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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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modified irc hubot adapter to send responses via slack webhook api
# Hubot dependencies
{Robot, Adapter, TextMessage, EnterMessage, LeaveMessage, Response} = require 'hubot'
# Irc library
Irc = require 'irc'
Log = require 'log'
logger = new Log process.env.HUBOT_LOG_LEVEL or 'info'
class IrcBot extends Adapter
_determineMessageType: (message) ->
logger.debug("Parsing message")
logger.debug("Message Type: #{message[0].constructor}")
if (message[0].constructor == String) or (message[0].constructor == Array)
logger.debug("Setting type to plain")
return "plain"
if (message[0] instanceof Object)
logger.debug("Setting type to object")
return "object"
send: (envelope, strings...) ->
logger.error("Envelope: #{JSON.stringify(envelope)}")
logger.debug("Message: #{strings}")
mType = @_determineMessageType(strings)
target = @_getTargetFromEnvelope envelope
unless target
logger.error("Not sure who to send to. Envelope: #{JSON.stringify(envelope)}")
_http = @robot.http(process.env.HUBOT_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL)
if mType == "plain"
logger.debug("Responding with plain text")
if envelope.user? and envelope.user.reply_to?
for str in strings
logger.debug("Sending via irc")
@bot.say target, str
for str in strings
logger.debug("A string appears: #{str}")
if str.constructor == Array
str = str.join("\n")
data =
text: str
channel: target
logger.debug("Data: #{JSON.stringify(data)}") (err, res, body) ->
if err
logger.error "(#{res.statusCode}): Couldn't send message to Slack: ", body
logger.debug("Posted to slack webhook: #{JSON.stringify(res)} - #{body}")"Posted via webhook")
if mType == "object"
logger.debug("Responding with an object")
logger.debug("Object is #{JSON.stringify(strings)}")
for o in strings
if or
logger.debug("Sending object via webhook to #{process.env.HUBOT_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL}")
logger.debug("current element is: #{JSON.stringify(o)}") = target (err, res, body) ->
if err
logger.error("#{res.statusCode}: Cloudn't send message to Slack: ", body)
else"Posted o via webhook")
else"Sending object via irc to #{target}")
logger.debug("Checking if there are fallback attachments")
logger.debug("o is #{JSON.stringify(o)}")
if o.fallback"Found an attachments payload")
@bot.say target, o.fallback
else"Didn't find attachment fallback. Sending JSON dump")
@bot.say target, JSON.stringify(o)
topic: (envelope, strings...) ->
data = strings.join " / "
channel =
@bot.send 'TOPIC', channel, data
emote: (envelope, strings...) ->
# Use @notice if SEND_NOTICE_MODE is set
return @notice envelope, strings if process.env.HUBOT_IRC_SEND_NOTICE_MODE?
target = @_getTargetFromEnvelope envelope
unless target
return logger.error "ERROR: Not sure who to send to. envelope=", envelope
for str in strings
@bot.action target, str
notice: (envelope, strings...) ->
target = @_getTargetFromEnvelope envelope
unless target
return logger.warn "Notice: no target found", envelope
# Flatten out strings from send
flattened = []
for str in strings
if Array.isArray str
flattened = flattened.concat str
flattened.push str
for str in flattened
if not str?
@bot.notice target, str
reply: (envelope, strings...) ->
self = @
@send envelope, strings
join: (channel) ->
self = @
@bot.join channel, () ->'joined %s', channel)
selfUser = self.getUserFromName
self.receive new EnterMessage(selfUser)
part: (channel) ->
self = @
@bot.part channel, () ->'left %s', channel)
selfUser = self.getUserFromName
self.receive new LeaveMessage(selfUser)
getUserFromName: (name) ->
return @robot.brain.userForName(name) if @robot.brain?.userForName?
# Deprecated in 3.0.0
return @userForName name
getUserFromId: (id) ->
# TODO: Add logic to convert object if name matches
return @robot.brain.userForId(id) if @robot.brain?.userForId?
# Deprecated in 3.0.0
return @userForId id
createUser: (channel, from) ->
user = @getUserFromId from = from
if channel.match(/^[&#]/) = channel
else = null
kick: (channel, client, message) ->
@bot.emit 'raw',
command: 'KICK'
nick: process.env.HUBOT_IRC_NICK
args: [ channel, client, message ]
command: (command, strings...) ->
@bot.send command, strings...
checkCanStart: ->
if not process.env.HUBOT_IRC_NICK and not
throw new Error("HUBOT_IRC_NICK is not defined; try: export HUBOT_IRC_NICK='mybot'")
else if not process.env.HUBOT_IRC_ROOMS
throw new Error("HUBOT_IRC_ROOMS is not defined; try: export HUBOT_IRC_ROOMS='#myroom'")
else if not process.env.HUBOT_IRC_SERVER
throw new Error("HUBOT_IRC_SERVER is not defined: try: export HUBOT_IRC_SERVER=''")
unfloodProtection: (unflood) ->
unflood == 'true' or !isNaN(parseInt(unflood))
unfloodProtectionDelay: (unflood) ->
unfloodProtection = @unfloodProtection(unflood)
unfloodValue = parseInt(unflood) or 1000
if unfloodProtection
run: ->
self = @
do @checkCanStart
options =
nick: process.env.HUBOT_IRC_NICK or
realName: process.env.HUBOT_IRC_REALNAME
port: process.env.HUBOT_IRC_PORT
rooms: process.env.HUBOT_IRC_ROOMS.split(",")
ignoreUsers: process.env.HUBOT_IRC_IGNORE_USERS?.split(",") or []
server: process.env.HUBOT_IRC_SERVER
password: process.env.HUBOT_IRC_PASSWORD
nickpass: process.env.HUBOT_IRC_NICKSERV_PASSWORD
nickusername: process.env.HUBOT_IRC_NICKSERV_USERNAME
connectCommand: process.env.HUBOT_IRC_CONNECT_COMMAND
fakessl: process.env.HUBOT_IRC_SERVER_FAKE_SSL?
certExpired: process.env.HUBOT_IRC_SERVER_CERT_EXPIRED?
unflood: process.env.HUBOT_IRC_UNFLOOD
debug: process.env.HUBOT_IRC_DEBUG?
usessl: process.env.HUBOT_IRC_USESSL?
userName: process.env.HUBOT_IRC_USERNAME
client_options =
userName: options.userName
realName: options.realName
password: options.password
debug: options.debug
port: options.port
stripColors: true
secure: options.usessl
selfSigned: options.fakessl
certExpired: options.certExpired
floodProtection: @unfloodProtection(options.unflood),
floodProtectionDelay: @unfloodProtectionDelay(options.unflood),
client_options['channels'] = options.rooms unless options.nickpass = options.nick
bot = new Irc.Client options.server, options.nick, client_options
next_id = 1
user_id = {}
if options.nickpass?
identify_args = ""
if options.nickusername?
identify_args += "#{options.nickusername} "
identify_args += "#{options.nickpass}"
bot.addListener 'notice', (from, to, text) ->
if from is 'NickServ' and text.toLowerCase().indexOf('identify') isnt -1
bot.say 'NickServ', "identify #{identify_args}"
else if options.nickpass and from is 'NickServ' and
(text.indexOf('Password accepted') isnt -1 or
text.indexOf('identified') isnt -1)
for room in options.rooms
@join room
if options.connectCommand?
bot.addListener 'registered', (message) ->
# The 'registered' event is fired when you are connected to the server
strings = options.connectCommand.split " "
self.command strings.shift(), strings...
bot.addListener 'names', (channel, nicks) ->
for nick of nicks
self.createUser channel, nick
bot.addListener 'notice', (from, to, message) ->
if from in options.ignoreUsers'Ignoring user: %s', from)
# we'll ignore this message if it's from someone we want to ignore
return "NOTICE from #{from} to #{to}: #{message}"
user = self.createUser to, from
self.receive new TextMessage(user, message)
bot.addListener 'message', (from, to, message) ->
if options.nick.toLowerCase() == to.toLowerCase()
# this is a private message, let the 'pm' listener handle it
if from in options.ignoreUsers'Ignoring user: %s', from)
# we'll ignore this message if it's from someone we want to ignore
#logger.debug "From #{from} to #{to}: #{message}"
user = self.createUser to, from
# "#{to} <#{from}> #{message}"
# unless message.indexOf(to) == 0
# message = "#{to}: #{message}"
# logger.debug "msg <#{from}> #{message}"
self.receive new TextMessage(user, message)
bot.addListener 'action', (from, to, message) ->
#logger.debug " * From #{from} to #{to}: #{message}"
if from in options.ignoreUsers'Ignoring user: %s', from)
# we'll ignore this message if it's from someone we want to ignore
user = self.createUser to, from
# logger.debug "#{to} * #{from} #{message}"
# logger.debug "msg <#{from}> #{message}"
self.receive new TextMessage(user, message)
bot.addListener 'error', (message) ->
logger.error('ERROR: %s: %s', message.command, message.args.join(' '))
bot.addListener 'pm', (nick, message) ->'Got private message from %s: %s', nick, message)
if process.env.HUBOT_IRC_PRIVATE
if nick in options.ignoreUsers'Ignoring user: %s', nick)
# we'll ignore this message if it's from someone we want to ignore
nameLength = options.nick.length
if message.slice(0, nameLength).toLowerCase() != options.nick.toLowerCase()
message = "#{options.nick} #{message}"
self.receive new TextMessage({reply_to: nick, name: nick}, message)
bot.addListener 'join', (channel, who) ->'%s has joined %s', who, channel)
user = self.createUser channel, who = channel
self.receive new EnterMessage(user)
bot.addListener 'part', (channel, who, reason) ->'%s has left %s: %s', who, channel, reason)
user = self.createUser '', who = channel
self.receive new LeaveMessage(user)
bot.addListener 'kick', (channel, who, _by, reason) ->'%s was kicked from %s by %s: %s', who, channel, _by, reason)
bot.addListener 'invite', (channel, from) ->'%s invited you to join %s', from, channel)
if from in options.ignoreUsers'Ignoring user: %s', from)
# we'll ignore this message if it's from someone we want to ignore
if not process.env.HUBOT_IRC_PRIVATE or process.env.HUBOT_IRC_IGNOREINVITE
bot.join channel
@bot = bot
self.emit "connected"
_getTargetFromEnvelope: (envelope) ->
user = null
room = null
target = null
# as of hubot 2.4.2, the first param to send() is an object with 'user'
# and 'room' data inside. detect the old style here.
if envelope.reply_to?
user = envelope
# expand envelope
user = envelope.user
room =
if user
# most common case - we're replying to a user in a room
target =
# reply directly
else if
target =
# replying to pm
else if user.reply_to
target = user.reply_to
# allows user to be an id string
else if != -1
target = user
else if room
# this will happen if someone uses robot.messageRoom(jid, ...)
target = room
exports.use = (robot) ->
new IrcBot robot

What is it?

A modifed version of the IRC adapter for Hubot that responds via Slack webhook api

Is it any good

Not at all. This was the first time I ever touched coffeescript.


  • Enable the slack IRC gateway
  • Create a dedicated account for Hubot
  • Create a new incoming webhook for hubot to use. Set HUBOT_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL env var to that url

What it does

Hubot connects via IRC and listens. From that perspective it behaves just like the standard IRC adapter. However when hubot decides to respond, he inspects the message. If it's a simple string, he responds over irc. If it's a private message, he responds over irc.

However if it's a "complex" object that matches a slack API post, he responds via the API. This allows you to use the richer formatting options and things like attachments. We modify a lot of the standard hubot plugins to send richer messages (like we set the icon and username for each plugin to something OTHER than hubot to help it stand out) and write a lot of our own.

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