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Last active June 13, 2020 15:32
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dob_violation_codes = {'B':'Boiler',
'V': 'DOB Violation',
'VP': 'Violation Unserved ECB-Active',
'VP*': 'Violation Unserved ECB-Dismissed',
'BDM': 'Boiler',
'V*': 'DOB Violation Dismissed',
'BMD': 'Boiler',
'V%': 'Precept issued for Unsafe Buildings Violation',
'C': 'Construction' ,
'VAC': 'Vacate',
'E': 'Elevator' ,
'VAC*': 'Vacate Dismissed',
'EIT': 'Elevator Safety Test',
'VCLOS': 'Order of Closure (padlock order)',
'ES': 'Electric Sign' ,
'V': 'DOB Violation',
'LL5': 'Local Law 5 of 1973 (Fire Safety in Office Buildings)',
'VCLOS*': 'Order of Closure (padlock order) Dismissed',
'LL5/73': 'Local Law 5 of 1973 (Fire Safety in Office Buildings)',
'VEWL': 'Violation Work without Permit Elevator Lien',
'LL10/80': 'Local Law 10 of 1980 (Façade: Borough Office)' ,
'VWL': 'Violation Work without Permit Elevator Lien',
'LL10/81': 'Local Law 10 of 1981 (Elevator Safety Test)',
'VWL*': 'Violation Work without Permit Elevator Lien Dismissed',
'LL16/84': 'Local Law 16 of 1984 (Fire Safety)',
'VECW': 'Violation Work without Permit Elevator',
'LL58': 'Local Law 58 of 1988 (penalties for work without a permit)',
'VEW': 'Violation Work without Permit Elevator',
'LL58/88': 'Local Law 58 of 1988 (penalties for work without a permit)',
'VEW*': 'Violation Work without Permit Elevator Dismissed',
'LL62/91': 'Local Law 62 of 1991 (Boiler)',
'VH': 'Violation Hazardous',
'NRF': 'No Report Filed',
'VH*': 'Violation Hazardous Dismissed',
'1684NRF': 'No Report Filed',
'VW': 'Violation - Work Without a Permit',
'LL11/98': 'Local Law 11 - 1998 (Façade)',
'VWH': 'Violation - Work Without a Permit Hazardous',
'MDV': 'Multiple Dwelling Violation',
'VWH*': 'Violation - Work Without a Permit Hazardous Dismissed',
'P': 'Plumbing',
'VPW': 'Violation Pending - Work Without a Permit',
'S': 'Sign' ,
'VPW*': 'Violation Pending - Work Without a Permit Dismissed',
'UB': 'Unsafe Building Violation',
'ZV': 'Zoning Violation',
'UB*': 'Unsafe Building Violation dismissed',
'ZV*': 'Zoning Violation Dismissed',
'UB%': 'Precept issued for Unsafe Buildings Violation'}
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