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Last active September 8, 2018 09:17
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open classical
variables (α : Type) (p q : α → Prop)
variable a : α
variable r : Prop
example : (∃ x, p x) ↔ ¬ (∀ x, ¬ p x) :=
(λ ⟨a, hpa⟩, (λ ax, ax a hpa))
(λ nanpx : (∀ x, p x → false) → false,
suffices hpa : p a, from ⟨a, hpa⟩,
(λ hnpa,
nanpx (λ ha, hnpa))
-- type mismatch at application
-- nanpx (λ (ha : α), hnpa)
-- term
-- λ (ha : α), hnpa
-- has type
-- α → ¬p a
-- but is expected to have type
-- ∀ (x : α), p x → false
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