64* %135, align 8
%137 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %133, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%138 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %137 to i8*
%139 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %138, i64 %136
%140 = bitcast i8* %139 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%141 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %137, %140
br i1 %141, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i"
iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i: ; preds = %cond.i.i, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i"
%142 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %146, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i" ], [ %137, %cond.i.i ]
%143 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %142, align 8
%144 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %143, null
br i1 %144, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i", label %cond.i.i.i.i.i
cond.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i
%145 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %143 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %145)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i.i, %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i
%146 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %142, i64 1
%147 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %146, %140
br i1 %147, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i"
"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i", %cond.i.i
%148 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %133 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %148)
br label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11040E.exit"
"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11040E.exit": ; preds = %unwind2.body, %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i"
resume { i8*, i32 } %eh.lpad-body
"normal return4": ; preds = %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11040E.exit.i"
%149 = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %osargs, align 8
store { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* null, { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %osargs, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN2os8set_args17_1b27c995593ce49d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %149)
to label %"normal return6" unwind label %unwind2.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
"normal return6": ; preds = %"normal return4"
%150 = getelementptr inbounds { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %3, i64 0, i32 0
%151 = load void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)** %150, align 8
%152 = getelementptr inbounds { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %3, i64 0, i32 1
%153 = load { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }** %152, align 8
invoke void %151({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %153)
to label %"normal return7" unwind label %unwind2.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
"normal return7": ; preds = %"normal return6"
%154 = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %osargs, align 8
%155 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %154, null
br i1 %155, label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11040E.exit21", label %cond.i.i16
cond.i.i16: ; preds = %"normal return7"
%156 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %154, i64 0, i32 0
%157 = load i64* %156, align 8
%158 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %154, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%159 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %158 to i8*
%160 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %159, i64 %157
%161 = bitcast i8* %160 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%162 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %158, %161
br i1 %162, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i17, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i20"
iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i17: ; preds = %cond.i.i16, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i19"
%163 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %167, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i19" ], [ %158, %cond.i.i16 ]
%164 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %163, align 8
%165 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %164, null
br i1 %165, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i19", label %cond.i.i.i.i.i18
cond.i.i.i.i.i18: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i17
%166 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %164 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %166)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i19"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i19": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i.i18, %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i17
%167 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %163, i64 1
%168 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %167, %161
br i1 %168, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i17, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i20"
"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i20": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i19", %cond.i.i16
%169 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %154 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %169)
br label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11040E.exit21"
"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11040E.exit21": ; preds = %"normal return7", %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i20"
ret void
declare i64 @"_ZN3run14process_status17_414f913ecacd531b14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, %str_slice*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)
define internal fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__13reserve_1108916_7da913789de211514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, i64) #2 {
"function top level":
%__trans_ret_slot = alloca {}, align 8
%__fmtbuf = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*, align 8
%__arg5 = alloca %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]", align 8
%__arg7 = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%2 = bitcast { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %0 to %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"**
%3 = load %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"** %2, align 8
%4 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"* %3, i64 0, i32 1
%5 = load i64* %4, align 8
%6 = lshr i64 %5, 3
%7 = icmp ult i64 %6, %1
br i1 %7, label %next, label %next10
next: ; preds = %"function top level"
%8 = shl i64 %1, 3
%uadd = call { i64, i1 } @llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i64(i64 %8, i64 16)
%9 = extractvalue { i64, i1 } %uadd, 0
%10 = and i64 %1, 2305843009213693951
%11 = icmp ne i64 %10, %1
%12 = zext i1 %11 to i8
br i1 %11, label %join, label %rhs
join: ; preds = %rhs, %next
%13 = phi i8 [ %12, %next ], [ %16, %rhs ]
%14 = icmp eq i8 %13, 0
br i1 %14, label %next8, label %then3
rhs: ; preds = %next
%15 = extractvalue { i64, i1 } %uadd, 1
%16 = zext i1 %15 to i8
br label %join
then3: ; preds = %join
%17 = call { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([27 x i8]* @str10809, i64 0, i64 0), i64 26)
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %17, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf, align 8
%.sroa.018.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg5, i64 0, i32 0
store i32 0, i32* %.sroa.018.0..idx, align 8
%.sroa.2.8..idx20 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg5, i64 0, i32 1, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.2.8..idx20, align 8
%.sroa.4.24..idx22 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg5, i64 0, i32 2, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.4.24..idx22, align 8
%.sroa.6.40..idx24 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg5, i64 0, i32 3, i32 0
store i64 0, i64* %.sroa.6.40..idx24, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN8unstable6extfmt2rt9conv_uint17_7d8efb9aa1a1a0b614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg5, i64 %1, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf)
to label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit12" unwind label %unwind
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit12": ; preds = %then3
%18 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf, align 8
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* null, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf, align 8
%.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg7, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([38 x i8]* @str10820, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%.sroa.1.8..idx13 = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg7, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 38, i64* %.sroa.1.8..idx13, align 8
call void @"_ZN3sys14__extensions__10meth_111489fail_with17_d96679812a86c36714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({}* %__trans_ret_slot, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %18, %str_slice* %__arg7, i64 1166)
unwind: ; preds = %then3
%19 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%20 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf, align 8
%21 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %20, null
br i1 %21, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit", label %cond.i.i
cond.i.i: ; preds = %unwind
%22 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %20 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %22)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit": ; preds = %unwind, %cond.i.i
resume { i8*, i32 } %19
next8: ; preds = %join
%23 = bitcast %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"* %3 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%24 = call %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib7realloc16_e898c12982ea93e14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %23, i64 %9)
%25 = icmp eq %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %24, null
br i1 %25, label %then.i, label %"_ZN2rt11global_heap11realloc_raw17_7876e87b6e4b168c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
then.i: ; preds = %next8
call void @"_ZN2rt11global_heap5abort16_df5982df3c0192c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef)
br label %"_ZN2rt11global_heap11realloc_raw17_7876e87b6e4b168c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
"_ZN2rt11global_heap11realloc_raw17_7876e87b6e4b168c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit": ; preds = %next8, %then.i
%26 = bitcast %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %24 to %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"*
%27 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %0, i64 0, i32 0
%.c = ptrtoint %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %24 to i64
store i64 %.c, i64* %27, align 8
%28 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"* %26, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %8, i64* %28, align 8
br label %next10
next10: ; preds = %"function top level", %"_ZN2rt11global_heap11realloc_raw17_7876e87b6e4b168c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
ret void
declare void @"_ZN2os8set_args17_1b27c995593ce49d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }*)
define void @"_ZN10do_command17_6f2daee512704c8a14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture, %struct.Command*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* nocapture) #2 {
"function top level":
%__arg5 = alloca { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }, align 8
%__arg6 = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__arg8 = alloca { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }, align 8
%__arg10 = alloca { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }, align 8
%4 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Command* %2, i64 0, i32 1, i32 0
%5 = load i64* %4, align 8, !range !0
%cond = icmp eq i64 %5, 0
%6 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Command* %2, i64 0, i32 1, i32 1
br i1 %cond, label %match_case, label %match_else
match_else: ; preds = %"function top level"
%7 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Command* %2, i64 0, i32 1, i32 2, i64 8
%8 = bitcast i8* %7 to void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)**
%9 = load void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)** %8, align 8
%10 = bitcast void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)** %6 to i8*
%__arg614 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg6 to i8*
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %__arg614, i8* %10, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
%11 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %3, i64 0, i32 0
%12 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %11, align 8
%13 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %3, i64 0, i32 1
%14 = load i64* %13, align 8
%__adjust7.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg8, i64 0, i32 0
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %12, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %__adjust7.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust7.sroa.1.8..idx12 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg8, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %14, i64* %__adjust7.sroa.1.8..idx12, align 8
%__adjust9.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %__arg10, i64 0, i32 0
store void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* %9, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)** %__adjust9.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust9.sroa.1.8..idx11 = getelementptr inbounds { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %__arg10, i64 0, i32 1
store { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* null, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }** %__adjust9.sroa.1.8..idx11, align 8
call void @"_ZN6invoke15_dc2cf633faae8514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %__arg6, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg8, { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %__arg10)
%15 = bitcast %enum.ValidUsage* %0 to i8*
call void @llvm.memset.p0i8.i64(i8* %15, i8 0, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
br label %join
match_case: ; preds = %"function top level"
%16 = load void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)** %6, align 8
%17 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %3, i64 0, i32 0
%18 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %17, align 8
%19 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %3, i64 0, i32 1
%20 = load i64* %19, align 8
%__adjust.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg5, i64 0, i32 0
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %18, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %__adjust.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust.sroa.1.8..idx13 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg5, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %20, i64* %__adjust.sroa.1.8..idx13, align 8
call void %16(%enum.ValidUsage* %0, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg5)
br label %join
join: ; preds = %match_else, %match_case
ret void
define void @"_ZN5usage16_d7417fb5c428c7e14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture) #2 {
"function top level":
%1 = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__fmtbuf.i = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*, align 8
%__arg1.i = alloca %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]", align 8
%__arg2.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__arg6.i = alloca %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]", align 8
%__arg7.i = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__arg9.i = alloca %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]", align 8
%__arg10.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__arg13.i = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__arg = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__arg2 = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%.sroa.010.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([177 x i8]* @str11159, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.010.0..idx, align 8
%.sroa.111.8..idx12 = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 177, i64* %.sroa.111.8..idx12, align 8
call void @"_ZN2io5print17_cbd0294d6bc48ab614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %__arg)
br i1 icmp eq (%"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* bitcast ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*), %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* inttoptr (i64 add (i64 ptrtoint ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to i64), i64 616) to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*)), label %"_ZN8iterator14__extensions__13advance_1116015_c1aea65ce534e914_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit", label ; preds = %"function top level"
%2 = bitcast %str_slice* %1 to i8*
%3 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i to i8*
%4 = bitcast %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg1.i to i8*
%5 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg2.i to i8*
%6 = bitcast %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg6.i to i8*
%7 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg7.i to i8*
%8 = bitcast %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg9.i to i8*
%9 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg10.i to i8*
%10 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg13.i to i8*
%11 = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %1, i64 0, i32 0
%12 = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %1, i64 0, i32 1
%13 = bitcast %str_slice* %1 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%.sroa.063.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg1.i, i64 0, i32 0
%.sroa.267.8..idx68 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg1.i, i64 0, i32 1, i32 0
%.sroa.473.24..idx74 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg1.i, i64 0, i32 2, i32 0
%.sroa.679.40..idx80 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg1.i, i64 0, i32 3, i32 0
%.sroa.044.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg6.i, i64 0, i32 0
%.sroa.248.8..idx49 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg6.i, i64 0, i32 1, i32 0
%.sroa.454.24..idx55 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg6.i, i64 0, i32 2, i32 0
%.sroa.660.40..idx61 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg6.i, i64 0, i32 3, i32 0
%__adjust.i.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg7.i, i64 0, i32 0
%__adjust.i.sroa.1.8..idx42 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg7.i, i64 0, i32 1
%14 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg7.i to %str_slice*
%.sroa.0.0..idx28 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg9.i, i64 0, i32 0
%.sroa.2.8..idx31 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg9.i, i64 0, i32 1, i32 0
%.sroa.4.24..idx35 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg9.i, i64 0, i32 2, i32 0
%.sroa.6.40..idx39 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg9.i, i64 0, i32 3, i32 0
%__adjust12.i.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg13.i, i64 0, i32 0
%__adjust12.i.sroa.1.8..idx26 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg13.i, i64 0, i32 1
%15 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg13.i to %str_slice*
br label %match_case.i
match_case.i: ; preds =, %"`loop`.i.backedge"
%.sroa.08.0110 = phi i64 [ ptrtoint ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to i64), ], [ %16, %"`loop`.i.backedge" ]
%16 = add i64 %.sroa.08.0110, 88
%17 = inttoptr i64 %.sroa.08.0110 to %struct.Command*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %2)
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 8, i8* %3)
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 48, i8* %4)
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %5)
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 48, i8* %6)
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %7)
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 48, i8* %8)
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %9)
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %10)
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([2 x i8]* @str11165, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %11, align 8
store i64 2, i64* %12, align 8
%18 = inttoptr i64 %.sroa.08.0110 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%__arg.sroa.1.8..idx.i.i = getelementptr inbounds { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %18, i64 0, i32 1
%__arg.sroa.1.8..cast.i.i = bitcast %tydesc** %__arg.sroa.1.8..idx.i.i to i64*
%__arg.sroa.1.8.copyload.i.i = load i64* %__arg.sroa.1.8..cast.i.i, align 8
%19 = sub i64 9, %__arg.sroa.1.8.copyload.i.i
%20 = call { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_174406repeat16_c6cb6c269539f3014_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %13, i64 %19)
%21 = invoke { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([5 x i8]* @str11166, i64 0, i64 0), i64 4)
to label %"normal return.i" unwind label %unwind.i
"normal return.i": ; preds = %match_case.i
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %21, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i, align 8
store i32 0, i32* %.sroa.063.0..idx, align 8
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.267.8..idx68, align 8
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.473.24..idx74, align 8
store i64 0, i64* %.sroa.679.40..idx80, align 8
%22 = inttoptr i64 %.sroa.08.0110 to i8*
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %5, i8* %22, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
invoke void @"_ZN8unstable6extfmt2rt8conv_str17_97a3fb4818a71dce14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg1.i, %str_slice* %__arg2.i, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i)
to label %"normal return3.i" unwind label %unwind4.i
unwind.i: ; preds = %match_case.i
%23 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %23, 0
%.fca.1.extract = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %23, 1
br label %cleanup.i
cleanup.i: ; preds = %cond.i, %unwind15.i, %cond.i.i13, %unwind4.i, %unwind.i
%.sroa.092.0 = phi i8* [ %.fca.0.extract, %unwind.i ], [ %.fca.0.extract85, %unwind4.i ], [ %.fca.0.extract85, %cond.i.i13 ], [ %.fca.0.extract89, %unwind15.i ], [ %.fca.0.extract89, %cond.i ]
%.sroa.194.0 = phi i32 [ %.fca.1.extract, %unwind.i ], [ %.fca.1.extract87, %unwind4.i ], [ %.fca.1.extract87, %cond.i.i13 ], [ %.fca.1.extract91, %unwind15.i ], [ %.fca.1.extract91, %cond.i ]
%24 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %20, null
br i1 %24, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit", label %cond.i.i
cond.i.i: ; preds = %cleanup.i
%25 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %20 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %25)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit": ; preds = %cleanup.i, %cond.i.i
%.fca.0.insert = insertvalue { i8*, i32 } undef, i8* %.sroa.092.0, 0
%.fca.1.insert = insertvalue { i8*, i32 } %.fca.0.insert, i32 %.sroa.194.0, 1
resume { i8*, i32 } %.fca.1.insert
"normal return3.i": ; preds = %"normal return.i"
store i32 0, i32* %.sroa.044.0..idx, align 8
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.248.8..idx49, align 8
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.454.24..idx55, align 8
store i64 0, i64* %.sroa.660.40..idx61, align 8
%26 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %20, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%27 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %20, i64 0, i32 0
%28 = load i64* %27, align 8
store i8* %26, i8** %__adjust.i.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
store i64 %28, i64* %__adjust.i.sroa.1.8..idx42, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN8unstable6extfmt2rt8conv_str17_97a3fb4818a71dce14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg6.i, %str_slice* %14, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i)
to label %"normal return8.i" unwind label %unwind4.i
unwind4.i: ; preds = %"normal return8.i", %"normal return3.i", %"normal return.i"
%29 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract85 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %29, 0
%.fca.1.extract87 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %29, 1
%30 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i, align 8
%31 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %30, null
br i1 %31, label %cleanup.i, label %cond.i.i13
cond.i.i13: ; preds = %unwind4.i
%32 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %30 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %32)
br label %cleanup.i
"normal return8.i": ; preds = %"normal return3.i"
store i32 0, i32* %.sroa.0.0..idx28, align 8
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.2.8..idx31, align 8
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.4.24..idx35, align 8
store i64 0, i64* %.sroa.6.40..idx39, align 8
%33 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Command* %17, i64 0, i32 2
%34 = bitcast %str_slice* %33 to i8*
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %9, i8* %34, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
invoke void @"_ZN8unstable6extfmt2rt8conv_str17_97a3fb4818a71dce14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg9.i, %str_slice* %__arg10.i, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i)
to label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit16" unwind label %unwind4.i
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit16": ; preds = %"normal return8.i"
%35 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i, align 8
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* null, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i, align 8
%36 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %35, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%37 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %35, i64 0, i32 0
%38 = load i64* %37, align 8
store i8* %36, i8** %__adjust12.i.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
store i64 %38, i64* %__adjust12.i.sroa.1.8..idx26, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN2io7println17_cbd0294d6bc48ab614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %15)
to label %_ZN5usage4anon13expr_fn_11163E.exit unwind label %unwind15.i
unwind15.i: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit16"
%39 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract89 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %39, 0
%.fca.1.extract91 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %39, 1
%40 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %35, null
br i1 %40, label %cleanup.i, label %cond.i
cond.i: ; preds = %unwind15.i
%41 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %35 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %41)
br label %cleanup.i
_ZN5usage4anon13expr_fn_11163E.exit: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit16"
%42 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %35, null
br i1 %42, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit18", label %cond.i17
cond.i17: ; preds = %_ZN5usage4anon13expr_fn_11163E.exit
%43 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %35 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %43)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit18"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit18": ; preds = %_ZN5usage4anon13expr_fn_11163E.exit, %cond.i17
%44 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %20, null
br i1 %44, label %"`loop`.i.backedge", label %cond.i.i19
"`loop`.i.backedge": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit18", %cond.i.i19
%45 = inttoptr i64 %16 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%46 = icmp eq %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %45, inttoptr (i64 add (i64 ptrtoint ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to i64), i64 616) to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*)
%47 = icmp eq i64 %16, 0
%or.cond = or i1 %46, %47
br i1 %or.cond, label %"_ZN8iterator14__extensions__13advance_1116015_c1aea65ce534e914_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit", label %match_case.i
cond.i.i19: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10817E.exit18"
%48 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %20 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %48)
br label %"`loop`.i.backedge"
"_ZN8iterator14__extensions__13advance_1116015_c1aea65ce534e914_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit": ; preds = %"`loop`.i.backedge", %"function top level"
%.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg2, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([67 x i8]* @str11167, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%.sroa.1.8..idx3 = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg2, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 67, i64* %.sroa.1.8..idx3, align 8
call void @"_ZN2io5print17_cbd0294d6bc48ab614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %__arg2)
ret void
declare void @"_ZN2io5print17_cbd0294d6bc48ab614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, %str_slice*)
declare { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_174406repeat16_c6cb6c269539f3014_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, i64)
define void @"_ZN4main16_d7417fb5c428c7e14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture) #2 {
"normal return":
%__trans_ret_slot.i92 = alloca {}, align 8
%__arg5.i = alloca { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }, align 8
%__arg6.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__arg8.i = alloca { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }, align 8
%__arg10.i = alloca { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }, align 8
%result.i = alloca %enum.ValidUsage, align 8
%1 = alloca { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }, align 8
%__arg.i.i = alloca %struct.Command, align 8
%__arg = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%args = alloca { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }, align 8
%__adjust21 = alloca { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }, align 8
%r = alloca %"enum.std::option::Option<Command>[#1]", align 8
%2 = call { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* @"_ZN2os4args16_707125f9258e1ff14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef)
%3 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %2, i64 0, i32 0
%4 = load i64* %3, align 8
%5 = icmp ugt i64 %4, 15
%6 = zext i1 %5 to i8
br i1 %5, label %next, label %join
unwind.loopexit.loopexit: ; preds = %match_case.i55, %match_else.i, %match_case.i99
%lpad.loopexit114 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind
unwind.loopexit.nonloopexit: ; preds = %.noexc96
%lpad.nonloopexit = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind
unwind.nonloopexit.loopexit: ; preds = %_ZN3str8eq_slice4anon4anon13expr_fn_11014E.exit.i
%lpad.loopexit85 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind
unwind.nonloopexit.nonloopexit: ; preds = %next8, %next, %next32, %next20, %"normal return18", %next15, %cond16, %cond9
%lpad.nonloopexit86 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind
unwind: ; preds = %unwind.loopexit.loopexit, %unwind.loopexit.nonloopexit, %unwind.nonloopexit.loopexit, %unwind.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
%lpad.phi = phi { i8*, i32 } [ %lpad.loopexit85, %unwind.nonloopexit.loopexit ], [ %lpad.nonloopexit86, %unwind.nonloopexit.nonloopexit ], [ %lpad.loopexit114, %unwind.loopexit.loopexit ], [ %lpad.nonloopexit, %unwind.loopexit.nonloopexit ]
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %lpad.phi, 0
%.fca.1.extract = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %lpad.phi, 1
br label %cleanup
cleanup: ; preds = %cond.i.i51, %unwind13, %cond.i.i41, %unwind4, %unwind
%.sroa.078.0 = phi i8* [ %.fca.0.extract, %unwind ], [ %.fca.0.extract71, %unwind4 ], [ %.fca.0.extract71, %cond.i.i41 ], [ %.fca.0.extract75, %unwind13 ], [ %.fca.0.extract75, %cond.i.i51 ]
%.sroa.179.0 = phi i32 [ %.fca.1.extract, %unwind ], [ %.fca.1.extract73, %unwind4 ], [ %.fca.1.extract73, %cond.i.i41 ], [ %.fca.1.extract77, %unwind13 ], [ %.fca.1.extract77, %cond.i.i51 ]
%7 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %2, null
br i1 %7, label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11040E.exit39", label %cond.i.i34
cond.i.i34: ; preds = %cleanup
%8 = load i64* %3, align 8
%9 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %2, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%10 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %9 to i8*
%11 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %10, i64 %8
%12 = bitcast i8* %11 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%13 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %9, %12
br i1 %13, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i35, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i38"
iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i35: ; preds = %cond.i.i34, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i37"
%14 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %18, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i37" ], [ %9, %cond.i.i34 ]
%15 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %14, align 8
%16 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %15, null
br i1 %16, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i37", label %cond.i.i.i.i.i36
cond.i.i.i.i.i36: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i35
%17 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %15 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %17)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i37"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i37": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i.i36, %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i35
%18 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %14, i64 1
%19 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %18, %12
br i1 %19, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i35, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i38"
"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i38": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i37", %cond.i.i34
%20 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %2 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %20)
br label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11040E.exit39"
"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11040E.exit39": ; preds = %cleanup, %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i38"
%.fca.0.insert = insertvalue { i8*, i32 } undef, i8* %.sroa.078.0, 0
%.fca.1.insert = insertvalue { i8*, i32 } %.fca.0.insert, i32 %.sroa.179.0, 1
resume { i8*, i32 } %.fca.1.insert
join: ; preds = %cond.i.i49, %"normal return12", %"normal return"
%21 = phi i8 [ %6, %"normal return" ], [ %storemerge.i.i.i46, %"normal return12" ], [ %storemerge.i.i.i46, %cond.i.i49 ]
%22 = icmp eq i8 %21, 0
br i1 %22, label %next20, label %then
next: ; preds = %"normal return"
%23 = invoke { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @str11171, i64 0, i64 0), i64 2)
to label %"normal return2" unwind label %unwind.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
"normal return2": ; preds = %next
%24 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %2, i64 0, i32 2, i64 1
%25 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %24, align 8
%26 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %25, i64 0, i32 0
%27 = load i64* %26, align 8
%28 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %23, i64 0, i32 0
%29 = load i64* %28, align 8
%30 = icmp eq i64 %27, %29
br i1 %30, label %else.i.i.i, label %"normal return3"
else.i.i.i: ; preds = %"normal return2"
%31 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %23, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%32 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %25, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%33 = bitcast i8* %32 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%34 = bitcast i8* %31 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%35 = add i64 %27, -1
%36 = invoke i32 @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956string6memcmp17_c0e5887b4130711314_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %33, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %34, i64 %35)
to label %.noexc unwind label %unwind4
.noexc: ; preds = %else.i.i.i
%37 = icmp eq i32 %36, 0
%38 = zext i1 %37 to i8
br label %"normal return3"
"normal return3": ; preds = %.noexc, %"normal return2"
%storemerge.i.i.i = phi i8 [ %38, %.noexc ], [ 0, %"normal return2" ]
%39 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %23, null
br i1 %39, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit", label %cond.i.i40
cond.i.i40: ; preds = %"normal return3"
%40 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %23 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %40)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit": ; preds = %"normal return3", %cond.i.i40
%41 = icmp eq i8 %storemerge.i.i.i, 0
br i1 %41, label %rhs7, label %then
unwind4: ; preds = %else.i.i.i
%42 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract71 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %42, 0
%.fca.1.extract73 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %42, 1
%43 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %23, null
br i1 %43, label %cleanup, label %cond.i.i41
cond.i.i41: ; preds = %unwind4
%44 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %23 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %44)
br label %cleanup
rhs7: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit"
%45 = load i64* %3, align 8
%46 = icmp ult i64 %45, 9
br i1 %46, label %cond9, label %next8
next8: ; preds = %rhs7
%47 = invoke { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([10 x i8]* @str11172, i64 0, i64 0), i64 9)
to label %"normal return11" unwind label %unwind.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
cond9: ; preds = %rhs7
%48 = lshr i64 %45, 3
invoke void @"_ZN8unstable4lang17fail_bounds_check17_7112ff25e39642a214_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([40 x i8]* @str10726, i64 0, i64 0), i64 228, i64 1, i64 %48)
to label %"normal return10" unwind label %unwind.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
"normal return10": ; preds = %cond9
"normal return11": ; preds = %next8
%49 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %24, align 8
%50 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %49, i64 0, i32 0
%51 = load i64* %50, align 8
%52 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %47, i64 0, i32 0
%53 = load i64* %52, align 8
%54 = icmp eq i64 %51, %53
br i1 %54, label %else.i.i.i45, label %"normal return12"
else.i.i.i45: ; preds = %"normal return11"
%55 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %47, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%56 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %49, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%57 = bitcast i8* %56 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%58 = bitcast i8* %55 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%59 = add i64 %51, -1
%60 = invoke i32 @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956string6memcmp17_c0e5887b4130711314_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %57, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %58, i64 %59)
to label %.noexc47 unwind label %unwind13
.noexc47: ; preds = %else.i.i.i45
%61 = icmp eq i32 %60, 0
%62 = zext i1 %61 to i8
br label %"normal return12"
"normal return12": ; preds = %.noexc47, %"normal return11"
%storemerge.i.i.i46 = phi i8 [ %62, %.noexc47 ], [ 0, %"normal return11" ]
%63 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %47, null
br i1 %63, label %join, label %cond.i.i49
cond.i.i49: ; preds = %"normal return12"
%64 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %47 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %64)
br label %join
unwind13: ; preds = %else.i.i.i45
%65 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract75 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %65, 0
%.fca.1.extract77 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %65, 1
%66 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %47, null
br i1 %66, label %cleanup, label %cond.i.i51
cond.i.i51: ; preds = %unwind13
%67 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %47 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %67)
br label %cleanup
then: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit", %join
%68 = load i64* %3, align 8
%69 = icmp eq i64 %68, 0
br i1 %69, label %cond16, label %next15
next15: ; preds = %then
%70 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %2, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%71 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %70, align 8
%72 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %71, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%73 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %71, i64 0, i32 0
%74 = load i64* %73, align 8
%__adjust.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %72, i8** %__adjust.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust.sroa.1.8..idx60 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %74, i64* %__adjust.sroa.1.8..idx60, align 8
%75 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg to %str_slice*
invoke void @"_ZN7version16_b6588a19758f49114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %75)
to label %"normal return18" unwind label %unwind.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
cond16: ; preds = %then
invoke void @"_ZN8unstable4lang17fail_bounds_check17_7112ff25e39642a214_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([40 x i8]* @str10726, i64 0, i64 0), i64 229, i64 0, i64 0)
to label %"normal return17" unwind label %unwind.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
"normal return17": ; preds = %cond16
"normal return18": ; preds = %next15
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4exit15_65062626eb4b5914_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({}* %__trans_ret_slot.i92, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i32 0)
to label %"normal return19" unwind label %unwind.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
"normal return19": ; preds = %"normal return18"
next20: ; preds = %join
%76 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %2, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%77 = load i64* %3, align 8
%78 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__adjust21, i64 0, i32 0
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %76, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %78, align 8
%79 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__adjust21, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %77, i64* %79, align 8
%80 = bitcast { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__adjust21 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
invoke fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__10tail_1117416_fab30464cb6f54114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %args, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %80)
to label %"normal return23" unwind label %unwind.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
"normal return23": ; preds = %next20
%s.sroa.1.8..idx.i.i = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %args, i64 0, i32 1
%s.sroa.1.8.copyload.i.i = load i64* %s.sroa.1.8..idx.i.i, align 8
%81 = icmp ult i64 %s.sroa.1.8.copyload.i.i, 8
br i1 %81, label %next32, label %"normal return25"
"normal return25": ; preds = %"normal return23"
%82 = bitcast {}* %__trans_ret_slot.i92 to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 0, i8* %82)
%83 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %args, i64 0, i32 0
%84 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %83, align 8
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 0, i8* %82)
%85 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %84, align 8
%86 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %85, i64 0, i32 0
%87 = load i64* %86, align 8
br i1 icmp eq (%"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* bitcast ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*), %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* inttoptr (i64 add (i64 ptrtoint ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to i64), i64 616) to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*)), label %"normal return28", label %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1101017_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i.preheader"
"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1101017_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i.preheader": ; preds = %"normal return25"
%88 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %85, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%89 = bitcast i8* %88 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%90 = add i64 %87, -1
br label %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1101017_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i"
"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1101017_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i": ; preds = %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1101017_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i.preheader", %"`loop`.i.i.backedge.i"
%.sroa.08.091.i = phi i64 [ %91, %"`loop`.i.i.backedge.i" ], [ ptrtoint ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to i64), %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1101017_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i.preheader" ]
%91 = add i64 %.sroa.08.091.i, 88
%92 = inttoptr i64 %.sroa.08.091.i to %struct.Command*
%__arg1.i.sroa.1.8..idx43.i = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Command* %92, i64 0, i32 0, i32 1
%__arg1.i.sroa.1.8.copyload.i = load i64* %__arg1.i.sroa.1.8..idx43.i, align 8
%93 = icmp eq i64 %__arg1.i.sroa.1.8.copyload.i, %87
br i1 %93, label %_ZN3str8eq_slice4anon4anon13expr_fn_11014E.exit.i, label %"`loop`.i.i.backedge.i"
"`loop`.i.i.backedge.i": ; preds = %.noexc54, %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1101017_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i"
%94 = inttoptr i64 %91 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%95 = icmp eq %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %94, inttoptr (i64 add (i64 ptrtoint ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to i64), i64 616) to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*)
%96 = icmp eq i64 %91, 0
%or.cond.i = or i1 %95, %96
br i1 %or.cond.i, label %"normal return28", label %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1101017_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i"
_ZN3str8eq_slice4anon4anon13expr_fn_11014E.exit.i: ; preds = %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1101017_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i"
%__arg1.i.sroa.0.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Command* %92, i64 0, i32 0, i32 0
%__arg1.i.sroa.0.0.copyload.i = load i8** %__arg1.i.sroa.0.0..idx.i, align 8
%97 = bitcast i8* %__arg1.i.sroa.0.0.copyload.i to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%98 = invoke i32 @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956string6memcmp17_c0e5887b4130711314_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %97, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %89, i64 %90)
to label %.noexc54 unwind label %unwind.nonloopexit.loopexit
.noexc54: ; preds = %_ZN3str8eq_slice4anon4anon13expr_fn_11014E.exit.i
%99 = icmp eq i32 %98, 0
br i1 %99, label %match_case.i, label %"`loop`.i.i.backedge.i"
"normal return28": ; preds = %"`loop`.i.i.backedge.i", %"normal return25"
%__arg.i.i.0.cast = bitcast %struct.Command* %__arg.i.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 88, i8* %__arg.i.i.0.cast)
%100 = getelementptr inbounds %"enum.std::option::Option<Command>[#1]"* %r, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 0, i64* %100, align 8
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 88, i8* %__arg.i.i.0.cast)
br label %"`loop`.i.preheader"
match_case.i: ; preds = %.noexc54
%101 = bitcast %struct.Command* %__arg.i.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 88, i8* %101)
%102 = inttoptr i64 %.sroa.08.091.i to i8*
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %101, i8* %102, i64 88, i32 8, i1 false)
%103 = getelementptr inbounds %"enum.std::option::Option<Command>[#1]"* %r, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %103, align 8
%104 = getelementptr inbounds %"enum.std::option::Option<Command>[#1]"* %r, i64 0, i32 1, i64 0
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %104, i8* %101, i64 88, i32 8, i1 false) #0
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 88, i8* %101)
%105 = getelementptr inbounds %"enum.std::option::Option<Command>[#1]"* %r, i64 0, i32 1
%106 = ptrtoint [88 x i8]* %105 to i64
br label %"`loop`.i.preheader"
"`loop`.i.preheader": ; preds = %"normal return28", %match_case.i = phi i64 [ %106, %match_case.i ], [ 0, %"normal return28" ]
%107 = bitcast %enum.ValidUsage* %result.i to i8*
%108 = bitcast { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %1 to i8*
%109 = bitcast { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %args to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%110 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %1, i64 0, i32 0
%111 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %1, i64 0, i32 1
%112 = bitcast { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg5.i to i8*
%113 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg6.i to i8*
%114 = bitcast { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg8.i to i8*
%115 = bitcast { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %__arg10.i to i8*
%__adjust.sroa.0.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg5.i, i64 0, i32 0
%__adjust.sroa.1.8..idx13.i = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg5.i, i64 0, i32 1
%116 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.ValidUsage* %result.i, i64 0, i32 0
%__adjust7.sroa.0.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg8.i, i64 0, i32 0
%__adjust7.sroa.1.8..idx12.i = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg8.i, i64 0, i32 1
%__adjust9.sroa.0.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %__arg10.i, i64 0, i32 0
%__adjust9.sroa.1.8..idx11.i = getelementptr inbounds { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %__arg10.i, i64 0, i32 1
br label %"`loop`.i"
"`loop`.i": ; preds = %"`loop`.i.preheader", %match_case.i99..noexc95_crit_edge
%.sroa.058.1 = phi i64 [ 0, %match_case.i99..noexc95_crit_edge ], [, %"`loop`.i.preheader" ]
%117 = icmp eq i64 %.sroa.058.1, 0
br i1 %117, label %next32, label %match_case.i55
match_case.i55: ; preds = %"`loop`.i"
%118 = inttoptr i64 %.sroa.058.1 to %struct.Command*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 0, i8* %82)
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %107)
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %108)
invoke fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__10tail_1117416_fab30464cb6f54114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %1, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %109)
to label %.noexc94 unwind label %unwind.loopexit.loopexit
.noexc94: ; preds = %match_case.i55
%119 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %110, align 8
%120 = load i64* %111, align 8
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %112)
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %113)
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %114)
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %115)
%121 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Command* %118, i64 0, i32 1, i32 0
%122 = load i64* %121, align 8, !range !0
%cond.i98 = icmp eq i64 %122, 0
%123 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Command* %118, i64 0, i32 1, i32 1
br i1 %cond.i98, label %match_case.i99, label %match_else.i
match_else.i: ; preds = %.noexc94
%124 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Command* %118, i64 0, i32 1, i32 2, i64 8
%125 = bitcast i8* %124 to void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)**
%126 = load void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)** %125, align 8
%127 = bitcast void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)** %123 to i8*
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %113, i8* %127, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %119, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %__adjust7.sroa.0.0..idx.i, align 8
store i64 %120, i64* %__adjust7.sroa.1.8..idx12.i, align 8
store void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* %126, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)** %__adjust9.sroa.0.0..idx.i, align 8
store { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* null, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }** %__adjust9.sroa.1.8..idx11.i, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN6invoke15_dc2cf633faae8514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %__arg6.i, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg8.i, { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %__arg10.i)
to label %.noexc100 unwind label %unwind.loopexit.loopexit
.noexc100: ; preds = %match_else.i
call void @llvm.memset.p0i8.i64(i8* %107, i8 0, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %112)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %113)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %114)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %115)
br label %.noexc96
match_case.i99: ; preds = %.noexc94
%128 = load void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)** %123, align 8
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %119, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %__adjust.sroa.0.0..idx.i, align 8
store i64 %120, i64* %__adjust.sroa.1.8..idx13.i, align 8
invoke void %128(%enum.ValidUsage* %result.i, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg5.i)
to label %match_case.i99..noexc95_crit_edge unwind label %unwind.loopexit.loopexit
match_case.i99..noexc95_crit_edge: ; preds = %match_case.i99
%.pre = load i64* %116, align 8
%phitmp = icmp eq i64 %.pre, 0
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %112)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %113)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %114)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %115)
br i1 %phitmp, label %.noexc96, label %"`loop`.i"
.noexc96: ; preds = %.noexc100, %match_case.i99..noexc95_crit_edge
%129 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.ValidUsage* %result.i, i64 0, i32 1
%130 = load i64* %129, align 8
%131 = trunc i64 %130 to i32
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4exit15_65062626eb4b5914_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({}* %__trans_ret_slot.i92, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i32 %131)
to label %.noexc97 unwind label %unwind.loopexit.nonloopexit
.noexc97: ; preds = %.noexc96
next32: ; preds = %"`loop`.i", %"normal return23"
invoke void @"_ZN5usage16_d7417fb5c428c7e14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef)
to label %"normal return33" unwind label %unwind.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
"normal return33": ; preds = %next32
%132 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %2, null
br i1 %132, label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11040E.exit", label %cond.i.i
cond.i.i: ; preds = %"normal return33"
%133 = load i64* %3, align 8
%134 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %76 to i8*
%135 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %134, i64 %133
%136 = bitcast i8* %135 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%137 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %76, %136
br i1 %137, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i"
iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i: ; preds = %cond.i.i, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i"
%138 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %142, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i" ], [ %76, %cond.i.i ]
%139 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %138, align 8
%140 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %139, null
br i1 %140, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i", label %cond.i.i.i.i.i
cond.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i
%141 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %139 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %141)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i.i, %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i
%142 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %138, i64 1
%143 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %142, %136
br i1 %143, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i"
"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i.i.i", %cond.i.i
%144 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %2 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %144)
br label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11040E.exit"
"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11040E.exit": ; preds = %"normal return33", %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_10943E.exit.i.i"
ret void
declare void @"_ZN7version16_b6588a19758f49114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, %str_slice*)
declare void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4exit15_65062626eb4b5914_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({}*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, i32)
define internal fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__10tail_1117416_fab30464cb6f54114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* nocapture, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture) #3 {
"function top level":
%__trans_ret_slot.i = alloca {}, align 8
%ret.i.i = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*, align 8
%__adjust.i = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__arg3.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%s.sroa.1.8..idx.i.i = getelementptr inbounds { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %1, i64 0, i32 1
%s.sroa.1.8..cast.i.i = bitcast %tydesc** %s.sroa.1.8..idx.i.i to i64*
%s.sroa.1.8.copyload.i.i = load i64* %s.sroa.1.8..cast.i.i, align 1
%2 = lshr i64 %s.sroa.1.8.copyload.i.i, 3
%3 = bitcast {}* %__trans_ret_slot.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 0, i8* %3)
%4 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %4)
%5 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg3.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %5)
%6 = icmp eq i64 %2, 0
br i1 %6, label %then.i, label %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__11slice_1117717_7dfbf588b669df8914_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
then.i: ; preds = %"function top level"
%7 = call { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([19 x i8]* @str10873, i64 0, i64 0), i64 18)
%8 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %7, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%9 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %7, i64 0, i32 0
%10 = load i64* %9, align 8
%11 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %8, i8** %11, align 8
%12 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %10, i64* %12, align 8
%13 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%14 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 8, i8* %14)
%15 = invoke fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_106778to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %13)
to label %.noexc.i unwind label %unwind.i
.noexc.i: ; preds = %then.i
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %15, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i.i, align 8
%16 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i.i to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%17 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %15, i64 0, i32 0
%18 = load i64* %17, align 8
%19 = add i64 %18, 11
%20 = lshr i64 %19, 1
%21 = or i64 %20, %19
%22 = lshr i64 %21, 2
%23 = or i64 %22, %21
%24 = lshr i64 %23, 4
%25 = or i64 %24, %23
%26 = lshr i64 %25, 8
%27 = or i64 %26, %25
%28 = lshr i64 %27, 16
%29 = or i64 %28, %27
%30 = lshr i64 %29, 32
%31 = or i64 %30, %29
%32 = add i64 %31, 1
invoke fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__13reserve_1076916_7da913789de211514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %16, i64 %32)
to label %"normal return.i" unwind label %unwind.i.i
unwind.i.i: ; preds = %.noexc.i
%33 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%34 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i.i, align 8
%35 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %34, null
br i1 %35, label %unwind.body.i, label %cond.i.i2.i.i
cond.i.i2.i.i: ; preds = %unwind.i.i
%36 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %34 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %36)
to label %unwind.body.i unwind label %unwind.i
"normal return.i": ; preds = %.noexc.i
%37 = add i64 %18, -1
%38 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i.i, align 8
%39 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %38, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%40 = ptrtoint i8* %39 to i64
%41 = add i64 %37, %40
%42 = inttoptr i64 %41 to i8*
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %42, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([13 x i8]* @str11180, i64 0, i64 0), i64 12, i32 1, i1 false)
%43 = add i64 %18, 12
%44 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %38, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 %43, i64* %44, align 8
%45 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %38, i64 1
%46 = ptrtoint { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %45 to i64
%47 = add i64 %46, %19
%48 = inttoptr i64 %47 to i8*
store i8 0, i8* %48, align 1
%49 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i.i, align 8
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 8, i8* %14)
%50 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %7, null
br i1 %50, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i", label %cond.i.i.i
cond.i.i.i: ; preds = %"normal return.i"
%51 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %7 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %51)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit.i": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i, %"normal return.i"
%.sroa.028.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg3.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([38 x i8]* @str10820, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.028.0..idx.i, align 8
%.sroa.129.8..idx30.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg3.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 38, i64* %.sroa.129.8..idx30.i, align 8
call void @"_ZN3sys14__extensions__10meth_111489fail_with17_d96679812a86c36714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({}* %__trans_ret_slot.i, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %49, %str_slice* %__arg3.i, i64 735)
unwind.i: ; preds = %cond.i.i2.i.i, %then.i
%52 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind.body.i
unwind.body.i: ; preds = %unwind.i, %cond.i.i2.i.i, %unwind.i.i
%eh.lpad-body.i = phi { i8*, i32 } [ %52, %unwind.i ], [ %33, %cond.i.i2.i.i ], [ %33, %unwind.i.i ]
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%53 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %7, null
br i1 %53, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit3.i", label %cond.i.i2.i
cond.i.i2.i: ; preds = %unwind.body.i
%54 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %7 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %54)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit3.i"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10815E.exit3.i": ; preds = %cond.i.i2.i, %unwind.body.i
resume { i8*, i32 } %eh.lpad-body.i
"_ZN3vec14__extensions__11slice_1117717_7dfbf588b669df8914_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit": ; preds = %"function top level"
%s.sroa.0.0..cast.i.i = bitcast { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %1 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }***
%s.sroa.0.0.copyload.i.i = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %s.sroa.0.0..cast.i.i, align 1
%55 = ptrtoint { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %s.sroa.0.0.copyload.i.i to i64
%56 = add i64 %55, 8
%57 = inttoptr i64 %56 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%58 = shl nuw i64 %2, 3
%59 = add i64 %58, -8
%__arg2.i.sroa.0.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %57, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %__arg2.i.sroa.0.0..idx.i, align 1
%60 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %0, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %59, i64* %60, align 1
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 0, i8* %3)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %4)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %5)
ret void
declare void @"_ZN8unstable4lang10annihilate16_82984335c95fdd514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)
declare void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64, i8* nocapture) #0
declare void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64, i8* nocapture) #0
declare { i64, i1 } @llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i64(i64, i64) #4
attributes #0 = { nounwind }
attributes #1 = { inlinehint nounwind }
attributes #2 = { uwtable }
attributes #3 = { inlinehint uwtable }
attributes #4 = { nounwind readnone }
!0 = metadata !{i64 0, i64 2}
; ModuleID = 'rust.rc'
target datalayout = "e-p:64:64:64-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-s0:64:64-f80:128:128-n8:16:32:64"
target triple = "x86_64-apple-darwin"
%tydesc = type { i64, i64, void ({}*, i8*)*, void ({}*, i8*)*, void ({}*, i8*)*, void ({}*, i8*)* }
%enum.ValidUsage = type { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }
%enum.Action = type { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }
%str_slice = type { i8*, i64 }
%enum.UsageSource = type { i64, %str_slice, [0 x i8] }
%"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]" = type {}
%"enum.std::option::Option<~str>[#1]" = type { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* }
%"struct.std::path::PosixPath[#1]" = type { i8, { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* }
%"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]" = type { i32, %"enum.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Count[#1]", %"enum.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Count[#1]", %"enum.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Ty[#1]" }
%"enum.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Count[#1]" = type { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }
%"enum.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Ty[#1]" = type { i64 }
%struct.Command = type { %str_slice, %enum.Action, %str_slice, %enum.UsageSource }
%"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]" = type { i64, i64, {} }
%"enum.std::option::Option<Command>[#1]" = type { i64, [88 x i8] }
@_rust_crate_map_rust_0.8-pre_8d2fe0c0fe8188b = global { i32, i8*, i64, [8 x i64] } { i32 1, i8* bitcast (void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* @"_ZN8unstable4lang10annihilate16_82984335c95fdd514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE" to i8*), i64 ptrtoint ([1 x { i64, i64 }]* @_rust_mod_map to i64), [8 x i64] [i64 ptrtoint (i64* @_rust_crate_map_std_0.8-pre_6c65cf4b443341b1 to i64), i64 ptrtoint (i64* @_rust_crate_map_rustpkg_0.8-pre_38a86178bd95e7e1 to i64), i64 ptrtoint (i64* @_rust_crate_map_extra_0.8-pre_a7c050cfd46b2c9a to i64), i64 ptrtoint (i64* @_rust_crate_map_rustc_0.8-pre_d3cb8c2ccd84a7a7 to i64), i64 ptrtoint (i64* @_rust_crate_map_syntax_0.8-pre_64629f7f0c6a9bc to i64), i64 ptrtoint (i64* @_rust_crate_map_rustdoc_0.8-pre_6b49af4948607d84 to i64), i64 ptrtoint (i64* @_rust_crate_map_rusti_0.8-pre_53e0ef2ae196aaff to i64), i64 0] }
@"_ZN10ValidUsage5Valid7descrim17_80d11077bd3d8df614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE" = constant i64 0
@"_ZN10ValidUsage7Invalid7descrim17_80d11077bd3d8df614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE" = constant i64 1
@"_ZN6Action4Call7descrim17_80d11077bd3d8df614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE" = constant i64 0
@"_ZN6Action8CallMain7descrim17_80d11077bd3d8df614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE" = constant i64 1
@"_ZN11UsageSource6UsgStr7descrim17_80d11077bd3d8df614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE" = constant i64 0
@"_ZN11UsageSource7UsgCall7descrim17_80d11077bd3d8df614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE" = constant i64 1
@str10719 = internal constant [6 x i8] c"build\00"
@str10720 = internal constant [6 x i8] c"rustc\00"
@str10721 = internal constant [26 x i8] c"compile rust source files\00"
@str10723 = internal constant [4 x i8] c"run\00"
@str10725 = internal constant [32 x i8] c"build an executable, and run it\00"
@str10726 = internal constant [167 x i8] c"The run command is an shortcut for the command line \0A\22rustc <filename> -o <filestem>~ && ./<filestem>~ [<arguments>...]\22.\0A\0AUsage:\09rust run <filename> [<arguments>...]\00"
@str10727 = internal constant [5 x i8] c"test\00"
@str10728 = internal constant [36 x i8] c"build a test executable, and run it\00"
@str10729 = internal constant [149 x i8] c"The test command is an shortcut for the command line \0A\22rustc --test <filename> -o <filestem>test~ && ./<filestem>test~\22\0A\0AUsage:\09rust test <filename>\00"
@str10730 = internal constant [4 x i8] c"doc\00"
@str10731 = internal constant [8 x i8] c"rustdoc\00"
@str10732 = internal constant [41 x i8] c"generate documentation from doc comments\00"
@str10733 = internal constant [4 x i8] c"pkg\00"
@str10734 = internal constant [8 x i8] c"rustpkg\00"
@str10735 = internal constant [39 x i8] c"download, build, install rust packages\00"
@str10736 = internal constant [7 x i8] c"sketch\00"
@str10737 = internal constant [6 x i8] c"rusti\00"
@str10738 = internal constant [23 x i8] c"run a rust interpreter\00"
@str10739 = internal constant [14 x i8] c"\0AUsage:\09rusti\00"
@str10740 = internal constant [5 x i8] c"help\00"
@str10741 = internal constant [33 x i8] c"show detailed usage of a command\00"
@str10742 = internal constant [160 x i8] c"The help command displays the usage text of another command.\0AThe text is either build in, or provided by the corresponding program.\0A\0AUsage:\09rust help <command>\00"
@const = private constant { { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } } { { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } } { { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([6 x i8]* @str10719, i32 0, i32 0), i64 6 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] } { i64 1, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([6 x i8]* @str10720, i32 0, i32 0), i64 6 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* @"_ZN4main15_f3d16eaf7d573814_0$x2e8$x2dpreE", [0 x i8] undef }, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([26 x i8]* @str10721, i32 0, i32 0), i64 26 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } { i64 1, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* @"_ZN10rustc_help16_d7417fb5c428c7e14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE", [8 x i8] undef } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } { { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([4 x i8]* @str10723, i32 0, i32 0), i64 4 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] } { i64 0, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)* @"_ZN7cmd_run17_64cd22cf85a72bbc14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE", [16 x i8] undef }, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([32 x i8]* @str10725, i32 0, i32 0), i64 32 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } { i64 0, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([167 x i8]* @str10726, i32 0, i32 0), i64 167 }, [0 x i8] undef } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } { { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([5 x i8]* @str10727, i32 0, i32 0), i64 5 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] } { i64 0, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)* @"_ZN8cmd_test17_64cd22cf85a72bbc14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE", [16 x i8] undef }, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([36 x i8]* @str10728, i32 0, i32 0), i64 36 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } { i64 0, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([149 x i8]* @str10729, i32 0, i32 0), i64 149 }, [0 x i8] undef } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } } { { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([4 x i8]* @str10730, i32 0, i32 0), i64 4 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] } { i64 1, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i8]* @str10731, i32 0, i32 0), i64 8 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* @"_ZN4main16_923425a5c682dca14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE", [0 x i8] undef }, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([41 x i8]* @str10732, i32 0, i32 0), i64 41 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } { i64 1, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* @"_ZN6config5usage16_923425a5c682dca14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE", [8 x i8] undef } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } } { { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([4 x i8]* @str10733, i32 0, i32 0), i64 4 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] } { i64 1, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i8]* @str10734, i32 0, i32 0), i64 8 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* @"_ZN4main16_f7604413a6f2de214_0$x2e8$x2dpreE", [0 x i8] undef }, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([39 x i8]* @str10735, i32 0, i32 0), i64 39 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } { i64 1, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* @"_ZN5usage7general16_f7604413a6f2de214_0$x2e8$x2dpreE", [8 x i8] undef } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } { { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([7 x i8]* @str10736, i32 0, i32 0), i64 7 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] } { i64 1, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([6 x i8]* @str10737, i32 0, i32 0), i64 6 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* @"_ZN4main17_3a346db0adc4cf5114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE", [0 x i8] undef }, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([23 x i8]* @str10738, i32 0, i32 0), i64 23 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } { i64 0, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([14 x i8]* @str10739, i32 0, i32 0), i64 14 }, [0 x i8] undef } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } { { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([5 x i8]* @str10740, i32 0, i32 0), i64 5 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] } { i64 0, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)* @"_ZN8cmd_help17_64cd22cf85a72bbc14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE", [16 x i8] undef }, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([33 x i8]* @str10741, i32 0, i32 0), i64 33 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } { i64 0, { i8*, i64 } { i8* getelementptr inbounds ([160 x i8]* @str10742, i32 0, i32 0), i64 160 }, [0 x i8] undef } } }
@str10798 = internal constant [55 x i8] c"/Users/Luqman/Develop/mozilla/rust/src/librust/\00"
@str10881 = internal constant [27 x i8] c"vector size is too large: \00"
@str10892 = internal constant [53 x i8] c"/Users/Luqman/Develop/mozilla/rust/src/libstd/\00"
@str10945 = internal constant [19 x i8] c"assertion failed: \00"
@str10946 = internal constant [8 x i8] c"len > 0\00"
@str10947 = internal constant [53 x i8] c"/Users/Luqman/Develop/mozilla/rust/src/libstd/\00"
@str11091 = internal constant [5 x i8] c"The \00"
@str11092 = internal constant [30 x i8] c" command is an alias for the \00"
@str11093 = internal constant [10 x i8] c" program.\00"
@str11094 = internal constant [1 x i8] zeroinitializer
@str11095 = internal constant [2 x i8] c"\0A\00"
@str11098 = internal constant [20 x i8] c"option::unwrap None\00"
@str11099 = internal constant [56 x i8] c"/Users/Luqman/Develop/mozilla/rust/src/libstd/\00"
@str11114 = internal constant [6 x i8] c"test~\00"
@str11116 = internal constant [7 x i8] c"--test\00"
@str11123 = internal constant [3 x i8] c"-o\00"
@str11124 = internal constant [3 x i8] c"./\00"
@str11231 = internal constant [177 x i8] c"The rust tool is a convenience for managing rust source code.\0AIt acts as a shortcut for programs of the rust tool chain.\0A\0AUsage:\09rust <command> [arguments]\0A\0AThe commands are:\0A\0A\00"
@str11237 = internal constant [2 x i8] c" \00"
@str11238 = internal constant [5 x i8] c" \00"
@str11239 = internal constant [67 x i8] c"\0AUse \22rust help <command>\22 for more information about a command.\0A\0A\00"
@str11243 = internal constant [3 x i8] c"-v\00"
@str11244 = internal constant [10 x i8] c"--version\00"
@str11252 = internal constant [13 x i8] c"start <= end\00"
@_rust_crate_map_std_0.8-pre_6c65cf4b443341b1 = external global i64
@_rust_crate_map_rustpkg_0.8-pre_38a86178bd95e7e1 = external global i64
@_rust_crate_map_extra_0.8-pre_a7c050cfd46b2c9a = external global i64
@_rust_crate_map_rustc_0.8-pre_d3cb8c2ccd84a7a7 = external global i64
@_rust_crate_map_syntax_0.8-pre_64629f7f0c6a9bc = external global i64
@_rust_crate_map_rustdoc_0.8-pre_6b49af4948607d84 = external global i64
@_rust_crate_map_rusti_0.8-pre_53e0ef2ae196aaff = external global i64
@_rust_mod_map = internal global [1 x { i64, i64 }] zeroinitializer
@rust_abi_version = constant i64 1
@rust_metadata = internal global { [7414 x i8] } { [7414 x i8] c"rust\00\00\00\01\ED]\09x\1B\D5\9D\97\1D\E7\8Es\10\02\E1H+\E2\E0$\92\0F\DD\92M\12\12\92\B4@\9B\D0%\10J\83\11\A3\99\913XWt8\B6l\85#\B2s\89\1C$\5C\11!!\10JiK)\EDB)=\B8J\F9\CA\F6\03\16Z\B6l\8Fm\B7\DD\DD\B6\DBv{\B0[Z\DA\DD\DF\1B\CD\CC\D3\9B\91%\D9\B1\8D\DBm\BE\EF\A7\8C\DE\BCy\FF\E3\FD\DE\FF\FD\E7\8D\E6\F9\E1\B9&\D3\1C\9F\E0\08\8A6\DE\16\14}v\9F/p\FF\5CS\CD\E4\938\F1\A5\07\F1\F1\E4=\F8\A8\0BI\91\AE\BBqp\86\FC-\C2\85\C5\13\E4 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\06\A4\804\00N\F5`b\EE\D9\03\EC\07\E0\EB\9ES\C0#\C0\97\80g\81\D7\81\7F\02~\06\FC\0A\F8\1D\F0\0E\F0g,\0BL\02\E0\B1\DEz\E0\0C\E0l\E0|\E0\22`5\B0\1E\B8\1C\B8\02\B8\0A\B8\16\B8\1E\E0\81\AD@\18\88\03\DB\01\E8\D0\0B\1Dz\0F\03w\03\C7\00\F8\AE\17\BE\EB\85\EFz\E1\BB^\F8\AE\17\BE\EB\85\EFz\E1\BB\DEo\00\AF\00o\00\E8\B5\DE\EF\03\FF\0A\FC\07\F0\0B\E07\00f\A0\DEw\F1\9C\B4\06\80\EF\D2\F0]\1A\BEK\C3wi\F8.\0D\DF\A5\E1\BB4|\97\86\EF\D2\F0]\1A\BEK\C3wi\F8.\0D\DF\A5\E1\BB4|\97\86\EF\D2\F0]z\17\903\99\D2\87\80;\C9\CB$\00|\97\86\EF\D2\F0]\FA3\C0\E7\81\A7\80\AF\00\CF\03/\01\DF\04~\00\FC\18\F8)\80>O\A3\CF\D3\E8\F34\FA\BCo\0Ep&\00\C6\F6\BD\0Fh\00\96\01\CD\00x\DD\E7\050\BF\F4af\EE\DB\04|\14\E8\00\A2@\12\00\EF\FA\C0\BB>\F0\AE\EF\0E\E0(p\1C\C0T\D9\F7\09\00\E3\AC\EFs\C0\17\80/\03\CF\01_\07\E0\BB>\F8\AE\0F\BE\EB\83\EF\FA\E0\BB>\F8\AE\0F\BE\EB\83\EF\FA\E1\BB~\04\E2\FE\99\00\F8\DE\BF\008\17x?\B0\04X\0E\A0\CF\FB\D1\E7\FD\E8\F3~\F4y?\FA\BC\1F}\DE\0F\DF\F5\F7\00{\81\03\C0\11\00\09G\FF}\C0\03\C0\C3\C0\A7\81\C7\81'\01\F0\AE\1F\BC\EB\7F\11x\19x\95<\AD\05\DE\02\FE\13\F85\9E:\82w\19\F0.\03\DEe\C0\BB\0Ct\C8@\87L\0B\E0\04|\C0J\E0\12\00:d\C0\BB\0Cx\97A\FFe\D0\7F\19p?\03\EEg\C0\FD\0Cx\97\01\EF2\E8\BF\0Ct\C8@\87\0Ct\C8@\87\0Ct\C8@\87\0Ct\C8\FC\08@f\99\81\0E\19\A2\C3\7F\03\7F\C4\C3`\8C\FB\1D\93\81\1980\FD\1F" }, section "__DATA,__note.rustc"
@llvm.used = appending global [1 x i8*] [i8* getelementptr inbounds ({ [7414 x i8] }* @rust_metadata, i32 0, i32 0, i32 0)]
declare void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* nocapture, i8* nocapture, i64, i32, i1) #0
declare void @llvm.memmove.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* nocapture, i8* nocapture, i64, i32, i1) #0
declare void @llvm.memset.p0i8.i64(i8* nocapture, i8, i64, i32, i1) #0
declare i32 @upcall_rust_personality() #0
declare void @upcall_reset_stack_limit() #0
define void @"_ZN10ValidUsage10ValidUsage5Valid17_1e8f9dbf9d8188c814_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%enum.ValidUsage* nocapture, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture, i64) #1 {
"function top level":
%3 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.ValidUsage* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 0, i64* %3, align 8
%4 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.ValidUsage* %0, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %2, i64* %4, align 8
ret void
define void @"_ZN6Action6Action4Call17_9e9a747d18168a1e14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%enum.Action* nocapture, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*) #1 {
"function top level":
%3 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.Action* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 0, i64* %3, align 8
%4 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.Action* %0, i64 0, i32 1
store void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)* %2, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)** %4, align 8
ret void
define void @"_ZN6Action6Action8CallMain17_b2673849a278305b14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%enum.Action* nocapture, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture, %str_slice* nocapture, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*) #1 {
"function top level":
%4 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.Action* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %4, align 8
%5 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.Action* %0, i64 0, i32 1
%6 = bitcast %str_slice* %2 to i8*
%7 = bitcast void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)** %5 to i8*
tail call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %7, i8* %6, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
%8 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.Action* %0, i64 0, i32 2, i64 8
%9 = bitcast i8* %8 to void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)**
store void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* %3, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)** %9, align 8
ret void
define void @"_ZN11UsageSource11UsageSource6UsgStr17_4518e7c6172c203814_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%enum.UsageSource* nocapture, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture, %str_slice* nocapture) #1 {
"function top level":
%3 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.UsageSource* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 0, i64* %3, align 8
%4 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.UsageSource* %0, i64 0, i32 1
%5 = bitcast %str_slice* %2 to i8*
%6 = bitcast %str_slice* %4 to i8*
tail call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %6, i8* %5, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
ret void
define void @"_ZN11UsageSource11UsageSource7UsgCall17_f5952b30e8baf33714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%enum.UsageSource* nocapture, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*) #1 {
"function top level":
%3 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.UsageSource* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %3, align 8
%4 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.UsageSource* %0, i64 0, i32 1, i32 0
%.c = bitcast void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* %2 to i8*
store i8* %.c, i8** %4, align 8
ret void
declare void @"_ZN4main15_f3d16eaf7d573814_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)
define void @"_ZN10rustc_help16_d7417fb5c428c7e14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture) #2 {
"function top level":
%__adjust.i = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__arg = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%1 = call { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* @"_ZN2os4args16_707125f9258e1ff14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef)
%2 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %1, i64 0, i32 0
%3 = load i64* %2, align 8
%4 = icmp eq i64 %3, 0
br i1 %4, label %cond, label %next
next: ; preds = %"function top level"
%5 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %1, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%6 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %6)
%7 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %5, align 8
%8 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %7, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%9 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %7, i64 0, i32 0
%10 = load i64* %9, align 8
%11 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %8, i8** %11, align 8
%12 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %10, i64* %12, align 8
%13 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%14 = invoke fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_107498to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %13)
to label %"normal return1" unwind label %unwind
cond: ; preds = %"function top level"
invoke void @"_ZN8unstable4lang17fail_bounds_check17_7112ff25e39642a214_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([55 x i8]* @str10798, i64 0, i64 0), i64 121, i64 0, i64 0)
to label %"normal return" unwind label %unwind
"normal return": ; preds = %cond
unwind: ; preds = %next, %cond
%15 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%16 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %1, null
br i1 %16, label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_free_11009E.exit", label %cond.i
cond.i: ; preds = %unwind
%17 = load i64* %2, align 8
%18 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %1, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%19 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %18 to i8*
%20 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %19, i64 %17
%21 = bitcast i8* %20 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%22 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %18, %21
br i1 %22, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i"
iter_vec_loop_body.i.i: ; preds = %cond.i, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i"
%23 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %27, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i" ], [ %18, %cond.i ]
%24 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %23, align 8
%25 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %24, null
br i1 %25, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i", label %cond.i.i.i.i
cond.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i
%26 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %24 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %26)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i, %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i
%27 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %23, i64 1
%28 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %27, %21
br i1 %28, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i"
"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i", %cond.i
%29 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %1 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %29)
br label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_free_11009E.exit"
"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_free_11009E.exit": ; preds = %unwind, %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i"
resume { i8*, i32 } %15
"normal return1": ; preds = %next
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %6)
%30 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %1, null
br i1 %30, label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_free_11009E.exit10", label %cond.i5
cond.i5: ; preds = %"normal return1"
%31 = load i64* %2, align 8
%32 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %5 to i8*
%33 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %32, i64 %31
%34 = bitcast i8* %33 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%35 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %5, %34
br i1 %35, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i6, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i9"
iter_vec_loop_body.i.i6: ; preds = %cond.i5, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i8"
%36 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %40, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i8" ], [ %5, %cond.i5 ]
%37 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %36, align 8
%38 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %37, null
br i1 %38, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i8", label %cond.i.i.i.i7
cond.i.i.i.i7: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i6
%39 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %37 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %39)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i8"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i8": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i7, %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i6
%40 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %36, i64 1
%41 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %40, %34
br i1 %41, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i6, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i9"
"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i9": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i8", %cond.i5
%42 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %1 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %42)
br label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_free_11009E.exit10"
"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_free_11009E.exit10": ; preds = %"normal return1", %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i9"
%43 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %14, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%44 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %14, i64 0, i32 0
%45 = load i64* %44, align 8
%__adjust.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %43, i8** %__adjust.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust.sroa.1.8..idx15 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %45, i64* %__adjust.sroa.1.8..idx15, align 8
%46 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg to %str_slice*
invoke void @"_ZN5usage16_b6588a19758f49114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %46)
to label %"normal return2" unwind label %unwind3
"normal return2": ; preds = %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_free_11009E.exit10"
%47 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %14, null
br i1 %47, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit", label %cond.i11
cond.i11: ; preds = %"normal return2"
%48 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %14 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %48)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit": ; preds = %"normal return2", %cond.i11
ret void
unwind3: ; preds = %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_free_11009E.exit10"
%49 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%50 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %14, null
br i1 %50, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit13", label %cond.i12
cond.i12: ; preds = %unwind3
%51 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %14 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %51)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit13"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit13": ; preds = %unwind3, %cond.i12
resume { i8*, i32 } %49
define void @"_ZN7cmd_run17_64cd22cf85a72bbc14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%enum.ValidUsage* nocapture, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* nocapture) #2 {
"function top level":
%__trans_ret_slot.i = alloca {}, align 8
%ret.i62 = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*, align 8
%ret.i = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*, align 8
%__arg.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__arg2.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%3 = alloca %"enum.std::option::Option<~str>[#1]", align 8
%4 = alloca %"struct.std::path::PosixPath[#1]", align 8
%__arg = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__adjust2 = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__arg6 = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%5 = alloca [3 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*], align 8
%__adjust7 = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__adjust15 = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__arg20 = alloca { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }, align 8
%__arg22 = alloca { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }, align 8
%__adjust27 = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__arg33 = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__arg35 = alloca { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }, align 8
%.sub = getelementptr inbounds [3 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*]* %5, i64 0, i64 0
%6 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %2, i64 0, i32 1
%7 = load i64* %6, align 8
%8 = icmp sgt i64 %7, 7
br i1 %8, label %match_case, label %compare_vec_len_next
match_case: ; preds = %"function top level"
%9 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %2, i64 0, i32 0
%10 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %9, align 8
%11 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %10, i64 1
%12 = add i64 %7, -8
%13 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %10, align 8
%14 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %13, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%15 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %13, i64 0, i32 0
%16 = load i64* %15, align 8
%__adjust.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %14, i8** %__adjust.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust.sroa.1.8..idx145 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %16, i64* %__adjust.sroa.1.8..idx145, align 8
%17 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg to %str_slice*
call void @"_ZN4path9PosixPath17_7c6da4115ba3bd6514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%"struct.std::path::PosixPath[#1]"* %4, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %17)
%18 = bitcast %"struct.std::path::PosixPath[#1]"* %4 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
invoke void @"_ZN4path14__extensions__10meth_225708filestem17_b384379c13763c9b14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%"enum.std::option::Option<~str>[#1]"* %3, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %18)
to label %"normal return" unwind label %unwind
compare_vec_len_next: ; preds = %"function top level"
%19 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.ValidUsage* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %19, align 8
br label %join
"normal return": ; preds = %match_case
%20 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::path::PosixPath[#1]"* %4, i64 0, i32 1
%21 = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %20, align 8
%22 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %21, null
br i1 %22, label %_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11110E.exit, label %cond.i.i.i
cond.i.i.i: ; preds = %"normal return"
%23 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %21, i64 0, i32 0
%24 = load i64* %23, align 8
%25 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %21, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%26 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %25 to i8*
%27 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %26, i64 %24
%28 = bitcast i8* %27 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%29 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %25, %28
br i1 %29, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i.i"
iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %cond.i.i.i, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i.i"
%30 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %34, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i.i" ], [ %25, %cond.i.i.i ]
%31 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %30, align 8
%32 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %31, null
br i1 %32, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i.i", label %cond.i.i.i.i.i.i
cond.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i
%33 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %31 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %33)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i.i"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i.i": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i.i.i, %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i
%34 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %30, i64 1
%35 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %34, %28
br i1 %35, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i.i"
"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i.i": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i.i", %cond.i.i.i
%36 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %21 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %36)
br label %_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11110E.exit
_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11110E.exit: ; preds = %"normal return", %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i.i"
%37 = getelementptr inbounds %"enum.std::option::Option<~str>[#1]"* %3, i64 0, i32 0
%38 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %37, align 8
%39 = bitcast {}* %__trans_ret_slot.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 0, i8* %39)
%40 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %40)
%41 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg2.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %41)
%42 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %38, null
br i1 %42, label %match_else.i, label %"_ZN6option14__extensions__12unwrap_1109617_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
match_else.i: ; preds = %_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11110E.exit
%.sroa.010.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([20 x i8]* @str11098, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.010.0..idx.i, align 8
%.sroa.111.8..idx12.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 20, i64* %.sroa.111.8..idx12.i, align 8
%.sroa.07.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg2.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([56 x i8]* @str11099, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.07.0..idx.i, align 8
%.sroa.18.8..idx9.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg2.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 56, i64* %.sroa.18.8..idx9.i, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN3sys14__extensions__10meth_127919fail_with16_db4c44d01ce411614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({}* %__trans_ret_slot.i, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %__arg.i, %str_slice* %__arg2.i, i64 320)
to label %"normal return.i" unwind label %"_ZN34std..option..Option$LT$$UP$str$GT$15_5f00cd69e4f07515glue_drop_11104E.exit4.i"
"normal return.i": ; preds = %match_else.i
"_ZN34std..option..Option$LT$$UP$str$GT$15_5f00cd69e4f07515glue_drop_11104E.exit4.i": ; preds = %match_else.i
%43 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
resume { i8*, i32 } %43
"_ZN6option14__extensions__12unwrap_1109617_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit": ; preds = %_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11110E.exit
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 0, i8* %39)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %40)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %41)
%44 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %38, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%45 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %38, i64 0, i32 0
%46 = load i64* %45, align 8
%47 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust2, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %44, i8** %47, align 8
%48 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust2, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %46, i64* %48, align 8
%49 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust2 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%50 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 8, i8* %50)
%51 = invoke fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_107498to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %49)
to label %.noexc unwind label %unwind4
.noexc: ; preds = %"_ZN6option14__extensions__12unwrap_1109617_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %51, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
%52 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%53 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %51, i64 0, i32 0
%54 = load i64* %53, align 8
%55 = lshr i64 %54, 1
%56 = or i64 %55, %54
%57 = lshr i64 %56, 2
%58 = or i64 %57, %56
%59 = lshr i64 %58, 4
%60 = or i64 %59, %58
%61 = lshr i64 %60, 8
%62 = or i64 %61, %60
%63 = lshr i64 %62, 16
%64 = or i64 %63, %62
%65 = lshr i64 %64, 32
%66 = or i64 %65, %64
%67 = add i64 %66, 1
invoke fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__13reserve_1084116_7da913789de211514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %52, i64 %67)
to label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit" unwind label %unwind.i40
unwind.i40: ; preds = %.noexc
%68 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%69 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
%70 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %69, null
br i1 %70, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit49", label %cond.i.i2.i
cond.i.i2.i: ; preds = %unwind.i40
%71 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %69 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %71)
to label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit49" unwind label %unwind4
unwind: ; preds = %match_case
%72 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%73 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::path::PosixPath[#1]"* %4, i64 0, i32 1
%74 = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %73, align 8
%75 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %74, null
br i1 %75, label %_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11110E.exit47, label %cond.i.i.i42
cond.i.i.i42: ; preds = %unwind
%76 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %74, i64 0, i32 0
%77 = load i64* %76, align 8
%78 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %74, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%79 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %78 to i8*
%80 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %79, i64 %77
%81 = bitcast i8* %80 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%82 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %78, %81
br i1 %82, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i43, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i.i46"
iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i43: ; preds = %cond.i.i.i42, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i.i45"
%83 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %87, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i.i45" ], [ %78, %cond.i.i.i42 ]
%84 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %83, align 8
%85 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %84, null
br i1 %85, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i.i45", label %cond.i.i.i.i.i.i44
cond.i.i.i.i.i.i44: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i43
%86 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %84 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %86)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i.i45"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i.i45": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i.i.i44, %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i43
%87 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %83, i64 1
%88 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %87, %81
br i1 %88, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i43, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i.i46"
"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i.i46": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i.i45", %cond.i.i.i42
%89 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %74 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %89)
br label %_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11110E.exit47
_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11110E.exit47: ; preds = %unwind, %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i.i46"
resume { i8*, i32 } %72
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit": ; preds = %.noexc
%90 = add i64 %54, -1
%91 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
%92 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %91, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%93 = ptrtoint i8* %92 to i64
%94 = add i64 %90, %93
%95 = inttoptr i64 %94 to i8*
store i8 126, i8* %95, align 1
%96 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
%97 = add i64 %54, 1
%98 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %96, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 %97, i64* %98, align 8
%99 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %96, i64 1
%100 = ptrtoint { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %99 to i64
%101 = add i64 %100, %54
%102 = inttoptr i64 %101 to i8*
store i8 0, i8* %102, align 1
%103 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 8, i8* %50)
%104 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %38 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %104)
%.sroa.093.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg6, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([6 x i8]* @str10720, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.093.0..idx, align 8
%.sroa.194.8..idx95 = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg6, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 6, i64* %.sroa.194.8..idx95, align 8
%105 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %10, align 8
%106 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %105, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%107 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %105, i64 0, i32 0
%108 = load i64* %107, align 8
%109 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust7, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %106, i8** %109, align 8
%110 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust7, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %108, i64* %110, align 8
%111 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust7 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%112 = invoke fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_107498to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %111)
to label %"normal return8" unwind label %unwind9
unwind4: ; preds = %cond.i.i2.i, %"_ZN6option14__extensions__12unwrap_1109617_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
%113 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit49"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit49": ; preds = %unwind.i40, %cond.i.i2.i, %unwind4
%eh.lpad-body = phi { i8*, i32 } [ %113, %unwind4 ], [ %68, %cond.i.i2.i ], [ %68, %unwind.i40 ]
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%114 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %38 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %114)
resume { i8*, i32 } %eh.lpad-body
"normal return8": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit"
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %112, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %.sub, align 8
%115 = getelementptr inbounds [3 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*]* %5, i64 0, i64 1
%116 = invoke { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @str11123, i64 0, i64 0), i64 2)
to label %"normal return12" unwind label %unwind13
unwind9: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit"
%117 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract110 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %117, 0
%.fca.1.extract112 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %117, 1
br label %cleanup10
cleanup10: ; preds = %cond.i.i52, %cleanup14, %unwind24, %unwind9
%.sroa.0139.0 = phi i8* [ %.fca.0.extract128, %unwind24 ], [ %.fca.0.extract110, %unwind9 ], [ %.sroa.0139.2, %cleanup14 ], [ %.sroa.0139.2, %cond.i.i52 ]
%.sroa.1142.0 = phi i32 [ %.fca.1.extract130, %unwind24 ], [ %.fca.1.extract112, %unwind9 ], [ %.sroa.1142.2, %cleanup14 ], [ %.sroa.1142.2, %cond.i.i52 ]
%118 = getelementptr inbounds [3 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*]* %5, i64 1, i64 0
br label %iter_vec_loop_body.i
iter_vec_loop_body.i: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i", %cleanup10
%119 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %.sub, %cleanup10 ], [ %123, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i" ]
%120 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %119, align 8
%121 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %120, null
br i1 %121, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i", label %cond.i.i.i51
cond.i.i.i51: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i
%122 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %120 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %122)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i51, %iter_vec_loop_body.i
%123 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %119, i64 1
%124 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %123, %118
br i1 %124, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i, label %cleanup11
cleanup11: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i", %cond.i81, %unwind37, %cond.i.i77, %unwind30.body, %unwind26
%.sroa.0139.1 = phi i8* [ %.fca.0.extract132, %unwind26 ], [ %eh.lpad-body73.fca.0.extract, %unwind30.body ], [ %eh.lpad-body73.fca.0.extract, %cond.i.i77 ], [ %.fca.0.extract136, %unwind37 ], [ %.fca.0.extract136, %cond.i81 ], [ %.sroa.0139.0, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i" ]
%.sroa.1142.1 = phi i32 [ %.fca.1.extract134, %unwind26 ], [ %eh.lpad-body73.fca.1.extract, %unwind30.body ], [ %eh.lpad-body73.fca.1.extract, %cond.i.i77 ], [ %.fca.1.extract138, %unwind37 ], [ %.fca.1.extract138, %cond.i81 ], [ %.sroa.1142.0, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i" ]
%125 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %103, null
br i1 %125, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit", label %cond.i.i
cond.i.i: ; preds = %cleanup11
%126 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %103 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %126)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit": ; preds = %cleanup11, %cond.i.i
%.fca.0.insert115 = insertvalue { i8*, i32 } undef, i8* %.sroa.0139.1, 0
%.fca.1.insert118 = insertvalue { i8*, i32 } %.fca.0.insert115, i32 %.sroa.1142.1, 1
resume { i8*, i32 } %.fca.1.insert118
"normal return12": ; preds = %"normal return8"
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %116, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %115, align 8
%127 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %103, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%128 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %103, i64 0, i32 0
%129 = load i64* %128, align 8
%130 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust15, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %127, i8** %130, align 8
%131 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust15, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %129, i64* %131, align 8
%132 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust15 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%133 = invoke fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_107498to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %132)
to label %"normal return16" unwind label %unwind17
unwind13: ; preds = %"normal return8"
%134 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract120 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %134, 0
%.fca.1.extract122 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %134, 1
br label %cleanup14
cleanup14: ; preds = %cond.i.i54, %unwind17, %unwind13
%.sroa.0139.2 = phi i8* [ %.fca.0.extract120, %unwind13 ], [ %.fca.0.extract124, %unwind17 ], [ %.fca.0.extract124, %cond.i.i54 ]
%.sroa.1142.2 = phi i32 [ %.fca.1.extract122, %unwind13 ], [ %.fca.1.extract126, %unwind17 ], [ %.fca.1.extract126, %cond.i.i54 ]
%135 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %.sub, align 8
%136 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %135, null
br i1 %136, label %cleanup10, label %cond.i.i52
cond.i.i52: ; preds = %cleanup14
%137 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %135 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %137)
br label %cleanup10
"normal return16": ; preds = %"normal return12"
%138 = getelementptr inbounds [3 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*]* %5, i64 0, i64 2
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %133, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %138, align 8
%__adjust19.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg20, i64 0, i32 0
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %.sub, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %__adjust19.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust19.sroa.1.8..idx92 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg20, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 24, i64* %__adjust19.sroa.1.8..idx92, align 8
%__adjust21.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %__arg22, i64 0, i32 0
store void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* @"_ZN4main15_f3d16eaf7d573814_0$x2e8$x2dpreE", void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)** %__adjust21.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust21.sroa.1.8..idx91 = getelementptr inbounds { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %__arg22, i64 0, i32 1
store { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* null, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }** %__adjust21.sroa.1.8..idx91, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN6invoke15_dc2cf633faae8514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %__arg6, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg20, { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %__arg22)
to label %"normal return23" unwind label %unwind24
unwind17: ; preds = %"normal return12"
%139 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract124 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %139, 0
%.fca.1.extract126 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %139, 1
%140 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %115, align 8
%141 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %140, null
br i1 %141, label %cleanup14, label %cond.i.i54
cond.i.i54: ; preds = %unwind17
%142 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %140 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %142)
br label %cleanup14
"normal return23": ; preds = %"normal return16"
%143 = getelementptr inbounds [3 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*]* %5, i64 1, i64 0
br label %iter_vec_loop_body.i56
iter_vec_loop_body.i56: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i58", %"normal return23"
%144 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %.sub, %"normal return23" ], [ %148, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i58" ]
%145 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %144, align 8
%146 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %145, null
br i1 %146, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i58", label %cond.i.i.i57
cond.i.i.i57: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i56
%147 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %145 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %147)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i58"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i58": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i57, %iter_vec_loop_body.i56
%148 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %144, i64 1
%149 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %148, %143
br i1 %149, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i56, label %"_ZN43_$x5bmut$x20$UP$str$C$$x20$x2e$x2e$x203$x5d17_532afdfc68fa17fa15glue_drop_11136E.exit59"
"_ZN43_$x5bmut$x20$UP$str$C$$x20$x2e$x2e$x203$x5d17_532afdfc68fa17fa15glue_drop_11136E.exit59": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i58"
%150 = invoke { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @str11124, i64 0, i64 0), i64 2)
to label %"normal return25" unwind label %unwind26
unwind24: ; preds = %"normal return16"
%151 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract128 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %151, 0
%.fca.1.extract130 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %151, 1
br label %cleanup10
"normal return25": ; preds = %"_ZN43_$x5bmut$x20$UP$str$C$$x20$x2e$x2e$x203$x5d17_532afdfc68fa17fa15glue_drop_11136E.exit59"
%152 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %150, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%153 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %150, i64 0, i32 0
%154 = load i64* %153, align 8
%155 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust27, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %152, i8** %155, align 8
%156 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust27, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %154, i64* %156, align 8
%157 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust27 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%158 = load i64* %128, align 8
%159 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i62 to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 8, i8* %159)
%160 = invoke fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_107498to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %157)
to label %.noexc71 unwind label %unwind30
.noexc71: ; preds = %"normal return25"
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %160, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i62, align 8
%161 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i62 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%162 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %160, i64 0, i32 0
%163 = load i64* %162, align 8
%164 = add i64 %163, -1
%165 = add i64 %158, -1
%166 = add i64 %164, %165
%167 = lshr i64 %166, 1
%168 = or i64 %167, %166
%169 = lshr i64 %168, 2
%170 = or i64 %169, %168
%171 = lshr i64 %170, 4
%172 = or i64 %171, %170
%173 = lshr i64 %172, 8
%174 = or i64 %173, %172
%175 = lshr i64 %174, 16
%176 = or i64 %175, %174
%177 = lshr i64 %176, 32
%178 = or i64 %177, %176
%179 = add i64 %178, 1
invoke fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__13reserve_1084116_7da913789de211514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %161, i64 %179)
to label %"normal return29" unwind label %unwind.i68
unwind.i68: ; preds = %.noexc71
%180 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%181 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i62, align 8
%182 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %181, null
br i1 %182, label %unwind30.body, label %cond.i.i2.i69
cond.i.i2.i69: ; preds = %unwind.i68
%183 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %181 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %183)
to label %unwind30.body unwind label %unwind30
unwind26: ; preds = %"_ZN43_$x5bmut$x20$UP$str$C$$x20$x2e$x2e$x203$x5d17_532afdfc68fa17fa15glue_drop_11136E.exit59"
%184 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract132 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %184, 0
%.fca.1.extract134 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %184, 1
br label %cleanup11
"normal return29": ; preds = %.noexc71
%185 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i62, align 8
%186 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %185, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%187 = ptrtoint i8* %186 to i64
%188 = add i64 %187, %164
%189 = inttoptr i64 %188 to i8*
call void @llvm.memmove.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %189, i8* %127, i64 %165, i32 1, i1 false)
%190 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i62, align 8
%191 = add i64 %163, %165
%192 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %190, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 %191, i64* %192, align 8
%193 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %190, i64 1
%194 = ptrtoint { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %193 to i64
%195 = add i64 %194, %166
%196 = inttoptr i64 %195 to i8*
store i8 0, i8* %196, align 1
%197 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i62, align 8
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 8, i8* %159)
%198 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %150, null
br i1 %198, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit76", label %cond.i.i75
cond.i.i75: ; preds = %"normal return29"
%199 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %150 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %199)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit76"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit76": ; preds = %"normal return29", %cond.i.i75
%200 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %197, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%201 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %197, i64 0, i32 0
%202 = load i64* %201, align 8
%__adjust32.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg33, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %200, i8** %__adjust32.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust32.sroa.1.8..idx87 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg33, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %202, i64* %__adjust32.sroa.1.8..idx87, align 8
%203 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg33 to %str_slice*
%__adjust34.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg35, i64 0, i32 0
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %11, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %__adjust34.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust34.sroa.1.8..idx86 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg35, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %12, i64* %__adjust34.sroa.1.8..idx86, align 8
%204 = invoke i64 @"_ZN3run14process_status17_414f913ecacd531b14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %203, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg35)
to label %"normal return36" unwind label %unwind37
unwind30: ; preds = %cond.i.i2.i69, %"normal return25"
%205 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind30.body
unwind30.body: ; preds = %unwind.i68, %cond.i.i2.i69, %unwind30
%eh.lpad-body73 = phi { i8*, i32 } [ %205, %unwind30 ], [ %180, %cond.i.i2.i69 ], [ %180, %unwind.i68 ]
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%eh.lpad-body73.fca.0.extract = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %eh.lpad-body73, 0
%eh.lpad-body73.fca.1.extract = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %eh.lpad-body73, 1
%206 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %150, null
br i1 %206, label %cleanup11, label %cond.i.i77
cond.i.i77: ; preds = %unwind30.body
%207 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %150 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %207)
br label %cleanup11
"normal return36": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit76"
%208 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %197, null
br i1 %208, label %"normal return39", label %cond.i79
cond.i79: ; preds = %"normal return36"
%209 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %197 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %209)
br label %"normal return39"
unwind37: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit76"
%210 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract136 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %210, 0
%.fca.1.extract138 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %210, 1
%211 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %197, null
br i1 %211, label %cleanup11, label %cond.i81
cond.i81: ; preds = %unwind37
%212 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %197 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %212)
br label %cleanup11
"normal return39": ; preds = %cond.i79, %"normal return36"
%213 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.ValidUsage* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 0, i64* %213, align 8
%214 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.ValidUsage* %0, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %204, i64* %214, align 8
%215 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %103, null
br i1 %215, label %join, label %cond.i.i83
cond.i.i83: ; preds = %"normal return39"
%216 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %103 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %216)
br label %join
join: ; preds = %cond.i.i83, %"normal return39", %compare_vec_len_next
ret void
define void @"_ZN8cmd_test17_64cd22cf85a72bbc14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%enum.ValidUsage* nocapture, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* nocapture) #2 {
"function top level":
%__trans_ret_slot.i = alloca {}, align 8
%ret.i69 = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*, align 8
%ret.i = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*, align 8
%__arg.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__arg2.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%3 = alloca %"enum.std::option::Option<~str>[#1]", align 8
%4 = alloca %"struct.std::path::PosixPath[#1]", align 8
%__arg = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__adjust2 = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__arg6 = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%5 = alloca [4 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*], align 8
%__adjust11 = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__adjust18 = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__arg23 = alloca { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }, align 8
%__arg25 = alloca { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }, align 8
%__adjust30 = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__arg36 = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__arg38 = alloca { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }, align 8
%.sub = getelementptr inbounds [4 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*]* %5, i64 0, i64 0
%6 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %2, i64 0, i32 1
%7 = load i64* %6, align 8 = add i64 %7, -8
%8 = icmp ult i64, 8
br i1 %8, label %match_case, label %compare_vec_len_next
match_case: ; preds = %"function top level"
%9 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %2, i64 0, i32 0
%10 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %9, align 8
%11 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %10, align 8
%12 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %11, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%13 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %11, i64 0, i32 0
%14 = load i64* %13, align 8
%__adjust.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %12, i8** %__adjust.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust.sroa.1.8..idx156 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %14, i64* %__adjust.sroa.1.8..idx156, align 8
%15 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg to %str_slice*
call void @"_ZN4path9PosixPath17_7c6da4115ba3bd6514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%"struct.std::path::PosixPath[#1]"* %4, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %15)
%16 = bitcast %"struct.std::path::PosixPath[#1]"* %4 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
invoke void @"_ZN4path14__extensions__10meth_225708filestem17_b384379c13763c9b14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%"enum.std::option::Option<~str>[#1]"* %3, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %16)
to label %"normal return" unwind label %unwind
compare_vec_len_next: ; preds = %"function top level"
%17 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.ValidUsage* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %17, align 8
br label %join
"normal return": ; preds = %match_case
%18 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::path::PosixPath[#1]"* %4, i64 0, i32 1
%19 = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %18, align 8
%20 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %19, null
br i1 %20, label %_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11110E.exit, label %cond.i.i.i
cond.i.i.i: ; preds = %"normal return"
%21 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %19, i64 0, i32 0
%22 = load i64* %21, align 8
%23 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %19, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%24 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %23 to i8*
%25 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %24, i64 %22
%26 = bitcast i8* %25 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%27 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %23, %26
br i1 %27, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i.i"
iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %cond.i.i.i, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i.i"
%28 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %32, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i.i" ], [ %23, %cond.i.i.i ]
%29 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %28, align 8
%30 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %29, null
br i1 %30, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i.i", label %cond.i.i.i.i.i.i
cond.i.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i
%31 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %29 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %31)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i.i"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i.i": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i.i.i, %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i
%32 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %28, i64 1
%33 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %32, %26
br i1 %33, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i.i"
"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i.i": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i.i", %cond.i.i.i
%34 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %19 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %34)
br label %_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11110E.exit
_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11110E.exit: ; preds = %"normal return", %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i.i"
%35 = getelementptr inbounds %"enum.std::option::Option<~str>[#1]"* %3, i64 0, i32 0
%36 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %35, align 8
%37 = bitcast {}* %__trans_ret_slot.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 0, i8* %37)
%38 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %38)
%39 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg2.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %39)
%40 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %36, null
br i1 %40, label %match_else.i, label %"_ZN6option14__extensions__12unwrap_1109617_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
match_else.i: ; preds = %_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11110E.exit
%.sroa.010.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([20 x i8]* @str11098, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.010.0..idx.i, align 8
%.sroa.111.8..idx12.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 20, i64* %.sroa.111.8..idx12.i, align 8
%.sroa.07.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg2.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([56 x i8]* @str11099, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.07.0..idx.i, align 8
%.sroa.18.8..idx9.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg2.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 56, i64* %.sroa.18.8..idx9.i, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN3sys14__extensions__10meth_127919fail_with16_db4c44d01ce411614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({}* %__trans_ret_slot.i, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %__arg.i, %str_slice* %__arg2.i, i64 320)
to label %"normal return.i" unwind label %"_ZN34std..option..Option$LT$$UP$str$GT$15_5f00cd69e4f07515glue_drop_11104E.exit4.i"
"normal return.i": ; preds = %match_else.i
"_ZN34std..option..Option$LT$$UP$str$GT$15_5f00cd69e4f07515glue_drop_11104E.exit4.i": ; preds = %match_else.i
%41 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
resume { i8*, i32 } %41
"_ZN6option14__extensions__12unwrap_1109617_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit": ; preds = %_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11110E.exit
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 0, i8* %37)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %38)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %39)
%42 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %36, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%43 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %36, i64 0, i32 0
%44 = load i64* %43, align 8
%45 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust2, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %42, i8** %45, align 8
%46 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust2, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %44, i64* %46, align 8
%47 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust2 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%48 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 8, i8* %48)
%49 = invoke fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_107498to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %47)
to label %.noexc unwind label %unwind4
.noexc: ; preds = %"_ZN6option14__extensions__12unwrap_1109617_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %49, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
%50 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%51 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %49, i64 0, i32 0
%52 = load i64* %51, align 8
%53 = add i64 %52, 4
%54 = lshr i64 %53, 1
%55 = or i64 %54, %53
%56 = lshr i64 %55, 2
%57 = or i64 %56, %55
%58 = lshr i64 %57, 4
%59 = or i64 %58, %57
%60 = lshr i64 %59, 8
%61 = or i64 %60, %59
%62 = lshr i64 %61, 16
%63 = or i64 %62, %61
%64 = lshr i64 %63, 32
%65 = or i64 %64, %63
%66 = add i64 %65, 1
invoke fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__13reserve_1084116_7da913789de211514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %50, i64 %66)
to label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit" unwind label %unwind.i43
unwind.i43: ; preds = %.noexc
%67 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%68 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
%69 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %68, null
br i1 %69, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit53", label %cond.i.i2.i
cond.i.i2.i: ; preds = %unwind.i43
%70 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %68 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %70)
to label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit53" unwind label %unwind4
unwind: ; preds = %match_case
%71 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%72 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::path::PosixPath[#1]"* %4, i64 0, i32 1
%73 = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %72, align 8
%74 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %73, null
br i1 %74, label %_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11110E.exit50, label %cond.i.i.i45
cond.i.i.i45: ; preds = %unwind
%75 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %73, i64 0, i32 0
%76 = load i64* %75, align 8
%77 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %73, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%78 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %77 to i8*
%79 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %78, i64 %76
%80 = bitcast i8* %79 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%81 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %77, %80
br i1 %81, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i46, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i.i49"
iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i46: ; preds = %cond.i.i.i45, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i.i48"
%82 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %86, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i.i48" ], [ %77, %cond.i.i.i45 ]
%83 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %82, align 8
%84 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %83, null
br i1 %84, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i.i48", label %cond.i.i.i.i.i.i47
cond.i.i.i.i.i.i47: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i46
%85 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %83 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %85)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i.i48"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i.i48": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i.i.i47, %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i46
%86 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %82, i64 1
%87 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %86, %80
br i1 %87, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i.i46, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i.i49"
"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i.i49": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i.i48", %cond.i.i.i45
%88 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %73 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %88)
br label %_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11110E.exit50
_ZN20std..path..PosixPath17_d4a661aca95b7c9d15glue_drop_11110E.exit50: ; preds = %unwind, %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i.i49"
resume { i8*, i32 } %71
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit": ; preds = %.noexc
%89 = add i64 %52, -1
%90 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
%91 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %90, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%92 = ptrtoint i8* %91 to i64
%93 = add i64 %89, %92
%94 = inttoptr i64 %93 to i8*
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %94, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([6 x i8]* @str11114, i64 0, i64 0), i64 5, i32 1, i1 false)
%95 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
%96 = add i64 %52, 5
%97 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %95, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 %96, i64* %97, align 8
%98 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %95, i64 1
%99 = ptrtoint { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %98 to i64
%100 = add i64 %99, %53
%101 = inttoptr i64 %100 to i8*
store i8 0, i8* %101, align 1
%102 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 8, i8* %48)
%103 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %36 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %103)
%.sroa.0100.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg6, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([6 x i8]* @str10720, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.0100.0..idx, align 8
%.sroa.1101.8..idx102 = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg6, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 6, i64* %.sroa.1101.8..idx102, align 8
%104 = invoke { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([7 x i8]* @str11116, i64 0, i64 0), i64 6)
to label %"normal return7" unwind label %unwind8
unwind4: ; preds = %cond.i.i2.i, %"_ZN6option14__extensions__12unwrap_1109617_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
%105 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit53"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit53": ; preds = %unwind.i43, %cond.i.i2.i, %unwind4
%eh.lpad-body = phi { i8*, i32 } [ %105, %unwind4 ], [ %67, %cond.i.i2.i ], [ %67, %unwind.i43 ]
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%106 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %36 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %106)
resume { i8*, i32 } %eh.lpad-body
"normal return7": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit"
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %104, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %.sub, align 8
%107 = getelementptr inbounds [4 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*]* %5, i64 0, i64 1
%108 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %10, align 8
%109 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %108, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%110 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %108, i64 0, i32 0
%111 = load i64* %110, align 8
%112 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust11, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %109, i8** %112, align 8
%113 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust11, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %111, i64* %113, align 8
%114 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust11 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%115 = invoke fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_107498to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %114)
to label %"normal return12" unwind label %unwind13
unwind8: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit"
%116 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract117 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %116, 0
%.fca.1.extract119 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %116, 1
br label %cleanup9
cleanup9: ; preds = %cond.i.i57, %cleanup14, %unwind27, %unwind8
%.sroa.0150.0 = phi i8* [ %.fca.0.extract139, %unwind27 ], [ %.fca.0.extract117, %unwind8 ], [ %.sroa.0150.2, %cleanup14 ], [ %.sroa.0150.2, %cond.i.i57 ]
%.sroa.1153.0 = phi i32 [ %.fca.1.extract141, %unwind27 ], [ %.fca.1.extract119, %unwind8 ], [ %.sroa.1153.2, %cleanup14 ], [ %.sroa.1153.2, %cond.i.i57 ]
%117 = getelementptr inbounds [4 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*]* %5, i64 1, i64 0
br label %iter_vec_loop_body.i
iter_vec_loop_body.i: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i", %cleanup9
%118 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %.sub, %cleanup9 ], [ %122, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i" ]
%119 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %118, align 8
%120 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %119, null
br i1 %120, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i", label %cond.i.i.i54
cond.i.i.i54: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i
%121 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %119 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %121)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i54, %iter_vec_loop_body.i
%122 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %118, i64 1
%123 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %122, %117
br i1 %123, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i, label %cleanup10
cleanup10: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i", %cond.i88, %unwind40, %cond.i.i84, %unwind33.body, %unwind29
%.sroa.0150.1 = phi i8* [ %.fca.0.extract143, %unwind29 ], [ %eh.lpad-body80.fca.0.extract, %unwind33.body ], [ %eh.lpad-body80.fca.0.extract, %cond.i.i84 ], [ %.fca.0.extract147, %unwind40 ], [ %.fca.0.extract147, %cond.i88 ], [ %.sroa.0150.0, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i" ]
%.sroa.1153.1 = phi i32 [ %.fca.1.extract145, %unwind29 ], [ %eh.lpad-body80.fca.1.extract, %unwind33.body ], [ %eh.lpad-body80.fca.1.extract, %cond.i.i84 ], [ %.fca.1.extract149, %unwind40 ], [ %.fca.1.extract149, %cond.i88 ], [ %.sroa.1153.0, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i" ]
%124 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %102, null
br i1 %124, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit", label %cond.i.i
cond.i.i: ; preds = %cleanup10
%125 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %102 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %125)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit": ; preds = %cleanup10, %cond.i.i
%.fca.0.insert122 = insertvalue { i8*, i32 } undef, i8* %.sroa.0150.1, 0
%.fca.1.insert125 = insertvalue { i8*, i32 } %.fca.0.insert122, i32 %.sroa.1153.1, 1
resume { i8*, i32 } %.fca.1.insert125
"normal return12": ; preds = %"normal return7"
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %115, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %107, align 8
%126 = getelementptr inbounds [4 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*]* %5, i64 0, i64 2
%127 = invoke { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @str11123, i64 0, i64 0), i64 2)
to label %"normal return15" unwind label %unwind16
unwind13: ; preds = %"normal return7"
%128 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract127 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %128, 0
%.fca.1.extract129 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %128, 1
br label %cleanup14
cleanup14: ; preds = %cond.i.i59, %cleanup17, %unwind13
%.sroa.0150.2 = phi i8* [ %.fca.0.extract127, %unwind13 ], [ %.sroa.0150.3, %cleanup17 ], [ %.sroa.0150.3, %cond.i.i59 ]
%.sroa.1153.2 = phi i32 [ %.fca.1.extract129, %unwind13 ], [ %.sroa.1153.3, %cleanup17 ], [ %.sroa.1153.3, %cond.i.i59 ]
%129 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %.sub, align 8
%130 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %129, null
br i1 %130, label %cleanup9, label %cond.i.i57
cond.i.i57: ; preds = %cleanup14
%131 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %129 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %131)
br label %cleanup9
"normal return15": ; preds = %"normal return12"
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %127, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %126, align 8
%132 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %102, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%133 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %102, i64 0, i32 0
%134 = load i64* %133, align 8
%135 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust18, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %132, i8** %135, align 8
%136 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust18, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %134, i64* %136, align 8
%137 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust18 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%138 = invoke fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_107498to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %137)
to label %"normal return19" unwind label %unwind20
unwind16: ; preds = %"normal return12"
%139 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract131 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %139, 0
%.fca.1.extract133 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %139, 1
br label %cleanup17
cleanup17: ; preds = %cond.i.i61, %unwind20, %unwind16
%.sroa.0150.3 = phi i8* [ %.fca.0.extract131, %unwind16 ], [ %.fca.0.extract135, %unwind20 ], [ %.fca.0.extract135, %cond.i.i61 ]
%.sroa.1153.3 = phi i32 [ %.fca.1.extract133, %unwind16 ], [ %.fca.1.extract137, %unwind20 ], [ %.fca.1.extract137, %cond.i.i61 ]
%140 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %107, align 8
%141 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %140, null
br i1 %141, label %cleanup14, label %cond.i.i59
cond.i.i59: ; preds = %cleanup17
%142 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %140 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %142)
br label %cleanup14
"normal return19": ; preds = %"normal return15"
%143 = getelementptr inbounds [4 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*]* %5, i64 0, i64 3
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %138, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %143, align 8
%__adjust22.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg23, i64 0, i32 0
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %.sub, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %__adjust22.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust22.sroa.1.8..idx99 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg23, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 32, i64* %__adjust22.sroa.1.8..idx99, align 8
%__adjust24.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %__arg25, i64 0, i32 0
store void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* @"_ZN4main15_f3d16eaf7d573814_0$x2e8$x2dpreE", void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)** %__adjust24.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust24.sroa.1.8..idx98 = getelementptr inbounds { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %__arg25, i64 0, i32 1
store { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* null, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }** %__adjust24.sroa.1.8..idx98, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN6invoke15_dc2cf633faae8514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %__arg6, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg23, { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %__arg25)
to label %"normal return26" unwind label %unwind27
unwind20: ; preds = %"normal return15"
%144 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract135 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %144, 0
%.fca.1.extract137 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %144, 1
%145 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %126, align 8
%146 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %145, null
br i1 %146, label %cleanup17, label %cond.i.i61
cond.i.i61: ; preds = %unwind20
%147 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %145 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %147)
br label %cleanup17
"normal return26": ; preds = %"normal return19"
%148 = getelementptr inbounds [4 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*]* %5, i64 1, i64 0
br label %iter_vec_loop_body.i63
iter_vec_loop_body.i63: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i65", %"normal return26"
%149 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %.sub, %"normal return26" ], [ %153, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i65" ]
%150 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %149, align 8
%151 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %150, null
br i1 %151, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i65", label %cond.i.i.i64
cond.i.i.i64: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i63
%152 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %150 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %152)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i65"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i65": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i64, %iter_vec_loop_body.i63
%153 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %149, i64 1
%154 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %153, %148
br i1 %154, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i63, label %"_ZN43_$x5bmut$x20$UP$str$C$$x20$x2e$x2e$x204$x5d17_543417d9d832208515glue_drop_11121E.exit66"
"_ZN43_$x5bmut$x20$UP$str$C$$x20$x2e$x2e$x204$x5d17_543417d9d832208515glue_drop_11121E.exit66": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i65"
%155 = invoke { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @str11124, i64 0, i64 0), i64 2)
to label %"normal return28" unwind label %unwind29
unwind27: ; preds = %"normal return19"
%156 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract139 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %156, 0
%.fca.1.extract141 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %156, 1
br label %cleanup9
"normal return28": ; preds = %"_ZN43_$x5bmut$x20$UP$str$C$$x20$x2e$x2e$x204$x5d17_543417d9d832208515glue_drop_11121E.exit66"
%157 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %155, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%158 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %155, i64 0, i32 0
%159 = load i64* %158, align 8
%160 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust30, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %157, i8** %160, align 8
%161 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust30, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %159, i64* %161, align 8
%162 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust30 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%163 = load i64* %133, align 8
%164 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i69 to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 8, i8* %164)
%165 = invoke fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_107498to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %162)
to label %.noexc78 unwind label %unwind33
.noexc78: ; preds = %"normal return28"
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %165, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i69, align 8
%166 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i69 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%167 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %165, i64 0, i32 0
%168 = load i64* %167, align 8
%169 = add i64 %168, -1
%170 = add i64 %163, -1
%171 = add i64 %169, %170
%172 = lshr i64 %171, 1
%173 = or i64 %172, %171
%174 = lshr i64 %173, 2
%175 = or i64 %174, %173
%176 = lshr i64 %175, 4
%177 = or i64 %176, %175
%178 = lshr i64 %177, 8
%179 = or i64 %178, %177
%180 = lshr i64 %179, 16
%181 = or i64 %180, %179
%182 = lshr i64 %181, 32
%183 = or i64 %182, %181
%184 = add i64 %183, 1
invoke fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__13reserve_1084116_7da913789de211514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %166, i64 %184)
to label %"normal return32" unwind label %unwind.i75
unwind.i75: ; preds = %.noexc78
%185 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%186 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i69, align 8
%187 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %186, null
br i1 %187, label %unwind33.body, label %cond.i.i2.i76
cond.i.i2.i76: ; preds = %unwind.i75
%188 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %186 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %188)
to label %unwind33.body unwind label %unwind33
unwind29: ; preds = %"_ZN43_$x5bmut$x20$UP$str$C$$x20$x2e$x2e$x204$x5d17_543417d9d832208515glue_drop_11121E.exit66"
%189 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract143 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %189, 0
%.fca.1.extract145 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %189, 1
br label %cleanup10
"normal return32": ; preds = %.noexc78
%190 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i69, align 8
%191 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %190, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%192 = ptrtoint i8* %191 to i64
%193 = add i64 %192, %169
%194 = inttoptr i64 %193 to i8*
call void @llvm.memmove.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %194, i8* %132, i64 %170, i32 1, i1 false)
%195 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i69, align 8
%196 = add i64 %168, %170
%197 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %195, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 %196, i64* %197, align 8
%198 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %195, i64 1
%199 = ptrtoint { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %198 to i64
%200 = add i64 %199, %171
%201 = inttoptr i64 %200 to i8*
store i8 0, i8* %201, align 1
%202 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i69, align 8
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 8, i8* %164)
%203 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %155, null
br i1 %203, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit83", label %cond.i.i82
cond.i.i82: ; preds = %"normal return32"
%204 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %155 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %204)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit83"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit83": ; preds = %"normal return32", %cond.i.i82
%205 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %202, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%206 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %202, i64 0, i32 0
%207 = load i64* %206, align 8
%__adjust35.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg36, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %205, i8** %__adjust35.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust35.sroa.1.8..idx94 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg36, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %207, i64* %__adjust35.sroa.1.8..idx94, align 8
%208 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg36 to %str_slice*
%209 = bitcast {}* %__trans_ret_slot.i to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%__adjust37.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg38, i64 0, i32 0
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %209, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %__adjust37.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust37.sroa.1.8..idx93 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg38, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 0, i64* %__adjust37.sroa.1.8..idx93, align 8
%210 = invoke i64 @"_ZN3run14process_status17_414f913ecacd531b14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %208, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg38)
to label %"normal return39" unwind label %unwind40
unwind33: ; preds = %cond.i.i2.i76, %"normal return28"
%211 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind33.body
unwind33.body: ; preds = %unwind.i75, %cond.i.i2.i76, %unwind33
%eh.lpad-body80 = phi { i8*, i32 } [ %211, %unwind33 ], [ %185, %cond.i.i2.i76 ], [ %185, %unwind.i75 ]
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%eh.lpad-body80.fca.0.extract = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %eh.lpad-body80, 0
%eh.lpad-body80.fca.1.extract = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %eh.lpad-body80, 1
%212 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %155, null
br i1 %212, label %cleanup10, label %cond.i.i84
cond.i.i84: ; preds = %unwind33.body
%213 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %155 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %213)
br label %cleanup10
"normal return39": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit83"
%214 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %202, null
br i1 %214, label %"normal return42", label %cond.i86
cond.i86: ; preds = %"normal return39"
%215 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %202 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %215)
br label %"normal return42"
unwind40: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit83"
%216 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract147 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %216, 0
%.fca.1.extract149 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %216, 1
%217 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %202, null
br i1 %217, label %cleanup10, label %cond.i88
cond.i88: ; preds = %unwind40
%218 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %202 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %218)
br label %cleanup10
"normal return42": ; preds = %cond.i86, %"normal return39"
%219 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.ValidUsage* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 0, i64* %219, align 8
%220 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.ValidUsage* %0, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %210, i64* %220, align 8
%221 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %102, null
br i1 %221, label %join, label %cond.i.i90
cond.i.i90: ; preds = %"normal return42"
%222 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %102 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %222)
br label %join
join: ; preds = %cond.i.i90, %"normal return42", %compare_vec_len_next
ret void
declare void @"_ZN4main16_923425a5c682dca14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)
declare void @"_ZN6config5usage16_923425a5c682dca14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)
declare void @"_ZN4main16_f7604413a6f2de214_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)
declare void @"_ZN5usage7general16_f7604413a6f2de214_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)
declare void @"_ZN4main17_3a346db0adc4cf5114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)
define void @"_ZN8cmd_help17_64cd22cf85a72bbc14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%enum.ValidUsage* nocapture, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* nocapture) #2 {
"function top level":
%.sroa.1.sroa.0.i = alloca [16 x i8], align 8
%command.sroa.0.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%command.sroa.2.i = alloca [40 x i8], align 8
%prog.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__fmtbuf.i = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*, align 8
%__arg9.i = alloca %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]", align 8
%__arg10.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__arg14.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__arg16.i = alloca %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]", align 8
%__arg17.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__arg19.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__arg22.i = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__fmtbuf32.i = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*, align 8
%__arg34.i = alloca %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]", align 8
%__arg35.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__arg39.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__arg42.i = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__adjust.i = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%3 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %2, i64 0, i32 1
%4 = load i64* %3, align 8 = add i64 %4, -8
%5 = icmp ult i64, 8
br i1 %5, label %match_case, label %compare_vec_len_next
match_case: ; preds = %"function top level"
%6 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %2, i64 0, i32 0
%7 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %6, align 8
%8 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %8)
%9 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %7, align 8
%10 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %9, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%11 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %9, i64 0, i32 0
%12 = load i64* %11, align 8
%13 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %10, i8** %13, align 8
%14 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %12, i64* %14, align 8
%15 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%16 = call fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_107498to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %15)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %8)
%.sroa.1.sroa.0.i.0.idx = getelementptr inbounds [16 x i8]* %.sroa.1.sroa.0.i, i64 0, i64 0
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %.sroa.1.sroa.0.i.0.idx)
%command.sroa.0.i.0.cast = bitcast %str_slice* %command.sroa.0.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %command.sroa.0.i.0.cast)
%command.sroa.2.i.0.idx30 = getelementptr inbounds [40 x i8]* %command.sroa.2.i, i64 0, i64 0
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 40, i8* %command.sroa.2.i.0.idx30)
%prog.i.0.cast = bitcast %str_slice* %prog.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %prog.i.0.cast)
%17 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 8, i8* %17)
%18 = bitcast %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg9.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 48, i8* %18)
%19 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg10.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %19)
%20 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg14.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %20)
%21 = bitcast %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg16.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 48, i8* %21)
%22 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg17.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %22)
%23 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg19.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %23)
%24 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg22.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %24)
%25 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf32.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 8, i8* %25)
%26 = bitcast %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg34.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 48, i8* %26)
%27 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg35.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %27)
%28 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg39.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %28)
%29 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg42.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %29)
%30 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %16, i64 0, i32 0
%31 = load i64* %30, align 8
br i1 icmp eq (%"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* bitcast ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*), %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* inttoptr (i64 add (i64 ptrtoint ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to i64), i64 616) to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*)), label %match_else.i, label %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1108217_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i.preheader.i"
"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1108217_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i.preheader.i": ; preds = %match_case
%32 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %16, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%33 = bitcast i8* %32 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%34 = add i64 %31, -1
br label %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1108217_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i.i"
"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1108217_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i.i": ; preds = %"`loop`.i.i.backedge.i.i", %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1108217_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i.preheader.i"
%.sroa.08.091.i.i = phi i64 [ %35, %"`loop`.i.i.backedge.i.i" ], [ ptrtoint ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to i64), %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1108217_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i.preheader.i" ]
%35 = add i64 %.sroa.08.091.i.i, 88
%36 = inttoptr i64 %.sroa.08.091.i.i to %struct.Command*
%__arg1.i.sroa.1.8..idx43.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Command* %36, i64 0, i32 0, i32 1
%__arg1.i.sroa.1.8.copyload.i.i = load i64* %__arg1.i.sroa.1.8..idx43.i.i, align 8
%37 = icmp eq i64 %__arg1.i.sroa.1.8.copyload.i.i, %31
br i1 %37, label %_ZN3str8eq_slice4anon4anon13expr_fn_11086E.exit.i.i, label %"`loop`.i.i.backedge.i.i"
"`loop`.i.i.backedge.i.i": ; preds = %.noexc.i, %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1108217_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i.i"
%38 = inttoptr i64 %35 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%39 = icmp eq %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %38, inttoptr (i64 add (i64 ptrtoint ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to i64), i64 616) to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*)
%40 = icmp eq i64 %35, 0
%or.cond.i.i = or i1 %39, %40
br i1 %or.cond.i.i, label %match_else.i, label %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1108217_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i.i"
_ZN3str8eq_slice4anon4anon13expr_fn_11086E.exit.i.i: ; preds = %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1108217_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i.i"
%__arg1.i.sroa.0.0..idx.i.i = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Command* %36, i64 0, i32 0, i32 0
%__arg1.i.sroa.0.0.copyload.i.i = load i8** %__arg1.i.sroa.0.0..idx.i.i, align 8
%41 = bitcast i8* %__arg1.i.sroa.0.0.copyload.i.i to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%42 = invoke i32 @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956string6memcmp17_c0e5887b4130711314_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %41, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %33, i64 %34)
to label %.noexc.i unwind label %unwind.loopexit.i
.noexc.i: ; preds = %_ZN3str8eq_slice4anon4anon13expr_fn_11086E.exit.i.i
%43 = icmp eq i32 %42, 0
br i1 %43, label %match_case.i, label %"`loop`.i.i.backedge.i.i"
unwind.loopexit.i: ; preds = %_ZN3str8eq_slice4anon4anon13expr_fn_11086E.exit.i.i
%lpad.loopexit.i = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind.i
unwind.nonloopexit.i: ; preds = %match_case31.i, %match_else30.i, %match_case7.i
%lpad.nonloopexit.i = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind.i
unwind.i: ; preds = %unwind.nonloopexit.i, %unwind.loopexit.i
%lpad.phi.i = phi { i8*, i32 } [ %lpad.loopexit.i, %unwind.loopexit.i ], [ %lpad.nonloopexit.i, %unwind.nonloopexit.i ]
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract.i = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %lpad.phi.i, 0
%.fca.1.extract.i = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %lpad.phi.i, 1
br label %cleanup.i
cleanup.i: ; preds = %cond.i18.i, %unwind44.i, %cond.i.i12.i, %unwind37.i, %cond.i8.i, %unwind24.i, %cond.i.i4.i, %unwind12.i, %unwind.i
%.sroa.085.0.i = phi i8* [ %.fca.0.extract.i, %unwind.i ], [ %.fca.0.extract70.i, %unwind12.i ], [ %.fca.0.extract70.i, %cond.i.i4.i ], [ %.fca.0.extract74.i, %unwind24.i ], [ %.fca.0.extract74.i, %cond.i8.i ], [ %.fca.0.extract78.i, %unwind37.i ], [ %.fca.0.extract78.i, %cond.i.i12.i ], [ %.fca.0.extract82.i, %unwind44.i ], [ %.fca.0.extract82.i, %cond.i18.i ]
%.sroa.186.0.i = phi i32 [ %.fca.1.extract.i, %unwind.i ], [ %.fca.1.extract72.i, %unwind12.i ], [ %.fca.1.extract72.i, %cond.i.i4.i ], [ %.fca.1.extract76.i, %unwind24.i ], [ %.fca.1.extract76.i, %cond.i8.i ], [ %.fca.1.extract80.i, %unwind37.i ], [ %.fca.1.extract80.i, %cond.i.i12.i ], [ %.fca.1.extract84.i, %unwind44.i ], [ %.fca.1.extract84.i, %cond.i18.i ]
%44 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %16, null
br i1 %44, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i", label %cond.i.i.i
cond.i.i.i: ; preds = %cleanup.i
%45 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %16 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %45)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i, %cleanup.i
%.fca.0.insert.i = insertvalue { i8*, i32 } undef, i8* %.sroa.085.0.i, 0
%.fca.1.insert.i = insertvalue { i8*, i32 } %.fca.0.insert.i, i32 %.sroa.186.0.i, 1
resume { i8*, i32 } %.fca.1.insert.i
match_else.i: ; preds = %"`loop`.i.i.backedge.i.i", %match_case
%46 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.ValidUsage* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %46, align 8
br label %join49.i
match_case.i: ; preds = %.noexc.i
%47 = inttoptr i64 %.sroa.08.091.i.i to i8*
%__arg.i.i.i.sroa.1.16..idx = getelementptr inbounds i8* %47, i64 16
%__arg.i.i.i.sroa.1.16..cast = bitcast i8* %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.1.16..idx to i64*
%__arg.i.i.i.sroa.1.16.copyload = load i64* %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.1.16..cast, align 8
%__arg.i.i.i.sroa.2.24..raw_idx = getelementptr inbounds i8* %47, i64 24
%__arg.i.i.i.sroa.3.64..idx = getelementptr inbounds i8* %47, i64 64
%__arg.i.i.i.sroa.3.64..cast = bitcast i8* %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.3.64..idx to i64*
%__arg.i.i.i.sroa.3.64.copyload = load i64* %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.3.64..cast, align 8
%__arg.i.i.i.sroa.4.72..idx = getelementptr inbounds i8* %47, i64 72
%__arg.i.i.i.sroa.4.72..cast = bitcast i8* %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.4.72..idx to void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)**
%__arg.i.i.i.sroa.4.72.copyload = load void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)** %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.4.72..cast, align 8
%__arg.i.i.i.sroa.5.80..idx = getelementptr inbounds i8* %47, i64 80
%__arg.i.i.i.sroa.5.80..cast = bitcast i8* %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.5.80..idx to i64*
%__arg.i.i.i.sroa.5.80.copyload = load i64* %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.5.80..cast, align 8
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %.sroa.1.sroa.0.i.0.idx, i8* %47, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
call void @llvm.memmove.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %command.sroa.2.i.0.idx30, i8* %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.2.24..raw_idx, i64 40, i32 8, i1 false)
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %command.sroa.0.i.0.cast, i8* %.sroa.1.sroa.0.i.0.idx, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
%cond1.i = icmp eq i64 %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.1.16.copyload, 1
br i1 %cond1.i, label %match_case7.i, label %join.i
match_case7.i: ; preds = %match_case.i
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %prog.i.0.cast, i8* %command.sroa.2.i.0.idx30, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
%48 = invoke { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([5 x i8]* @str11091, i64 0, i64 0), i64 4)
to label %"normal return8.i" unwind label %unwind.nonloopexit.i
"normal return8.i": ; preds = %match_case7.i
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %48, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i, align 8
%.sroa.054.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg9.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i32 0, i32* %.sroa.054.0..idx.i, align 8
%.sroa.256.8..idx57.i = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg9.i, i64 0, i32 1, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.256.8..idx57.i, align 8
%.sroa.460.24..idx61.i = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg9.i, i64 0, i32 2, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.460.24..idx61.i, align 8
%.sroa.664.40..idx65.i = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg9.i, i64 0, i32 3, i32 0
store i64 0, i64* %.sroa.664.40..idx65.i, align 8
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %19, i8* %command.sroa.0.i.0.cast, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
invoke void @"_ZN8unstable6extfmt2rt8conv_str17_97a3fb4818a71dce14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg9.i, %str_slice* %__arg10.i, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i)
to label %"normal return11.i" unwind label %unwind12.i
"normal return11.i": ; preds = %"normal return8.i"
%.sroa.051.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg14.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([30 x i8]* @str11092, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.051.0..idx.i, align 8
%.sroa.152.8..idx53.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg14.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 30, i64* %.sroa.152.8..idx53.i, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN3str8push_str16_d83c17bf50a939914_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i, %str_slice* %__arg14.i)
to label %"normal return15.i" unwind label %unwind12.i
unwind12.i: ; preds = %"normal return18.i", %"normal return15.i", %"normal return11.i", %"normal return8.i"
%49 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract70.i = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %49, 0
%.fca.1.extract72.i = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %49, 1
%50 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i, align 8
%51 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %50, null
br i1 %51, label %cleanup.i, label %cond.i.i4.i
cond.i.i4.i: ; preds = %unwind12.i
%52 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %50 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %52)
br label %cleanup.i
"normal return15.i": ; preds = %"normal return11.i"
%.sroa.039.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg16.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i32 0, i32* %.sroa.039.0..idx.i, align 8
%.sroa.241.8..idx42.i = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg16.i, i64 0, i32 1, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.241.8..idx42.i, align 8
%.sroa.445.24..idx46.i = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg16.i, i64 0, i32 2, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.445.24..idx46.i, align 8
%.sroa.649.40..idx50.i = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg16.i, i64 0, i32 3, i32 0
store i64 0, i64* %.sroa.649.40..idx50.i, align 8
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %22, i8* %prog.i.0.cast, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
invoke void @"_ZN8unstable6extfmt2rt8conv_str17_97a3fb4818a71dce14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg16.i, %str_slice* %__arg17.i, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i)
to label %"normal return18.i" unwind label %unwind12.i
"normal return18.i": ; preds = %"normal return15.i"
%.sroa.036.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg19.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([10 x i8]* @str11093, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.036.0..idx.i, align 8
%.sroa.137.8..idx38.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg19.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 10, i64* %.sroa.137.8..idx38.i, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN3str8push_str16_d83c17bf50a939914_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i, %str_slice* %__arg19.i)
to label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit7.i" unwind label %unwind12.i
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit7.i": ; preds = %"normal return18.i"
%53 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i, align 8
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* null, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i, align 8
%54 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %53, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%55 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %53, i64 0, i32 0
%56 = load i64* %55, align 8
%__adjust21.sroa.0.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg22.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %54, i8** %__adjust21.sroa.0.0..idx.i, align 8
%__adjust21.sroa.1.8..idx35.i = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg22.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %56, i64* %__adjust21.sroa.1.8..idx35.i, align 8
%57 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg22.i to %str_slice*
invoke void @"_ZN2io7println17_cbd0294d6bc48ab614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %57)
to label %"normal return23.i" unwind label %unwind24.i
"normal return23.i": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit7.i"
%58 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %53, null
br i1 %58, label %join.i, label %cond.i.i
cond.i.i: ; preds = %"normal return23.i"
%59 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %53 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %59)
br label %join.i
unwind24.i: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit7.i"
%60 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract74.i = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %60, 0
%.fca.1.extract76.i = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %60, 1
%61 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %53, null
br i1 %61, label %cleanup.i, label %cond.i8.i
cond.i8.i: ; preds = %unwind24.i
%62 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %53 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %62)
br label %cleanup.i
join.i: ; preds = %cond.i.i, %"normal return23.i", %match_case.i
%cond2.i = icmp eq i64 %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.3.64.copyload, 0
br i1 %cond2.i, label %match_case31.i, label %match_else30.i
match_else30.i: ; preds = %join.i
invoke void %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.4.72.copyload({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef)
to label %join47.i unwind label %unwind.nonloopexit.i
match_case31.i: ; preds = %join.i
%63 = invoke { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([1 x i8]* @str11094, i64 0, i64 0), i64 0)
to label %"normal return33.i" unwind label %unwind.nonloopexit.i
"normal return33.i": ; preds = %match_case31.i
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %63, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf32.i, align 8
%.sroa.025.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg34.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i32 0, i32* %.sroa.025.0..idx.i, align 8
%.sroa.2.8..idx27.i = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg34.i, i64 0, i32 1, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.2.8..idx27.i, align 8
%.sroa.4.24..idx29.i = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg34.i, i64 0, i32 2, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.4.24..idx29.i, align 8
%.sroa.6.40..idx31.i = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg34.i, i64 0, i32 3, i32 0
store i64 0, i64* %.sroa.6.40..idx31.i, align 8
%64 = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg35.i, i64 0, i32 0
%.sroa.1.sroa.4.72.copyload.c.i = bitcast void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.4.72.copyload to i8*
store i8* %.sroa.1.sroa.4.72.copyload.c.i, i8** %64, align 8
%msg.sroa.1.8..idx96.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg35.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %__arg.i.i.i.sroa.5.80.copyload, i64* %msg.sroa.1.8..idx96.i, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN8unstable6extfmt2rt8conv_str17_97a3fb4818a71dce14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg34.i, %str_slice* %__arg35.i, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf32.i)
to label %"normal return36.i" unwind label %unwind37.i
"normal return36.i": ; preds = %"normal return33.i"
%.sroa.0.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg39.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([2 x i8]* @str11095, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.0.0..idx.i, align 8
%.sroa.1.8..idx24.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg39.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 2, i64* %.sroa.1.8..idx24.i, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN3str8push_str16_d83c17bf50a939914_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf32.i, %str_slice* %__arg39.i)
to label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit15.i" unwind label %unwind37.i
unwind37.i: ; preds = %"normal return36.i", %"normal return33.i"
%65 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract78.i = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %65, 0
%.fca.1.extract80.i = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %65, 1
%66 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf32.i, align 8
%67 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %66, null
br i1 %67, label %cleanup.i, label %cond.i.i12.i
cond.i.i12.i: ; preds = %unwind37.i
%68 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %66 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %68)
br label %cleanup.i
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit15.i": ; preds = %"normal return36.i"
%69 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf32.i, align 8
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* null, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf32.i, align 8
%70 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %69, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%71 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %69, i64 0, i32 0
%72 = load i64* %71, align 8
%__adjust41.sroa.0.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg42.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %70, i8** %__adjust41.sroa.0.0..idx.i, align 8
%__adjust41.sroa.1.8..idx23.i = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg42.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %72, i64* %__adjust41.sroa.1.8..idx23.i, align 8
%73 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg42.i to %str_slice*
invoke void @"_ZN2io7println17_cbd0294d6bc48ab614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %73)
to label %"normal return43.i" unwind label %unwind44.i
"normal return43.i": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit15.i"
%74 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %69, null
br i1 %74, label %join47.i, label %cond.i16.i
cond.i16.i: ; preds = %"normal return43.i"
%75 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %69 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %75)
br label %join47.i
unwind44.i: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit15.i"
%76 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract82.i = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %76, 0
%.fca.1.extract84.i = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %76, 1
%77 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %69, null
br i1 %77, label %cleanup.i, label %cond.i18.i
cond.i18.i: ; preds = %unwind44.i
%78 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %69 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %78)
br label %cleanup.i
join47.i: ; preds = %cond.i16.i, %"normal return43.i", %match_else30.i
%79 = bitcast %enum.ValidUsage* %0 to i8*
call void @llvm.memset.p0i8.i64(i8* %79, i8 0, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
br label %join49.i
join49.i: ; preds = %join47.i, %match_else.i
%80 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %16, null
br i1 %80, label %join, label %cond.i.i20.i
cond.i.i20.i: ; preds = %join49.i
%81 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %16 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %81)
br label %join
compare_vec_len_next: ; preds = %"function top level"
%82 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.ValidUsage* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %82, align 8
br label %join
join: ; preds = %cond.i.i20.i, %join49.i, %compare_vec_len_next
ret void
declare void @"_ZN5usage16_b6588a19758f49114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, %str_slice*)
define internal fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_107498to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture) #3 {
"function top level":
%__trans_ret_slot.i = alloca {}, align 8
%ret.i = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*, align 8
%__adjust.i = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__arg3.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%v.i = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*, align 8
%__arg.sroa.0.0..cast.i = bitcast { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %0 to i8**
%__arg.sroa.0.0.copyload.i = load i8** %__arg.sroa.0.0..cast.i, align 8
%__arg.sroa.1.8..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %0, i64 0, i32 1
%__arg.sroa.1.8..cast.i = bitcast %tydesc** %__arg.sroa.1.8..idx.i to i64*
%__arg.sroa.1.8.copyload.i = load i64* %__arg.sroa.1.8..cast.i, align 8
%1 = bitcast {}* %__trans_ret_slot.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 0, i8* %1)
%2 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %2)
%3 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg3.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %3)
%4 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %v.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 8, i8* %4)
%5 = icmp eq i64 %__arg.sroa.1.8.copyload.i, 0
br i1 %5, label %then.i, label %next.i
then.i: ; preds = %"function top level"
%6 = call { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([19 x i8]* @str10945, i64 0, i64 0), i64 18)
%7 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %6, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%8 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %6, i64 0, i32 0
%9 = load i64* %8, align 8
%10 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %7, i8** %10, align 8
%11 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %9, i64* %11, align 8
%12 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%13 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 8, i8* %13)
%14 = invoke fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_107498to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %12)
to label %.noexc110 unwind label %unwind.i
.noexc110: ; preds = %then.i
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %14, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
%15 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %14, i64 0, i32 0
%16 = load i64* %15, align 8
%17 = add i64 %16, 6
%18 = lshr i64 %17, 1
%19 = or i64 %18, %17
%20 = lshr i64 %19, 2
%21 = or i64 %20, %19
%22 = lshr i64 %21, 4
%23 = or i64 %22, %21
%24 = lshr i64 %23, 8
%25 = or i64 %24, %23
%26 = lshr i64 %25, 16
%27 = or i64 %26, %25
%28 = lshr i64 %27, 32
%29 = or i64 %28, %27
%30 = add i64 %29, 1
%31 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
invoke fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__13reserve_1084116_7da913789de211514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %31, i64 %30)
to label %"normal return.i" unwind label %unwind.i7
unwind.i7: ; preds = %.noexc110
%32 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%33 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
%34 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %33, null
br i1 %34, label %unwind.i.body, label %cond.i12
cond.i12: ; preds = %unwind.i7
%35 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %33 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %35)
to label %unwind.i.body unwind label %unwind.i
"normal return.i": ; preds = %.noexc110
%36 = add i64 %16, -1
%37 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
%38 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %37, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%39 = ptrtoint i8* %38 to i64
%40 = add i64 %36, %39
%41 = inttoptr i64 %40 to i8*
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %41, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([8 x i8]* @str10946, i64 0, i64 0), i64 7, i32 1, i1 false)
%42 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
%43 = add i64 %16, 7
%44 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %42, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 %43, i64* %44, align 8
%45 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %42, i64 1
%46 = ptrtoint { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %45 to i64
%47 = add i64 %17, %46
%48 = inttoptr i64 %47 to i8*
store i8 0, i8* %48, align 1
%49 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i, align 8
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 8, i8* %13)
%50 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %6, null
br i1 %50, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit18", label %cond.i17
cond.i17: ; preds = %"normal return.i"
%51 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %6 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %51)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit18"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit18": ; preds = %"normal return.i", %cond.i17
%.sroa.0186.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg3.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([53 x i8]* @str10947, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.0186.0..idx, align 8
%.sroa.1188.8..idx189 = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg3.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 53, i64* %.sroa.1188.8..idx189, align 8
call void @"_ZN3sys14__extensions__10meth_111489fail_with17_d96679812a86c36714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({}* %__trans_ret_slot.i, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %49, %str_slice* %__arg3.i, i64 1581)
unwind.i: ; preds = %cond.i12, %then.i
%52 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind.i.body
unwind.i.body: ; preds = %unwind.i7, %cond.i12, %unwind.i
%eh.lpad-body = phi { i8*, i32 } [ %52, %unwind.i ], [ %32, %cond.i12 ], [ %32, %unwind.i7 ]
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%53 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %6, null
br i1 %53, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit21", label %cond.i20
cond.i20: ; preds = %unwind.i.body
%54 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %6 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %54)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit21"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit21": ; preds = %unwind.i.body, %cond.i20
resume { i8*, i32 } %eh.lpad-body
next.i: ; preds = %"function top level"
%55 = add i64 %__arg.sroa.1.8.copyload.i, 16
%56 = call %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib6malloc17_29e63c4e98d61cf514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i64 %55)
%57 = icmp eq %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %56, null
br i1 %57, label %then.i24, label %.noexc40
then.i24: ; preds = %next.i
call void @"_ZN2rt11global_heap5abort16_df5982df3c0192c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef)
br label %.noexc40
unwind7.i.body: ; preds = %"while loop cond.i170.preheader"
%58 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%59 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %v.i, align 8
%60 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %59, null
br i1 %60, label %"_ZN8_$UP$u3216_3347fe3223215de15glue_free_10965E.exit37", label %cond.i36
cond.i36: ; preds = %unwind7.i.body
%61 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %59 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %61)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$u3216_3347fe3223215de15glue_free_10965E.exit37"
"_ZN8_$UP$u3216_3347fe3223215de15glue_free_10965E.exit37": ; preds = %unwind7.i.body, %cond.i36
resume { i8*, i32 } %58
.noexc40: ; preds = %then.i24, %next.i
%62 = bitcast %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %56 to %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"*
%63 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"* %62, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %__arg.sroa.1.8.copyload.i, i64* %63, align 8
%64 = bitcast %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %56 to i64*
store i64 0, i64* %64, align 8
%.c.i = bitcast %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %56 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %.c.i, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %v.i, align 8
%65 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %.c.i, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%66 = add i64 %__arg.sroa.1.8.copyload.i, -1
call void @llvm.memmove.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %65, i8* %__arg.sroa.0.0.copyload.i, i64 %66, i32 1, i1 false)
%67 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %v.i, align 8
%68 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %67, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 %66, i64* %68, align 8
%69 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %v.i, align 8
%70 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %69, i64 0, i32 0
%71 = load i64* %70, align 8
%72 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %69, i64 0, i32 1
%73 = load i64* %72, align 8
%74 = icmp ugt i64 %73, %71
br i1 %74, label %_ZN3std3str14__extensions__8to_owned4anon13expr_fn_10799E.exit, label %"while loop cond.i170.preheader"
"while loop cond.i170.preheader": ; preds = %.noexc40
%75 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %v.i to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%76 = lshr i64 %71, 1
%77 = or i64 %76, %71
%78 = lshr i64 %77, 2
%79 = or i64 %78, %77
%80 = lshr i64 %79, 4
%81 = or i64 %80, %79
%82 = lshr i64 %81, 8
%83 = or i64 %82, %81
%84 = lshr i64 %83, 16
%85 = or i64 %84, %83
%86 = lshr i64 %85, 32
%87 = or i64 %86, %85
%88 = add i64 %87, 1
invoke fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__13reserve_1084116_7da913789de211514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %75, i64 %88)
to label %"while loop cond.i170.preheader._ZN3std3str14__extensions__8to_owned4anon13expr_fn_10799E.exit_crit_edge" unwind label %unwind7.i.body
"while loop cond.i170.preheader._ZN3std3str14__extensions__8to_owned4anon13expr_fn_10799E.exit_crit_edge": ; preds = %"while loop cond.i170.preheader"
%.pre = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %v.i, align 8
%.phi.trans.insert = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %.pre, i64 0, i32 0
%.pre390 = load i64* %.phi.trans.insert, align 8
br label %_ZN3std3str14__extensions__8to_owned4anon13expr_fn_10799E.exit
_ZN3std3str14__extensions__8to_owned4anon13expr_fn_10799E.exit: ; preds = %"while loop cond.i170.preheader._ZN3std3str14__extensions__8to_owned4anon13expr_fn_10799E.exit_crit_edge", %.noexc40
%89 = phi i64 [ %.pre390, %"while loop cond.i170.preheader._ZN3std3str14__extensions__8to_owned4anon13expr_fn_10799E.exit_crit_edge" ], [ %71, %.noexc40 ]
%90 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* [ %.pre, %"while loop cond.i170.preheader._ZN3std3str14__extensions__8to_owned4anon13expr_fn_10799E.exit_crit_edge" ], [ %69, %.noexc40 ]
%91 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %90, i64 0, i32 0
%92 = add i64 %89, 1
store i64 %92, i64* %91, align 8
%93 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %v.i, align 8
%94 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %93, i64 1
%95 = ptrtoint { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %94 to i64
%96 = add i64 %95, %89
%97 = inttoptr i64 %96 to i8*
store i8 0, i8* %97, align 1
%98 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %v.i, align 8
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 0, i8* %1)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %2)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %3)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 8, i8* %4)
ret { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %98
declare void @"_ZN3sys14__extensions__10meth_111489fail_with17_d96679812a86c36714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({}*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*, %str_slice*, i64)
define internal fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__13reserve_1084116_7da913789de211514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, i64) #2 {
"function top level":
%__trans_ret_slot = alloca {}, align 8
%__fmtbuf = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*, align 8
%__arg5 = alloca %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]", align 8
%__arg7 = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%2 = bitcast { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %0 to %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"**
%3 = load %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"** %2, align 8
%4 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"* %3, i64 0, i32 1
%5 = load i64* %4, align 8
%6 = icmp ult i64 %5, %1
br i1 %6, label %join, label %next10
join: ; preds = %"function top level"
%uadd = call { i64, i1 } @llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i64(i64 %1, i64 16)
%7 = extractvalue { i64, i1 } %uadd, 1
br i1 %7, label %then3, label %next8
then3: ; preds = %join
%8 = call { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([27 x i8]* @str10881, i64 0, i64 0), i64 26)
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %8, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf, align 8
%.sroa.018.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg5, i64 0, i32 0
store i32 0, i32* %.sroa.018.0..idx, align 8
%.sroa.2.8..idx20 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg5, i64 0, i32 1, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.2.8..idx20, align 8
%.sroa.4.24..idx22 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg5, i64 0, i32 2, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.4.24..idx22, align 8
%.sroa.6.40..idx24 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg5, i64 0, i32 3, i32 0
store i64 0, i64* %.sroa.6.40..idx24, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN8unstable6extfmt2rt9conv_uint17_7d8efb9aa1a1a0b614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg5, i64 %1, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf)
to label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit12" unwind label %unwind
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit12": ; preds = %then3
%9 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf, align 8
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* null, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf, align 8
%.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg7, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([53 x i8]* @str10892, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%.sroa.1.8..idx13 = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg7, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 53, i64* %.sroa.1.8..idx13, align 8
call void @"_ZN3sys14__extensions__10meth_111489fail_with17_d96679812a86c36714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({}* %__trans_ret_slot, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %9, %str_slice* %__arg7, i64 1166)
unwind: ; preds = %then3
%10 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%11 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf, align 8
%12 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %11, null
br i1 %12, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit", label %cond.i.i
cond.i.i: ; preds = %unwind
%13 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %11 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %13)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit": ; preds = %unwind, %cond.i.i
resume { i8*, i32 } %10
next8: ; preds = %join
%14 = extractvalue { i64, i1 } %uadd, 0
%15 = bitcast %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"* %3 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%16 = call %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib7realloc16_e898c12982ea93e14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %15, i64 %14)
%17 = icmp eq %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %16, null
br i1 %17, label %then.i, label %"_ZN2rt11global_heap11realloc_raw17_7876e87b6e4b168c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
then.i: ; preds = %next8
call void @"_ZN2rt11global_heap5abort16_df5982df3c0192c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef)
br label %"_ZN2rt11global_heap11realloc_raw17_7876e87b6e4b168c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
"_ZN2rt11global_heap11realloc_raw17_7876e87b6e4b168c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit": ; preds = %next8, %then.i
%18 = bitcast %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %16 to %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"*
%19 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %0, i64 0, i32 0
%.c = ptrtoint %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %16 to i64
store i64 %.c, i64* %19, align 8
%20 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"* %18, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %1, i64* %20, align 8
br label %next10
next10: ; preds = %"function top level", %"_ZN2rt11global_heap11realloc_raw17_7876e87b6e4b168c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
ret void
declare { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, i8*, i64)
declare void @"_ZN8unstable6extfmt2rt9conv_uint17_7d8efb9aa1a1a0b614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"*, i64, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**)
declare void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*)
declare %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib7realloc16_e898c12982ea93e14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*, i64)
declare void @"_ZN2rt11global_heap5abort16_df5982df3c0192c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)
declare %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib6malloc17_29e63c4e98d61cf514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, i64)
declare { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* @"_ZN2os4args16_707125f9258e1ff14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)
declare void @"_ZN8unstable4lang17fail_bounds_check17_7112ff25e39642a214_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, i8*, i64, i64, i64)
define void @"_ZN8find_cmd17_d4675eccdab8bd1614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%"enum.std::option::Option<Command>[#1]"* nocapture, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture, %str_slice* nocapture) #2 {
"function top level":
%__arg.i = alloca %struct.Command, align 8
%__arg2.i.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %2, i64 0, i32 0
%__arg2.i.sroa.1.8..idx78 = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %2, i64 0, i32 1
br i1 icmp eq (%"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* bitcast ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*), %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* inttoptr (i64 add (i64 ptrtoint ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to i64), i64 616) to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*)), label %match_case.i, label %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1108217_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52"
"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1108217_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52": ; preds = %"`loop`.i.i.backedge", %"function top level"
%.sroa.08.091 = phi i64 [ ptrtoint ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to i64), %"function top level" ], [ %3, %"`loop`.i.i.backedge" ]
%3 = add i64 %.sroa.08.091, 88
%4 = inttoptr i64 %.sroa.08.091 to %struct.Command*
%__arg1.i.sroa.1.8..idx43 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Command* %4, i64 0, i32 0, i32 1
%__arg1.i.sroa.1.8.copyload = load i64* %__arg1.i.sroa.1.8..idx43, align 8
%__arg2.i.sroa.1.8.copyload = load i64* %__arg2.i.sroa.1.8..idx78, align 8
%5 = icmp eq i64 %__arg1.i.sroa.1.8.copyload, %__arg2.i.sroa.1.8.copyload
br i1 %5, label %_ZN3str8eq_slice4anon4anon13expr_fn_11086E.exit, label %"`loop`.i.i.backedge"
"`loop`.i.i.backedge": ; preds = %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1108217_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52", %_ZN3str8eq_slice4anon4anon13expr_fn_11086E.exit
%6 = inttoptr i64 %3 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%7 = icmp eq %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %6, inttoptr (i64 add (i64 ptrtoint ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to i64), i64 616) to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*)
%8 = icmp eq i64 %3, 0
%or.cond = or i1 %7, %8
br i1 %or.cond, label %match_case.i, label %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1108217_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52"
_ZN3str8eq_slice4anon4anon13expr_fn_11086E.exit: ; preds = %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1108217_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52"
%__arg1.i.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Command* %4, i64 0, i32 0, i32 0
%__arg2.i.sroa.0.0.copyload = load i8** %__arg2.i.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__arg1.i.sroa.0.0.copyload = load i8** %__arg1.i.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%9 = bitcast i8* %__arg1.i.sroa.0.0.copyload to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%10 = bitcast i8* %__arg2.i.sroa.0.0.copyload to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%11 = add i64 %__arg1.i.sroa.1.8.copyload, -1
%12 = call i32 @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956string6memcmp17_c0e5887b4130711314_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %9, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %10, i64 %11)
%13 = icmp eq i32 %12, 0
br i1 %13, label %match_else.i, label %"`loop`.i.i.backedge"
match_else.i: ; preds = %_ZN3str8eq_slice4anon4anon13expr_fn_11086E.exit
%14 = bitcast %struct.Command* %__arg.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 88, i8* %14)
%15 = inttoptr i64 %.sroa.08.091 to i8*
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %14, i8* %15, i64 88, i32 8, i1 false)
%16 = getelementptr inbounds %"enum.std::option::Option<Command>[#1]"* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %16, align 8
%17 = getelementptr inbounds %"enum.std::option::Option<Command>[#1]"* %0, i64 0, i32 1, i64 0
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %17, i8* %14, i64 88, i32 8, i1 false) #0
br label %"_ZN6option14__extensions__17map_consume_1101816_40771e9153818ec14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
match_case.i: ; preds = %"`loop`.i.i.backedge", %"function top level"
%18 = bitcast %struct.Command* %__arg.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 88, i8* %18)
%19 = getelementptr inbounds %"enum.std::option::Option<Command>[#1]"* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 0, i64* %19, align 8
br label %"_ZN6option14__extensions__17map_consume_1101816_40771e9153818ec14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
"_ZN6option14__extensions__17map_consume_1101816_40771e9153818ec14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit": ; preds = %match_else.i, %match_case.i
%20 = phi i8* [ %14, %match_else.i ], [ %18, %match_case.i ]
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 88, i8* %20)
ret void
declare i32 @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956string6memcmp17_c0e5887b4130711314_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*, i64)
declare void @"_ZN2io7println17_cbd0294d6bc48ab614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, %str_slice*)
declare void @"_ZN8unstable6extfmt2rt8conv_str17_97a3fb4818a71dce14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"*, %str_slice*, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**)
declare void @"_ZN3str8push_str16_d83c17bf50a939914_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, %str_slice*)
declare void @"_ZN3sys14__extensions__10meth_127919fail_with16_db4c44d01ce411614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({}*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, %str_slice*, %str_slice*, i64)
declare void @"_ZN4path14__extensions__10meth_225708filestem17_b384379c13763c9b14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%"enum.std::option::Option<~str>[#1]"*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)
declare void @"_ZN4path9PosixPath17_7c6da4115ba3bd6514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%"struct.std::path::PosixPath[#1]"*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, %str_slice*)
define void @"_ZN6invoke15_dc2cf633faae8514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture, %str_slice* nocapture, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* nocapture, { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* nocapture) #2 {
"function top level":
%__adjust.i.i = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%result.i = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }*, align 8
%osargs = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }*, align 8
%4 = call %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib6malloc17_29e63c4e98d61cf514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i64 48)
%5 = icmp eq %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %4, null
br i1 %5, label %then.i.i, label %"_ZN2rt11global_heap15exchange_malloc16_ecc457221971b4814_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
then.i.i: ; preds = %"function top level"
call void @"_ZN2rt11global_heap5abort16_df5982df3c0192c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef)
br label %"_ZN2rt11global_heap15exchange_malloc16_ecc457221971b4814_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
"_ZN2rt11global_heap15exchange_malloc16_ecc457221971b4814_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit": ; preds = %"function top level", %then.i.i
%6 = bitcast %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %4 to i8*
%7 = bitcast %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %4 to i64*
store i64 8, i64* %7, align 8
%8 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %6, i64 8
%9 = bitcast i8* %8 to i64*
store i64 32, i64* %9, align 8
%10 = bitcast %str_slice* %1 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%11 = invoke fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_107498to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %10)
to label %"normal return" unwind label %unwind
"normal return": ; preds = %"_ZN2rt11global_heap15exchange_malloc16_ecc457221971b4814_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
%12 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %6, i64 16
%13 = bitcast %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %4 to { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }*
%14 = bitcast i8* %12 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %11, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %14, align 8
store { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %13, { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %osargs, align 8
%15 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %result.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 8, i8* %15)
%s.sroa.1.8..idx.i.i.i = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %2, i64 0, i32 1
%s.sroa.1.8.copyload.i.i.i = load i64* %s.sroa.1.8..idx.i.i.i, align 1
%16 = and i64 %s.sroa.1.8.copyload.i.i.i, -8
%17 = add i64 %16, 16
%18 = invoke %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib6malloc17_29e63c4e98d61cf514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i64 %17)
to label %.noexc unwind label %unwind2.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
.noexc: ; preds = %"normal return"
%19 = icmp eq %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %18, null
br i1 %19, label %then.i.i.i, label %"normal return.i"
then.i.i.i: ; preds = %.noexc
invoke void @"_ZN2rt11global_heap5abort16_df5982df3c0192c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef)
to label %"normal return.i" unwind label %unwind2.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
"normal return.i": ; preds = %then.i.i.i, %.noexc
%20 = bitcast %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %18 to %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"*
%21 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"* %20, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %16, i64* %21, align 8
%22 = bitcast %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %18 to i64*
store i64 0, i64* %22, align 8
%.c.i.i.i.i = bitcast %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %18 to { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }*
store { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %.c.i.i.i.i, { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %result.i, align 8
%23 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %2, i64 0, i32 0
%24 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %23, align 8
%25 = load i64* %s.sroa.1.8..idx.i.i.i, align 8
%26 = ptrtoint { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %24 to i64
%27 = and i64 %25, -8
%28 = add i64 %27, %26
%29 = inttoptr i64 %28 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%30 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %24 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%31 = icmp eq %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %30, %29
br i1 %31, label %"normal return1", label %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__10next_1121015_3b383846f414f614_0$x2e8$"
"_ZN3vec14__extensions__10next_1121015_3b383846f414f614_0$x2e8$": ; preds = %"normal return.i"
%32 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i.i to i8*
%33 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i.i, i64 0, i32 0
%34 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i.i, i64 0, i32 1
%35 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i.i to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%36 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %result.i to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
br label %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__10next_1121015_3b383846f414f614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit.i.i"
"_ZN3vec14__extensions__10next_1121015_3b383846f414f614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit.i.i": ; preds = %.noexc.i, %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__10next_1121015_3b383846f414f614_0$x2e8$"
%.sroa.015.082.i = phi i64 [ %26, %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__10next_1121015_3b383846f414f614_0$x2e8$" ], [ %37, %.noexc.i ]
%37 = add i64 %.sroa.015.082.i, 8
%38 = icmp eq i64 %.sroa.015.082.i, 0
br i1 %38, label %"normal return2.loopexit.i", label %match_case.i.i
match_case.i.i: ; preds = %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__10next_1121015_3b383846f414f614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit.i.i"
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %32)
%39 = inttoptr i64 %.sroa.015.082.i to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%40 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %39, align 8
%41 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %40, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%42 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %40, i64 0, i32 0
%43 = load i64* %42, align 8
store i8* %41, i8** %33, align 8
store i64 %43, i64* %34, align 8
%44 = invoke fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_107498to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %35)
to label %"normal return8.i.i" unwind label %unwind.loopexit.i
unwind.i.body.i: ; preds = %"normal return12.i.i"
%45 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%46 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %44, null
br i1 %46, label %unwind.body.i, label %cond.i.i34.i
cond.i.i34.i: ; preds = %unwind.i.body.i
%47 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %44 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %47)
to label %unwind.body.i unwind label %unwind.nonloopexit.i
"normal return8.i.i": ; preds = %match_case.i.i
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %32)
%48 = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %result.i, align 8
%49 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %48, i64 0, i32 0
%50 = load i64* %49, align 8
%51 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %48, i64 0, i32 1
%52 = load i64* %51, align 8
%53 = icmp ugt i64 %52, %50
br i1 %53, label %.noexc.i, label %"normal return12.i.i"
"normal return12.i.i": ; preds = %"normal return8.i.i"
%54 = lshr i64 %50, 3
%55 = lshr i64 %50, 4
%56 = or i64 %55, %54
%57 = lshr i64 %56, 2
%58 = or i64 %57, %56
%59 = lshr i64 %58, 4
%60 = or i64 %59, %58
%61 = lshr i64 %60, 8
%62 = or i64 %61, %60
%63 = lshr i64 %62, 16
%64 = or i64 %63, %62
%65 = lshr i64 %64, 32
%66 = or i64 %65, %64
%67 = add i64 %66, 1
invoke fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__13reserve_1116116_7da913789de211514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %36, i64 %67)
to label %"normal return12.i..noexc_crit_edge.i" unwind label %unwind.i.body.i
"normal return12.i..noexc_crit_edge.i": ; preds = %"normal return12.i.i"
%.pre.i = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %result.i, align 8
%.phi.trans.insert.i = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %.pre.i, i64 0, i32 0
%.pre84.i = load i64* %.phi.trans.insert.i, align 8
br label %.noexc.i
.noexc.i: ; preds = %"normal return12.i..noexc_crit_edge.i", %"normal return8.i.i"
%68 = phi i64 [ %.pre84.i, %"normal return12.i..noexc_crit_edge.i" ], [ %50, %"normal return8.i.i" ]
%69 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* [ %.pre.i, %"normal return12.i..noexc_crit_edge.i" ], [ %48, %"normal return8.i.i" ]
%70 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %69, i64 0, i32 0
%71 = add i64 %68, 8
store i64 %71, i64* %70, align 8
%72 = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %result.i, align 8
%73 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %72, i64 1
%74 = ptrtoint { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %73 to i64
%75 = add i64 %74, %68
%76 = inttoptr i64 %75 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %44, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %76, align 8
%77 = inttoptr i64 %37 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%78 = icmp eq %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %77, %29
br i1 %78, label %"normal return2.loopexit.i", label %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__10next_1121015_3b383846f414f614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit.i.i"
unwind.loopexit.i: ; preds = %match_case.i.i
%lpad.loopexit.i = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind.body.i
unwind.nonloopexit.i: ; preds = %cond.i.i34.i
%lpad.nonloopexit.i = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind.body.i
unwind.body.i: ; preds = %unwind.nonloopexit.i, %unwind.loopexit.i, %cond.i.i34.i, %unwind.i.body.i
%eh.lpad-body.i = phi { i8*, i32 } [ %45, %unwind.i.body.i ], [ %45, %cond.i.i34.i ], [ %lpad.loopexit.i, %unwind.loopexit.i ], [ %lpad.nonloopexit.i, %unwind.nonloopexit.i ]
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%79 = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %result.i, align 8
%80 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %79, null
br i1 %80, label %unwind2.body, label %cond.i.i3.i
cond.i.i3.i: ; preds = %unwind.body.i
%81 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %79, i64 0, i32 0
%82 = load i64* %81, align 8
%83 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %79, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%84 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %83 to i8*
%85 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %84, i64 %82
%86 = bitcast i8* %85 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%87 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %83, %86
br i1 %87, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i4.i, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i7.i"
iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i4.i: ; preds = %cond.i.i3.i, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i6.i"
%88 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %92, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i6.i" ], [ %83, %cond.i.i3.i ]
%89 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %88, align 8
%90 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %89, null
br i1 %90, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i6.i", label %cond.i.i.i.i.i5.i
cond.i.i.i.i.i5.i: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i4.i
%91 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %89 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %91)
to label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i6.i" unwind label %unwind2.nonloopexit.loopexit
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i6.i": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i.i5.i, %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i4.i
%92 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %88, i64 1
%93 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %92, %86
br i1 %93, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i4.i, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i7.i"
"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i7.i": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i6.i", %cond.i.i3.i
%94 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %79 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %94)
to label %unwind2.body unwind label %unwind2.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
"normal return2.loopexit.i": ; preds = %.noexc.i, %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__10next_1121015_3b383846f414f614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit.i.i"
%.pre85.i = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %result.i, align 8
br label %"normal return1"
unwind: ; preds = %"_ZN2rt11global_heap15exchange_malloc16_ecc457221971b4814_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
%95 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %4)
resume { i8*, i32 } %95
"normal return1": ; preds = %"normal return2.loopexit.i", %"normal return.i"
%96 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* [ %.pre85.i, %"normal return2.loopexit.i" ], [ %.c.i.i.i.i, %"normal return.i" ]
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 8, i8* %15)
%97 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %osargs to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%98 = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %osargs, align 8
%99 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %98, i64 0, i32 0
%100 = load i64* %99, align 8
%101 = lshr i64 %100, 3
%102 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %96, i64 0, i32 0
%103 = load i64* %102, align 8
%104 = lshr i64 %103, 3
%105 = add i64 %104, %101
invoke fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__13reserve_1116116_7da913789de211514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %97, i64 %105)
to label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11112E.exit.i" unwind label %cond.i.i12.i
cond.i.i12.i: ; preds = %"normal return1"
%106 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%107 = load i64* %102, align 8
%108 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %96, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%109 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %108 to i8*
%110 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %109, i64 %107
%111 = bitcast i8* %110 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%112 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %108, %111
br i1 %112, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i13.i, label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11112E.exit17.i"
iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i13.i: ; preds = %cond.i.i12.i, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i15.i"
%113 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %117, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i15.i" ], [ %108, %cond.i.i12.i ]
%114 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %113, align 8
%115 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %114, null
br i1 %115, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i15.i", label %cond.i.i.i.i.i14.i
cond.i.i.i.i.i14.i: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i13.i
%116 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %114 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %116)
to label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i15.i" unwind label %unwind2.loopexit
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i15.i": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i.i14.i, %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i13.i
%117 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %113, i64 1
%118 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %117, %111
br i1 %118, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i13.i, label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11112E.exit17.i"
"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11112E.exit17.i": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i15.i", %cond.i.i12.i
%119 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %96 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %119)
to label %unwind2.body unwind label %unwind2.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11112E.exit.i": ; preds = %"normal return1"
%120 = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %osargs, align 8
%121 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %120, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%122 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %96, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%123 = ptrtoint { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %121 to i64
%124 = shl nuw i64 %101, 3
%125 = add i64 %123, %124
%126 = inttoptr i64 %125 to i8*
%127 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %122 to i8*
%128 = shl nuw i64 %104, 3
call void @llvm.memmove.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %126, i8* %127, i64 %128, i32 8, i1 false) #0
%129 = shl i64 %105, 3
%130 = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %osargs, align 8
%131 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %130, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 %129, i64* %131, align 8
store i64 0, i64* %102, align 8
%132 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %96 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %132)
to label %"normal return4" unwind label %unwind2.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
unwind2.loopexit: ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i.i14.i
%lpad.loopexit = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind2.body
unwind2.nonloopexit.loopexit: ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i.i5.i
%lpad.loopexit32 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind2.body
unwind2.nonloopexit.nonloopexit: ; preds = %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11112E.exit.i", %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11112E.exit17.i", %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i7.i", %then.i.i.i, %"normal return", %"normal return6", %"normal return4"
%lpad.nonloopexit33 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind2.body
unwind2.body: ; preds = %unwind2.loopexit, %unwind2.nonloopexit.nonloopexit, %unwind2.nonloopexit.loopexit, %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11112E.exit17.i", %unwind.body.i, %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i7.i"
%eh.lpad-body = phi { i8*, i32 } [ %eh.lpad-body.i, %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i7.i" ], [ %eh.lpad-body.i, %unwind.body.i ], [ %106, %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11112E.exit17.i" ], [ %lpad.loopexit, %unwind2.loopexit ], [ %lpad.loopexit32, %unwind2.nonloopexit.loopexit ], [ %lpad.nonloopexit33, %unwind2.nonloopexit.nonloopexit ]
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%133 = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %osargs, align 8
%134 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %133, null
br i1 %134, label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11112E.exit", label %cond.i.i
cond.i.i: ; preds = %unwind2.body
%135 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %133, i64 0, i32 0
%136 = load i64* %135, align 8
%137 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %133, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%138 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %137 to i8*
%139 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %138, i64 %136
%140 = bitcast i8* %139 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%141 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %137, %140
br i1 %141, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i"
iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i: ; preds = %cond.i.i, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i"
%142 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %146, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i" ], [ %137, %cond.i.i ]
%143 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %142, align 8
%144 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %143, null
br i1 %144, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i", label %cond.i.i.i.i.i
cond.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i
%145 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %143 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %145)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i.i, %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i
%146 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %142, i64 1
%147 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %146, %140
br i1 %147, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i"
"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i", %cond.i.i
%148 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %133 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %148)
br label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11112E.exit"
"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11112E.exit": ; preds = %unwind2.body, %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i"
resume { i8*, i32 } %eh.lpad-body
"normal return4": ; preds = %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11112E.exit.i"
%149 = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %osargs, align 8
store { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* null, { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %osargs, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN2os8set_args17_1b27c995593ce49d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %149)
to label %"normal return6" unwind label %unwind2.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
"normal return6": ; preds = %"normal return4"
%150 = getelementptr inbounds { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %3, i64 0, i32 0
%151 = load void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)** %150, align 8
%152 = getelementptr inbounds { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %3, i64 0, i32 1
%153 = load { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }** %152, align 8
invoke void %151({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %153)
to label %"normal return7" unwind label %unwind2.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
"normal return7": ; preds = %"normal return6"
%154 = load { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }** %osargs, align 8
%155 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %154, null
br i1 %155, label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11112E.exit21", label %cond.i.i16
cond.i.i16: ; preds = %"normal return7"
%156 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %154, i64 0, i32 0
%157 = load i64* %156, align 8
%158 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %154, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%159 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %158 to i8*
%160 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %159, i64 %157
%161 = bitcast i8* %160 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%162 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %158, %161
br i1 %162, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i17, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i20"
iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i17: ; preds = %cond.i.i16, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i19"
%163 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %167, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i19" ], [ %158, %cond.i.i16 ]
%164 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %163, align 8
%165 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %164, null
br i1 %165, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i19", label %cond.i.i.i.i.i18
cond.i.i.i.i.i18: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i17
%166 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %164 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %166)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i19"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i19": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i.i18, %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i17
%167 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %163, i64 1
%168 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %167, %161
br i1 %168, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i17, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i20"
"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i20": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i19", %cond.i.i16
%169 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %154 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %169)
br label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11112E.exit21"
"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11112E.exit21": ; preds = %"normal return7", %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i20"
ret void
declare i64 @"_ZN3run14process_status17_414f913ecacd531b14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, %str_slice*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)
define internal fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__13reserve_1116116_7da913789de211514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, i64) #2 {
"function top level":
%__trans_ret_slot = alloca {}, align 8
%__fmtbuf = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*, align 8
%__arg5 = alloca %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]", align 8
%__arg7 = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%2 = bitcast { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %0 to %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"**
%3 = load %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"** %2, align 8
%4 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"* %3, i64 0, i32 1
%5 = load i64* %4, align 8
%6 = lshr i64 %5, 3
%7 = icmp ult i64 %6, %1
br i1 %7, label %next, label %next10
next: ; preds = %"function top level"
%8 = shl i64 %1, 3
%uadd = call { i64, i1 } @llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i64(i64 %8, i64 16)
%9 = extractvalue { i64, i1 } %uadd, 0
%10 = and i64 %1, 2305843009213693951
%11 = icmp ne i64 %10, %1
%12 = zext i1 %11 to i8
br i1 %11, label %join, label %rhs
join: ; preds = %rhs, %next
%13 = phi i8 [ %12, %next ], [ %16, %rhs ]
%14 = icmp eq i8 %13, 0
br i1 %14, label %next8, label %then3
rhs: ; preds = %next
%15 = extractvalue { i64, i1 } %uadd, 1
%16 = zext i1 %15 to i8
br label %join
then3: ; preds = %join
%17 = call { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([27 x i8]* @str10881, i64 0, i64 0), i64 26)
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %17, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf, align 8
%.sroa.018.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg5, i64 0, i32 0
store i32 0, i32* %.sroa.018.0..idx, align 8
%.sroa.2.8..idx20 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg5, i64 0, i32 1, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.2.8..idx20, align 8
%.sroa.4.24..idx22 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg5, i64 0, i32 2, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.4.24..idx22, align 8
%.sroa.6.40..idx24 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg5, i64 0, i32 3, i32 0
store i64 0, i64* %.sroa.6.40..idx24, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN8unstable6extfmt2rt9conv_uint17_7d8efb9aa1a1a0b614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg5, i64 %1, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf)
to label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit12" unwind label %unwind
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit12": ; preds = %then3
%18 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf, align 8
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* null, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf, align 8
%.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg7, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([53 x i8]* @str10892, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%.sroa.1.8..idx13 = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg7, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 53, i64* %.sroa.1.8..idx13, align 8
call void @"_ZN3sys14__extensions__10meth_111489fail_with17_d96679812a86c36714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({}* %__trans_ret_slot, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %18, %str_slice* %__arg7, i64 1166)
unwind: ; preds = %then3
%19 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%20 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf, align 8
%21 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %20, null
br i1 %21, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit", label %cond.i.i
cond.i.i: ; preds = %unwind
%22 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %20 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %22)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit": ; preds = %unwind, %cond.i.i
resume { i8*, i32 } %19
next8: ; preds = %join
%23 = bitcast %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"* %3 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%24 = call %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib7realloc16_e898c12982ea93e14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %23, i64 %9)
%25 = icmp eq %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %24, null
br i1 %25, label %then.i, label %"_ZN2rt11global_heap11realloc_raw17_7876e87b6e4b168c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
then.i: ; preds = %next8
call void @"_ZN2rt11global_heap5abort16_df5982df3c0192c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef)
br label %"_ZN2rt11global_heap11realloc_raw17_7876e87b6e4b168c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
"_ZN2rt11global_heap11realloc_raw17_7876e87b6e4b168c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit": ; preds = %next8, %then.i
%26 = bitcast %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %24 to %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"*
%27 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %0, i64 0, i32 0
%.c = ptrtoint %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %24 to i64
store i64 %.c, i64* %27, align 8
%28 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::raw::Vec<()>[#1]"* %26, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %8, i64* %28, align 8
br label %next10
next10: ; preds = %"function top level", %"_ZN2rt11global_heap11realloc_raw17_7876e87b6e4b168c14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
ret void
declare void @"_ZN2os8set_args17_1b27c995593ce49d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }*)
define void @"_ZN10do_command17_6f2daee512704c8a14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"(%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture, %struct.Command*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* nocapture) #2 {
"function top level":
%__arg5 = alloca { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }, align 8
%__arg6 = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__arg8 = alloca { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }, align 8
%__arg10 = alloca { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }, align 8
%4 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Command* %2, i64 0, i32 1, i32 0
%5 = load i64* %4, align 8, !range !0
%cond = icmp eq i64 %5, 0
%6 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Command* %2, i64 0, i32 1, i32 1
br i1 %cond, label %match_case, label %match_else
match_else: ; preds = %"function top level"
%7 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Command* %2, i64 0, i32 1, i32 2, i64 8
%8 = bitcast i8* %7 to void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)**
%9 = bitcast void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)** %6 to i8*
%__arg614 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg6 to i8*
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %__arg614, i8* %9, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
%10 = load void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)** %8, align 8
%11 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %3, i64 0, i32 0
%12 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %11, align 8
%13 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %3, i64 0, i32 1
%14 = load i64* %13, align 8
%__adjust7.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg8, i64 0, i32 0
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %12, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %__adjust7.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust7.sroa.1.8..idx12 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg8, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %14, i64* %__adjust7.sroa.1.8..idx12, align 8
%__adjust9.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %__arg10, i64 0, i32 0
store void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* %10, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)** %__adjust9.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust9.sroa.1.8..idx11 = getelementptr inbounds { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %__arg10, i64 0, i32 1
store { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* null, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }** %__adjust9.sroa.1.8..idx11, align 8
call void @"_ZN6invoke15_dc2cf633faae8514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %__arg6, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg8, { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %__arg10)
%15 = bitcast %enum.ValidUsage* %0 to i8*
call void @llvm.memset.p0i8.i64(i8* %15, i8 0, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
br label %join
match_case: ; preds = %"function top level"
%16 = load void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)** %6, align 8
%17 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %3, i64 0, i32 0
%18 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %17, align 8
%19 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %3, i64 0, i32 1
%20 = load i64* %19, align 8
%__adjust.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg5, i64 0, i32 0
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %18, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %__adjust.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust.sroa.1.8..idx13 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg5, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %20, i64* %__adjust.sroa.1.8..idx13, align 8
call void %16(%enum.ValidUsage* %0, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg5)
br label %join
join: ; preds = %match_else, %match_case
ret void
define void @"_ZN5usage16_d7417fb5c428c7e14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture) #2 {
"function top level":
%1 = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__fmtbuf.i = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*, align 8
%__arg1.i = alloca %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]", align 8
%__arg2.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__arg6.i = alloca %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]", align 8
%__arg7.i = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__arg9.i = alloca %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]", align 8
%__arg10.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__arg13.i = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__arg = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__arg2 = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%.sroa.010.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([177 x i8]* @str11231, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.010.0..idx, align 8
%.sroa.111.8..idx12 = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 177, i64* %.sroa.111.8..idx12, align 8
call void @"_ZN2io5print17_cbd0294d6bc48ab614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %__arg)
br i1 icmp eq (%"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* bitcast ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*), %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* inttoptr (i64 add (i64 ptrtoint ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to i64), i64 616) to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*)), label %"_ZN8iterator14__extensions__13advance_1123215_c1aea65ce534e914_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit", label ; preds = %"function top level"
%2 = bitcast %str_slice* %1 to i8*
%3 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i to i8*
%4 = bitcast %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg1.i to i8*
%5 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg2.i to i8*
%6 = bitcast %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg6.i to i8*
%7 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg7.i to i8*
%8 = bitcast %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg9.i to i8*
%9 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg10.i to i8*
%10 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg13.i to i8*
%11 = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %1, i64 0, i32 0
%12 = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %1, i64 0, i32 1
%13 = bitcast %str_slice* %1 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%.sroa.063.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg1.i, i64 0, i32 0
%.sroa.267.8..idx68 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg1.i, i64 0, i32 1, i32 0
%.sroa.473.24..idx74 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg1.i, i64 0, i32 2, i32 0
%.sroa.679.40..idx80 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg1.i, i64 0, i32 3, i32 0
%.sroa.044.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg6.i, i64 0, i32 0
%.sroa.248.8..idx49 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg6.i, i64 0, i32 1, i32 0
%.sroa.454.24..idx55 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg6.i, i64 0, i32 2, i32 0
%.sroa.660.40..idx61 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg6.i, i64 0, i32 3, i32 0
%__adjust.i.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg7.i, i64 0, i32 0
%__adjust.i.sroa.1.8..idx42 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg7.i, i64 0, i32 1
%14 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg7.i to %str_slice*
%.sroa.0.0..idx28 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg9.i, i64 0, i32 0
%.sroa.2.8..idx31 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg9.i, i64 0, i32 1, i32 0
%.sroa.4.24..idx35 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg9.i, i64 0, i32 2, i32 0
%.sroa.6.40..idx39 = getelementptr inbounds %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg9.i, i64 0, i32 3, i32 0
%__adjust12.i.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg13.i, i64 0, i32 0
%__adjust12.i.sroa.1.8..idx26 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg13.i, i64 0, i32 1
%15 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg13.i to %str_slice*
br label %match_case.i
match_case.i: ; preds =, %"`loop`.i.backedge"
%.sroa.08.0110 = phi i64 [ ptrtoint ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to i64), ], [ %16, %"`loop`.i.backedge" ]
%16 = add i64 %.sroa.08.0110, 88
%17 = inttoptr i64 %.sroa.08.0110 to %struct.Command*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %2)
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 8, i8* %3)
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 48, i8* %4)
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %5)
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 48, i8* %6)
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %7)
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 48, i8* %8)
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %9)
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %10)
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([2 x i8]* @str11237, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %11, align 8
store i64 2, i64* %12, align 8
%18 = inttoptr i64 %.sroa.08.0110 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%__arg.sroa.1.8..idx.i.i = getelementptr inbounds { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %18, i64 0, i32 1
%__arg.sroa.1.8..cast.i.i = bitcast %tydesc** %__arg.sroa.1.8..idx.i.i to i64*
%__arg.sroa.1.8.copyload.i.i = load i64* %__arg.sroa.1.8..cast.i.i, align 8
%19 = sub i64 9, %__arg.sroa.1.8.copyload.i.i
%20 = call { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_174406repeat16_c6cb6c269539f3014_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %13, i64 %19)
%21 = invoke { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([5 x i8]* @str11238, i64 0, i64 0), i64 4)
to label %"normal return.i" unwind label %unwind.i
"normal return.i": ; preds = %match_case.i
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %21, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i, align 8
store i32 0, i32* %.sroa.063.0..idx, align 8
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.267.8..idx68, align 8
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.473.24..idx74, align 8
store i64 0, i64* %.sroa.679.40..idx80, align 8
%22 = inttoptr i64 %.sroa.08.0110 to i8*
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %5, i8* %22, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
invoke void @"_ZN8unstable6extfmt2rt8conv_str17_97a3fb4818a71dce14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg1.i, %str_slice* %__arg2.i, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i)
to label %"normal return3.i" unwind label %unwind4.i
unwind.i: ; preds = %match_case.i
%23 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %23, 0
%.fca.1.extract = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %23, 1
br label %cleanup.i
cleanup.i: ; preds = %cond.i, %unwind15.i, %cond.i.i13, %unwind4.i, %unwind.i
%.sroa.092.0 = phi i8* [ %.fca.0.extract, %unwind.i ], [ %.fca.0.extract85, %unwind4.i ], [ %.fca.0.extract85, %cond.i.i13 ], [ %.fca.0.extract89, %unwind15.i ], [ %.fca.0.extract89, %cond.i ]
%.sroa.194.0 = phi i32 [ %.fca.1.extract, %unwind.i ], [ %.fca.1.extract87, %unwind4.i ], [ %.fca.1.extract87, %cond.i.i13 ], [ %.fca.1.extract91, %unwind15.i ], [ %.fca.1.extract91, %cond.i ]
%24 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %20, null
br i1 %24, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit", label %cond.i.i
cond.i.i: ; preds = %cleanup.i
%25 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %20 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %25)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit": ; preds = %cleanup.i, %cond.i.i
%.fca.0.insert = insertvalue { i8*, i32 } undef, i8* %.sroa.092.0, 0
%.fca.1.insert = insertvalue { i8*, i32 } %.fca.0.insert, i32 %.sroa.194.0, 1
resume { i8*, i32 } %.fca.1.insert
"normal return3.i": ; preds = %"normal return.i"
store i32 0, i32* %.sroa.044.0..idx, align 8
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.248.8..idx49, align 8
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.454.24..idx55, align 8
store i64 0, i64* %.sroa.660.40..idx61, align 8
%26 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %20, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%27 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %20, i64 0, i32 0
%28 = load i64* %27, align 8
store i8* %26, i8** %__adjust.i.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
store i64 %28, i64* %__adjust.i.sroa.1.8..idx42, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN8unstable6extfmt2rt8conv_str17_97a3fb4818a71dce14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg6.i, %str_slice* %14, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i)
to label %"normal return8.i" unwind label %unwind4.i
unwind4.i: ; preds = %"normal return8.i", %"normal return3.i", %"normal return.i"
%29 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract85 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %29, 0
%.fca.1.extract87 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %29, 1
%30 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i, align 8
%31 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %30, null
br i1 %31, label %cleanup.i, label %cond.i.i13
cond.i.i13: ; preds = %unwind4.i
%32 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %30 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %32)
br label %cleanup.i
"normal return8.i": ; preds = %"normal return3.i"
store i32 0, i32* %.sroa.0.0..idx28, align 8
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.2.8..idx31, align 8
store i64 1, i64* %.sroa.4.24..idx35, align 8
store i64 0, i64* %.sroa.6.40..idx39, align 8
%33 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Command* %17, i64 0, i32 2
%34 = bitcast %str_slice* %33 to i8*
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %9, i8* %34, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
invoke void @"_ZN8unstable6extfmt2rt8conv_str17_97a3fb4818a71dce14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"struct.std::unstable::extfmt::rt::Conv[#1]"* %__arg9.i, %str_slice* %__arg10.i, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i)
to label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit16" unwind label %unwind4.i
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit16": ; preds = %"normal return8.i"
%35 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i, align 8
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* null, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %__fmtbuf.i, align 8
%36 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %35, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%37 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %35, i64 0, i32 0
%38 = load i64* %37, align 8
store i8* %36, i8** %__adjust12.i.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
store i64 %38, i64* %__adjust12.i.sroa.1.8..idx26, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN2io7println17_cbd0294d6bc48ab614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %15)
to label %_ZN5usage4anon13expr_fn_11235E.exit unwind label %unwind15.i
unwind15.i: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit16"
%39 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract89 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %39, 0
%.fca.1.extract91 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %39, 1
%40 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %35, null
br i1 %40, label %cleanup.i, label %cond.i
cond.i: ; preds = %unwind15.i
%41 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %35 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %41)
br label %cleanup.i
_ZN5usage4anon13expr_fn_11235E.exit: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit16"
%42 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %35, null
br i1 %42, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit18", label %cond.i17
cond.i17: ; preds = %_ZN5usage4anon13expr_fn_11235E.exit
%43 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %35 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %43)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit18"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit18": ; preds = %_ZN5usage4anon13expr_fn_11235E.exit, %cond.i17
%44 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %20, null
br i1 %44, label %"`loop`.i.backedge", label %cond.i.i19
"`loop`.i.backedge": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit18", %cond.i.i19
%45 = inttoptr i64 %16 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%46 = icmp eq %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %45, inttoptr (i64 add (i64 ptrtoint ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to i64), i64 616) to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*)
%47 = icmp eq i64 %16, 0
%or.cond = or i1 %46, %47
br i1 %or.cond, label %"_ZN8iterator14__extensions__13advance_1123215_c1aea65ce534e914_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit", label %match_case.i
cond.i.i19: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_free_10889E.exit18"
%48 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %20 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %48)
br label %"`loop`.i.backedge"
"_ZN8iterator14__extensions__13advance_1123215_c1aea65ce534e914_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit": ; preds = %"`loop`.i.backedge", %"function top level"
%.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg2, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([67 x i8]* @str11239, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%.sroa.1.8..idx3 = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg2, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 67, i64* %.sroa.1.8..idx3, align 8
call void @"_ZN2io5print17_cbd0294d6bc48ab614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %__arg2)
ret void
declare void @"_ZN2io5print17_cbd0294d6bc48ab614_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, %str_slice*)
declare { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_174406repeat16_c6cb6c269539f3014_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, i64)
define void @"_ZN4main16_d7417fb5c428c7e14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture) #2 {
"normal return":
%__trans_ret_slot.i92 = alloca {}, align 8
%__arg5.i = alloca { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }, align 8
%__arg6.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%__arg8.i = alloca { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }, align 8
%__arg10.i = alloca { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }, align 8
%result.i = alloca %enum.ValidUsage, align 8
%1 = alloca { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }, align 8
%__arg.i.i = alloca %struct.Command, align 8
%__arg = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%args = alloca { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }, align 8
%__adjust21 = alloca { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }, align 8
%r = alloca %"enum.std::option::Option<Command>[#1]", align 8
%2 = call { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* @"_ZN2os4args16_707125f9258e1ff14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef)
%3 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %2, i64 0, i32 0
%4 = load i64* %3, align 8
%5 = icmp ugt i64 %4, 15
%6 = zext i1 %5 to i8
br i1 %5, label %next, label %join
unwind.loopexit.loopexit: ; preds = %match_case.i55, %match_else.i, %match_case.i99
%lpad.loopexit114 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind
unwind.loopexit.nonloopexit: ; preds = %.noexc96
%lpad.nonloopexit = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind
unwind.nonloopexit.loopexit: ; preds = %_ZN3str8eq_slice4anon4anon13expr_fn_11086E.exit.i
%lpad.loopexit85 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind
unwind.nonloopexit.nonloopexit: ; preds = %next8, %next, %next32, %next20, %"normal return18", %next15, %cond16, %cond9
%lpad.nonloopexit86 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind
unwind: ; preds = %unwind.loopexit.loopexit, %unwind.loopexit.nonloopexit, %unwind.nonloopexit.loopexit, %unwind.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
%lpad.phi = phi { i8*, i32 } [ %lpad.loopexit85, %unwind.nonloopexit.loopexit ], [ %lpad.nonloopexit86, %unwind.nonloopexit.nonloopexit ], [ %lpad.loopexit114, %unwind.loopexit.loopexit ], [ %lpad.nonloopexit, %unwind.loopexit.nonloopexit ]
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %lpad.phi, 0
%.fca.1.extract = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %lpad.phi, 1
br label %cleanup
cleanup: ; preds = %cond.i.i51, %unwind13, %cond.i.i41, %unwind4, %unwind
%.sroa.078.0 = phi i8* [ %.fca.0.extract, %unwind ], [ %.fca.0.extract71, %unwind4 ], [ %.fca.0.extract71, %cond.i.i41 ], [ %.fca.0.extract75, %unwind13 ], [ %.fca.0.extract75, %cond.i.i51 ]
%.sroa.179.0 = phi i32 [ %.fca.1.extract, %unwind ], [ %.fca.1.extract73, %unwind4 ], [ %.fca.1.extract73, %cond.i.i41 ], [ %.fca.1.extract77, %unwind13 ], [ %.fca.1.extract77, %cond.i.i51 ]
%7 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %2, null
br i1 %7, label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11112E.exit39", label %cond.i.i34
cond.i.i34: ; preds = %cleanup
%8 = load i64* %3, align 8
%9 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %2, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%10 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %9 to i8*
%11 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %10, i64 %8
%12 = bitcast i8* %11 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%13 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %9, %12
br i1 %13, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i35, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i38"
iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i35: ; preds = %cond.i.i34, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i37"
%14 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %18, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i37" ], [ %9, %cond.i.i34 ]
%15 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %14, align 8
%16 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %15, null
br i1 %16, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i37", label %cond.i.i.i.i.i36
cond.i.i.i.i.i36: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i35
%17 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %15 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %17)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i37"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i37": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i.i36, %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i35
%18 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %14, i64 1
%19 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %18, %12
br i1 %19, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i35, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i38"
"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i38": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i37", %cond.i.i34
%20 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %2 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %20)
br label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11112E.exit39"
"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11112E.exit39": ; preds = %cleanup, %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i38"
%.fca.0.insert = insertvalue { i8*, i32 } undef, i8* %.sroa.078.0, 0
%.fca.1.insert = insertvalue { i8*, i32 } %.fca.0.insert, i32 %.sroa.179.0, 1
resume { i8*, i32 } %.fca.1.insert
join: ; preds = %cond.i.i49, %"normal return12", %"normal return"
%21 = phi i8 [ %6, %"normal return" ], [ %storemerge.i.i.i46, %"normal return12" ], [ %storemerge.i.i.i46, %cond.i.i49 ]
%22 = icmp eq i8 %21, 0
br i1 %22, label %next20, label %then
next: ; preds = %"normal return"
%23 = invoke { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([3 x i8]* @str11243, i64 0, i64 0), i64 2)
to label %"normal return2" unwind label %unwind.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
"normal return2": ; preds = %next
%24 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %2, i64 0, i32 2, i64 1
%25 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %24, align 8
%26 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %25, i64 0, i32 0
%27 = load i64* %26, align 8
%28 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %23, i64 0, i32 0
%29 = load i64* %28, align 8
%30 = icmp eq i64 %27, %29
br i1 %30, label %else.i.i.i, label %"normal return3"
else.i.i.i: ; preds = %"normal return2"
%31 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %23, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%32 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %25, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%33 = bitcast i8* %32 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%34 = bitcast i8* %31 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%35 = add i64 %27, -1
%36 = invoke i32 @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956string6memcmp17_c0e5887b4130711314_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %33, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %34, i64 %35)
to label %.noexc unwind label %unwind4
.noexc: ; preds = %else.i.i.i
%37 = icmp eq i32 %36, 0
%38 = zext i1 %37 to i8
br label %"normal return3"
"normal return3": ; preds = %.noexc, %"normal return2"
%storemerge.i.i.i = phi i8 [ %38, %.noexc ], [ 0, %"normal return2" ]
%39 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %23, null
br i1 %39, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit", label %cond.i.i40
cond.i.i40: ; preds = %"normal return3"
%40 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %23 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %40)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit": ; preds = %"normal return3", %cond.i.i40
%41 = icmp eq i8 %storemerge.i.i.i, 0
br i1 %41, label %rhs7, label %then
unwind4: ; preds = %else.i.i.i
%42 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract71 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %42, 0
%.fca.1.extract73 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %42, 1
%43 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %23, null
br i1 %43, label %cleanup, label %cond.i.i41
cond.i.i41: ; preds = %unwind4
%44 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %23 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %44)
br label %cleanup
rhs7: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit"
%45 = load i64* %3, align 8
%46 = icmp ult i64 %45, 9
br i1 %46, label %cond9, label %next8
next8: ; preds = %rhs7
%47 = invoke { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([10 x i8]* @str11244, i64 0, i64 0), i64 9)
to label %"normal return11" unwind label %unwind.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
cond9: ; preds = %rhs7
%48 = lshr i64 %45, 3
invoke void @"_ZN8unstable4lang17fail_bounds_check17_7112ff25e39642a214_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([55 x i8]* @str10798, i64 0, i64 0), i64 228, i64 1, i64 %48)
to label %"normal return10" unwind label %unwind.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
"normal return10": ; preds = %cond9
"normal return11": ; preds = %next8
%49 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %24, align 8
%50 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %49, i64 0, i32 0
%51 = load i64* %50, align 8
%52 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %47, i64 0, i32 0
%53 = load i64* %52, align 8
%54 = icmp eq i64 %51, %53
br i1 %54, label %else.i.i.i45, label %"normal return12"
else.i.i.i45: ; preds = %"normal return11"
%55 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %47, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%56 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %49, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%57 = bitcast i8* %56 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%58 = bitcast i8* %55 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%59 = add i64 %51, -1
%60 = invoke i32 @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956string6memcmp17_c0e5887b4130711314_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %57, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %58, i64 %59)
to label %.noexc47 unwind label %unwind13
.noexc47: ; preds = %else.i.i.i45
%61 = icmp eq i32 %60, 0
%62 = zext i1 %61 to i8
br label %"normal return12"
"normal return12": ; preds = %.noexc47, %"normal return11"
%storemerge.i.i.i46 = phi i8 [ %62, %.noexc47 ], [ 0, %"normal return11" ]
%63 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %47, null
br i1 %63, label %join, label %cond.i.i49
cond.i.i49: ; preds = %"normal return12"
%64 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %47 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %64)
br label %join
unwind13: ; preds = %else.i.i.i45
%65 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%.fca.0.extract75 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %65, 0
%.fca.1.extract77 = extractvalue { i8*, i32 } %65, 1
%66 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %47, null
br i1 %66, label %cleanup, label %cond.i.i51
cond.i.i51: ; preds = %unwind13
%67 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %47 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %67)
br label %cleanup
then: ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit", %join
%68 = load i64* %3, align 8
%69 = icmp eq i64 %68, 0
br i1 %69, label %cond16, label %next15
next15: ; preds = %then
%70 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %2, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%71 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %70, align 8
%72 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %71, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%73 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %71, i64 0, i32 0
%74 = load i64* %73, align 8
%__adjust.sroa.0.0..idx = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %72, i8** %__adjust.sroa.0.0..idx, align 8
%__adjust.sroa.1.8..idx60 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__arg, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %74, i64* %__adjust.sroa.1.8..idx60, align 8
%75 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__arg to %str_slice*
invoke void @"_ZN7version16_b6588a19758f49114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %75)
to label %"normal return18" unwind label %unwind.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
cond16: ; preds = %then
invoke void @"_ZN8unstable4lang17fail_bounds_check17_7112ff25e39642a214_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([55 x i8]* @str10798, i64 0, i64 0), i64 229, i64 0, i64 0)
to label %"normal return17" unwind label %unwind.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
"normal return17": ; preds = %cond16
"normal return18": ; preds = %next15
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4exit15_65062626eb4b5914_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({}* %__trans_ret_slot.i92, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i32 0)
to label %"normal return19" unwind label %unwind.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
"normal return19": ; preds = %"normal return18"
next20: ; preds = %join
%76 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %2, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%77 = load i64* %3, align 8
%78 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__adjust21, i64 0, i32 0
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %76, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %78, align 8
%79 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__adjust21, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %77, i64* %79, align 8
%80 = bitcast { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__adjust21 to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
invoke fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__10tail_1124616_fab30464cb6f54114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %args, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %80)
to label %"normal return23" unwind label %unwind.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
"normal return23": ; preds = %next20
%s.sroa.1.8..idx.i.i = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %args, i64 0, i32 1
%s.sroa.1.8.copyload.i.i = load i64* %s.sroa.1.8..idx.i.i, align 8
%81 = icmp ult i64 %s.sroa.1.8.copyload.i.i, 8
br i1 %81, label %next32, label %"normal return25"
"normal return25": ; preds = %"normal return23"
%82 = bitcast {}* %__trans_ret_slot.i92 to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 0, i8* %82)
%83 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %args, i64 0, i32 0
%84 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %83, align 8
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 0, i8* %82)
%85 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %84, align 8
%86 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %85, i64 0, i32 0
%87 = load i64* %86, align 8
br i1 icmp eq (%"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* bitcast ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*), %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* inttoptr (i64 add (i64 ptrtoint ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to i64), i64 616) to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*)), label %"normal return28", label %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1108217_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i.preheader"
"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1108217_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i.preheader": ; preds = %"normal return25"
%88 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %85, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%89 = bitcast i8* %88 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%90 = add i64 %87, -1
br label %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1108217_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i"
"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1108217_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i": ; preds = %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1108217_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i.preheader", %"`loop`.i.i.backedge.i"
%.sroa.08.091.i = phi i64 [ %91, %"`loop`.i.i.backedge.i" ], [ ptrtoint ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to i64), %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1108217_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i.preheader" ]
%91 = add i64 %.sroa.08.091.i, 88
%92 = inttoptr i64 %.sroa.08.091.i to %struct.Command*
%__arg1.i.sroa.1.8..idx43.i = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Command* %92, i64 0, i32 0, i32 1
%__arg1.i.sroa.1.8.copyload.i = load i64* %__arg1.i.sroa.1.8..idx43.i, align 8
%93 = icmp eq i64 %__arg1.i.sroa.1.8.copyload.i, %87
br i1 %93, label %_ZN3str8eq_slice4anon4anon13expr_fn_11086E.exit.i, label %"`loop`.i.i.backedge.i"
"`loop`.i.i.backedge.i": ; preds = %.noexc54, %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1108217_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i"
%94 = inttoptr i64 %91 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%95 = icmp eq %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %94, inttoptr (i64 add (i64 ptrtoint ({ { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [8 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, [0 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } }, { { i8*, i64 }, { i64, void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)*, [16 x i8] }, { i8*, i64 }, { i64, { i8*, i64 }, [0 x i8] } } }* @const to i64), i64 616) to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*)
%96 = icmp eq i64 %91, 0
%or.cond.i = or i1 %95, %96
br i1 %or.cond.i, label %"normal return28", label %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1108217_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i"
_ZN3str8eq_slice4anon4anon13expr_fn_11086E.exit.i: ; preds = %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__16as_imm_buf_1108217_1862b99f6f1c70de14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit52.i"
%__arg1.i.sroa.0.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Command* %92, i64 0, i32 0, i32 0
%__arg1.i.sroa.0.0.copyload.i = load i8** %__arg1.i.sroa.0.0..idx.i, align 8
%97 = bitcast i8* %__arg1.i.sroa.0.0.copyload.i to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
%98 = invoke i32 @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956string6memcmp17_c0e5887b4130711314_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %97, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %89, i64 %90)
to label %.noexc54 unwind label %unwind.nonloopexit.loopexit
.noexc54: ; preds = %_ZN3str8eq_slice4anon4anon13expr_fn_11086E.exit.i
%99 = icmp eq i32 %98, 0
br i1 %99, label %match_case.i, label %"`loop`.i.i.backedge.i"
"normal return28": ; preds = %"`loop`.i.i.backedge.i", %"normal return25"
%__arg.i.i.0.cast = bitcast %struct.Command* %__arg.i.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 88, i8* %__arg.i.i.0.cast)
%100 = getelementptr inbounds %"enum.std::option::Option<Command>[#1]"* %r, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 0, i64* %100, align 8
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 88, i8* %__arg.i.i.0.cast)
br label %"`loop`.i.preheader"
match_case.i: ; preds = %.noexc54
%101 = bitcast %struct.Command* %__arg.i.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 88, i8* %101)
%102 = inttoptr i64 %.sroa.08.091.i to i8*
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %101, i8* %102, i64 88, i32 8, i1 false)
%103 = getelementptr inbounds %"enum.std::option::Option<Command>[#1]"* %r, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 1, i64* %103, align 8
%104 = getelementptr inbounds %"enum.std::option::Option<Command>[#1]"* %r, i64 0, i32 1, i64 0
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %104, i8* %101, i64 88, i32 8, i1 false) #0
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 88, i8* %101)
%105 = getelementptr inbounds %"enum.std::option::Option<Command>[#1]"* %r, i64 0, i32 1
%106 = ptrtoint [88 x i8]* %105 to i64
br label %"`loop`.i.preheader"
"`loop`.i.preheader": ; preds = %"normal return28", %match_case.i = phi i64 [ %106, %match_case.i ], [ 0, %"normal return28" ]
%107 = bitcast %enum.ValidUsage* %result.i to i8*
%108 = bitcast { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %1 to i8*
%109 = bitcast { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %args to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%110 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %1, i64 0, i32 0
%111 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %1, i64 0, i32 1
%112 = bitcast { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg5.i to i8*
%113 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg6.i to i8*
%114 = bitcast { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg8.i to i8*
%115 = bitcast { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %__arg10.i to i8*
%__adjust.sroa.0.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg5.i, i64 0, i32 0
%__adjust.sroa.1.8..idx13.i = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg5.i, i64 0, i32 1
%116 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.ValidUsage* %result.i, i64 0, i32 0
%__adjust7.sroa.0.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg8.i, i64 0, i32 0
%__adjust7.sroa.1.8..idx12.i = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg8.i, i64 0, i32 1
%__adjust9.sroa.0.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %__arg10.i, i64 0, i32 0
%__adjust9.sroa.1.8..idx11.i = getelementptr inbounds { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %__arg10.i, i64 0, i32 1
br label %"`loop`.i"
"`loop`.i": ; preds = %"`loop`.i.preheader", %match_case.i99..noexc95_crit_edge
%.sroa.058.1 = phi i64 [ 0, %match_case.i99..noexc95_crit_edge ], [, %"`loop`.i.preheader" ]
%117 = icmp eq i64 %.sroa.058.1, 0
br i1 %117, label %next32, label %match_case.i55
match_case.i55: ; preds = %"`loop`.i"
%118 = inttoptr i64 %.sroa.058.1 to %struct.Command*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 0, i8* %82)
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %107)
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %108)
invoke fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__10tail_1124616_fab30464cb6f54114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %1, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %109)
to label %.noexc94 unwind label %unwind.loopexit.loopexit
.noexc94: ; preds = %match_case.i55
%119 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %110, align 8
%120 = load i64* %111, align 8
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %112)
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %113)
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %114)
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %115)
%121 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Command* %118, i64 0, i32 1, i32 0
%122 = load i64* %121, align 8, !range !0
%cond.i98 = icmp eq i64 %122, 0
%123 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Command* %118, i64 0, i32 1, i32 1
br i1 %cond.i98, label %match_case.i99, label %match_else.i
match_else.i: ; preds = %.noexc94
%124 = getelementptr inbounds %struct.Command* %118, i64 0, i32 1, i32 2, i64 8
%125 = bitcast i8* %124 to void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)**
%126 = bitcast void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)** %123 to i8*
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %113, i8* %126, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
%127 = load void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)** %125, align 8
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %119, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %__adjust7.sroa.0.0..idx.i, align 8
store i64 %120, i64* %__adjust7.sroa.1.8..idx12.i, align 8
store void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)* %127, void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)** %__adjust9.sroa.0.0..idx.i, align 8
store { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* null, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }** %__adjust9.sroa.1.8..idx11.i, align 8
invoke void @"_ZN6invoke15_dc2cf633faae8514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %str_slice* %__arg6.i, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg8.i, { void ({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* }* %__arg10.i)
to label %.noexc100 unwind label %unwind.loopexit.loopexit
.noexc100: ; preds = %match_else.i
call void @llvm.memset.p0i8.i64(i8* %107, i8 0, i64 16, i32 8, i1 false)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %112)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %113)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %114)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %115)
br label %.noexc96
match_case.i99: ; preds = %.noexc94
%128 = load void (%enum.ValidUsage*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }*)** %123, align 8
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %119, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %__adjust.sroa.0.0..idx.i, align 8
store i64 %120, i64* %__adjust.sroa.1.8..idx13.i, align 8
invoke void %128(%enum.ValidUsage* %result.i, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %__arg5.i)
to label %match_case.i99..noexc95_crit_edge unwind label %unwind.loopexit.loopexit
match_case.i99..noexc95_crit_edge: ; preds = %match_case.i99
%.pre = load i64* %116, align 8
%phitmp = icmp eq i64 %.pre, 0
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %112)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %113)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %114)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %115)
br i1 %phitmp, label %.noexc96, label %"`loop`.i"
.noexc96: ; preds = %.noexc100, %match_case.i99..noexc95_crit_edge
%129 = getelementptr inbounds %enum.ValidUsage* %result.i, i64 0, i32 1
%130 = load i64* %129, align 8
%131 = trunc i64 %130 to i32
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4exit15_65062626eb4b5914_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({}* %__trans_ret_slot.i92, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i32 %131)
to label %.noexc97 unwind label %unwind.loopexit.nonloopexit
.noexc97: ; preds = %.noexc96
next32: ; preds = %"`loop`.i", %"normal return23"
invoke void @"_ZN5usage16_d7417fb5c428c7e14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef)
to label %"normal return33" unwind label %unwind.nonloopexit.nonloopexit
"normal return33": ; preds = %next32
%132 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %2, null
br i1 %132, label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11112E.exit", label %cond.i.i
cond.i.i: ; preds = %"normal return33"
%133 = load i64* %3, align 8
%134 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %76 to i8*
%135 = getelementptr inbounds i8* %134, i64 %133
%136 = bitcast i8* %135 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%137 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %76, %136
br i1 %137, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i"
iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i: ; preds = %cond.i.i, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i"
%138 = phi { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** [ %142, %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i" ], [ %76, %cond.i.i ]
%139 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %138, align 8
%140 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %139, null
br i1 %140, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i", label %cond.i.i.i.i.i
cond.i.i.i.i.i: ; preds = %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i
%141 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %139 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %141)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i.i.i, %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i
%142 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %138, i64 1
%143 = icmp ult { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %142, %136
br i1 %143, label %iter_vec_loop_body.i.i.i, label %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i"
"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i": ; preds = %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i.i.i", %cond.i.i
%144 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*] }* %2 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %144)
br label %"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11112E.exit"
"_ZN20_$UP$$x5b$UP$str$x5d16_84fcab041b77e2f15glue_drop_11112E.exit": ; preds = %"normal return33", %"_ZN26unboxed_vec$LT$$UP$str$GT$16_7baa01de5ef631915glue_drop_11015E.exit.i.i"
ret void
declare void @"_ZN7version16_b6588a19758f49114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, %str_slice*)
declare void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4exit15_65062626eb4b5914_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({}*, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*, i32)
define internal fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__10tail_1124616_fab30464cb6f54114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* nocapture, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* nocapture) #3 {
"function top level":
%__trans_ret_slot.i = alloca {}, align 8
%ret.i.i = alloca { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*, align 8
%__adjust.i = alloca { i8*, i64 }, align 8
%__arg3.i = alloca %str_slice, align 8
%s.sroa.1.8..idx.i.i = getelementptr inbounds { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %1, i64 0, i32 1
%s.sroa.1.8..cast.i.i = bitcast %tydesc** %s.sroa.1.8..idx.i.i to i64*
%s.sroa.1.8.copyload.i.i = load i64* %s.sroa.1.8..cast.i.i, align 1
%2 = lshr i64 %s.sroa.1.8.copyload.i.i, 3
%3 = bitcast {}* %__trans_ret_slot.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 0, i8* %3)
%4 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %4)
%5 = bitcast %str_slice* %__arg3.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 16, i8* %5)
%6 = icmp eq i64 %2, 0
br i1 %6, label %then.i, label %"_ZN3vec14__extensions__11slice_1124917_7dfbf588b669df8914_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit"
then.i: ; preds = %"function top level"
%7 = call { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str3raw12from_buf_len16_66cfe6ec26abd1114_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([19 x i8]* @str10945, i64 0, i64 0), i64 18)
%8 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %7, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%9 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %7, i64 0, i32 0
%10 = load i64* %9, align 8
%11 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* %8, i8** %11, align 8
%12 = getelementptr inbounds { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %10, i64* %12, align 8
%13 = bitcast { i8*, i64 }* %__adjust.i to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%14 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i.i to i8*
call void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64 8, i8* %14)
%15 = invoke fastcc { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* @"_ZN3str14__extensions__10meth_107498to_owned17_236dfb6defa5cb4714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %13)
to label %.noexc.i unwind label %unwind.i
.noexc.i: ; preds = %then.i
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %15, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i.i, align 8
%16 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i.i to { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*
%17 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %15, i64 0, i32 0
%18 = load i64* %17, align 8
%19 = add i64 %18, 11
%20 = lshr i64 %19, 1
%21 = or i64 %20, %19
%22 = lshr i64 %21, 2
%23 = or i64 %22, %21
%24 = lshr i64 %23, 4
%25 = or i64 %24, %23
%26 = lshr i64 %25, 8
%27 = or i64 %26, %25
%28 = lshr i64 %27, 16
%29 = or i64 %28, %27
%30 = lshr i64 %29, 32
%31 = or i64 %30, %29
%32 = add i64 %31, 1
invoke fastcc void @"_ZN3vec14__extensions__13reserve_1084116_7da913789de211514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %16, i64 %32)
to label %"normal return.i" unwind label %unwind.i.i
unwind.i.i: ; preds = %.noexc.i
%33 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%34 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i.i, align 8
%35 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %34, null
br i1 %35, label %unwind.body.i, label %cond.i.i2.i.i
cond.i.i2.i.i: ; preds = %unwind.i.i
%36 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %34 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
invoke void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %36)
to label %unwind.body.i unwind label %unwind.i
"normal return.i": ; preds = %.noexc.i
%37 = add i64 %18, -1
%38 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i.i, align 8
%39 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %38, i64 0, i32 2, i64 0
%40 = ptrtoint i8* %39 to i64
%41 = add i64 %37, %40
%42 = inttoptr i64 %41 to i8*
call void @llvm.memcpy.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* %42, i8* getelementptr inbounds ([13 x i8]* @str11252, i64 0, i64 0), i64 12, i32 1, i1 false)
%43 = add i64 %18, 12
%44 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %38, i64 0, i32 0
store i64 %43, i64* %44, align 8
%45 = getelementptr inbounds { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %38, i64 1
%46 = ptrtoint { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %45 to i64
%47 = add i64 %46, %19
%48 = inttoptr i64 %47 to i8*
store i8 0, i8* %48, align 1
%49 = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %ret.i.i, align 8
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 8, i8* %14)
%50 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %7, null
br i1 %50, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i", label %cond.i.i.i
cond.i.i.i: ; preds = %"normal return.i"
%51 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %7 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %51)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit.i": ; preds = %cond.i.i.i, %"normal return.i"
%.sroa.028.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg3.i, i64 0, i32 0
store i8* getelementptr inbounds ([53 x i8]* @str10892, i64 0, i64 0), i8** %.sroa.028.0..idx.i, align 8
%.sroa.129.8..idx30.i = getelementptr inbounds %str_slice* %__arg3.i, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 53, i64* %.sroa.129.8..idx30.i, align 8
call void @"_ZN3sys14__extensions__10meth_111489fail_with17_d96679812a86c36714_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({}* %__trans_ret_slot.i, { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %49, %str_slice* %__arg3.i, i64 735)
unwind.i: ; preds = %cond.i.i2.i.i, %then.i
%52 = landingpad { i8*, i32 } personality i32 ()* @upcall_rust_personality
br label %unwind.body.i
unwind.body.i: ; preds = %unwind.i, %cond.i.i2.i.i, %unwind.i.i
%eh.lpad-body.i = phi { i8*, i32 } [ %52, %unwind.i ], [ %33, %cond.i.i2.i.i ], [ %33, %unwind.i.i ]
call void @upcall_reset_stack_limit()
%53 = icmp eq { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %7, null
br i1 %53, label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit3.i", label %cond.i.i2.i
cond.i.i2.i: ; preds = %unwind.body.i
%54 = bitcast { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }* %7 to %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"*
call void @"_ZN4libc5funcs3c956stdlib4free16_9824537d581963d14_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* undef, %"enum.std::libc::types::common::c95::c_void[#1]"* %54)
br label %"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit3.i"
"_ZN8_$UP$str17_fc137df4be95e6aa15glue_drop_10887E.exit3.i": ; preds = %cond.i.i2.i, %unwind.body.i
resume { i8*, i32 } %eh.lpad-body.i
"_ZN3vec14__extensions__11slice_1124917_7dfbf588b669df8914_0$x2e8$x2dpreE.exit": ; preds = %"function top level"
%s.sroa.0.0..cast.i.i = bitcast { i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }* %1 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }***
%s.sroa.0.0.copyload.i.i = load { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %s.sroa.0.0..cast.i.i, align 1
%55 = ptrtoint { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %s.sroa.0.0.copyload.i.i to i64
%56 = add i64 %55, 8
%57 = inttoptr i64 %56 to { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**
%58 = shl nuw i64 %2, 3
%59 = add i64 %58, -8
%__arg2.i.sroa.0.0..idx.i = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %0, i64 0, i32 0
store { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }** %57, { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }*** %__arg2.i.sroa.0.0..idx.i, align 1
%60 = getelementptr inbounds { { i64, i64, [0 x i8] }**, i64 }* %0, i64 0, i32 1
store i64 %59, i64* %60, align 1
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 0, i8* %3)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %4)
call void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64 16, i8* %5)
ret void
declare void @"_ZN8unstable4lang10annihilate16_82984335c95fdd514_0$x2e8$x2dpreE"({ i64, %tydesc*, i8*, i8*, i8 }*)
declare void @llvm.lifetime.start(i64, i8* nocapture) #0
declare void @llvm.lifetime.end(i64, i8* nocapture) #0
declare { i64, i1 } @llvm.uadd.with.overflow.i64(i64, i64) #4
attributes #0 = { nounwind }
attributes #1 = { inlinehint nounwind }
attributes #2 = { uwtable }
attributes #3 = { inlinehint uwtable }
attributes #4 = { nounwind readnone }
!0 = metadata !{i64 0, i64 2}
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