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Last active March 25, 2021 16:15
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Code to insert darklyrics JSON data into postgres using Node + Knex
const knex = require('knex')({
client: 'pg',
connection: 'postgresql://darklyricsuser:darklyricspassword@localhost/darklyrics',
const fs = require('fs');
const data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('/Users/christina/Downloads/results(1).json', 'utf8'));
async function insertBand(band) {
return await knex('bands')
.insert({name: band.bandName, url: band.bandUrl}) //insert bands into db
//return band primary key id for albums foreign key
.returning('id')//needed for postgres
.then((response) => {
//next insert nested albums and get their ids
let band_id = response[0];
let albumParams = band['bandAlbums'];
let albumList = [];
for(alb in albumParams){
let album = albumParams[alb];
name: album.albumName,
type: album.albumType,
year: album.albumYear,
band_id: band_id //foreign key to band
return albumList;
.catch()//end then bands
.then(async (albumList) => {
return await knex('albums')
.insert(albumList)//insert albums into db
//return album primary key id to be used for songs foreign key album_id
.returning('id')//needed for postgres
.then((response) => {
let songList = [];
//these are the
for(i in response){
let album_id = response[i];
let albumInfo = band.bandAlbums[i];
let albumSongs = band.bandAlbums[i].albumSongs;
for(s in albumSongs){
name: albumSongs[s].songName,
url: albumSongs[s].songUrl,
album_id: album_id //foreign key to album
//TODO - need translation data
});//end push
}//end songList loop
}//end looping through album ids
return songList;
.catch((err) => {console.log(`album error ${err}`)})
.catch((err) => console.log(`album error ${err}`))
.then(async (songList) => {
await knex('songs').insert(songList)
.catch((err) => {console.log(`song error ${err}`)});//insert songs into db
}//end insertBand
async function insertData(){
for(d in data){
let band = data[d];
await insertBand(band);
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