create or replace function |
remove_deployment_metadata(sid varchar) |
returns integer as |
$$ |
declare |
metadata_count integer; |
begin |
-- Generated by store/postgres/examples/layout.rs in graph-node |
with dds as ( |
select id |
from subgraphs.dynamic_ethereum_contract_data_source |
where deployment = sid), |
md0 as (delete from subgraphs.dynamic_ethereum_contract_data_source e |
where e.deployment = sid |
returning e.id), |
md1 as (delete from subgraphs.ethereum_block_handler_entity e |
where left(e.id, 46) = sid or left(e.id, 40) in (select id from dds) |
returning e.id), |
md2 as (delete from subgraphs.ethereum_block_handler_filter_entity e |
where left(e.id, 46) = sid or left(e.id, 40) in (select id from dds) |
returning e.id), |
md3 as (delete from subgraphs.ethereum_call_handler_entity e |
where left(e.id, 46) = sid or left(e.id, 40) in (select id from dds) |
returning e.id), |
md4 as (delete from subgraphs.ethereum_contract_abi e |
where left(e.id, 46) = sid or left(e.id, 40) in (select id from dds) |
returning e.id), |
md5 as (delete from subgraphs.ethereum_contract_data_source e |
where left(e.id, 46) = sid or left(e.id, 40) in (select id from dds) |
returning e.id), |
md6 as (delete from subgraphs.ethereum_contract_data_source_template e |
where left(e.id, 46) = sid or left(e.id, 40) in (select id from dds) |
returning e.id), |
md7 as (delete from subgraphs.ethereum_contract_data_source_template_source e |
where left(e.id, 46) = sid or left(e.id, 40) in (select id from dds) |
returning e.id), |
md8 as (delete from subgraphs.ethereum_contract_event_handler e |
where left(e.id, 46) = sid or left(e.id, 40) in (select id from dds) |
returning e.id), |
md9 as (delete from subgraphs.ethereum_contract_mapping e |
where left(e.id, 46) = sid or left(e.id, 40) in (select id from dds) |
returning e.id), |
md10 as (delete from subgraphs.ethereum_contract_source e |
where left(e.id, 46) = sid or left(e.id, 40) in (select id from dds) |
returning e.id), |
md11 as (delete from subgraphs.subgraph_deployment e |
where left(e.id, 46) = sid |
returning e.id), |
md12 as (delete from subgraphs.subgraph_deployment_assignment e |
where left(e.id, 46) = sid |
returning e.id), |
md13 as (delete from subgraphs.subgraph_manifest e |
where left(e.id, 46) = sid |
returning e.id) |
select sum(count) into metadata_count from ( |
select count(*) from md0 |
union all |
select count(*) from md1 |
union all |
select count(*) from md2 |
union all |
select count(*) from md3 |
union all |
select count(*) from md4 |
union all |
select count(*) from md5 |
union all |
select count(*) from md6 |
union all |
select count(*) from md7 |
union all |
select count(*) from md8 |
union all |
select count(*) from md9 |
union all |
select count(*) from md10 |
union all |
select count(*) from md11 |
union all |
select count(*) from md12 |
union all |
select count(*) from md13 |
) a; |
return metadata_count; |
end; |
$$ language plpgsql; |
create or replace function |
log_msg(msg varchar, start timestamptz) |
returns void as |
$$ |
declare |
now timestamptz; |
begin |
now := clock_timestamp(); |
raise notice '% %', to_char(now - start, 'SSSS.MS'), msg; |
end; |
$$ language plpgsql; |
-- Remove a deployment. This removes all the data and metadata for a |
-- deployment. In particular, it will |
-- * delete entries in event_meta_data belonging to the deployment |
-- * delete the deployment metadata in subgraphs.entities |
-- * drop the schema for the deployment, deleting all its data |
-- * remove the row in deployment_schemas for the deployment |
create or replace function |
remove_deployment(sid varchar) |
returns bigint as |
$$ |
declare |
sgd varchar; |
sgd_version varchar; |
num_entities bigint; |
metadata_count int; |
start timestamptz; |
begin |
start := clock_timestamp(); |
if exists (select 1 |
from subgraphs.subgraph_deployment_assignment |
where id = sid) then |
raise 'Can not remove subgraph % because it is currently assigned', |
sid; |
end if; |
if exists (select 1 |
from subgraphs.subgraph s, |
subgraphs.subgraph_version v |
where (v.id = s.pending_version |
or v.id = s.current_version) |
and v.deployment = sid) then |
raise 'Can not remove subgraph % because it is a current or pending version of a subgraph', |
sid; |
end if; |
if sid not like 'Qm%' then |
raise 'Can not remove subgraph %, it is not a normal subgraph', |
sid; |
end if; |
select name, version |
into sgd, sgd_version |
from deployment_schemas |
where subgraph = sid; |
select entity_count into num_entities |
from subgraphs.subgraph_deployment |
where id = sid; |
raise notice 'Removing subgraph % (%)', sgd, sgd_version; |
raise notice ' subgraph_id: %', sid; |
raise notice ' entities: %', num_entities; |
if sgd_version = 'split' then |
-- We do not remove those unneeded events from event_meta_data since |
-- that takes an insanely long time; we just remember them so we can |
-- clean them up later, if needed |
perform log_msg(format('Saving unneeded event_ids'), start); |
execute format('insert into unneeded_event_ids |
(select distinct event_id from %I.entity_history)', sgd); |
end if; |
perform log_msg(format('Removing metadata for %s', sgd), start); |
metadata_count := remove_deployment_metadata(sid); |
perform log_msg(format('Removing schema %s', sgd), start); |
execute format('drop schema %I cascade', sgd); |
delete from deployment_schemas |
where subgraph = sid; |
delete from subgraphs.subgraph_version |
where deployment = sid; |
perform log_msg(format('Done removing %s(%s metadata entries)', |
sgd, metadata_count), start); |
return num_entities; |
end; |
$$ language plpgsql; |