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Last active August 24, 2017 06:37
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Implementation of functions in BlockAllocator
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "BlockAllocator.h"
#include "MemoryOperator.h"
using namespace std;
namespace Engine
// Note: If the console shows nothing, go back to Visual Studio without quitting console
// and you should be able to see a loading dll window. After loading the correct content
// should show up on console. If not, quit and run again.
// After first time of loading DLLs in a certain configuration, you won't need to load
// them under the same configuration again unless you changed something.
void* BlockAllocator::initialMemory = NULL;
void* BlockAllocator::freeMemory = NULL;
void* BlockAllocator::endMemory = NULL;
BlockDescriptor* BlockAllocator::unusedDescriptor = NULL;
BlockDescriptor* BlockAllocator::assignedDescriptor = NULL;
BlockDescriptor* BlockAllocator::outstandingDescriptor = NULL;
BlockAllocator* BlockAllocator::instance = NULL;
initialize(defaultSize, defaultNumDes);
BlockAllocator::BlockAllocator(const size_t memorySize, const unsigned int numDescriptors)
initialize(memorySize, numDescriptors);
BlockAllocator* BlockAllocator::create(const size_t memorySize, const unsigned int numDescriptors)
if (instance == NULL)
// If total memory size is smaller than or equal to zero, return NULL
if (memorySize <= 0 || numDescriptors <= 0)
return NULL;
instance = new (true) BlockAllocator(memorySize, numDescriptors);
return instance;
void BlockAllocator::destroy()
freeMemory = NULL;
endMemory = NULL;
initialMemory = NULL;
operator delete(instance, true);
instance = NULL;
void* BlockAllocator::allocate(const size_t size)
size_t additionalSize;
#ifdef _DEBUG
additionalSize = 12;
additionalSize = 0;
#endif // _DEBUG
// check if request size is valid for allocation
if (size + additionalSize > getTotalFreeMemory() || size + additionalSize > getLargestFreeBlock())
fprintf_s(stderr, "Error: Insufficient memory capacity.\n");
return NULL;
void* returnToUser;
// Index of previous pointer
size_t prevIndex = 0;
// Sort free descriptor list
// Temp pointer to keep track of the current element
BlockDescriptor* temp = assignedDescriptor;
// Temp pointer to record the previous pointer of the first qualified one
BlockDescriptor* prevTemp = assignedDescriptor;
// Check next element if the current one has smaller size
while (temp->blockSize < size + additionalSize)
// Move to next
temp = temp->next;
// Increase previous index
// Decrease previous index by 1
// Point previous temp to correct address
for (size_t i = 1; i < prevIndex + 1; i++)
prevTemp = prevTemp->next;
// Give the user the entire memory block
if (temp->blockSize < size + additionalSize + minSize)
// Shift guard band alignment pointer to end of this block (that contains the part that will return back to the user)
uintptr_t GBAPointer = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(temp->blockBase) + temp->blockSize;
// Shift guard band alignment pointer back by the size of right hand guard band as well as user requested size
// So that it points to the address that will return to the user if the alignment fits already
GBAPointer -= (guardband + size);
// Pointer points to head of left guard band (if no alignment shift needed)
char* leftGuardBand = reinterpret_cast<char*>(GBAPointer) - guardband;
char* rightGuardBand = reinterpret_cast<char*>(GBAPointer) + size;
// The amount of space the pointer needs to shift to fit the 4 byte alignment
size_t alignDistance = GBAPointer % 4;
/** We do not have to check whether the left side of left guard band will go beyond the block base address since we **/
/** have added 12 more bytes for requested size (8 for guard band on both sides and 4 for 4 byte alignment shift). **/
/** Therefore, it won't exceed range anyway. **/
// If it's on alignment, write guard band on both sides of the block that user requested
if (alignDistance == 0)
writeGuardBand(leftGuardBand, rightGuardBand);
returnToUser = leftGuardBand + guardband;
// Otherwise, shift guard band as well as user requested space by the amount of alignment distance
leftGuardBand -= alignDistance;
rightGuardBand -= alignDistance;
writeGuardBand(leftGuardBand, rightGuardBand);
returnToUser = leftGuardBand + guardband;
// If it is the head of free list
if (temp == prevTemp)
// Increment head by 1
assignedDescriptor = temp->next;
prevTemp->next = temp->next;
temp->next = outstandingDescriptor;
outstandingDescriptor = temp;
// Cut the block in half and give them the first (or second) half
if (numDesUnused == 0)
fprintf_s(stderr, "Error: Insufficient number of descriptors.\n");
returnToUser = NULL;
// Temp cut descriptor that will return to user its block base
BlockDescriptor* tempCut = unusedDescriptor;
// Update unused block descriptor
unusedDescriptor = unusedDescriptor->next;
// Update data for temp cut and outstanding list head
tempCut->next = outstandingDescriptor;
outstandingDescriptor = tempCut;
// Shift guard band alignment pointer to end of this block (that contains the part that will return back to the user)
uintptr_t GBAPointer = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(temp->blockBase) + temp->blockSize;
// Shift guard band alignment pointer back by the size of right hand guard band aswell as user requested size
// So that it points to the address that will return to the user if the alignment fits already
GBAPointer -= (guardband + size);
// The amount of space the pointer needs to shift to fit the 4 byte alignment
size_t alignDistance = GBAPointer % 4;
// Pointer points to head of left guard band (if no alignment shift needed)
char* leftGuardBand = reinterpret_cast<char*>(GBAPointer) - guardband;
char* rightGuardBand = reinterpret_cast<char*>(GBAPointer) + size;
// If it's on alignment, cut the exact size and return the pointer to the user, reduce the size of first half of the block
if (alignDistance == 0)
writeGuardBand(leftGuardBand, rightGuardBand);
// If it's not on alignment, figure out how many extra bytes are needed for shifting and cut with that many extra bytes
// And reduce the size of first half of the block
leftGuardBand -= alignDistance;
rightGuardBand -= alignDistance;
writeGuardBand(leftGuardBand, rightGuardBand);
// Update temp block descriptor that still stays in free descriptor list but got size shrinked
tempCut->blockSize = size + 2 * guardband + alignDistance;
tempCut->blockBase = reinterpret_cast<char*>(temp->blockBase) + temp->blockSize - size - 2 * guardband - alignDistance;
temp->blockSize -= (size + 2 * guardband + alignDistance);
returnToUser = reinterpret_cast<char*>(tempCut->blockBase) + guardband;
return returnToUser;
BD* new_outstanding_bd = unusedDescriptor; // save head of unused list into new bd
unusedDescriptor = unusedDescriptor->next; // move head of unused list
new_outstanding_bd->next = NULL; // remove new bd from unused list
// initialize new_outstanding_bd
new_outstanding_bd->next = outstandingDescriptor; // new_bd points to the current head of the outstanding list
outstandingDescriptor = new_outstanding_bd; // move head of the outstanding list to point to new_bd
bool BlockAllocator::free(const void* pointer)
// If it's not a head of outstanding memory, return false
if (!isAllocated(pointer))
return false;
// Temp pointer that checks which descriptor describes the pointer user offered
BlockDescriptor* temp = outstandingDescriptor;
// Temp descriptor that refers to the previous descriptor of temp
BlockDescriptor* tempPrev = outstandingDescriptor;
// Index for the previous descriptor
size_t index = 0;
// If the outstanding descriptor list is not empty
while (temp != NULL)
// If the current one is the one that describes the pointer that user offered
if (temp->blockBase <= pointer && pointer < reinterpret_cast<char*>(temp->blockBase) + temp->blockSize)
// Set tempPrev to the previous one of temp
for (size_t i = 1; i < index; i++)
tempPrev = tempPrev->next;
if (tempPrev->next == NULL)
temp->next = assignedDescriptor;
assignedDescriptor = temp;
outstandingDescriptor = NULL;
if (tempPrev == outstandingDescriptor && tempPrev == temp)
outstandingDescriptor = temp->next;
tempPrev->next = temp->next;
temp->next = assignedDescriptor;
assignedDescriptor = temp;
return true;
temp = temp->next;
return false;
void BlockAllocator::collect()
// Temp pointer used to keep track of current address that we are comparing
BlockDescriptor* temp = assignedDescriptor;
// Temp pointer that points to the next address we need to check
void* tempBase;
// Temp pointer that traverses through the entire free descriptor list each time temp get incremented
BlockDescriptor* tempTraverse = assignedDescriptor->next;
// Temp pointer that points to the previous one of the one that we are merging
BlockDescriptor* tempPrev = NULL;
// If there are at least 2 descriptors in outstanding list
while (temp != NULL)
// Temp pointer that we need to check for adjacency
tempBase = reinterpret_cast<char*>(temp->blockBase) + temp->blockSize;
// If the traversing is not complete
while (tempTraverse != NULL)
// If we find the adjacent one
if (tempBase == tempTraverse->blockBase)
if (tempPrev != NULL)
tempPrev->next = tempTraverse->next;
temp->blockSize += tempTraverse->blockSize;
// Reset values for block descriptors that are no longer in use
tempTraverse->blockSize = 0;
tempTraverse->blockBase = NULL;
tempTraverse->next = unusedDescriptor;
unusedDescriptor = tempTraverse;
tempTraverse = tempPrev->next;
tempBase = reinterpret_cast<char*>(temp->blockBase) + temp->blockSize;
temp->blockSize += tempTraverse->blockSize;
if (temp->next == NULL)
assignedDescriptor = tempTraverse->next;
// Reset values for block descriptors that are no longer in use
tempTraverse->blockSize = 0;
tempTraverse->blockBase = NULL;
tempTraverse->next = unusedDescriptor;
unusedDescriptor = tempTraverse;
tempTraverse = assignedDescriptor;
temp->next = tempTraverse->next;
// Reset values for block descriptors that are no longer in use
tempTraverse->blockSize = 0;
tempTraverse->blockBase = NULL;
tempTraverse->next = unusedDescriptor;
unusedDescriptor = tempTraverse;
tempTraverse = temp->next;
tempPrev = tempTraverse;
tempTraverse = tempTraverse->next;
tempTraverse = assignedDescriptor;
temp = temp->next;
tempPrev = NULL;
bool BlockAllocator::contains(const void* pointer) const
return (pointer >= initialMemory && pointer < endMemory);
bool BlockAllocator::isAllocated(const void* pointer) const
BlockDescriptor* temp = outstandingDescriptor;
if (temp == NULL)
return false;
while (temp != NULL)
if (pointer >= temp->blockBase && pointer < reinterpret_cast<char*>(temp->blockBase) + temp->blockSize)
return true;
temp = temp->next;
return false;
size_t BlockAllocator::getLargestFreeBlock() const
size_t largest = 0;
BlockDescriptor* temp = assignedDescriptor;
while (temp != NULL)
if (largest < temp->blockSize)
largest = temp->blockSize;
temp = temp->next;
return largest;
size_t BlockAllocator::getTotalFreeMemory() const
size_t freeSize = 0;
BlockDescriptor* temp = assignedDescriptor;
while (temp != NULL)
freeSize += temp->blockSize;
temp = temp->next;
return freeSize;
void BlockAllocator::initialize(const size_t memorySize, const unsigned int numDescriptors)
size_t numDes = numDescriptors;
// Set block of memory initially
initialMemory = reinterpret_cast<char*>(_aligned_malloc(memorySize, alignment));
// Free memory starts with the beginning of the memory block
freeMemory = reinterpret_cast<char*>(initialMemory);
// End of memory that got allocated by aligned malloc
endMemory = reinterpret_cast<char*>(initialMemory) + memorySize;
// Free descriptor should be placed at the end of the memory block
char* descriptorPool = (reinterpret_cast<char*>(initialMemory) + memorySize - numDescriptors * sizeof(BlockDescriptor));
// Initialize unused block descriptor pool
for (size_t i = 0; i < numDes; i++)
// Create a new temp descriptor
BlockDescriptor* newDescriptor = reinterpret_cast<BlockDescriptor*>(descriptorPool) + i;
// Set its initial value to NULL/0
newDescriptor->blockSize = 0;
newDescriptor->blockBase = NULL;
#ifdef _DEBUG
newDescriptor->ID = i;
#endif // _DEBUG
// The next item to the latest new descriptor should be unused descriptor
newDescriptor->next = unusedDescriptor;
// Move head of unused descriptor to the latest temp descriptor
unusedDescriptor = newDescriptor;
// Unassigned descriptor head should be the same as unused descriptor head before shifting
assignedDescriptor = unusedDescriptor;
// Shift head of unused descriptor by 1 unit
unusedDescriptor = unusedDescriptor->next;
// Initially there is only one unassigned descriptor which is the big chunk of memory
assignedDescriptor->next = NULL;
assignedDescriptor->blockBase = freeMemory;
assignedDescriptor->blockSize = memorySize - (numDescriptors * sizeof(BlockDescriptor));
// One descriptor is used for describing the entire big chunk of allocated memory
numDesUnused = numDescriptors - 1;
numDesOutstanding = 0;
// Function that will be used to sort free descriptor list
void BlockAllocator::selectionSortLinkedList(BlockDescriptor* list)
/** We know for sure that the list would contain at least 1 element **/
// Base element in the list that will be swaped with the element with minimal size
BlockDescriptor* base = list;
// Comparator element that will always point to next of base
BlockDescriptor* comp = base->next;
// Minimum block size of the remaining unsorted list
size_t min = base->blockSize;
// Index of base
size_t baseIndex = 0;
// Index of the element with minimum size in unsorted list
size_t minIndex = 0;
// If we have not sorted the entire list
while (comp != NULL)
size_t curIndex = baseIndex + 1;
// Actual element that gets compared (and swap) with base
BlockDescriptor* iter = comp;
// If we have not compared the final two elements
while (iter != NULL)
// Reset minimum size to base
// No need as we have reset it after the while loop
//min = base->blockSize;
// Update minimum size and index if find any
if (iter->blockSize < min)
minIndex = curIndex;
min = iter->blockSize;
// Iterate to next element of list
iter = iter->next;
// Reset iter to comp to begin swap
iter = base;
// Move iter to minimum element (for swapping)
for (size_t i = baseIndex; i < minIndex; i++)
iter = iter->next;
// Swap base and minimum
swapDescriptors(base, iter);
// After each loop of search and swap, set and reset:
// Increment base and comp by 1
base = base->next;
comp = comp->next;
// Reset minimum size to size of base
min = base->blockSize;
// Increment index for base by 1
// Reset minimum index to base
minIndex = baseIndex;
void BlockAllocator::swapDescriptors(BlockDescriptor* first, BlockDescriptor* second)
void* tempBase = first->blockBase;
size_t tempSize = first->blockSize;
first->blockBase = second->blockBase;
first->blockSize = second->blockSize;
second->blockBase = tempBase;
second->blockSize = tempSize;
#ifdef _DEBUG
size_t tempID = first->ID;
first->ID = second->ID;
second->ID = tempID;
#endif // _DEBUG
void BlockAllocator::sortBlockListByAddress(BlockDescriptor* const list)
// start pointer
BlockDescriptor* startPointer = list;
// compare pointer
BlockDescriptor* compPointer = startPointer->next;
// address of memory block with smallest address
void* minBlock;
// indexes to keep track of the address of smallest block
size_t currentIndex = 0;
size_t minIndex = 0;
size_t startIndex = 0;
// check to make sure that next block descriptor is not NULL
while (startPointer->next != NULL)
// block descriptor that traverse the list
BlockDescriptor* traverse = compPointer;
// compare current to next
currentIndex = startIndex + 1;
// store current minimum block address
minBlock = startPointer->blockBase;
// check each element in the list
while (traverse != NULL)
// update smallest block address
if (minBlock > traverse->blockBase)
minIndex = currentIndex;
minBlock = traverse->blockBase;
// keep checking next element in the list
traverse = traverse->next;
// reset traverse address to go through the list again
traverse = startPointer;
for (size_t i = startIndex; i < minIndex; i++)
traverse = traverse->next;
// swap block descriptors
swapDescriptors(traverse, startPointer);
// update pointer and indexes
startPointer = startPointer->next;
compPointer = compPointer->next;
traverse = compPointer;
minBlock = startPointer->blockBase;
minIndex = startIndex;
// write guard band with "XXXX" on each side of memory
void BlockAllocator::writeGuardBand(char* leftStart, char* rightStart)
for (size_t i = 0; i < guardband; i++)
leftStart[0] = 88;
rightStart[0] = 88;
void BlockAllocator::PrintDescriptorID()
#ifdef _DEBUG
printf_s("Free Descriptor List:\n");
BlockDescriptor* tempAssigned = assignedDescriptor;
while (tempAssigned != NULL)
printf_s("ID: %zu, Size: %zu\n", tempAssigned->ID, tempAssigned->blockSize);
tempAssigned = tempAssigned->next;
printf_s("Unused Descriptor List:\n");
BlockDescriptor* tempUnused = unusedDescriptor;
while (tempUnused != NULL)
printf_s("ID: %zu, Size: %zu\n", tempUnused->ID, tempUnused->blockSize);
tempUnused = tempUnused->next;
printf_s("Outstanding Descriptor List:\n");
BlockDescriptor* tempOutstanding = outstandingDescriptor;
while (tempOutstanding != NULL)
printf_s("ID: %zu, Size: %zu\n", tempOutstanding->ID, tempOutstanding->blockSize);
tempOutstanding = tempOutstanding->next;
printf_s("Number of Outstanding Descriptors: %d\n", numDesOutstanding);
printf_s("Number of Unused Descriptors: %d\n", numDesUnused);
#endif // _DEBUG
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