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Created October 19, 2012 19:56
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  • Save luxio/3920324 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save luxio/3920324 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
21:54:44,969 [main] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
21:54:45,023 [Thread-2] INFO [FileChannelReader] - opened file: /Users/lux/AeroFS/LIVELOOP/IT/LIVELOOP/bigbluebutton/bbbot/bot/etc/video-sample.flv
21:54:45,125 [Thread-2] INFO [FileChannelReader] - closed file: /Users/lux/AeroFS/LIVELOOP/IT/LIVELOOP/bigbluebutton/bbbot/bot/etc/video-sample.flv
21:54:45,126 [Thread-2] INFO [BotLauncher] - Running with the following configuration:
numbots: 2
securityKey: 9C256654-160C-11E2-A5C9-924F6188709B
meeting: test
videoFilename: etc/video-sample.flv
voiceFilename: null
get_meetings: false
command_create: true
name: Bot
role: viewer
probabilities: {2=10.0, 3=30.0, 4=40.0, 5=15.0, 6=3.0, 7=1.0, 10=1.0}
interval: 5000
single_meeting: false
everyone_sends_video: false
only_one_sends_video: true
everyone_receives_video: true
everyone_sends_audio: false
only_one_sends_audio: true
everyone_receives_audio: true
record_audio: false
audio_sample_size: 10000
number_of_audio_samples: 1
finalize_spawn_bots_thread: false
botArmy: []
prob_acc: {2=10.0, 3=40.0, 4=80.0, 5=95.0, 6=98.0, 7=99.0, 10=100.0}
21:54:45,127 [Thread-2] INFO [BotLauncher] - The next room will have 3 participants
21:54:45,137 [Thread-2] INFO [BotLauncher] - Connecting a new bot called Bot 1 to the room test 001
21:54:45,500 [Thread-2] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
21:54:45,697 [Thread-2] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x28b301f2] OPEN
21:54:45,733 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
21:54:45,736 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
21:54:45,796 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/05bee90b401f1349682b85f0c6dd77a3207aa77c-1350676007481, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 1, VIEWER, 05bee90b401f1349682b85f0c6dd77a3207aa77c-1350676007481, 05bee90b401f1349682b85f0c6dd77a3207aa77c-1350676007481, 77534, false, oivhizitc5e1, 1350676485567]
21:54:45,896 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - ignoring rtmp message: [0 WINDOW_ACK_SIZE c2 #0 t0 (0) s4] 10000000
21:54:45,897 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - ignoring rtmp message: [1 SET_PEER_BW c2 #0 t0 (0) s5] windowSize: 10000000 limitType: DYNAMIC
21:54:45,899 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
21:54:45,899 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: getMyUserId, transactionId: 2, object: null, args: []
21:54:45,929 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: getMyUserId
21:54:45,930 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [BigBlueButtonClient] - My userID is 1350676485567
21:54:45,932 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x0ad4d66b] OPEN
21:54:45,982 [New I/O client worker #2-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
21:54:45,983 [New I/O client worker #2-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
21:54:46,044 [New I/O client worker #2-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=sip, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [oivhizitc5e1, 1350676485567-Bot 1]
21:54:46,045 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: participants.getParticipants, transactionId: 3, object: null, args: []
21:54:46,102 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: participants.getParticipants
21:54:46,104 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [UsersModule] - new participant: Participant [userid=1350676485567, name=Bot 1, role=VIEWER, status=Status [hasStream=false, presenter=false, raiseHand=false, streamName=null]]
21:54:46,137 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: chat.getChatMessages, transactionId: 4, object: null, args: []
21:54:46,164 [New I/O client worker #2-1] INFO [VoiceConnection] - result for method call: connect
21:54:46,164 [New I/O client worker #2-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name:, transactionId: 2, object: null, args: [default, Bot 1, 77534]
21:54:46,173 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: voice.getMeetMeUsers, transactionId: 5, object: null, args: []
21:54:46,173 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: voice.isRoomMuted, transactionId: 6, object: null, args: []
21:54:46,202 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: chat.getChatMessages
21:54:46,202 [New I/O client worker #2-1] INFO [VoiceConnection] - result for method call:
21:54:46,204 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: chat.sendMessage, transactionId: 7, object: null, args: [{message=Logged in on 19-10-2012 21:54:46, username=Bot 1, color=0, time=21:54, language=en, userid=1350676485567,}]
21:54:46,211 [New I/O client worker #2-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: createStream, transactionId: 3, object: null, args: []
21:54:46,211 [New I/O client worker #2-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: createStream, transactionId: 4, object: null, args: []
21:54:46,234 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: voice.getMeetMeUsers
21:54:46,235 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: voice.isRoomMuted
21:54:46,243 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [ChatModule] - handling public chat message: ChatMessage [color=0, language=en, message=Logged in on 19-10-2012 21:54:46, time=21:54, userid=1350676485567, username=Bot 1]
21:54:46,243 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: chat.sendMessage
21:54:46,244 [New I/O client worker #2-1] INFO [VoiceConnection] - result for method call: createStream
21:54:46,274 [New I/O client worker #2-1] INFO [VoiceConnection] - result for method call: createStream
21:54:46,307 [New I/O client worker #2-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - status onStatus message, code: NetStream.Play.Reset, description: Playing and resetting speaker_1350676486195., application: null
21:54:46,307 [New I/O client worker #2-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - status onStatus message, code: NetStream.Play.Start, description: Started playing speaker_1350676486195., application: null
21:54:46,339 [New I/O client worker #2-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - status onStatus message, code: NetStream.Publish.Start, description: , application: null
21:54:50,281 [Thread-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
21:54:50,284 [Thread-1] INFO [BotLauncher] - Participants on meeting "test 001": 1
21:54:50,284 [Thread-1] INFO [BotLauncher] - Total number of participants: 1
21:54:50,709 [Thread-2] INFO [BotLauncher] - Connecting a new bot called Bot 2 to the room test 001
21:54:50,976 [Thread-2] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
21:54:51,089 [Thread-2] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x76b20352] OPEN
21:54:51,120 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
21:54:51,120 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
21:54:51,176 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/05bee90b401f1349682b85f0c6dd77a3207aa77c-1350676007481, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 2, VIEWER, 05bee90b401f1349682b85f0c6dd77a3207aa77c-1350676007481, 05bee90b401f1349682b85f0c6dd77a3207aa77c-1350676007481, 77534, false, rrt5cxkpkwss, 1350676491040]
21:54:51,270 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [UsersModule] - new participant: Participant [userid=1350676491040, name=Bot 2, role=VIEWER, status=Status [hasStream=false, presenter=false, raiseHand=false, streamName=null]]
21:54:51,270 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - ignoring rtmp message: [0 WINDOW_ACK_SIZE c2 #0 t0 (0) s4] 10000000
21:54:51,271 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - ignoring rtmp message: [1 SET_PEER_BW c2 #0 t0 (0) s5] windowSize: 10000000 limitType: DYNAMIC
21:54:51,300 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
21:54:51,300 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: getMyUserId, transactionId: 2, object: null, args: []
21:54:51,331 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: getMyUserId
21:54:51,331 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [BigBlueButtonClient] - My userID is 1350676491040
21:54:51,332 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x5a4bf53e] OPEN
21:54:51,363 [New I/O client worker #4-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
21:54:51,364 [New I/O client worker #4-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
21:54:51,364 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: participants.getParticipants, transactionId: 3, object: null, args: []
21:54:51,419 [New I/O client worker #4-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=sip, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [rrt5cxkpkwss, 1350676491040-Bot 2]
21:54:51,424 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: participants.getParticipants
21:54:51,424 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [UsersModule] - new participant: Participant [userid=1350676491040, name=Bot 2, role=VIEWER, status=Status [hasStream=false, presenter=false, raiseHand=false, streamName=null]]
21:54:51,424 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [UsersModule] - new participant: Participant [userid=1350676485567, name=Bot 1, role=VIEWER, status=Status [hasStream=false, presenter=false, raiseHand=false, streamName=null]]
21:54:51,475 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: chat.getChatMessages, transactionId: 4, object: null, args: []
21:54:51,508 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: voice.getMeetMeUsers, transactionId: 5, object: null, args: []
21:54:51,509 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: voice.isRoomMuted, transactionId: 6, object: null, args: []
21:54:51,537 [New I/O client worker #4-1] INFO [VoiceConnection] - result for method call: connect
21:54:51,538 [New I/O client worker #4-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name:, transactionId: 2, object: null, args: [default, Bot 2, 77534]
21:54:51,544 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: chat.getChatMessages
21:54:51,545 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: chat.sendMessage, transactionId: 7, object: null, args: [{message=Logged in on 19-10-2012 21:54:51, username=Bot 2, color=0, time=21:54, language=en, userid=1350676491040,}]
21:54:51,575 [New I/O client worker #4-1] INFO [VoiceConnection] - result for method call:
21:54:51,576 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: voice.getMeetMeUsers
21:54:51,576 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: voice.isRoomMuted
21:54:51,583 [New I/O client worker #4-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: createStream, transactionId: 3, object: null, args: []
21:54:51,583 [New I/O client worker #4-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: createStream, transactionId: 4, object: null, args: []
21:54:51,610 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: chat.sendMessage
21:54:51,611 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [ChatModule] - handling public chat message: ChatMessage [color=0, language=en, message=Logged in on 19-10-2012 21:54:51, time=21:54, userid=1350676491040, username=Bot 2]
21:54:51,611 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [ChatModule] - handling public chat message: ChatMessage [color=0, language=en, message=Logged in on 19-10-2012 21:54:51, time=21:54, userid=1350676491040, username=Bot 2]
21:54:51,614 [New I/O client worker #4-1] INFO [VoiceConnection] - result for method call: createStream
21:54:51,645 [New I/O client worker #4-1] INFO [VoiceConnection] - result for method call: createStream
21:54:51,678 [New I/O client worker #4-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - status onStatus message, code: NetStream.Play.Reset, description: Playing and resetting speaker_1350676491567., application: null
21:54:51,678 [New I/O client worker #4-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - status onStatus message, code: NetStream.Play.Start, description: Started playing speaker_1350676491567., application: null
21:54:51,709 [New I/O client worker #4-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - status onStatus message, code: NetStream.Publish.Start, description: , application: null
21:54:55,408 [Thread-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
21:54:55,410 [Thread-1] INFO [BotLauncher] - Participants on meeting "test 001": 2
21:54:55,410 [Thread-1] INFO [BotLauncher] - Total number of participants: 2
21:54:56,090 [Thread-2] INFO [BotLauncher] - Connecting a new bot called Bot 3 to the room test 001
21:54:56,360 [Thread-2] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
21:54:56,477 [Thread-2] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x3a633d51] OPEN
21:54:56,506 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
21:54:56,507 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
21:54:56,566 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=bigbluebutton/05bee90b401f1349682b85f0c6dd77a3207aa77c-1350676007481, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [Bot 3, VIEWER, 05bee90b401f1349682b85f0c6dd77a3207aa77c-1350676007481, 05bee90b401f1349682b85f0c6dd77a3207aa77c-1350676007481, 77534, false, klpaaap0nlto, 1350676496427]
21:54:56,662 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [UsersModule] - new participant: Participant [userid=1350676496427, name=Bot 3, role=VIEWER, status=Status [hasStream=false, presenter=false, raiseHand=false, streamName=null]]
21:54:56,662 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [UsersModule] - new participant: Participant [userid=1350676496427, name=Bot 3, role=VIEWER, status=Status [hasStream=false, presenter=false, raiseHand=false, streamName=null]]
21:54:56,663 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - ignoring rtmp message: [0 WINDOW_ACK_SIZE c2 #0 t0 (0) s4] 10000000
21:54:56,664 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - ignoring rtmp message: [1 SET_PEER_BW c2 #0 t0 (0) s5] windowSize: 10000000 limitType: DYNAMIC
21:54:56,664 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: connect
21:54:56,664 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: getMyUserId, transactionId: 2, object: null, args: []
21:54:56,699 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: getMyUserId
21:54:56,699 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [BigBlueButtonClient] - My userID is 1350676496427
21:54:56,700 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - channel opened: [id: 0x67071c84] OPEN
21:54:56,732 [New I/O client worker #6-1] INFO [ClientHandshakeHandler] - connected, starting handshake
21:54:56,733 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: participants.getParticipants, transactionId: 3, object: null, args: []
21:54:56,733 [New I/O client worker #6-1] INFO [RtmpHandshake] - using client version 00000000
21:54:56,768 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: participants.getParticipants
21:54:56,769 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [UsersModule] - new participant: Participant [userid=1350676491040, name=Bot 2, role=VIEWER, status=Status [hasStream=false, presenter=false, raiseHand=false, streamName=null]]
21:54:56,769 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [UsersModule] - new participant: Participant [userid=1350676496427, name=Bot 3, role=VIEWER, status=Status [hasStream=false, presenter=false, raiseHand=false, streamName=null]]
21:54:56,769 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [UsersModule] - new participant: Participant [userid=1350676485567, name=Bot 1, role=VIEWER, status=Status [hasStream=false, presenter=false, raiseHand=false, streamName=null]]
21:54:56,793 [New I/O client worker #6-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: connect, transactionId: 1, object: {app=sip, flashVer=LNX 11,1,102,55, tcUrl=rtmp://, fpad=false, capabilities=239.0, audioCodecs=3575.0, videoCodecs=252.0, videoFunction=1.0, objectEncoding=0.0}, args: [klpaaap0nlto, 1350676496427-Bot 3]
21:54:56,799 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: chat.getChatMessages, transactionId: 4, object: null, args: []
21:54:56,850 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: voice.getMeetMeUsers, transactionId: 5, object: null, args: []
21:54:56,850 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: voice.isRoomMuted, transactionId: 6, object: null, args: []
21:54:56,885 [New I/O client worker #6-1] INFO [VoiceConnection] - result for method call: connect
21:54:56,885 [New I/O client worker #6-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name:, transactionId: 2, object: null, args: [default, Bot 3, 77534]
21:54:56,887 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: chat.getChatMessages
21:54:56,888 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: chat.sendMessage, transactionId: 7, object: null, args: [{message=Logged in on 19-10-2012 21:54:56, username=Bot 3, color=0, time=21:54, language=en, userid=1350676496427,}]
21:54:56,927 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: voice.getMeetMeUsers
21:54:56,927 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: voice.isRoomMuted
21:54:56,952 [New I/O client worker #6-1] INFO [VoiceConnection] - result for method call:
21:54:56,959 [New I/O client worker #6-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: createStream, transactionId: 3, object: null, args: []
21:54:56,959 [New I/O client worker #6-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - sending command (expecting result): [0 COMMAND_AMF0 c3 #0 t0 (0) s0] name: createStream, transactionId: 4, object: null, args: []
21:54:56,961 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [MainRtmpConnection] - result for method call: chat.sendMessage
21:54:56,962 [New I/O client worker #3-1] INFO [ChatModule] - handling public chat message: ChatMessage [color=0, language=en, message=Logged in on 19-10-2012 21:54:56, time=21:54, userid=1350676496427, username=Bot 3]
21:54:56,962 [New I/O client worker #1-1] INFO [ChatModule] - handling public chat message: ChatMessage [color=0, language=en, message=Logged in on 19-10-2012 21:54:56, time=21:54, userid=1350676496427, username=Bot 3]
21:54:56,964 [New I/O client worker #5-1] INFO [ChatModule] - handling public chat message: ChatMessage [color=0, language=en, message=Logged in on 19-10-2012 21:54:56, time=21:54, userid=1350676496427, username=Bot 3]
21:54:56,991 [New I/O client worker #6-1] INFO [VoiceConnection] - result for method call: createStream
21:54:57,020 [New I/O client worker #6-1] INFO [VoiceConnection] - result for method call: createStream
21:54:57,052 [New I/O client worker #6-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - status onStatus message, code: NetStream.Play.Reset, description: Playing and resetting speaker_1350676496943., application: null
21:54:57,053 [New I/O client worker #6-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - status onStatus message, code: NetStream.Play.Start, description: Started playing speaker_1350676496943., application: null
21:54:57,085 [New I/O client worker #6-1] INFO [ClientHandler] - status onStatus message, code: NetStream.Publish.Start, description: , application: null
21:55:00,533 [Thread-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
21:55:00,534 [Thread-1] INFO [BotLauncher] - Participants on meeting "test 001": 3
21:55:00,534 [Thread-1] INFO [BotLauncher] - Total number of participants: 3
21:55:05,656 [Thread-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
21:55:05,657 [Thread-1] INFO [BotLauncher] - Participants on meeting "test 001": 3
21:55:05,657 [Thread-1] INFO [BotLauncher] - Total number of participants: 3
21:55:10,778 [Thread-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
21:55:10,779 [Thread-1] INFO [BotLauncher] - Participants on meeting "test 001": 3
21:55:10,779 [Thread-1] INFO [BotLauncher] - Total number of participants: 3
21:55:15,904 [Thread-1] INFO [Meetings] - The given response is a mobile getMeetings
21:55:15,905 [Thread-1] INFO [BotLauncher] - Participants on meeting "test 001": 3
21:55:15,905 [Thread-1] INFO [BotLauncher] - Total number of participants: 3
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