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-- 脚本介绍
-- 功能:获取所选文件、文件夹的目录路径,支持多选
-- 如果仅仅想获取文件的目录路径,可以调用 isDirectory() 过滤掉文件夹的路径
tell application "Finder" to set selectedItems to selection as alias list
-- 没选择的话直接退出脚本
if selectedItems is {} then return
-- 获得所选文件/文件夹的父目录。
set parentPath to do shell script "dirname " & quoted form of POSIX path of (item 1 of selectedItems)
-- 用于拼接多个路径
set pathData to ""
-- 历遍选择的项目
repeat with theItem in selectedItems
-- 获得各个选中项的路径,换行拼接
set pathData to pathData & POSIX path of theItem & linefeed
-- 下面两句获得各个文件的文件名(文件夹的话获取文件夹名),并换行拼接
-- set fileName to do shell script "basename " & quoted form of POSIX path of theItem
-- set pathData to pathData & fileName & linefeed
end repeat
-- 发送到剪贴板
set the clipboard to pathData
-- 函数:判断所选文件是否是文件夹
on isDirectory(someItem)
set filePosixPath to quoted form of (POSIX path of someItem)
set fileType to (do shell script "file -b " & filePosixPath)
if fileType ends with "directory" then return true
return false
end isDirectory
-- 脚本介绍
-- 功能:获取所选项文件的目录路径,支持多选,过滤掉文件夹路径
-- 如果想同时获取文件夹的目录路径,可以去除 isDirectory() 判断
tell application "Finder" to set selectedItems to selection as alias list
-- 没选择的话直接退出脚本
if selectedItems is {} then return
-- 获得所选文件/文件夹的父目录。
set parentPath to do shell script "dirname " & quoted form of POSIX path of (item 1 of selectedItems)
-- 用于拼接多个路径
set pathData to ""
-- 历遍选择的项目
repeat with theItem in selectedItems
if (not isDirectory(theItem)) then
-- 获得各个选中项的路径,换行拼接
set pathData to pathData & POSIX path of theItem & linefeed
-- 下面两句获得各个文件的文件名(文件夹的话获取文件夹名),并换行拼接
-- set fileName to do shell script "basename " & quoted form of POSIX path of theItem
-- set pathData to pathData & fileName & linefeed
end if
end repeat
-- 发送到剪贴板
set the clipboard to pathData
-- 函数:判断所选文件是否是文件夹
on isDirectory(someItem)
set filePosixPath to quoted form of (POSIX path of someItem)
set fileType to (do shell script "file -b " & filePosixPath)
if fileType ends with "directory" then return true
return false
end isDirectory
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