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Created March 4, 2013 07:15
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.net cms pickup


##Orchard Orchard is a free, open source, community-focused project aimed at delivering applications and reusable components on the ASP.NET platform. It will create shared components for building ASP.NET applications and extensions, and specific applications that leverage these components to meet the needs of end-users, scripters, and developers. Additionally, we seek to create partnerships with existing application authors to help them achieve their goals. Orchard is delivered as part of the ASP.NET Open Source Gallery under the Outercurve Foundation. It is licensed under a New BSD license, which is approved by the OSI. The intended output of the Orchard project is three-fold:

Individual .NET-based applications that appeal to end-users , scripters, and developers A set of re-usable components that makes it easy to build such applications A vibrant community to help define these applications and extensions In the near term, the Orchard project is focused on delivering a .NET-based CMS application that will allow users to rapidly create content-driven Websites, and an extensibility framework that will allow developers and customizers to provide additional functionality through modules and themes. You can learn more about the project on the Orchard Project Website.

Orchard is currently in version 1.6. We invite participation by the developer community in shaping the project’s direction, so that we can publicly validate our designs and development approach. Our 1.6 release is available from our Downloads page, and is easy to Install Orchard using the Web Platform Installer. We encourage interested developers to check out the source code on the Orchard site and get involved with the project.

We hope that by engaging with the community in the very early stages of the project that we will be able to shape Orchard into a valuable set of tools and applications for the community. The Orchard team is committed to open community participation and accepts code contributions today. We encourage community participation at all levels from general project feedback to bug fixes and patches.

##umbraco Why Umbraco?

Umbraco is a fully-featured open source content management system with the flexibility to run anything from small campaign or brochure sites right through to complex applications for Fortune 500's and some of the largest media sites in the world.

...Oh, and did we mention that it's free?

Umbraco is easy to learn and use, making it perfect for web designers, developers and content creators alike.

You can be up and running in just a few minutes with our simple installer. Either apply one of the included starter kits or seamlessly integrate your own design.

Umbraco is strongly supported by both an active and welcoming community of users around the world, and backed up by a rock-solid commercial organization providing professional support and tools. Umbraco can be used in its free, open-source format with the additional option of professional tools and support if required.



N2 Open Source ASP.NET CMS N2 is a lightweight CMS framework to help you build great web sites that anyone can update. Using it's interface is intuitive and empowering. The developer story is something exquisite. Give it a try and you'll see.

###Enough Fluff For those looking for an out of the box experience N2 CMS contains a package of functional templates with News, Wiki, Photo Galleries, FAQs, RSS, Data Entry, Polls and more. With these you'll be up and running no time (demo).

The functional templates are completly optional. If you want you can just use an adaptive editing interface that integrates quite nicely into any ASP.NET code. Features include full control of content and nodes, drag&drop, versioning, wizards, export/import, security, globalization and more.

Functional Templates and Edit Interface alike relies on a CMS Library with powerful data definition, wide database support, data binding and templating on ASP.NET and very much more.

###Programmatic CMS

N2 is an opinionated piece of software. The core principles are "code speaks" and separation between view templates, content model and database.

We assume you want total control over the presentation layer, prefer to build your content model using .NET classes and are just as happy without doing the database or administrative forms.

N2 CMS speeds up development by taking advantage of the .NET type system. It generates editor interfaces based on attributes on your content classes. With virtually no boilerplate code you can benefit from intellisense, source control, true FTP deployment and greater maintainablility.

The CMS is extendable through events, the content classes themselves, custom editable attributes, plug-ins and other enabling hooks.

###Behaves on ASP.NET

Like any well behaved CMS N2 doesn't mess with your user interface. It just provides a useful set of APIs and ASP.NET controls to insert content data in the right spots. A front controller maps friendly URLs to the appropriate ASPX template which can be developed just like you normally would.

The framework plays in shared hosting environments and with most databases including SQL Server and MySQL (through NHibernate ORM).

One benefit of it's modular and lightweight approach is that the CMS can be integrated into existing ASP.NET solutions and ASP.NET MVC.


"N2 is the perfect example of the right tool for the job. It doesn't set out to solve your business' workflow problem, nor is it enamored with the frequent dead end of WYSIWYG web layout. No, it zeroes in on the focal points of serious middle-weight CMS+web development with a highly approachable object model and 100% integration into existing ASP.NET paradigm."

"Best CMS framework I've seen. Looking forward to using for many applications to come. "

"N2CMS is GREAT. I downloaded the VB.NET sample one and it runs straight after unzip."

"I have been working on a project that requires a website to be customised from a Winforms application. I found N2 CMS a couple of weeks ago, and I'm impressed with the power it offers developers. Most (if not all) of the CMS packages I've worked with require things to be implemented a certain way, and this can cause problems when a client asks for a feature that doesn't fit well into the CMS model. N2 is definitely one of the best .NET CMS packages available."

###Features N2 Core Engine Easy to develop: define content using .NET classes and attributes (no boring point and click web interface) Very intuitive editor interface Leverages on ASP.NET 2.0 (use sitemap, membership, ASPX templates, authorization, etc.) Database agnostic (MS SQL, MySQL and more thanks to NHibernate) Supports hierarchically organized content items with unlimited depth AJAXy drag'n'drop content into regions Completly free - 0$ Extendable editor UI Sites are developed in Visual Studio (no UI for modifyng styles and templates, nice!) Support multiple types of content, everything from articles to blog comments The model is stored as source code in your source control, not in a database Map parts of the tree structure to alternative domains Caching, ASP.NET output caching or database object caching Supports authorization using standard .NET providers Upgradable Allows access control over individual content items using roles Search engine friendly urls Multiple sites with one installation ASP.NET data binding utilities Lightweight library, can be plugged into an existing ASP.NET application Link helper Tree helper Permission model Content regions Online installation wizard Open Source (LGPL license) User friendly user interface WYSIWYG content editor Files and link picker File manager Extendable object model Extendable service model Built on a solid stack: .NET, NHibernate, Castle's Windsor Container, jQuery, TinyMCE Edit with Internet Explorer and Firefox (and probably others) for Windows, Mac and Linux Not tied to the page templates: freely design templates/functions Supports scripting including jQuery, prototype and MS AJAX Documented API Easy to get started with Full source code freely available Promotes separation of business logic and presentation Integrate using .NET user and custom controls, subscribe and react to events, extend the object model, replace core services, implement custom attributes and more Supports .NET languages including C# and VB.NET Built with a unit test suite and resonable code coverage Includes some useful custom server controls Supports interlinking items making the tree hierarchy into a graph N2 Editor Interface Versioning with unlimited rollback Content localization support Authorization editing Content localization Create page wizard User manager Export and import content data and files Track relations (links in html text) Installation wizard Trashcan Globalization and page translations support N2 Functional Templates Web standards aware, XHTML, accessible, search engine friendly markup Scheduled publishing Start page Text Redirect News Custom data entry form Events calendar FAQ Photo gallery Polls RSS subscription Search engine Teaser part News listin part Two column layout part Text part Random image part Social bookmarking Google urching tracking Calendar item Horizontal menu Vertical Menu Several available themes Change layouts Web site statistics Membership and user provider User registration & Login parts

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