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Created January 7, 2011 11:24
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Managing MySQL user accounts with Chef
"comment":"DBA User",
"groups": [
"ssh_key": "XXXXXXXXXX"
"comment":"Bob User",
"groups": [
include_recipe "databag_decrypt::default"
password = search(:passwords, "id:mysql_admin_password").first
mysql_password = item_decrypt(password[:data])
users = search(:users)
deleted_users = search(:deleted_users)
deleted_users.each do |deleted_user|
users.delete_if {|user| user['id'] == deleted_user['id']}
if node[:mysql][:manage_users] == true
users.each do |u|
# Add database user accounts
execute "add-mysql-user-#{u[:id]}" do
command "/usr/bin/mysql -u root -p#{mysql_password} -D mysql -r -B -N -e \"CREATE USER '#{u[:id]}'@'localhost'\""
action :run
only_if { `/usr/bin/mysql -u root -p#{mysql_password} -D mysql -r -B -N -e \"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user where User='#{u[:id]}' and Host = 'localhost'"`.to_i == 0 }
# Grant dba perms
if u[:groups].member?('dba') then
execute "grant-dba-perms-#{u[:id]}" do
command "/usr/bin/mysql -u root -p#{mysql_password} -D mysql -r -B -N -e \"GRANT ALL on *.* to '#{u[:id]}'@'localhost'\""
action :run
not_if { `/usr/bin/mysql -u root -p#{mysql_password} -D mysql -r -B -N -e \"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user where User='#{u[:id]}' and Host = 'localhost' and Super_priv='Y'"`.to_i == 1 }
# Grant generic user perms
execute "grant-perms-#{u[:id]}" do
command "/usr/bin/mysql -u root -p#{mysql_password} -D mysql -r -B -N -e \"GRANT SELECT, FILE, CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES on *.* to '#{u[:id]}'@'localhost'\""
action :run
not_if { `/usr/bin/mysql -u root -p#{mysql_password} -D mysql -r -B -N -e \"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user where User='#{u[:id]}' and Host = 'localhost' and Select_priv='Y' and File_priv='Y' and Create_tmp_table_priv='Y'"`.to_i == 1 }
# Grant user-specific perms
if u.has_key?("mysql_permissions") and u[:mysql_permissions].has_key?( then
u[:mysql_permissions]["#{}"].each do |database, grants|"Found permission on #{} for #{u[:id]}: DB: #{database}, Grants: #{grants.join(',')}")
execute "grant-#{u[:id]}-#{database}-perms" do
command "/usr/bin/mysql -u root -p#{mysql_password} -D mysql -r -B -N -e \"GRANT #{grants.join(',')} ON #{database}.* to '#{u[:id]}'@'localhost'\""
action :run
not_if { `/usr/bin/mysql -u root -p#{mysql_password} -D mysql -r -B -N -e \"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user where User='#{u[:id]}' and Host = 'localhost'"`.to_i == 0 }
deleted_users.each do |du|
# Delete deleted users
execute "delete-user-#{du[:id]}" do
command "/usr/bin/mysql -u root -p#{mysql_password} -D mysql -r -B -N -e \"DROP USER '#{du[:id]}'@'localhost'\""
action :run
only_if { `/usr/bin/mysql -u root -p#{mysql_password} -D mysql -r -B -N -e \"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM user where User='#{du[:id]}' and Host = 'localhost'"`.to_i == 1 }
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I've found it's important to also flush the privileges when they change

# flush mysql privs if any are changed
execute "mysql-flush-privs" do
  command /usr/bin/mysql -u root -p#{mysql_password} -D mysql -r -B -N -e \"FLUSH PRIVILEGES;\""
  action :nothing

Then add to the grant execute blocks

notifies :run, "execute[mysql-flush-privs]", :delayed

So that a flush is run at the end of the chef run if any user privs were changed.

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