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Created October 16, 2012 05:39
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bbbot log
07:34:22,073 [main] DEBUG [JoinService0Dot8] - getTimestamp URL:
07:34:22,094 [main] DEBUG [JoinService0Dot8] - getTimestamp response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><timestamp>1350365662</timestamp></response>
07:34:22,096 [main] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:22,131 [main] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings></meetings>
07:34:22,133 [main] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:22,133 [main] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - No meetings currently running
07:34:22,163 [Thread-2] INFO [FileChannelReader] - opened file: /Users/lux/AeroFS/LIVELOOP/IT/LIVELOOP/tools/bbbot/bot/etc/video-sample.flv
07:34:22,185 [Thread-2] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING onMetaData]
07:34:22,185 [Thread-2] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER -1.0]
07:34:22,185 [Thread-2] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING Red5 Server 1.0.0 RC1 $Rev: 4193 $]
07:34:22,185 [Thread-2] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER 59.132]
07:34:22,185 [Thread-2] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [BOOLEAN true]
07:34:22,185 [Thread-2] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER 2.0]
07:34:22,186 [Thread-2] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - end MAP / OBJECT, found object end marker [000009]
07:34:22,186 [Thread-2] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [MAP {audiocodecid=-1.0, server=Red5 Server 1.0.0 RC1 $Rev: 4193 $, duration=59.132, canSeekToEnd=true, videocodecid=2.0}]
07:34:22,186 [Thread-2] DEBUG [FlvReader] - flv file metadata: [0 METADATA_AMF0 c5 #0 t0 (0) s147] name: onMetaData data: [{audiocodecid=-1.0, server=Red5 Server 1.0.0 RC1 $Rev: 4193 $, duration=59.132, canSeekToEnd=true, videocodecid=2.0}]
07:34:22,190 [Thread-2] DEBUG [FlvReader] - trying to seek to: 0
07:34:22,240 [Thread-2] INFO [FileChannelReader] - closed file: /Users/lux/AeroFS/LIVELOOP/IT/LIVELOOP/tools/bbbot/bot/etc/video-sample.flv
07:34:22,241 [Thread-2] INFO [BotLauncher] - Running with the following configuration:
numbots: 1
securityKey: e7734b93baf21bb8aa3ce8514f3b8b23
meeting: Demo Meeting
videoFilename: etc/video-sample.flv
voiceFilename: null
get_meetings: false
command_create: true
name: Bot
role: moderator
probabilities: {2=10.0, 3=30.0, 4=40.0, 5=15.0, 6=3.0, 7=1.0, 10=1.0}
interval: 5000
single_meeting: false
everyone_sends_video: false
only_one_sends_video: true
everyone_receives_video: true
everyone_sends_audio: false
only_one_sends_audio: true
everyone_receives_audio: true
record_audio: false
audio_sample_size: 10000
number_of_audio_samples: 1
finalize_spawn_bots_thread: false
botArmy: []
prob_acc: {2=10.0, 3=40.0, 4=80.0, 5=95.0, 6=98.0, 7=99.0, 10=100.0}
07:34:22,249 [Thread-2] INFO [BotLauncher] - The next room will have 6 participants
07:34:22,261 [Thread-2] INFO [BotLauncher] - Connecting a new bot called Bot 1 to the room Demo Meeting 001
07:34:22,282 [Thread-2] DEBUG [JoinService0Dot8] - getTimestamp URL:
07:34:22,296 [Thread-2] DEBUG [JoinService0Dot8] - getTimestamp response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><timestamp>1350365662</timestamp></response>
07:34:22,299 [Thread-2] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - create URL:
07:34:22,358 [Thread-2] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:22,423 [Thread-2] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:22,425 [Thread-2] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:22,441 [Thread-2] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:22,494 [Thread-2] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - join response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><fullname>Bot 1</fullname><confname>Demo Meeting 001</confname><meetingID>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</meetingID><externUserID>esrkiimbnqsk</externUserID><internalUserID>1350365662468</internalUserID><role>MODERATOR</role><conference>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</conference><room>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</room><voicebridge>79327</voicebridge><webvoiceconf>79327</webvoiceconf><mode>LIVE</mode><record>false</record><welcome>&lt;br&gt;Welcome to &lt;b&gt;Demo Meeting 001&lt;/b&gt;!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) &lt;a href="event:"&gt;&lt;u&gt;tutorial videos&lt;/u&gt;&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;To join the audio bridge click the headset icon (upper-left hand corner). &lt;b&gt;You can mute yourself in the Listeners window.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;</welcome><logoutUrl></logoutUrl></response>
07:34:22,503 [Thread-2] DEBUG [BigBlueButtonClient] - [host: '' port: 1935 appName: 'bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314' streamName: 'null' saveAs: 'null' rtmpe: false publish: null clientVersionToUse: '00000000' start: -2 length: -1 buffer: 100 params: null args: null load: 1 loop: 1 threads: 10]
07:34:22,607 [Thread-2] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x48082751] OPEN
07:34:22,626 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
07:34:22,630 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
07:34:22,669 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [RtmpHandshake] - server time: 0000AB01, version: 00000000
07:34:22,671 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 1, MODERATOR, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 79327, false, esrkiimbnqsk]
07:34:22,671 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING connect]
07:34:22,671 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1]
07:34:22,672 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [OBJECT {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}]
07:34:22,672 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:22,672 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING LNX 11,1,102,55]
07:34:22,672 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING rtmp://]
07:34:22,672 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:22,673 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 239.0]
07:34:22,673 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 3575.0]
07:34:22,673 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 252.0]
07:34:22,673 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:22,673 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 0.0]
07:34:22,673 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING Bot 1]
07:34:22,673 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING MODERATOR]
07:34:22,673 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:22,674 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:22,674 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 79327]
07:34:22,674 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:22,674 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING esrkiimbnqsk]
07:34:22,755 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING _result]
07:34:22,756 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:22,756 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NULL null]
07:34:22,756 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING error]
07:34:22,756 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING NetConnection.Connect.Failed]
07:34:22,756 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING ]
07:34:22,756 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - end MAP / OBJECT, found object end marker [000009]
07:34:22,756 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [OBJECT {level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:22,757 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - server command: _result
07:34:22,758 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
07:34:22,758 [New I/O client worker #1-1] ERROR [MainRtmpConnection] - method connect result in NetConnection.Connect.Failed, quitting
07:34:22,758 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - connect response: [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s92] name: _result, transactionId: 1, object: null, args: [{level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:22,758 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - Rtmp Channel Disconnected
07:34:22,758 [New I/O client worker #1-1] ERROR [Bot] - Bot 1 has been disconnected, reconnecting
07:34:22,759 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - create URL:
07:34:22,781 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:22,841 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:22,843 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:22,845 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:22,901 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - join response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><fullname>Bot 1</fullname><confname>Demo Meeting 001</confname><meetingID>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</meetingID><externUserID>aldd1xqgninu</externUserID><internalUserID>1350365662881</internalUserID><role>MODERATOR</role><conference>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</conference><room>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</room><voicebridge>79327</voicebridge><webvoiceconf>79327</webvoiceconf><mode>LIVE</mode><record>false</record><welcome>&lt;br&gt;Welcome to &lt;b&gt;Demo Meeting 001&lt;/b&gt;!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) &lt;a href="event:"&gt;&lt;u&gt;tutorial videos&lt;/u&gt;&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;To join the audio bridge click the headset icon (upper-left hand corner). &lt;b&gt;You can mute yourself in the Listeners window.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;</welcome><logoutUrl></logoutUrl></response>
07:34:22,904 [New I/O client worker #1-1] DEBUG [BigBlueButtonClient] - [host: '' port: 1935 appName: 'bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314' streamName: 'null' saveAs: 'null' rtmpe: false publish: null clientVersionToUse: '00000000' start: -2 length: -1 buffer: 100 params: null args: null load: 1 loop: 1 threads: 10]
07:34:22,905 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x24ebf068] OPEN
07:34:22,905 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel closed: [id: 0x48082751] CLOSED
07:34:22,908 [New I/O client worker #2-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
07:34:22,908 [New I/O client worker #2-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
07:34:22,927 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [RtmpHandshake] - server time: 0000AB01, version: 00000000
07:34:22,927 [New I/O client worker #2-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 1, MODERATOR, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 79327, false, aldd1xqgninu]
07:34:22,927 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING connect]
07:34:22,928 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1]
07:34:22,928 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [OBJECT {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}]
07:34:22,928 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:22,928 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING LNX 11,1,102,55]
07:34:22,928 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING rtmp://]
07:34:22,928 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:22,928 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 239.0]
07:34:22,929 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 3575.0]
07:34:22,929 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 252.0]
07:34:22,929 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:22,929 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 0.0]
07:34:22,929 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING Bot 1]
07:34:22,929 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING MODERATOR]
07:34:22,929 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:22,929 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:22,929 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 79327]
07:34:22,930 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:22,930 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING aldd1xqgninu]
07:34:22,982 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING _result]
07:34:22,982 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:22,982 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NULL null]
07:34:22,982 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING error]
07:34:22,982 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING NetConnection.Connect.Failed]
07:34:22,982 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING ]
07:34:22,982 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - end MAP / OBJECT, found object end marker [000009]
07:34:22,983 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [OBJECT {level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:22,983 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - server command: _result
07:34:22,983 [New I/O client worker #2-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
07:34:22,983 [New I/O client worker #2-1] ERROR [MainRtmpConnection] - method connect result in NetConnection.Connect.Failed, quitting
07:34:22,983 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - connect response: [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s92] name: _result, transactionId: 1, object: null, args: [{level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:22,983 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - Rtmp Channel Disconnected
07:34:22,983 [New I/O client worker #2-1] ERROR [Bot] - Bot 1 has been disconnected, reconnecting
07:34:22,984 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - create URL:
07:34:23,010 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:23,056 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:23,061 [New I/O client worker #2-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:23,062 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:23 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:23 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:23,143 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - join response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><fullname>Bot 1</fullname><confname>Demo Meeting 001</confname><meetingID>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</meetingID><externUserID>mynvclcgpy5f</externUserID><internalUserID>1350365663113</internalUserID><role>MODERATOR</role><conference>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</conference><room>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</room><voicebridge>79327</voicebridge><webvoiceconf>79327</webvoiceconf><mode>LIVE</mode><record>false</record><welcome>&lt;br&gt;Welcome to &lt;b&gt;Demo Meeting 001&lt;/b&gt;!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) &lt;a href="event:"&gt;&lt;u&gt;tutorial videos&lt;/u&gt;&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;To join the audio bridge click the headset icon (upper-left hand corner). &lt;b&gt;You can mute yourself in the Listeners window.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;</welcome><logoutUrl></logoutUrl></response>
07:34:23,151 [New I/O client worker #2-1] DEBUG [BigBlueButtonClient] - [host: '' port: 1935 appName: 'bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314' streamName: 'null' saveAs: 'null' rtmpe: false publish: null clientVersionToUse: '00000000' start: -2 length: -1 buffer: 100 params: null args: null load: 1 loop: 1 threads: 10]
07:34:23,153 [New I/O client worker #2-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x21ed5459] OPEN
07:34:23,164 [New I/O client worker #2-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel closed: [id: 0x24ebf068] CLOSED
07:34:23,172 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
07:34:23,173 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
07:34:23,178 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [RtmpHandshake] - server time: 0000AB02, version: 00000000
07:34:23,179 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 1, MODERATOR, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 79327, false, mynvclcgpy5f]
07:34:23,179 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING connect]
07:34:23,179 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1]
07:34:23,179 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [OBJECT {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}]
07:34:23,180 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:23,180 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING LNX 11,1,102,55]
07:34:23,180 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING rtmp://]
07:34:23,180 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:23,180 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 239.0]
07:34:23,180 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 3575.0]
07:34:23,180 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 252.0]
07:34:23,180 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:23,181 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 0.0]
07:34:23,181 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING Bot 1]
07:34:23,181 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING MODERATOR]
07:34:23,181 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:23,181 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:23,181 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 79327]
07:34:23,181 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:23,181 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING mynvclcgpy5f]
07:34:23,251 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING _result]
07:34:23,251 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:23,251 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NULL null]
07:34:23,251 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING error]
07:34:23,251 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING NetConnection.Connect.Failed]
07:34:23,252 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING ]
07:34:23,252 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - end MAP / OBJECT, found object end marker [000009]
07:34:23,252 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [OBJECT {level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:23,252 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - server command: _result
07:34:23,252 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
07:34:23,252 [New I/O client worker #3-1] ERROR [MainRtmpConnection] - method connect result in NetConnection.Connect.Failed, quitting
07:34:23,252 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - connect response: [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s92] name: _result, transactionId: 1, object: null, args: [{level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:23,252 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - Rtmp Channel Disconnected
07:34:23,252 [New I/O client worker #3-1] ERROR [Bot] - Bot 1 has been disconnected, reconnecting
07:34:23,253 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - create URL:
07:34:23,289 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:23,327 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:23,329 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:23,330 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:23 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:23 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:23,412 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - join response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><fullname>Bot 1</fullname><confname>Demo Meeting 001</confname><meetingID>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</meetingID><externUserID>9zzhvjtaqql2</externUserID><internalUserID>1350365663347</internalUserID><role>MODERATOR</role><conference>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</conference><room>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</room><voicebridge>79327</voicebridge><webvoiceconf>79327</webvoiceconf><mode>LIVE</mode><record>false</record><welcome>&lt;br&gt;Welcome to &lt;b&gt;Demo Meeting 001&lt;/b&gt;!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) &lt;a href="event:"&gt;&lt;u&gt;tutorial videos&lt;/u&gt;&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;To join the audio bridge click the headset icon (upper-left hand corner). &lt;b&gt;You can mute yourself in the Listeners window.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;</welcome><logoutUrl></logoutUrl></response>
07:34:23,416 [New I/O client worker #3-1] DEBUG [BigBlueButtonClient] - [host: '' port: 1935 appName: 'bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314' streamName: 'null' saveAs: 'null' rtmpe: false publish: null clientVersionToUse: '00000000' start: -2 length: -1 buffer: 100 params: null args: null load: 1 loop: 1 threads: 10]
07:34:23,416 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x315b0333] OPEN
07:34:23,417 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel closed: [id: 0x21ed5459] CLOSED
07:34:23,418 [New I/O client worker #4-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
07:34:23,418 [New I/O client worker #4-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
07:34:23,490 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [RtmpHandshake] - server time: 0000AB02, version: 00000000
07:34:23,490 [New I/O client worker #4-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 1, MODERATOR, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 79327, false, 9zzhvjtaqql2]
07:34:23,491 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING connect]
07:34:23,491 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1]
07:34:23,491 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [OBJECT {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}]
07:34:23,491 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:23,491 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING LNX 11,1,102,55]
07:34:23,491 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING rtmp://]
07:34:23,491 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:23,491 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 239.0]
07:34:23,492 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 3575.0]
07:34:23,492 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 252.0]
07:34:23,492 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:23,492 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 0.0]
07:34:23,492 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING Bot 1]
07:34:23,492 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING MODERATOR]
07:34:23,492 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:23,492 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:23,492 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 79327]
07:34:23,492 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:23,492 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 9zzhvjtaqql2]
07:34:23,633 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING _result]
07:34:23,633 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:23,633 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NULL null]
07:34:23,633 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING error]
07:34:23,633 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING NetConnection.Connect.Failed]
07:34:23,633 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING ]
07:34:23,633 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - end MAP / OBJECT, found object end marker [000009]
07:34:23,634 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [OBJECT {level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:23,634 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - server command: _result
07:34:23,634 [New I/O client worker #4-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
07:34:23,634 [New I/O client worker #4-1] ERROR [MainRtmpConnection] - method connect result in NetConnection.Connect.Failed, quitting
07:34:23,635 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - connect response: [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s92] name: _result, transactionId: 1, object: null, args: [{level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:23,636 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - Rtmp Channel Disconnected
07:34:23,636 [New I/O client worker #4-1] ERROR [Bot] - Bot 1 has been disconnected, reconnecting
07:34:23,636 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - create URL:
07:34:23,674 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:23,753 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:23,755 [New I/O client worker #4-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:23,756 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:23 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:23 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:23,827 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - join response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><fullname>Bot 1</fullname><confname>Demo Meeting 001</confname><meetingID>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</meetingID><externUserID>crhy52nq1xte</externUserID><internalUserID>1350365663789</internalUserID><role>MODERATOR</role><conference>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</conference><room>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</room><voicebridge>79327</voicebridge><webvoiceconf>79327</webvoiceconf><mode>LIVE</mode><record>false</record><welcome>&lt;br&gt;Welcome to &lt;b&gt;Demo Meeting 001&lt;/b&gt;!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) &lt;a href="event:"&gt;&lt;u&gt;tutorial videos&lt;/u&gt;&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;To join the audio bridge click the headset icon (upper-left hand corner). &lt;b&gt;You can mute yourself in the Listeners window.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;</welcome><logoutUrl></logoutUrl></response>
07:34:23,831 [New I/O client worker #4-1] DEBUG [BigBlueButtonClient] - [host: '' port: 1935 appName: 'bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314' streamName: 'null' saveAs: 'null' rtmpe: false publish: null clientVersionToUse: '00000000' start: -2 length: -1 buffer: 100 params: null args: null load: 1 loop: 1 threads: 10]
07:34:23,832 [New I/O client worker #4-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x044ed904] OPEN
07:34:23,833 [New I/O client worker #4-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel closed: [id: 0x315b0333] CLOSED
07:34:23,833 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
07:34:23,834 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
07:34:23,948 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [RtmpHandshake] - server time: 0000AB02, version: 00000000
07:34:23,948 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 1, MODERATOR, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 79327, false, crhy52nq1xte]
07:34:23,948 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING connect]
07:34:23,949 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1]
07:34:23,949 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [OBJECT {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}]
07:34:23,949 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:23,949 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING LNX 11,1,102,55]
07:34:23,949 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING rtmp://]
07:34:23,949 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:23,949 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 239.0]
07:34:23,949 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 3575.0]
07:34:23,950 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 252.0]
07:34:23,950 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:23,950 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 0.0]
07:34:23,950 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING Bot 1]
07:34:23,950 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING MODERATOR]
07:34:23,950 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:23,950 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:23,950 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 79327]
07:34:23,950 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:23,950 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING crhy52nq1xte]
07:34:23,989 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING _result]
07:34:23,989 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:23,989 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NULL null]
07:34:23,989 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING error]
07:34:23,989 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING NetConnection.Connect.Failed]
07:34:23,989 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING ]
07:34:23,989 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - end MAP / OBJECT, found object end marker [000009]
07:34:23,990 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [OBJECT {level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:23,990 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - server command: _result
07:34:23,990 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
07:34:23,990 [New I/O client worker #5-1] ERROR [MainRtmpConnection] - method connect result in NetConnection.Connect.Failed, quitting
07:34:23,990 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - connect response: [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s92] name: _result, transactionId: 1, object: null, args: [{level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:23,990 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - Rtmp Channel Disconnected
07:34:23,990 [New I/O client worker #5-1] ERROR [Bot] - Bot 1 has been disconnected, reconnecting
07:34:23,990 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - create URL:
07:34:24,022 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:24,116 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:24,119 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:24,120 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:24 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:24 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:24,211 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - join response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><fullname>Bot 1</fullname><confname>Demo Meeting 001</confname><meetingID>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</meetingID><externUserID>kiyjallofttv</externUserID><internalUserID>1350365664150</internalUserID><role>MODERATOR</role><conference>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</conference><room>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</room><voicebridge>79327</voicebridge><webvoiceconf>79327</webvoiceconf><mode>LIVE</mode><record>false</record><welcome>&lt;br&gt;Welcome to &lt;b&gt;Demo Meeting 001&lt;/b&gt;!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) &lt;a href="event:"&gt;&lt;u&gt;tutorial videos&lt;/u&gt;&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;To join the audio bridge click the headset icon (upper-left hand corner). &lt;b&gt;You can mute yourself in the Listeners window.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;</welcome><logoutUrl></logoutUrl></response>
07:34:24,215 [New I/O client worker #5-1] DEBUG [BigBlueButtonClient] - [host: '' port: 1935 appName: 'bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314' streamName: 'null' saveAs: 'null' rtmpe: false publish: null clientVersionToUse: '00000000' start: -2 length: -1 buffer: 100 params: null args: null load: 1 loop: 1 threads: 10]
07:34:24,216 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x6db22920] OPEN
07:34:24,217 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel closed: [id: 0x044ed904] CLOSED
07:34:24,224 [New I/O client worker #6-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
07:34:24,225 [New I/O client worker #6-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
07:34:24,292 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [RtmpHandshake] - server time: 0000AB03, version: 00000000
07:34:24,293 [New I/O client worker #6-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 1, MODERATOR, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 79327, false, kiyjallofttv]
07:34:24,293 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING connect]
07:34:24,293 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1]
07:34:24,293 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [OBJECT {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}]
07:34:24,293 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:24,293 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING LNX 11,1,102,55]
07:34:24,293 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING rtmp://]
07:34:24,294 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:24,294 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 239.0]
07:34:24,294 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 3575.0]
07:34:24,294 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 252.0]
07:34:24,294 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:24,294 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 0.0]
07:34:24,294 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING Bot 1]
07:34:24,294 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING MODERATOR]
07:34:24,295 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:24,295 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:24,295 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 79327]
07:34:24,295 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:24,295 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING kiyjallofttv]
07:34:24,416 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING _result]
07:34:24,416 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:24,416 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NULL null]
07:34:24,416 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING error]
07:34:24,416 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING NetConnection.Connect.Failed]
07:34:24,417 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING ]
07:34:24,417 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - end MAP / OBJECT, found object end marker [000009]
07:34:24,417 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [OBJECT {level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:24,417 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - server command: _result
07:34:24,417 [New I/O client worker #6-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
07:34:24,417 [New I/O client worker #6-1] ERROR [MainRtmpConnection] - method connect result in NetConnection.Connect.Failed, quitting
07:34:24,417 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - connect response: [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s92] name: _result, transactionId: 1, object: null, args: [{level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:24,417 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - Rtmp Channel Disconnected
07:34:24,417 [New I/O client worker #6-1] ERROR [Bot] - Bot 1 has been disconnected, reconnecting
07:34:24,418 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - create URL:
07:34:24,448 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:24,511 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:24,513 [New I/O client worker #6-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:24,514 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:24 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:24 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:24,579 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - join response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><fullname>Bot 1</fullname><confname>Demo Meeting 001</confname><meetingID>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</meetingID><externUserID>gigzob1abqa6</externUserID><internalUserID>1350365664527</internalUserID><role>MODERATOR</role><conference>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</conference><room>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</room><voicebridge>79327</voicebridge><webvoiceconf>79327</webvoiceconf><mode>LIVE</mode><record>false</record><welcome>&lt;br&gt;Welcome to &lt;b&gt;Demo Meeting 001&lt;/b&gt;!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) &lt;a href="event:"&gt;&lt;u&gt;tutorial videos&lt;/u&gt;&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;To join the audio bridge click the headset icon (upper-left hand corner). &lt;b&gt;You can mute yourself in the Listeners window.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;</welcome><logoutUrl></logoutUrl></response>
07:34:24,582 [New I/O client worker #6-1] DEBUG [BigBlueButtonClient] - [host: '' port: 1935 appName: 'bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314' streamName: 'null' saveAs: 'null' rtmpe: false publish: null clientVersionToUse: '00000000' start: -2 length: -1 buffer: 100 params: null args: null load: 1 loop: 1 threads: 10]
07:34:24,590 [New I/O client worker #6-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x20d9896e] OPEN
07:34:24,590 [New I/O client worker #6-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel closed: [id: 0x6db22920] CLOSED
07:34:24,591 [New I/O client worker #7-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
07:34:24,591 [New I/O client worker #7-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
07:34:24,704 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [RtmpHandshake] - server time: 0000AB03, version: 00000000
07:34:24,704 [New I/O client worker #7-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 1, MODERATOR, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 79327, false, gigzob1abqa6]
07:34:24,704 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING connect]
07:34:24,705 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1]
07:34:24,705 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [OBJECT {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}]
07:34:24,705 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:24,705 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING LNX 11,1,102,55]
07:34:24,705 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING rtmp://]
07:34:24,705 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:24,705 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 239.0]
07:34:24,705 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 3575.0]
07:34:24,706 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 252.0]
07:34:24,706 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:24,706 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 0.0]
07:34:24,706 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING Bot 1]
07:34:24,706 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING MODERATOR]
07:34:24,706 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:24,706 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:24,706 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 79327]
07:34:24,706 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:24,707 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING gigzob1abqa6]
07:34:24,793 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING _result]
07:34:24,793 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:24,793 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NULL null]
07:34:24,793 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING error]
07:34:24,794 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING NetConnection.Connect.Failed]
07:34:24,794 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING ]
07:34:24,794 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - end MAP / OBJECT, found object end marker [000009]
07:34:24,794 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [OBJECT {level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:24,794 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - server command: _result
07:34:24,794 [New I/O client worker #7-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
07:34:24,794 [New I/O client worker #7-1] ERROR [MainRtmpConnection] - method connect result in NetConnection.Connect.Failed, quitting
07:34:24,794 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - connect response: [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s92] name: _result, transactionId: 1, object: null, args: [{level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:24,794 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - Rtmp Channel Disconnected
07:34:24,795 [New I/O client worker #7-1] ERROR [Bot] - Bot 1 has been disconnected, reconnecting
07:34:24,795 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - create URL:
07:34:24,816 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:24,870 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:24,873 [New I/O client worker #7-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:24,874 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:24 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:24 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:24,907 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - join response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><fullname>Bot 1</fullname><confname>Demo Meeting 001</confname><meetingID>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</meetingID><externUserID>fki6fys1ajgt</externUserID><internalUserID>1350365664886</internalUserID><role>MODERATOR</role><conference>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</conference><room>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</room><voicebridge>79327</voicebridge><webvoiceconf>79327</webvoiceconf><mode>LIVE</mode><record>false</record><welcome>&lt;br&gt;Welcome to &lt;b&gt;Demo Meeting 001&lt;/b&gt;!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) &lt;a href="event:"&gt;&lt;u&gt;tutorial videos&lt;/u&gt;&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;To join the audio bridge click the headset icon (upper-left hand corner). &lt;b&gt;You can mute yourself in the Listeners window.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;</welcome><logoutUrl></logoutUrl></response>
07:34:24,909 [New I/O client worker #7-1] DEBUG [BigBlueButtonClient] - [host: '' port: 1935 appName: 'bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314' streamName: 'null' saveAs: 'null' rtmpe: false publish: null clientVersionToUse: '00000000' start: -2 length: -1 buffer: 100 params: null args: null load: 1 loop: 1 threads: 10]
07:34:24,910 [New I/O client worker #7-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x375e293a] OPEN
07:34:24,911 [New I/O client worker #7-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel closed: [id: 0x20d9896e] CLOSED
07:34:24,923 [New I/O client worker #8-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
07:34:24,923 [New I/O client worker #8-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
07:34:24,973 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [RtmpHandshake] - server time: 0000AB03, version: 00000000
07:34:24,973 [New I/O client worker #8-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 1, MODERATOR, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 79327, false, fki6fys1ajgt]
07:34:24,974 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING connect]
07:34:24,974 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1]
07:34:24,974 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [OBJECT {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}]
07:34:24,974 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:24,974 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING LNX 11,1,102,55]
07:34:24,974 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING rtmp://]
07:34:24,974 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:24,974 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 239.0]
07:34:24,975 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 3575.0]
07:34:24,975 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 252.0]
07:34:24,975 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:24,975 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 0.0]
07:34:24,975 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING Bot 1]
07:34:24,975 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING MODERATOR]
07:34:24,975 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:24,975 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:24,975 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 79327]
07:34:24,976 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:24,976 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING fki6fys1ajgt]
07:34:25,048 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING _result]
07:34:25,049 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:25,049 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NULL null]
07:34:25,049 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING error]
07:34:25,049 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING NetConnection.Connect.Failed]
07:34:25,049 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING ]
07:34:25,049 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - end MAP / OBJECT, found object end marker [000009]
07:34:25,049 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [OBJECT {level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:25,049 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - server command: _result
07:34:25,049 [New I/O client worker #8-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
07:34:25,049 [New I/O client worker #8-1] ERROR [MainRtmpConnection] - method connect result in NetConnection.Connect.Failed, quitting
07:34:25,050 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - connect response: [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s92] name: _result, transactionId: 1, object: null, args: [{level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:25,050 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - Rtmp Channel Disconnected
07:34:25,050 [New I/O client worker #8-1] ERROR [Bot] - Bot 1 has been disconnected, reconnecting
07:34:25,050 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - create URL:
07:34:25,072 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:25,111 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:25,113 [New I/O client worker #8-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:25,114 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:25 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:25 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:25,166 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - join response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><fullname>Bot 1</fullname><confname>Demo Meeting 001</confname><meetingID>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</meetingID><externUserID>u9g22o00upe5</externUserID><internalUserID>1350365665141</internalUserID><role>MODERATOR</role><conference>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</conference><room>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</room><voicebridge>79327</voicebridge><webvoiceconf>79327</webvoiceconf><mode>LIVE</mode><record>false</record><welcome>&lt;br&gt;Welcome to &lt;b&gt;Demo Meeting 001&lt;/b&gt;!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) &lt;a href="event:"&gt;&lt;u&gt;tutorial videos&lt;/u&gt;&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;To join the audio bridge click the headset icon (upper-left hand corner). &lt;b&gt;You can mute yourself in the Listeners window.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;</welcome><logoutUrl></logoutUrl></response>
07:34:25,169 [New I/O client worker #8-1] DEBUG [BigBlueButtonClient] - [host: '' port: 1935 appName: 'bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314' streamName: 'null' saveAs: 'null' rtmpe: false publish: null clientVersionToUse: '00000000' start: -2 length: -1 buffer: 100 params: null args: null load: 1 loop: 1 threads: 10]
07:34:25,170 [New I/O client worker #8-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x1f0dc656] OPEN
07:34:25,170 [New I/O client worker #8-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel closed: [id: 0x375e293a] CLOSED
07:34:25,172 [New I/O client worker #9-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
07:34:25,172 [New I/O client worker #9-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
07:34:25,219 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [RtmpHandshake] - server time: 0000AB04, version: 00000000
07:34:25,219 [New I/O client worker #9-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 1, MODERATOR, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 79327, false, u9g22o00upe5]
07:34:25,219 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING connect]
07:34:25,219 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1]
07:34:25,219 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [OBJECT {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}]
07:34:25,220 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:25,220 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING LNX 11,1,102,55]
07:34:25,220 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING rtmp://]
07:34:25,220 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:25,220 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 239.0]
07:34:25,220 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 3575.0]
07:34:25,220 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 252.0]
07:34:25,221 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:25,221 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 0.0]
07:34:25,221 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING Bot 1]
07:34:25,221 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING MODERATOR]
07:34:25,221 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:25,221 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:25,221 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 79327]
07:34:25,221 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:25,221 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING u9g22o00upe5]
07:34:25,257 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING _result]
07:34:25,257 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:25,257 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NULL null]
07:34:25,257 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING error]
07:34:25,257 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING NetConnection.Connect.Failed]
07:34:25,257 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING ]
07:34:25,258 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - end MAP / OBJECT, found object end marker [000009]
07:34:25,258 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [OBJECT {level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:25,258 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - server command: _result
07:34:25,258 [New I/O client worker #9-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
07:34:25,258 [New I/O client worker #9-1] ERROR [MainRtmpConnection] - method connect result in NetConnection.Connect.Failed, quitting
07:34:25,258 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - connect response: [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s92] name: _result, transactionId: 1, object: null, args: [{level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:25,258 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - Rtmp Channel Disconnected
07:34:25,258 [New I/O client worker #9-1] ERROR [Bot] - Bot 1 has been disconnected, reconnecting
07:34:25,259 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - create URL:
07:34:25,290 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:25,333 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:25,335 [New I/O client worker #9-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:25,336 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:25 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:25 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:25,366 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - join response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><fullname>Bot 1</fullname><confname>Demo Meeting 001</confname><meetingID>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</meetingID><externUserID>4g3asgwtjw5h</externUserID><internalUserID>1350365665347</internalUserID><role>MODERATOR</role><conference>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</conference><room>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</room><voicebridge>79327</voicebridge><webvoiceconf>79327</webvoiceconf><mode>LIVE</mode><record>false</record><welcome>&lt;br&gt;Welcome to &lt;b&gt;Demo Meeting 001&lt;/b&gt;!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) &lt;a href="event:"&gt;&lt;u&gt;tutorial videos&lt;/u&gt;&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;To join the audio bridge click the headset icon (upper-left hand corner). &lt;b&gt;You can mute yourself in the Listeners window.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;</welcome><logoutUrl></logoutUrl></response>
07:34:25,369 [New I/O client worker #9-1] DEBUG [BigBlueButtonClient] - [host: '' port: 1935 appName: 'bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314' streamName: 'null' saveAs: 'null' rtmpe: false publish: null clientVersionToUse: '00000000' start: -2 length: -1 buffer: 100 params: null args: null load: 1 loop: 1 threads: 10]
07:34:25,370 [New I/O client worker #9-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x64bef361] OPEN
07:34:25,370 [New I/O client worker #9-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel closed: [id: 0x1f0dc656] CLOSED
07:34:25,371 [New I/O client worker #10-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
07:34:25,372 [New I/O client worker #10-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
07:34:25,411 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [RtmpHandshake] - server time: 0000AB04, version: 00000000
07:34:25,412 [New I/O client worker #10-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 1, MODERATOR, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 79327, false, 4g3asgwtjw5h]
07:34:25,412 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING connect]
07:34:25,412 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1]
07:34:25,412 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [OBJECT {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}]
07:34:25,412 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:25,413 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING LNX 11,1,102,55]
07:34:25,413 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING rtmp://]
07:34:25,413 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:25,413 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 239.0]
07:34:25,413 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 3575.0]
07:34:25,413 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 252.0]
07:34:25,413 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:25,413 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 0.0]
07:34:25,413 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING Bot 1]
07:34:25,414 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING MODERATOR]
07:34:25,414 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:25,414 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:25,414 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 79327]
07:34:25,414 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:25,414 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 4g3asgwtjw5h]
07:34:25,465 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING _result]
07:34:25,465 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:25,465 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NULL null]
07:34:25,465 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING error]
07:34:25,465 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING NetConnection.Connect.Failed]
07:34:25,465 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING ]
07:34:25,465 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - end MAP / OBJECT, found object end marker [000009]
07:34:25,465 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [OBJECT {level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:25,465 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - server command: _result
07:34:25,465 [New I/O client worker #10-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
07:34:25,465 [New I/O client worker #10-1] ERROR [MainRtmpConnection] - method connect result in NetConnection.Connect.Failed, quitting
07:34:25,465 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - connect response: [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s92] name: _result, transactionId: 1, object: null, args: [{level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:25,466 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - Rtmp Channel Disconnected
07:34:25,466 [New I/O client worker #10-1] ERROR [Bot] - Bot 1 has been disconnected, reconnecting
07:34:25,466 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - create URL:
07:34:25,487 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:25,531 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:25,533 [New I/O client worker #10-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:25,534 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:25 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:25 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:25,571 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - join response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><fullname>Bot 1</fullname><confname>Demo Meeting 001</confname><meetingID>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</meetingID><externUserID>pzynwc24uty9</externUserID><internalUserID>1350365665547</internalUserID><role>MODERATOR</role><conference>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</conference><room>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</room><voicebridge>79327</voicebridge><webvoiceconf>79327</webvoiceconf><mode>LIVE</mode><record>false</record><welcome>&lt;br&gt;Welcome to &lt;b&gt;Demo Meeting 001&lt;/b&gt;!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) &lt;a href="event:"&gt;&lt;u&gt;tutorial videos&lt;/u&gt;&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;To join the audio bridge click the headset icon (upper-left hand corner). &lt;b&gt;You can mute yourself in the Listeners window.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;</welcome><logoutUrl></logoutUrl></response>
07:34:25,574 [New I/O client worker #10-1] DEBUG [BigBlueButtonClient] - [host: '' port: 1935 appName: 'bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314' streamName: 'null' saveAs: 'null' rtmpe: false publish: null clientVersionToUse: '00000000' start: -2 length: -1 buffer: 100 params: null args: null load: 1 loop: 1 threads: 10]
07:34:25,574 [New I/O client worker #10-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x38ffd135] OPEN
07:34:25,575 [New I/O client worker #10-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel closed: [id: 0x64bef361] CLOSED
07:34:25,577 [New I/O client worker #11-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
07:34:25,578 [New I/O client worker #11-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
07:34:25,622 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [RtmpHandshake] - server time: 0000AB04, version: 00000000
07:34:25,622 [New I/O client worker #11-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 1, MODERATOR, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 79327, false, pzynwc24uty9]
07:34:25,622 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING connect]
07:34:25,623 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1]
07:34:25,623 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [OBJECT {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}]
07:34:25,623 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:25,623 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING LNX 11,1,102,55]
07:34:25,623 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING rtmp://]
07:34:25,623 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:25,623 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 239.0]
07:34:25,623 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 3575.0]
07:34:25,623 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 252.0]
07:34:25,623 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:25,623 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 0.0]
07:34:25,623 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING Bot 1]
07:34:25,624 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING MODERATOR]
07:34:25,624 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:25,624 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:25,624 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 79327]
07:34:25,624 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:25,624 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING pzynwc24uty9]
07:34:25,670 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING _result]
07:34:25,670 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:25,670 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NULL null]
07:34:25,670 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING error]
07:34:25,670 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING NetConnection.Connect.Failed]
07:34:25,670 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING ]
07:34:25,670 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - end MAP / OBJECT, found object end marker [000009]
07:34:25,670 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [OBJECT {level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:25,670 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - server command: _result
07:34:25,670 [New I/O client worker #11-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
07:34:25,671 [New I/O client worker #11-1] ERROR [MainRtmpConnection] - method connect result in NetConnection.Connect.Failed, quitting
07:34:25,671 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - connect response: [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s92] name: _result, transactionId: 1, object: null, args: [{level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:25,671 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - Rtmp Channel Disconnected
07:34:25,671 [New I/O client worker #11-1] ERROR [Bot] - Bot 1 has been disconnected, reconnecting
07:34:25,671 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - create URL:
07:34:25,692 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:25,745 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:25,747 [New I/O client worker #11-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:25,748 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:25 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:25 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:25,777 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - join response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><fullname>Bot 1</fullname><confname>Demo Meeting 001</confname><meetingID>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</meetingID><externUserID>3ptyyzehiwhz</externUserID><internalUserID>1350365665759</internalUserID><role>MODERATOR</role><conference>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</conference><room>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</room><voicebridge>79327</voicebridge><webvoiceconf>79327</webvoiceconf><mode>LIVE</mode><record>false</record><welcome>&lt;br&gt;Welcome to &lt;b&gt;Demo Meeting 001&lt;/b&gt;!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) &lt;a href="event:"&gt;&lt;u&gt;tutorial videos&lt;/u&gt;&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;To join the audio bridge click the headset icon (upper-left hand corner). &lt;b&gt;You can mute yourself in the Listeners window.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;</welcome><logoutUrl></logoutUrl></response>
07:34:25,780 [New I/O client worker #11-1] DEBUG [BigBlueButtonClient] - [host: '' port: 1935 appName: 'bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314' streamName: 'null' saveAs: 'null' rtmpe: false publish: null clientVersionToUse: '00000000' start: -2 length: -1 buffer: 100 params: null args: null load: 1 loop: 1 threads: 10]
07:34:25,781 [New I/O client worker #11-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x78979f67] OPEN
07:34:25,781 [New I/O client worker #11-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel closed: [id: 0x38ffd135] CLOSED
07:34:25,783 [New I/O client worker #12-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
07:34:25,784 [New I/O client worker #12-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
07:34:25,826 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [RtmpHandshake] - server time: 0000AB04, version: 00000000
07:34:25,827 [New I/O client worker #12-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 1, MODERATOR, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 79327, false, 3ptyyzehiwhz]
07:34:25,827 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING connect]
07:34:25,827 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1]
07:34:25,827 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [OBJECT {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}]
07:34:25,827 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:25,827 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING LNX 11,1,102,55]
07:34:25,827 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING rtmp://]
07:34:25,827 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:25,827 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 239.0]
07:34:25,828 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 3575.0]
07:34:25,828 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 252.0]
07:34:25,828 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:25,828 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 0.0]
07:34:25,828 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING Bot 1]
07:34:25,828 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING MODERATOR]
07:34:25,828 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:25,828 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:25,828 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 79327]
07:34:25,829 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:25,829 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 3ptyyzehiwhz]
07:34:25,846 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING _result]
07:34:25,846 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:25,846 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NULL null]
07:34:25,846 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING error]
07:34:25,846 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING NetConnection.Connect.Failed]
07:34:25,846 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING ]
07:34:25,846 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - end MAP / OBJECT, found object end marker [000009]
07:34:25,847 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [OBJECT {level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:25,847 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - server command: _result
07:34:25,847 [New I/O client worker #12-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
07:34:25,851 [New I/O client worker #12-1] ERROR [MainRtmpConnection] - method connect result in NetConnection.Connect.Failed, quitting
07:34:25,851 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - connect response: [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s92] name: _result, transactionId: 1, object: null, args: [{level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:25,853 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - Rtmp Channel Disconnected
07:34:25,855 [New I/O client worker #12-1] ERROR [Bot] - Bot 1 has been disconnected, reconnecting
07:34:25,855 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - create URL:
07:34:25,878 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:25,921 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:25,923 [New I/O client worker #12-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:25,924 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:25 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:25 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:25,954 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - join response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><fullname>Bot 1</fullname><confname>Demo Meeting 001</confname><meetingID>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</meetingID><externUserID>rqy9u6sqb5uo</externUserID><internalUserID>1350365665934</internalUserID><role>MODERATOR</role><conference>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</conference><room>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</room><voicebridge>79327</voicebridge><webvoiceconf>79327</webvoiceconf><mode>LIVE</mode><record>false</record><welcome>&lt;br&gt;Welcome to &lt;b&gt;Demo Meeting 001&lt;/b&gt;!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) &lt;a href="event:"&gt;&lt;u&gt;tutorial videos&lt;/u&gt;&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;To join the audio bridge click the headset icon (upper-left hand corner). &lt;b&gt;You can mute yourself in the Listeners window.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;</welcome><logoutUrl></logoutUrl></response>
07:34:25,958 [New I/O client worker #12-1] DEBUG [BigBlueButtonClient] - [host: '' port: 1935 appName: 'bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314' streamName: 'null' saveAs: 'null' rtmpe: false publish: null clientVersionToUse: '00000000' start: -2 length: -1 buffer: 100 params: null args: null load: 1 loop: 1 threads: 10]
07:34:25,959 [New I/O client worker #12-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x5ad75c47] OPEN
07:34:25,966 [New I/O client worker #12-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel closed: [id: 0x78979f67] CLOSED
07:34:25,967 [New I/O client worker #13-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
07:34:25,967 [New I/O client worker #13-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
07:34:26,018 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [RtmpHandshake] - server time: 0000AB04, version: 00000000
07:34:26,019 [New I/O client worker #13-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 1, MODERATOR, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 79327, false, rqy9u6sqb5uo]
07:34:26,019 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING connect]
07:34:26,019 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1]
07:34:26,019 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [OBJECT {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}]
07:34:26,019 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:26,019 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING LNX 11,1,102,55]
07:34:26,019 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING rtmp://]
07:34:26,020 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:26,020 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 239.0]
07:34:26,020 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 3575.0]
07:34:26,020 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 252.0]
07:34:26,020 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:26,020 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 0.0]
07:34:26,020 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING Bot 1]
07:34:26,020 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING MODERATOR]
07:34:26,020 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:26,020 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:26,021 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 79327]
07:34:26,021 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:26,021 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING rqy9u6sqb5uo]
07:34:26,045 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING _result]
07:34:26,045 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:26,045 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NULL null]
07:34:26,045 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING error]
07:34:26,045 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING NetConnection.Connect.Failed]
07:34:26,045 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING ]
07:34:26,045 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - end MAP / OBJECT, found object end marker [000009]
07:34:26,045 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [OBJECT {level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:26,046 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - server command: _result
07:34:26,046 [New I/O client worker #13-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
07:34:26,046 [New I/O client worker #13-1] ERROR [MainRtmpConnection] - method connect result in NetConnection.Connect.Failed, quitting
07:34:26,046 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - connect response: [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s92] name: _result, transactionId: 1, object: null, args: [{level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:26,046 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - Rtmp Channel Disconnected
07:34:26,046 [New I/O client worker #13-1] ERROR [Bot] - Bot 1 has been disconnected, reconnecting
07:34:26,047 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - create URL:
07:34:26,067 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:26,105 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:26,107 [New I/O client worker #13-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:26,108 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:26 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:26 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:26,144 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - join response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><fullname>Bot 1</fullname><confname>Demo Meeting 001</confname><meetingID>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</meetingID><externUserID>ukqfielz2ju9</externUserID><internalUserID>1350365666127</internalUserID><role>MODERATOR</role><conference>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</conference><room>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</room><voicebridge>79327</voicebridge><webvoiceconf>79327</webvoiceconf><mode>LIVE</mode><record>false</record><welcome>&lt;br&gt;Welcome to &lt;b&gt;Demo Meeting 001&lt;/b&gt;!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) &lt;a href="event:"&gt;&lt;u&gt;tutorial videos&lt;/u&gt;&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;To join the audio bridge click the headset icon (upper-left hand corner). &lt;b&gt;You can mute yourself in the Listeners window.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;</welcome><logoutUrl></logoutUrl></response>
07:34:26,148 [New I/O client worker #13-1] DEBUG [BigBlueButtonClient] - [host: '' port: 1935 appName: 'bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314' streamName: 'null' saveAs: 'null' rtmpe: false publish: null clientVersionToUse: '00000000' start: -2 length: -1 buffer: 100 params: null args: null load: 1 loop: 1 threads: 10]
07:34:26,148 [New I/O client worker #13-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x336d8196] OPEN
07:34:26,149 [New I/O client worker #13-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel closed: [id: 0x5ad75c47] CLOSED
07:34:26,150 [New I/O client worker #14-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
07:34:26,151 [New I/O client worker #14-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
07:34:26,184 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [RtmpHandshake] - server time: 0000AB05, version: 00000000
07:34:26,185 [New I/O client worker #14-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 1, MODERATOR, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 79327, false, ukqfielz2ju9]
07:34:26,185 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING connect]
07:34:26,185 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1]
07:34:26,185 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [OBJECT {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}]
07:34:26,185 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:26,186 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING LNX 11,1,102,55]
07:34:26,186 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING rtmp://]
07:34:26,186 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:26,186 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 239.0]
07:34:26,186 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 3575.0]
07:34:26,186 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 252.0]
07:34:26,186 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:26,186 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 0.0]
07:34:26,186 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING Bot 1]
07:34:26,186 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING MODERATOR]
07:34:26,186 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:26,186 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:26,187 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 79327]
07:34:26,187 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:26,187 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING ukqfielz2ju9]
07:34:26,228 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING _result]
07:34:26,228 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:26,228 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NULL null]
07:34:26,228 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING error]
07:34:26,228 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING NetConnection.Connect.Failed]
07:34:26,228 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING ]
07:34:26,228 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - end MAP / OBJECT, found object end marker [000009]
07:34:26,228 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [OBJECT {level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:26,228 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - server command: _result
07:34:26,228 [New I/O client worker #14-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
07:34:26,229 [New I/O client worker #14-1] ERROR [MainRtmpConnection] - method connect result in NetConnection.Connect.Failed, quitting
07:34:26,229 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - connect response: [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s92] name: _result, transactionId: 1, object: null, args: [{level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:26,229 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - Rtmp Channel Disconnected
07:34:26,229 [New I/O client worker #14-1] ERROR [Bot] - Bot 1 has been disconnected, reconnecting
07:34:26,229 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - create URL:
07:34:26,258 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:26,307 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:26,308 [New I/O client worker #14-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:26,309 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:26 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:26 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:26,355 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - join response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><fullname>Bot 1</fullname><confname>Demo Meeting 001</confname><meetingID>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</meetingID><externUserID>tjcoc1h8u46p</externUserID><internalUserID>1350365666329</internalUserID><role>MODERATOR</role><conference>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</conference><room>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</room><voicebridge>79327</voicebridge><webvoiceconf>79327</webvoiceconf><mode>LIVE</mode><record>false</record><welcome>&lt;br&gt;Welcome to &lt;b&gt;Demo Meeting 001&lt;/b&gt;!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) &lt;a href="event:"&gt;&lt;u&gt;tutorial videos&lt;/u&gt;&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;To join the audio bridge click the headset icon (upper-left hand corner). &lt;b&gt;You can mute yourself in the Listeners window.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;</welcome><logoutUrl></logoutUrl></response>
07:34:26,358 [New I/O client worker #14-1] DEBUG [BigBlueButtonClient] - [host: '' port: 1935 appName: 'bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314' streamName: 'null' saveAs: 'null' rtmpe: false publish: null clientVersionToUse: '00000000' start: -2 length: -1 buffer: 100 params: null args: null load: 1 loop: 1 threads: 10]
07:34:26,359 [New I/O client worker #14-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x0b07108e] OPEN
07:34:26,363 [New I/O client worker #14-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel closed: [id: 0x336d8196] CLOSED
07:34:26,366 [New I/O client worker #15-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
07:34:26,366 [New I/O client worker #15-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
07:34:26,413 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [RtmpHandshake] - server time: 0000AB05, version: 00000000
07:34:26,413 [New I/O client worker #15-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 1, MODERATOR, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 79327, false, tjcoc1h8u46p]
07:34:26,414 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING connect]
07:34:26,414 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1]
07:34:26,414 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [OBJECT {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}]
07:34:26,414 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:26,414 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING LNX 11,1,102,55]
07:34:26,414 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING rtmp://]
07:34:26,414 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:26,414 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 239.0]
07:34:26,414 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 3575.0]
07:34:26,415 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 252.0]
07:34:26,415 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:26,415 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 0.0]
07:34:26,415 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING Bot 1]
07:34:26,415 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING MODERATOR]
07:34:26,415 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:26,415 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:26,415 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 79327]
07:34:26,415 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:26,415 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING tjcoc1h8u46p]
07:34:26,472 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING _result]
07:34:26,472 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:26,472 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NULL null]
07:34:26,472 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING error]
07:34:26,472 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING NetConnection.Connect.Failed]
07:34:26,472 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING ]
07:34:26,473 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - end MAP / OBJECT, found object end marker [000009]
07:34:26,473 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [OBJECT {level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:26,473 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - server command: _result
07:34:26,473 [New I/O client worker #15-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
07:34:26,473 [New I/O client worker #15-1] ERROR [MainRtmpConnection] - method connect result in NetConnection.Connect.Failed, quitting
07:34:26,473 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - connect response: [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s92] name: _result, transactionId: 1, object: null, args: [{level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:26,473 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - Rtmp Channel Disconnected
07:34:26,474 [New I/O client worker #15-1] ERROR [Bot] - Bot 1 has been disconnected, reconnecting
07:34:26,474 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - create URL:
07:34:26,491 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:26,529 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:26,531 [New I/O client worker #15-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:26,532 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:26 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:26 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:26,567 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - join response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><fullname>Bot 1</fullname><confname>Demo Meeting 001</confname><meetingID>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</meetingID><externUserID>orsasonf6z1f</externUserID><internalUserID>1350365666543</internalUserID><role>MODERATOR</role><conference>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</conference><room>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</room><voicebridge>79327</voicebridge><webvoiceconf>79327</webvoiceconf><mode>LIVE</mode><record>false</record><welcome>&lt;br&gt;Welcome to &lt;b&gt;Demo Meeting 001&lt;/b&gt;!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) &lt;a href="event:"&gt;&lt;u&gt;tutorial videos&lt;/u&gt;&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;To join the audio bridge click the headset icon (upper-left hand corner). &lt;b&gt;You can mute yourself in the Listeners window.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;</welcome><logoutUrl></logoutUrl></response>
07:34:26,570 [New I/O client worker #15-1] DEBUG [BigBlueButtonClient] - [host: '' port: 1935 appName: 'bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314' streamName: 'null' saveAs: 'null' rtmpe: false publish: null clientVersionToUse: '00000000' start: -2 length: -1 buffer: 100 params: null args: null load: 1 loop: 1 threads: 10]
07:34:26,571 [New I/O client worker #15-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x26b31b77] OPEN
07:34:26,578 [New I/O client worker #15-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel closed: [id: 0x0b07108e] CLOSED
07:34:26,579 [New I/O client worker #16-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
07:34:26,580 [New I/O client worker #16-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
07:34:26,639 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [RtmpHandshake] - server time: 0000AB05, version: 00000000
07:34:26,640 [New I/O client worker #16-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 1, MODERATOR, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 79327, false, orsasonf6z1f]
07:34:26,640 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING connect]
07:34:26,640 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1]
07:34:26,640 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [OBJECT {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}]
07:34:26,640 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:26,640 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING LNX 11,1,102,55]
07:34:26,640 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING rtmp://]
07:34:26,640 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:26,641 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 239.0]
07:34:26,641 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 3575.0]
07:34:26,641 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 252.0]
07:34:26,641 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:26,641 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 0.0]
07:34:26,641 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING Bot 1]
07:34:26,641 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING MODERATOR]
07:34:26,641 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:26,641 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:26,642 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 79327]
07:34:26,642 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:26,642 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING orsasonf6z1f]
07:34:26,688 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING _result]
07:34:26,688 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:26,688 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NULL null]
07:34:26,688 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING error]
07:34:26,688 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING NetConnection.Connect.Failed]
07:34:26,688 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING ]
07:34:26,688 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - end MAP / OBJECT, found object end marker [000009]
07:34:26,689 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [OBJECT {level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:26,689 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - server command: _result
07:34:26,689 [New I/O client worker #16-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
07:34:26,689 [New I/O client worker #16-1] ERROR [MainRtmpConnection] - method connect result in NetConnection.Connect.Failed, quitting
07:34:26,689 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - connect response: [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s92] name: _result, transactionId: 1, object: null, args: [{level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:26,689 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - Rtmp Channel Disconnected
07:34:26,689 [New I/O client worker #16-1] ERROR [Bot] - Bot 1 has been disconnected, reconnecting
07:34:26,690 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - create URL:
07:34:26,716 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:26,769 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:26,771 [New I/O client worker #16-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:26,772 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:26 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:26 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:26,802 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - join response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><fullname>Bot 1</fullname><confname>Demo Meeting 001</confname><meetingID>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</meetingID><externUserID>d1qrigx3ewbc</externUserID><internalUserID>1350365666784</internalUserID><role>MODERATOR</role><conference>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</conference><room>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</room><voicebridge>79327</voicebridge><webvoiceconf>79327</webvoiceconf><mode>LIVE</mode><record>false</record><welcome>&lt;br&gt;Welcome to &lt;b&gt;Demo Meeting 001&lt;/b&gt;!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) &lt;a href="event:"&gt;&lt;u&gt;tutorial videos&lt;/u&gt;&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;To join the audio bridge click the headset icon (upper-left hand corner). &lt;b&gt;You can mute yourself in the Listeners window.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;</welcome><logoutUrl></logoutUrl></response>
07:34:26,805 [New I/O client worker #16-1] DEBUG [BigBlueButtonClient] - [host: '' port: 1935 appName: 'bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314' streamName: 'null' saveAs: 'null' rtmpe: false publish: null clientVersionToUse: '00000000' start: -2 length: -1 buffer: 100 params: null args: null load: 1 loop: 1 threads: 10]
07:34:26,806 [New I/O client worker #16-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x7a20807c] OPEN
07:34:26,806 [New I/O client worker #16-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel closed: [id: 0x26b31b77] CLOSED
07:34:26,807 [New I/O client worker #17-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
07:34:26,808 [New I/O client worker #17-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
07:34:26,850 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [RtmpHandshake] - server time: 0000AB05, version: 00000000
07:34:26,851 [New I/O client worker #17-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 1, MODERATOR, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 79327, false, d1qrigx3ewbc]
07:34:26,851 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING connect]
07:34:26,851 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1]
07:34:26,851 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [OBJECT {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}]
07:34:26,851 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:26,852 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING LNX 11,1,102,55]
07:34:26,852 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING rtmp://]
07:34:26,852 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:26,852 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 239.0]
07:34:26,852 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 3575.0]
07:34:26,852 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 252.0]
07:34:26,852 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:26,852 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 0.0]
07:34:26,852 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING Bot 1]
07:34:26,852 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING MODERATOR]
07:34:26,852 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:26,852 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:26,853 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 79327]
07:34:26,853 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:26,853 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING d1qrigx3ewbc]
07:34:26,909 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING _result]
07:34:26,909 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:26,909 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NULL null]
07:34:26,909 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING error]
07:34:26,910 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING NetConnection.Connect.Failed]
07:34:26,910 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING ]
07:34:26,910 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - end MAP / OBJECT, found object end marker [000009]
07:34:26,910 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [OBJECT {level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:26,910 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - server command: _result
07:34:26,910 [New I/O client worker #17-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
07:34:26,910 [New I/O client worker #17-1] ERROR [MainRtmpConnection] - method connect result in NetConnection.Connect.Failed, quitting
07:34:26,910 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - connect response: [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s92] name: _result, transactionId: 1, object: null, args: [{level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:26,910 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - Rtmp Channel Disconnected
07:34:26,911 [New I/O client worker #17-1] ERROR [Bot] - Bot 1 has been disconnected, reconnecting
07:34:26,911 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - create URL:
07:34:26,927 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:26,994 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:26,996 [New I/O client worker #17-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:26,997 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:26 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:26 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:27,048 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - join response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><fullname>Bot 1</fullname><confname>Demo Meeting 001</confname><meetingID>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</meetingID><externUserID>lstz0n4lcreq</externUserID><internalUserID>1350365667007</internalUserID><role>MODERATOR</role><conference>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</conference><room>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</room><voicebridge>79327</voicebridge><webvoiceconf>79327</webvoiceconf><mode>LIVE</mode><record>false</record><welcome>&lt;br&gt;Welcome to &lt;b&gt;Demo Meeting 001&lt;/b&gt;!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) &lt;a href="event:"&gt;&lt;u&gt;tutorial videos&lt;/u&gt;&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;To join the audio bridge click the headset icon (upper-left hand corner). &lt;b&gt;You can mute yourself in the Listeners window.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;</welcome><logoutUrl></logoutUrl></response>
07:34:27,051 [New I/O client worker #17-1] DEBUG [BigBlueButtonClient] - [host: '' port: 1935 appName: 'bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314' streamName: 'null' saveAs: 'null' rtmpe: false publish: null clientVersionToUse: '00000000' start: -2 length: -1 buffer: 100 params: null args: null load: 1 loop: 1 threads: 10]
07:34:27,051 [New I/O client worker #17-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x0831fb31] OPEN
07:34:27,052 [New I/O client worker #17-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel closed: [id: 0x7a20807c] CLOSED
07:34:27,053 [New I/O client worker #18-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
07:34:27,054 [New I/O client worker #18-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
07:34:27,165 [Thread-1] DEBUG [JoinService0Dot8] - getTimestamp URL:
07:34:27,171 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [RtmpHandshake] - server time: 0000AB06, version: 00000000
07:34:27,172 [New I/O client worker #18-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 1, MODERATOR, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 79327, false, lstz0n4lcreq]
07:34:27,172 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING connect]
07:34:27,172 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1]
07:34:27,172 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [OBJECT {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}]
07:34:27,172 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:27,172 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING LNX 11,1,102,55]
07:34:27,172 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING rtmp://]
07:34:27,172 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:27,173 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 239.0]
07:34:27,173 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 3575.0]
07:34:27,173 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 252.0]
07:34:27,173 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:27,173 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 0.0]
07:34:27,173 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING Bot 1]
07:34:27,173 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING MODERATOR]
07:34:27,173 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:27,173 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:27,173 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 79327]
07:34:27,173 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:27,173 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING lstz0n4lcreq]
07:34:27,193 [Thread-1] DEBUG [JoinService0Dot8] - getTimestamp response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><timestamp>1350365667</timestamp></response>
07:34:27,196 [Thread-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:27,267 [Thread-1] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:27,269 [Thread-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:27,269 [Thread-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:27 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:27 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:27,270 [Thread-1] INFO [BotLauncher] - Participants on meeting "Demo Meeting 001": 0
07:34:27,270 [Thread-1] INFO [BotLauncher] - Total number of participants: 0
07:34:27,297 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING _result]
07:34:27,297 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:27,297 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NULL null]
07:34:27,298 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING error]
07:34:27,298 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING NetConnection.Connect.Failed]
07:34:27,298 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING ]
07:34:27,298 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - end MAP / OBJECT, found object end marker [000009]
07:34:27,298 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [OBJECT {level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:27,298 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - server command: _result
07:34:27,298 [New I/O client worker #18-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
07:34:27,298 [New I/O client worker #18-1] ERROR [MainRtmpConnection] - method connect result in NetConnection.Connect.Failed, quitting
07:34:27,299 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - connect response: [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s92] name: _result, transactionId: 1, object: null, args: [{level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:27,299 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - Rtmp Channel Disconnected
07:34:27,299 [New I/O client worker #18-1] ERROR [Bot] - Bot 1 has been disconnected, reconnecting
07:34:27,299 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - create URL:
07:34:27,317 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:27,349 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:27,351 [New I/O client worker #18-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:27,351 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:27 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:27 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:27,381 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - join response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><fullname>Bot 1</fullname><confname>Demo Meeting 001</confname><meetingID>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</meetingID><externUserID>yl1uehq6yzll</externUserID><internalUserID>1350365667360</internalUserID><role>MODERATOR</role><conference>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</conference><room>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</room><voicebridge>79327</voicebridge><webvoiceconf>79327</webvoiceconf><mode>LIVE</mode><record>false</record><welcome>&lt;br&gt;Welcome to &lt;b&gt;Demo Meeting 001&lt;/b&gt;!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) &lt;a href="event:"&gt;&lt;u&gt;tutorial videos&lt;/u&gt;&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;To join the audio bridge click the headset icon (upper-left hand corner). &lt;b&gt;You can mute yourself in the Listeners window.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;</welcome><logoutUrl></logoutUrl></response>
07:34:27,383 [New I/O client worker #18-1] DEBUG [BigBlueButtonClient] - [host: '' port: 1935 appName: 'bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314' streamName: 'null' saveAs: 'null' rtmpe: false publish: null clientVersionToUse: '00000000' start: -2 length: -1 buffer: 100 params: null args: null load: 1 loop: 1 threads: 10]
07:34:27,384 [New I/O client worker #18-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x4ec1a0eb] OPEN
07:34:27,384 [New I/O client worker #18-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel closed: [id: 0x0831fb31] CLOSED
07:34:27,385 [New I/O client worker #19-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
07:34:27,386 [New I/O client worker #19-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
07:34:27,417 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [RtmpHandshake] - server time: 0000AB06, version: 00000000
07:34:27,417 [New I/O client worker #19-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 1, MODERATOR, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 79327, false, yl1uehq6yzll]
07:34:27,417 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING connect]
07:34:27,417 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1]
07:34:27,417 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [OBJECT {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}]
07:34:27,418 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:27,418 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING LNX 11,1,102,55]
07:34:27,418 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING rtmp://]
07:34:27,418 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:27,418 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 239.0]
07:34:27,418 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 3575.0]
07:34:27,418 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 252.0]
07:34:27,418 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:27,418 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 0.0]
07:34:27,418 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING Bot 1]
07:34:27,418 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING MODERATOR]
07:34:27,418 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:27,418 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:27,419 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 79327]
07:34:27,419 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:27,419 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING yl1uehq6yzll]
07:34:27,504 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING _result]
07:34:27,504 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:27,504 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NULL null]
07:34:27,504 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING error]
07:34:27,504 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING NetConnection.Connect.Failed]
07:34:27,505 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING ]
07:34:27,505 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - end MAP / OBJECT, found object end marker [000009]
07:34:27,505 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [OBJECT {level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:27,505 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - server command: _result
07:34:27,505 [New I/O client worker #19-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
07:34:27,505 [New I/O client worker #19-1] ERROR [MainRtmpConnection] - method connect result in NetConnection.Connect.Failed, quitting
07:34:27,505 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - connect response: [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s92] name: _result, transactionId: 1, object: null, args: [{level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:27,505 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - Rtmp Channel Disconnected
07:34:27,506 [New I/O client worker #19-1] ERROR [Bot] - Bot 1 has been disconnected, reconnecting
07:34:27,506 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - create URL:
07:34:27,540 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:27,580 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:27,583 [New I/O client worker #19-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:27,583 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:27 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:27 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:27,622 [Thread-2] INFO [BotLauncher] - Connecting a new bot called Bot 2 to the room Demo Meeting 001
07:34:27,640 [Thread-2] DEBUG [JoinService0Dot8] - getTimestamp URL:
07:34:27,640 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - join response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><fullname>Bot 1</fullname><confname>Demo Meeting 001</confname><meetingID>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</meetingID><externUserID>ianwobolapfs</externUserID><internalUserID>1350365667613</internalUserID><role>MODERATOR</role><conference>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</conference><room>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</room><voicebridge>79327</voicebridge><webvoiceconf>79327</webvoiceconf><mode>LIVE</mode><record>false</record><welcome>&lt;br&gt;Welcome to &lt;b&gt;Demo Meeting 001&lt;/b&gt;!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) &lt;a href="event:"&gt;&lt;u&gt;tutorial videos&lt;/u&gt;&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;To join the audio bridge click the headset icon (upper-left hand corner). &lt;b&gt;You can mute yourself in the Listeners window.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;</welcome><logoutUrl></logoutUrl></response>
07:34:27,643 [New I/O client worker #19-1] DEBUG [BigBlueButtonClient] - [host: '' port: 1935 appName: 'bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314' streamName: 'null' saveAs: 'null' rtmpe: false publish: null clientVersionToUse: '00000000' start: -2 length: -1 buffer: 100 params: null args: null load: 1 loop: 1 threads: 10]
07:34:27,645 [New I/O client worker #19-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x0e96b5c2] OPEN
07:34:27,646 [New I/O client worker #19-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel closed: [id: 0x4ec1a0eb] CLOSED
07:34:27,648 [New I/O client worker #20-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
07:34:27,651 [New I/O client worker #20-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
07:34:27,656 [Thread-2] DEBUG [JoinService0Dot8] - getTimestamp response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><timestamp>1350365667</timestamp></response>
07:34:27,658 [Thread-2] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:27,732 [Thread-2] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:27,734 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [RtmpHandshake] - server time: 0000AB06, version: 00000000
07:34:27,734 [Thread-2] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:27,735 [New I/O client worker #20-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 1, MODERATOR, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 79327, false, ianwobolapfs]
07:34:27,735 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING connect]
07:34:27,735 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1]
07:34:27,735 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [OBJECT {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}]
07:34:27,736 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:27,736 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING LNX 11,1,102,55]
07:34:27,736 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING rtmp://]
07:34:27,736 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:27,736 [Thread-2] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:27 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:27 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:27,736 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 239.0]
07:34:27,737 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 3575.0]
07:34:27,737 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 252.0]
07:34:27,737 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:27,737 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 0.0]
07:34:27,737 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING Bot 1]
07:34:27,737 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING MODERATOR]
07:34:27,737 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:27,737 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:27,738 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 79327]
07:34:27,738 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:27,738 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING ianwobolapfs]
07:34:27,798 [Thread-2] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - join response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><fullname>Bot 2</fullname><confname>Demo Meeting 001</confname><meetingID>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</meetingID><externUserID>xngxw8nj8y3h</externUserID><internalUserID>1350365667750</internalUserID><role>MODERATOR</role><conference>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</conference><room>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</room><voicebridge>79327</voicebridge><webvoiceconf>79327</webvoiceconf><mode>LIVE</mode><record>false</record><welcome>&lt;br&gt;Welcome to &lt;b&gt;Demo Meeting 001&lt;/b&gt;!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) &lt;a href="event:"&gt;&lt;u&gt;tutorial videos&lt;/u&gt;&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;To join the audio bridge click the headset icon (upper-left hand corner). &lt;b&gt;You can mute yourself in the Listeners window.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;</welcome><logoutUrl></logoutUrl></response>
07:34:27,801 [Thread-2] DEBUG [BigBlueButtonClient] - [host: '' port: 1935 appName: 'bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314' streamName: 'null' saveAs: 'null' rtmpe: false publish: null clientVersionToUse: '00000000' start: -2 length: -1 buffer: 100 params: null args: null load: 1 loop: 1 threads: 10]
07:34:27,802 [Thread-2] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x0616fdac] OPEN
07:34:27,806 [New I/O client worker #21-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
07:34:27,806 [New I/O client worker #21-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
07:34:27,854 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING _result]
07:34:27,855 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:27,855 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NULL null]
07:34:27,855 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING error]
07:34:27,855 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING NetConnection.Connect.Failed]
07:34:27,855 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING ]
07:34:27,855 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - end MAP / OBJECT, found object end marker [000009]
07:34:27,855 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [OBJECT {level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:27,855 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - server command: _result
07:34:27,855 [New I/O client worker #20-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
07:34:27,856 [New I/O client worker #20-1] ERROR [MainRtmpConnection] - method connect result in NetConnection.Connect.Failed, quitting
07:34:27,856 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - connect response: [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s92] name: _result, transactionId: 1, object: null, args: [{level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:27,856 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - Rtmp Channel Disconnected
07:34:27,856 [New I/O client worker #20-1] ERROR [Bot] - Bot 1 has been disconnected, reconnecting
07:34:27,856 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - create URL:
07:34:27,906 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:27,937 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [RtmpHandshake] - server time: 0000AB06, version: 00000000
07:34:27,937 [New I/O client worker #21-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 2, MODERATOR, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 79327, false, xngxw8nj8y3h]
07:34:27,937 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING connect]
07:34:27,938 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1]
07:34:27,938 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [OBJECT {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}]
07:34:27,938 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:27,938 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING LNX 11,1,102,55]
07:34:27,938 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING rtmp://]
07:34:27,938 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:27,938 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 239.0]
07:34:27,938 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 3575.0]
07:34:27,939 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 252.0]
07:34:27,939 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:27,939 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 0.0]
07:34:27,939 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING Bot 2]
07:34:27,939 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING MODERATOR]
07:34:27,939 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:27,939 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:27,939 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 79327]
07:34:27,939 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:27,940 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING xngxw8nj8y3h]
07:34:27,974 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:27,976 [New I/O client worker #20-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:27,976 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:27 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:27 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:28,044 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - join response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><fullname>Bot 1</fullname><confname>Demo Meeting 001</confname><meetingID>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</meetingID><externUserID>mfu3ivrmpwu4</externUserID><internalUserID>1350365667988</internalUserID><role>MODERATOR</role><conference>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</conference><room>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</room><voicebridge>79327</voicebridge><webvoiceconf>79327</webvoiceconf><mode>LIVE</mode><record>false</record><welcome>&lt;br&gt;Welcome to &lt;b&gt;Demo Meeting 001&lt;/b&gt;!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) &lt;a href="event:"&gt;&lt;u&gt;tutorial videos&lt;/u&gt;&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;To join the audio bridge click the headset icon (upper-left hand corner). &lt;b&gt;You can mute yourself in the Listeners window.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;</welcome><logoutUrl></logoutUrl></response>
07:34:28,046 [New I/O client worker #20-1] DEBUG [BigBlueButtonClient] - [host: '' port: 1935 appName: 'bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314' streamName: 'null' saveAs: 'null' rtmpe: false publish: null clientVersionToUse: '00000000' start: -2 length: -1 buffer: 100 params: null args: null load: 1 loop: 1 threads: 10]
07:34:28,048 [New I/O client worker #20-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x5fed27e4] OPEN
07:34:28,048 [New I/O client worker #20-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel closed: [id: 0x0e96b5c2] CLOSED
07:34:28,052 [New I/O client worker #22-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
07:34:28,053 [New I/O client worker #22-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
07:34:28,078 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING _result]
07:34:28,079 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:28,079 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NULL null]
07:34:28,079 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING error]
07:34:28,079 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING NetConnection.Connect.Failed]
07:34:28,079 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING ]
07:34:28,079 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - end MAP / OBJECT, found object end marker [000009]
07:34:28,079 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [OBJECT {level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:28,079 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - server command: _result
07:34:28,079 [New I/O client worker #21-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
07:34:28,080 [New I/O client worker #21-1] ERROR [MainRtmpConnection] - method connect result in NetConnection.Connect.Failed, quitting
07:34:28,080 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - connect response: [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s92] name: _result, transactionId: 1, object: null, args: [{level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:28,080 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - Rtmp Channel Disconnected
07:34:28,080 [New I/O client worker #21-1] ERROR [Bot] - Bot 2 has been disconnected, reconnecting
07:34:28,081 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:28,093 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [RtmpHandshake] - server time: 0000AB06, version: 00000000
07:34:28,098 [New I/O client worker #22-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 1, MODERATOR, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 79327, false, mfu3ivrmpwu4]
07:34:28,099 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING connect]
07:34:28,099 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1]
07:34:28,099 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [OBJECT {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}]
07:34:28,099 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:28,099 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING LNX 11,1,102,55]
07:34:28,100 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING rtmp://]
07:34:28,100 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:28,100 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 239.0]
07:34:28,104 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 3575.0]
07:34:28,104 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 252.0]
07:34:28,104 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:28,104 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 0.0]
07:34:28,105 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING Bot 1]
07:34:28,105 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING MODERATOR]
07:34:28,105 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:28,105 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:28,105 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 79327]
07:34:28,105 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:28,105 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING mfu3ivrmpwu4]
07:34:28,156 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:28,157 [New I/O client worker #21-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:28,158 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:28 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:28 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:28,223 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - join response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><fullname>Bot 2</fullname><confname>Demo Meeting 001</confname><meetingID>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</meetingID><externUserID>lubqt4k7retg</externUserID><internalUserID>1350365668175</internalUserID><role>MODERATOR</role><conference>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</conference><room>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</room><voicebridge>79327</voicebridge><webvoiceconf>79327</webvoiceconf><mode>LIVE</mode><record>false</record><welcome>&lt;br&gt;Welcome to &lt;b&gt;Demo Meeting 001&lt;/b&gt;!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) &lt;a href="event:"&gt;&lt;u&gt;tutorial videos&lt;/u&gt;&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;To join the audio bridge click the headset icon (upper-left hand corner). &lt;b&gt;You can mute yourself in the Listeners window.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;</welcome><logoutUrl></logoutUrl></response>
07:34:28,225 [New I/O client worker #21-1] DEBUG [BigBlueButtonClient] - [host: '' port: 1935 appName: 'bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314' streamName: 'null' saveAs: 'null' rtmpe: false publish: null clientVersionToUse: '00000000' start: -2 length: -1 buffer: 100 params: null args: null load: 1 loop: 1 threads: 10]
07:34:28,226 [New I/O client worker #21-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x1f315415] OPEN
07:34:28,226 [New I/O client worker #21-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel closed: [id: 0x0616fdac] CLOSED
07:34:28,229 [New I/O client worker #23-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
07:34:28,229 [New I/O client worker #23-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
07:34:28,238 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING _result]
07:34:28,238 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:28,238 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NULL null]
07:34:28,238 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING error]
07:34:28,238 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING NetConnection.Connect.Failed]
07:34:28,238 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING ]
07:34:28,238 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - end MAP / OBJECT, found object end marker [000009]
07:34:28,238 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [OBJECT {level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:28,238 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - server command: _result
07:34:28,239 [New I/O client worker #22-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
07:34:28,239 [New I/O client worker #22-1] ERROR [MainRtmpConnection] - method connect result in NetConnection.Connect.Failed, quitting
07:34:28,239 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - connect response: [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s92] name: _result, transactionId: 1, object: null, args: [{level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:28,239 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - Rtmp Channel Disconnected
07:34:28,239 [New I/O client worker #22-1] ERROR [Bot] - Bot 1 has been disconnected, reconnecting
07:34:28,239 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - create URL:
07:34:28,250 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [RtmpHandshake] - server time: 0000AB07, version: 00000000
07:34:28,250 [New I/O client worker #23-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 2, MODERATOR, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 79327, false, lubqt4k7retg]
07:34:28,250 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING connect]
07:34:28,251 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1]
07:34:28,251 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [OBJECT {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}]
07:34:28,251 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:28,251 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING LNX 11,1,102,55]
07:34:28,251 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING rtmp://]
07:34:28,251 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:28,251 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 239.0]
07:34:28,251 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 3575.0]
07:34:28,252 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 252.0]
07:34:28,252 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:28,252 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 0.0]
07:34:28,252 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING Bot 2]
07:34:28,252 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING MODERATOR]
07:34:28,252 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:28,252 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:28,252 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 79327]
07:34:28,252 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:28,252 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING lubqt4k7retg]
07:34:28,269 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:28,332 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:28,334 [New I/O client worker #22-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:28,335 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:28 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:28 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:28,405 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - join response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><fullname>Bot 1</fullname><confname>Demo Meeting 001</confname><meetingID>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</meetingID><externUserID>7ybaknu6nb0n</externUserID><internalUserID>1350365668352</internalUserID><role>MODERATOR</role><conference>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</conference><room>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</room><voicebridge>79327</voicebridge><webvoiceconf>79327</webvoiceconf><mode>LIVE</mode><record>false</record><welcome>&lt;br&gt;Welcome to &lt;b&gt;Demo Meeting 001&lt;/b&gt;!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) &lt;a href="event:"&gt;&lt;u&gt;tutorial videos&lt;/u&gt;&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;To join the audio bridge click the headset icon (upper-left hand corner). &lt;b&gt;You can mute yourself in the Listeners window.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;</welcome><logoutUrl></logoutUrl></response>
07:34:28,407 [New I/O client worker #22-1] DEBUG [BigBlueButtonClient] - [host: '' port: 1935 appName: 'bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314' streamName: 'null' saveAs: 'null' rtmpe: false publish: null clientVersionToUse: '00000000' start: -2 length: -1 buffer: 100 params: null args: null load: 1 loop: 1 threads: 10]
07:34:28,408 [New I/O client worker #22-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x64c272bc] OPEN
07:34:28,408 [New I/O client worker #22-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel closed: [id: 0x5fed27e4] CLOSED
07:34:28,414 [New I/O client worker #24-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
07:34:28,414 [New I/O client worker #24-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
07:34:28,429 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING _result]
07:34:28,429 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:28,429 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NULL null]
07:34:28,429 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING error]
07:34:28,429 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING NetConnection.Connect.Failed]
07:34:28,429 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING ]
07:34:28,429 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - end MAP / OBJECT, found object end marker [000009]
07:34:28,429 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [OBJECT {level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:28,430 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - server command: _result
07:34:28,430 [New I/O client worker #23-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
07:34:28,430 [New I/O client worker #23-1] ERROR [MainRtmpConnection] - method connect result in NetConnection.Connect.Failed, quitting
07:34:28,430 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - connect response: [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s92] name: _result, transactionId: 1, object: null, args: [{level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:28,430 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - Rtmp Channel Disconnected
07:34:28,430 [New I/O client worker #23-1] ERROR [Bot] - Bot 2 has been disconnected, reconnecting
07:34:28,431 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:28,464 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [RtmpHandshake] - server time: 0000AB07, version: 00000000
07:34:28,465 [New I/O client worker #24-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 1, MODERATOR, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 79327, false, 7ybaknu6nb0n]
07:34:28,465 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING connect]
07:34:28,465 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1]
07:34:28,465 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [OBJECT {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}]
07:34:28,465 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:28,466 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING LNX 11,1,102,55]
07:34:28,466 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING rtmp://]
07:34:28,466 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:28,466 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 239.0]
07:34:28,466 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 3575.0]
07:34:28,466 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 252.0]
07:34:28,466 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:28,466 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 0.0]
07:34:28,466 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING Bot 1]
07:34:28,467 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING MODERATOR]
07:34:28,467 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:28,467 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:28,467 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 79327]
07:34:28,467 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:28,467 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 7ybaknu6nb0n]
07:34:28,510 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:28,513 [New I/O client worker #23-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:28,514 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:28 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:28 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:28,548 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING _result]
07:34:28,549 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:28,549 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NULL null]
07:34:28,549 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING error]
07:34:28,549 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING NetConnection.Connect.Failed]
07:34:28,549 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING ]
07:34:28,549 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - end MAP / OBJECT, found object end marker [000009]
07:34:28,549 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [OBJECT {level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:28,549 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - server command: _result
07:34:28,549 [New I/O client worker #24-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
07:34:28,550 [New I/O client worker #24-1] ERROR [MainRtmpConnection] - method connect result in NetConnection.Connect.Failed, quitting
07:34:28,550 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - connect response: [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s92] name: _result, transactionId: 1, object: null, args: [{level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:28,550 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - Rtmp Channel Disconnected
07:34:28,551 [New I/O client worker #24-1] ERROR [Bot] - Bot 1 has been disconnected, reconnecting
07:34:28,551 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - create URL:
07:34:28,584 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - join response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><fullname>Bot 2</fullname><confname>Demo Meeting 001</confname><meetingID>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</meetingID><externUserID>p5t2zyogrcj2</externUserID><internalUserID>1350365668535</internalUserID><role>MODERATOR</role><conference>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</conference><room>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</room><voicebridge>79327</voicebridge><webvoiceconf>79327</webvoiceconf><mode>LIVE</mode><record>false</record><welcome>&lt;br&gt;Welcome to &lt;b&gt;Demo Meeting 001&lt;/b&gt;!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) &lt;a href="event:"&gt;&lt;u&gt;tutorial videos&lt;/u&gt;&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;To join the audio bridge click the headset icon (upper-left hand corner). &lt;b&gt;You can mute yourself in the Listeners window.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;</welcome><logoutUrl></logoutUrl></response>
07:34:28,587 [New I/O client worker #23-1] DEBUG [BigBlueButtonClient] - [host: '' port: 1935 appName: 'bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314' streamName: 'null' saveAs: 'null' rtmpe: false publish: null clientVersionToUse: '00000000' start: -2 length: -1 buffer: 100 params: null args: null load: 1 loop: 1 threads: 10]
07:34:28,588 [New I/O client worker #23-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x176f5261] OPEN
07:34:28,588 [New I/O client worker #23-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel closed: [id: 0x1f315415] CLOSED
07:34:28,589 [New I/O client worker #25-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
07:34:28,590 [New I/O client worker #25-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
07:34:28,592 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [RtmpHandshake] - server time: 0000AB07, version: 00000000
07:34:28,593 [New I/O client worker #25-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 2, MODERATOR, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 79327, false, p5t2zyogrcj2]
07:34:28,593 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING connect]
07:34:28,593 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1]
07:34:28,593 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [OBJECT {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}]
07:34:28,593 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:28,593 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING LNX 11,1,102,55]
07:34:28,593 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING rtmp://]
07:34:28,593 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:28,594 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 239.0]
07:34:28,594 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 3575.0]
07:34:28,594 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 252.0]
07:34:28,594 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:28,594 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 0.0]
07:34:28,594 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING Bot 2]
07:34:28,594 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING MODERATOR]
07:34:28,594 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:28,594 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:28,594 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 79327]
07:34:28,595 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:28,595 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING p5t2zyogrcj2]
07:34:28,605 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:28,674 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:28,676 [New I/O client worker #24-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:28,677 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:28 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:28 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:28,689 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING _result]
07:34:28,689 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:28,689 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [NULL null]
07:34:28,689 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING error]
07:34:28,690 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING NetConnection.Connect.Failed]
07:34:28,690 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [STRING ]
07:34:28,690 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - end MAP / OBJECT, found object end marker [000009]
07:34:28,690 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - << [OBJECT {level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:28,690 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - server command: _result
07:34:28,690 [New I/O client worker #25-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
07:34:28,690 [New I/O client worker #25-1] ERROR [MainRtmpConnection] - method connect result in NetConnection.Connect.Failed, quitting
07:34:28,690 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - connect response: [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s92] name: _result, transactionId: 1, object: null, args: [{level=error, code=NetConnection.Connect.Failed, description=}]
07:34:28,690 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [MainRtmpConnection] - Rtmp Channel Disconnected
07:34:28,690 [New I/O client worker #25-1] ERROR [Bot] - Bot 2 has been disconnected, reconnecting
07:34:28,691 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - getMeetings URL:
07:34:28,737 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - join response: <response><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><fullname>Bot 1</fullname><confname>Demo Meeting 001</confname><meetingID>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</meetingID><externUserID>1jlgqbt8gvgx</externUserID><internalUserID>1350365668687</internalUserID><role>MODERATOR</role><conference>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</conference><room>6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314</room><voicebridge>79327</voicebridge><webvoiceconf>79327</webvoiceconf><mode>LIVE</mode><record>false</record><welcome>&lt;br&gt;Welcome to &lt;b&gt;Demo Meeting 001&lt;/b&gt;!&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;For help on using BigBlueButton see these (short) &lt;a href="event:"&gt;&lt;u&gt;tutorial videos&lt;/u&gt;&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;To join the audio bridge click the headset icon (upper-left hand corner). &lt;b&gt;You can mute yourself in the Listeners window.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;</welcome><logoutUrl></logoutUrl></response>
07:34:28,739 [New I/O client worker #24-1] DEBUG [BigBlueButtonClient] - [host: '' port: 1935 appName: 'bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314' streamName: 'null' saveAs: 'null' rtmpe: false publish: null clientVersionToUse: '00000000' start: -2 length: -1 buffer: 100 params: null args: null load: 1 loop: 1 threads: 10]
07:34:28,740 [New I/O client worker #24-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x546d3b92] OPEN
07:34:28,740 [New I/O client worker #24-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel closed: [id: 0x64c272bc] CLOSED
07:34:28,741 [New I/O client worker #26-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
07:34:28,741 [New I/O client worker #26-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
07:34:28,756 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [Meetings] - parsing getMeetings response: <meetings><meeting><returncode>SUCCESS</returncode><meetingName>Demo Meeting 001</meetingName><meetingID>Demo Meeting 001</meetingID><createTime>1350365662314</createTime><voiceBridge>79327</voiceBridge><attendeePW>ap</attendeePW><moderatorPW>mp</moderatorPW><running>false</running><recording>false</recording><hasBeenForciblyEnded>false</hasBeenForciblyEnded><startTime>0</startTime><endTime>0</endTime><participantCount>0</participantCount><maxUsers>20</maxUsers><moderatorCount>0</moderatorCount><attendees></attendees><metadata></metadata><messageKey></messageKey><message></message></meeting></meetings>
07:34:28,758 [New I/O client worker #25-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
07:34:28,759 [New I/O client worker #25-1] DEBUG [JoinServiceBase] - returncode: SUCCESS
meetingName: Demo Meeting 001
meetingID: Demo Meeting 001
createTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:22 CEST 2012
voiceBridge: 79327
attendeePW: ap
moderatorPW: mp
running: false
recording: false
hasBeenForciblyEnded: false
startTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:28 CEST 2012
endTime: Tue Oct 16 07:34:28 CEST 2012
participantCount: 0
maxUsers: 20
moderatorCount: 0
listenerCount: 0
attendees: []
metadata: Metadata
07:34:28,781 [New I/O client worker #26-1] DEBUG [RtmpHandshake] - server time: 0000AB07, version: 00000000
07:34:28,781 [New I/O client worker #26-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 1, MODERATOR, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, 79327, false, 1jlgqbt8gvgx]
07:34:28,782 [New I/O client worker #26-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING connect]
07:34:28,782 [New I/O client worker #26-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1]
07:34:28,782 [New I/O client worker #26-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [OBJECT {app=bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}]
07:34:28,782 [New I/O client worker #26-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING bigbluebutton/6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:28,782 [New I/O client worker #26-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING LNX 11,1,102,55]
07:34:28,782 [New I/O client worker #26-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING rtmp://]
07:34:28,782 [New I/O client worker #26-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:28,782 [New I/O client worker #26-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 239.0]
07:34:28,782 [New I/O client worker #26-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 3575.0]
07:34:28,783 [New I/O client worker #26-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 252.0]
07:34:28,783 [New I/O client worker #26-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 1.0]
07:34:28,783 [New I/O client worker #26-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [NUMBER 0.0]
07:34:28,783 [New I/O client worker #26-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING Bot 1]
07:34:28,783 [New I/O client worker #26-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING MODERATOR]
07:34:28,783 [New I/O client worker #26-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:28,783 [New I/O client worker #26-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 6764b1874b3d4ff964b7fea570aae2703519c1e0-1350365662314]
07:34:28,783 [New I/O client worker #26-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 79327]
07:34:28,783 [New I/O client worker #26-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [BOOLEAN false]
07:34:28,783 [New I/O client worker #26-1] DEBUG [Amf0Value] - >> [STRING 1jlgqbt8gvgx]
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