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Last active January 30, 2016 13:20
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// Simple module type...
trait Ordering {
type T
def cmp(a: T, b: T): Int
// ...and implementation
object IntOrdering extends Ordering {
type T = Int
override def cmp(a: T, b: T): T =
if (a < b) -1
else if (a == b) 0
else 1
// Trying to create some abstract modules
trait Queue {
type T[_]
def empty[A]: T[A]
def queue[A](elem: A, queue: T[A]): T[A]
def peek[A](queue: T[A]): (Option[A], T[A])
object Queue extends Queue {
type T[A] = (List[A], List[A])
def empty[A]: T[A] = (Nil, Nil)
override def queue[A](elem: A, queue: T[A]): T[A] =
(elem :: queue._1, queue._2)
override def peek[A](queue: T[A]): (Option[A], T[A]) =
queue match {
case (i, h :: t) => (Some(h), (i, t))
case (Nil, o) => (o.headOption, (Nil, o.drop(1)))
case (i, Nil) => peek((Nil, i.reverse))
trait Stack {
type T[_]
def empty[A]: T[A]
def stack[A](elem: A, set: T[A]): T[A]
object Stack extends Stack {
type T[A] = List[A]
override def empty[A]: T[A] = List()
override def stack[A](elem: A, set: T[A]): T[A] =
elem :: set
// Invariants are enforced by accessing the module through the trait
val Q: Queue = Queue
val S: Stack = Stack
val queue = Q.queue(1, Q.empty)
val stack = S.stack(1, S.empty)
// Applicative Functor
trait Max {
type T
def max(a: T, b: T): T
object Max {
def Make(O: Ordering) =
new Max {
type T = O.T
def max(a: T, b: T): T =
if (O.cmp(a, b) > 0) a else b
// M1.T =:= M2.T
val M1 = Max.Make(IntOrdering)
val M2 = Max.Make(IntOrdering), 2), 4)
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