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Last active December 23, 2022 13:06
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  • Save luqmana/ca2899134311f1bf919d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save luqmana/ca2899134311f1bf919d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
> % rustc --target=psp -lpspdebug -lpspdisplay -lpspge -lm -lc -lpspuser -lgcc
> % psp-fixup-imports hello && psp-prxgen hello hello.prx
#![feature(intrinsics, lang_items, linkage)]
mod lang;
mod raw;
mod utils;
pub extern "C" fn main() {
extern {
fn pspDebugScreenInit();
unsafe {
utils::print("Hello World!");
// Lang items and intrinsics
#[lang = "copy"]
trait Copy {}
#[lang = "sized"]
trait Sized {}
#[lang = "sync"]
trait Sync {}
extern "rust-intrinsic" {
pub fn abort() -> !;
pub fn transmute<F, T>(from: F) -> T;
.section, "a", @progbits
.align 2
.word 0
.section .lib.ent.btm, "a", @progbits
.align 2
.word 0
.section, "a", @progbits
.align 2
.word 0
.section .lib.stub.btm, "a", @progbits
.align 2
.word 0
.global __lib_ent_top
.global __lib_ent_bottom
.global __lib_stub_top
.global __lib_stub_bottom
"data-layout": "e-p:32:32:32-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-v128:64:128-a0:0:64-n32",
"llvm-target": "mipsallegrexel-unknown-psp-elf",
"target-endian": "little",
"target-word-size": "32",
"arch": "mips",
"os": "psp",
"cpu": "mips32",
"features": "+eabi,-mips32,-o32",
"morestack": false,
"no-compiler-rt": true,
"executables": true,
"linker": "psp-gcc",
"position_independant_executables": true,
"function-sections": false,
"relocation-model": "static",
"linker_is_gnu": true,
"pre-link-args": [
pub struct SceModuleInfo {
mod_attribute: u16,
mod_version: [u8, ..2],
mod_name: [i8, ..27],
terminal: i8,
gp_value: *const (),
ent_top: *const (),
ent_end: *const (),
stub_top: *const (),
stub_end: *const ()
extern {
static _gp: *const i8;
static __lib_ent_top: *const i8;
static __lib_ent_bottom: *const ();
static __lib_stub_top: *const ();
static __lib_stub_bottom: *const ();
#[link_section = ".rodata.sceModuleInfo"]
#[linkage = "external"]
pub static module_info: SceModuleInfo =
SceModuleInfo {
mod_attribute: 0, // 0 - User mode
mod_version: [0, 1],
mod_name: [0, ..27],
terminal: 0,
gp_value: &_gp as *const _ as *const (),
ent_top: &__lib_ent_top as *const _ as *const (),
ent_end: &__lib_ent_bottom as *const _ as *const (),
stub_top: &__lib_stub_top as *const _ as *const (),
stub_end: &__lib_stub_bottom as *const _ as *const (),
use lang::transmute;
static NL: &'static str = "\n\0";
extern {
fn printf(format: *const u8, ...) -> i32;
fn pspDebugScreenPrintf(format: *const u8, ...);
pub fn print(s: &str) {
unsafe {
// Get the pointer & size for the passed in string
let (ptr, sz): (*const u8, i32) = transmute(s);
// The format string for printf
let (fptr, _): (*const u8, i32) = transmute("%.*s\0");
//printf(fptr, sz, ptr);
pspDebugScreenPrintf(fptr, sz, ptr);
pub fn println(s: &str) {
unsafe {
let (np, _): (*const u8, i32) = transmute(NL);
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Does this still work? As I read LLVM dropped the Allegrex support.

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