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Created December 16, 2016 16:50
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dragon curve experiments
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, GADTs, ConstraintKinds, ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveFunctor #-}
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Constraint (Dict(..))
import qualified Data.DList as DList
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
class (Functor f) => DragonList f where
singleton :: a -> f a
rev :: f a -> f a
monoid :: Dict (Monoid (f a))
fromList :: forall f a. DragonList f => [a] -> f a
fromList = case monoid :: Dict (Monoid (f a)) of Dict -> foldMap singleton
dragonCurveN :: Int -> [Bool] -> [Bool]
dragonCurveN n s = iterate f s !! n
f s = s ++ [False] ++ (map not . reverse) s
dragonAlgo :: forall f. (DragonList f) => f Bool -> f Bool -> f Bool
dragonAlgo =
case monoid :: Dict (Monoid (f Bool)) of
Dict ->
let gen a b =
let b' = (fmap not . rev) b
r = singleton False <> (b' <> a)
in r <> gen (b' <> a) r
in gen
-- 001001100110
-- 001001100011011 0 001001110011011
-- gen [] [] = 0 ++
-- gen [] 0 = 01 ++
-- gen 1 01 = 0011 ++
-- gen 011 0011 = 00011011 ++
-- gen 0011011 00011011 = 0001001110011011
instance DragonList [] where
singleton x = [x]
rev = reverse
monoid = Dict
dragonCurveList :: [Bool] -> [Bool]
dragonCurveList = dragonAlgo []
newtype FM a = FM { runFM :: forall m. (Monoid m) => (a -> m) -> m }
instance Monoid (FM a) where
mempty = FM $ const mempty
FM m `mappend` FM m' = FM (\x -> m x `mappend` m' x)
instance Functor FM where
fmap f (FM m) = FM $ \c -> m (c . f)
instance Foldable FM where
foldMap f (FM m) = m f
instance DragonList FM where
singleton x = FM $ \c -> c x
rev (FM m) = FM (\c -> getDual (m (Dual . c)))
monoid = Dict
dragonCurveFM :: [Bool] -> [Bool]
dragonCurveFM = toList . dragonAlgo (mempty :: FM Bool) . fromList
data RevTree a
= Empty
| Singleton !a
| Concat (RevTree a) (RevTree a)
| Reverse (RevTree a)
deriving (Functor)
instance Foldable RevTree where
foldMap f = foldMap f . forward
forward Empty = mempty
forward (Singleton a) = DList.singleton a
forward (Concat a b) = forward a <> forward b
forward (Reverse t) = backward t
backward Empty = mempty
backward (Singleton a) = DList.singleton a
backward (Concat a b) = backward b <> backward a
backward (Reverse t) = forward t
instance Monoid (RevTree a) where
mempty = Empty
mappend = Concat
instance DragonList RevTree where
singleton = Singleton
rev = Reverse
monoid = Dict
dragonCurveRevTree :: [Bool] -> [Bool]
dragonCurveRevTree = toList . dragonAlgo (mempty :: RevTree Bool) . fromList
instance DragonList Seq.Seq where
singleton = Seq.singleton
rev = Seq.reverse
monoid = Dict
dragonCurveSeq :: [Bool] -> [Bool]
dragonCurveSeq = toList . dragonAlgo (mempty :: Seq.Seq Bool) . fromList
data WithRev f a = WithRev { drForward :: f a, drReverse :: f a }
deriving (Functor)
instance Foldable f => Foldable (WithRev f) where
foldMap f (WithRev a _) = foldMap f a
instance (Monoid (f a)) => Monoid (WithRev f a) where
mempty = WithRev mempty mempty
(WithRev a b) `mappend` (WithRev a' b') = WithRev (a <> a') (b' <> b)
instance DragonList f => DragonList (WithRev f) where
singleton x = WithRev (singleton x) (singleton x)
rev (WithRev a b) = WithRev b a
monoid = helper monoid
helper :: Dict (Monoid (f a)) -> Dict (Monoid (WithRev f a))
helper Dict = Dict
instance DragonList DList.DList where
singleton = DList.singleton
rev = error "DList rev"
monoid = Dict
dragonCurveWithRevDList :: [Bool] -> [Bool]
dragonCurveWithRevDList = toList . dragonAlgo (mempty :: WithRev DList.DList Bool) . fromList
checksum1 :: [Bool] -> ([Bool], Bool)
checksum1 [] = ([], False)
checksum1 [x] = ([x], True)
checksum1 (x:y:xs) = ((x == y) : rest, stop)
where (rest, stop) = checksum1 xs
checksum :: [Bool] -> [Bool]
checksum xs
| stop = xs
| otherwise = checksum ck
where (ck, stop) = checksum1 xs
fromBitStr :: String -> [Bool]
fromBitStr = map fromBit
fromBit '0' = False
fromBit '1' = True
fromBit c = error $ "not a bit: " ++ show c
toBitStr :: [Bool] -> String
toBitStr = map toBit
toBit False = '0'
toBit True = '1'
main = print . checksum . take (2^20*5) $ dragonCurveWithRevDList []
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