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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Problem 92
;; 4Clojure Question 92
;; Roman numerals are easy to recognize, but not everyone knows all the rules necessary to work with them. Write a function to parse a Roman-numeral string and return the number it represents.
;; <br /><br />
;; You can assume that the input will be well-formed, in upper-case, and follow the <a href="">subtractive principle</a>. You don't need to handle any numbers greater than MMMCMXCIX (3999), the largest number representable with ordinary letters.
;; Use M-x 4clojure-check-answers when you're done!
(= 14 (__ "XIV"))
(= 827 (__ "DCCCXXVII"))
(= 3999 (__ "MMMCMXCIX"))
(= 48 (__ "XLVIII"))
;; mine:
(fn [letters]
(let [order (zipmap "IVXLCDM" [1 5 10 50 100 500 1000])
cmp (fn [a b] (compare (get order a) (get order b)))
magn (fn [[letter :as g]] (* (get order letter) (count g)))]
(loop [[f s :as xs] (partition-by identity letters)
acc 0]
(if-not s
(+ (magn f) acc)
(recur (rest xs)
(-> (magn f)
(* (cmp (first f) (first s)))
(+ acc)))))))
;; austintaylor's solution:
(fn [s]
(let [roman {"M" 1000 "CM" 900 "D" 500 "CD" 400
"C" 100 "XC" 90 "L" 50 "XL" 40 "X" 10 "IX" 9
"V" 5 "IV" 4 "I" 1}]
(reduce + (map roman
(re-seq #"CM|CD|XC|XL|IX|IV|[MDCLXVI]" s)))))
(fn [letters]
(let [order (zipmap "IVXLCDM" [1 5 10 50 100 500 1000])
cmp (fn [a b] (compare (get order a) (get order b)))
magn (fn [[letter :as g]] (* (get order letter) (count g)))
groups (partition-by identity letters)]
(+ (magn (last groups))
(fn [acc [[f :as fs] [s]]]
(-> (magn fs)
(* (cmp f s))
(+ acc)))
0 (partition 2 1 groups)))))
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