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Created December 6, 2022 21:34
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set -eux
if [[ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]]; then
echo "Run as root"
# Physical link over which to simulate the Chelsio links
PHYSICAL_LINK="$(dladm show-phys -p -o LINK | head -1)"
# MAC address of the gateway in the local network
PHYS_GATEWAY_MAC="$(arp -an | grep -w $(netstat -rn | awk '{ if ($1 == "default") print $2; }') | awk '{ print $4; }')"
# Simulated Chelsio links
VNIC_NAMES=("ul0" "ul1")
function success (
set +x;
echo -e "\e[1;36m$1\e[0m"
function warn (
set +x;
echo -e "\e[1;31m$1\e[0m"
function fail {
warn "$1"
exit 1
# Return the name of a VNIC link if it exists, or the empty string if not.
# Arguments:
# $1: The name of the VNIC to look for
function get_vnic_name_if_exists {
dladm show-vnic -p -o LINK "$1" 2> /dev/null || echo ""
# Create vNICs to represent the Chelsio physical links
function ensure_simulated_chelsios {
for VNIC in "${VNIC_NAMES[@]}"; do
if [[ -z "$(get_vnic_name_if_exists "$VNIC")" ]]; then
dladm create-vnic -t -l "$PHYSICAL_LINK" "$VNIC"
success "vNIC $VNIC created"
success "VNIC $VNIC exists"
# Configure (v6) IP interfaces atop the vNICs
ipadm create-addr -t -T addrconf $VNIC/v6
# Remove the given interface
# Arguments:
# $1: The name of the vNIC to delete
function try_remove_interface {
local IFACE="$1"
if [[ "$(ipadm show-if -p -o IFNAME "$IFACE" 2>/dev/null)" ]]; then
ipadm delete-if "$IFACE" || warn "Failed to delete interface $IFACE"
success "Verified IP interface $IFACE does not exist"
# Remove the given vNIC
# Arguments:
# $1: The name of the vNIC to delete
function try_remove_vnic {
local LINK="$1"
if [[ "$(get_vnic_name_if_exists "$LINK")" ]]; then
dladm delete-vnic "$LINK" || warn "Failed to delete vNIC link $LINK"
success "Verified vNIC link $LINK does not exist"
# Unload the xde driver
function unload_xde_driver {
local ID="$(modinfo | grep xde | cut -d ' ' -f 1)"
if [[ "$ID" ]]; then
modunload -i "$ID" || fail "Failed to unload xde driver"
success "Verified the xde kernel driver is unloaded"
# Create the vNICs and setup OPTE
function setup {
# Create simulated links to use with OPTE
# HACK: enable the "external IP hack"
# Disables encap and turns SNAT into plain NAT
# Replace w/ boundary services
sed -i 's/ext_ip_hack = 0/ext_ip_hack = 1/' /kernel/drv/xde.conf
update_drv xde
# Configure OPTE to use the simulated Chelsio links
/opt/oxide/opte/bin/opteadm set-xde-underlay "${VNIC_NAMES[@]}"
success "OPTE configured to use the simulated Chelsio links"
# Clean up the vNICs and OPTE
function cleanup {
for PORT in $(/opt/oxide/opte/bin/opteadm list-ports | awk 'NR!=1' | awk '{ print $1; }'); do
for VNIC in $(dladm show-vnic -p -o LINK -l $PORT); do
try_remove_vnic "$VNIC"
/opt/oxide/opte/bin/opteadm delete-xde "$PORT"
# Undo the "external IP hack"
sed -i 's/ext_ip_hack = 1/ext_ip_hack = 0/' /kernel/drv/xde.conf
# Remove the vNICs
for VNIC in "${VNIC_NAMES[@]}"; do
try_remove_interface "$VNIC" && try_remove_vnic "$VNIC"
# Work around bug: clear stale info from ipmgmtd
svcadm restart ip-interface-management
# Create an OPTE port and vNIC for a VM
# Arguments:
# $1: The guest "number"; used to generate addresses
# $2: The name of the VM
# Note: Guests will be assigned external IPs like where
# X is the guest number.
function add_guest {
local guest_num="$1"
local name="$2"
local gen="0"
local port="vm_$name$gen"
local vnic="vnic_$name$gen"
local mac="A8:40:25:FF:0$gen:0$guest_num"
local ip="$guest_num"
local phys_gateway_mac="$PHYS_GATEWAY_MAC"
# The gateway MAC & IP address that OPTE exposes to guest NICs
local gateway_mac="A8:40:25:00:00:01"
local gateway_ip=""
local boundary_services_addr="fd00:99::1"
local boundary_services_vni=99
local vpc_vni=10
local vpc_subnet=""
local node_num=1
local source_underlay_addr="fd00:$node_num::1"
local snat_start="$guest_num"000
local snat_end="$guest_num"999
local snat_ip="$guest_num"
local external_ip="$snat_ip"
# Create OPTE port
/opt/oxide/opte/bin/opteadm create-xde \
"$port" \
--private-mac "$mac" \
--private-ip "$ip" \
--phys-gw-mac "$phys_gateway_mac" \
--gateway-mac "$gateway_mac" \
--gateway-ip "$gateway_ip" \
--bsvc-addr "$boundary_services_addr" \
--bsvc-vni "$boundary_services_vni" \
--vpc-vni "$vpc_vni" \
--vpc-subnet "$vpc_subnet" \
--src-underlay-addr "$source_underlay_addr" \
--snat-start $snat_start \
--snat-end $snat_end \
--snat-ip $snat_ip \
--external-ipv4 $external_ip
# Create vNIC atop OPTE port
dladm create-vnic -t -l "$port" -m "$mac" "$vnic"
# Add secondary MAC for OPTE proxy ARP onto one of the simulated Chelsio links
dladm set-linkprop -t -p secondary-macs=$mac "${VNIC_NAMES[0]}"
# Route VM-VM traffic
/opt/oxide/opte/bin/opteadm add-router-entry \
-p "$port" \
"$vpc_subnet" \
# Add default gateway
/opt/oxide/opte/bin/opteadm add-router-entry \
-p "$port" \
"" \
case "${1-}" in
"setup" )
"cleanup" )
"add-guest" )
if [[ $# -lt 3 ]]; then
echo "Usage: $0 add-guest <guest_num> <name>"
exit 1
add_guest "$@"
echo "Usage: $0 {setup|cleanup|add-guest}"
exit 1
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