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Created May 7, 2015 16:17
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Projet SysRes
module type S = sig
type 'a process
type 'a in_port
type 'a out_port
val new_channel: unit -> 'a in_port * 'a out_port
val put: 'a -> 'a out_port -> unit process
val get: 'a in_port -> 'a process
val doco: unit process list -> unit process
val return: 'a -> 'a process
val bind: 'a process -> ('a -> 'b process) -> 'b process
val run: 'a process -> 'a
module Lib (K : S) = struct
let ( >>= ) x f = K.bind x f
let delay f x =
(K.return ()) >>= (fun () -> K.return (f x))
module Th: S = struct
type 'a process = (unit -> 'a)
type 'a channel = { q: 'a Queue.t ; m: Mutex.t; }
type 'a in_port = 'a channel
type 'a out_port = 'a channel
let new_channel () =
let q = { q = Queue.create (); m = Mutex.create (); } in
q, q
let put v c () =
Mutex.lock c.m;
Queue.push v c.q;
Mutex.unlock c.m;
Thread.yield ()
let rec get c () =
Mutex.lock c.m;
let v = Queue.pop c.q in
Mutex.unlock c.m;
with Queue.Empty ->
Mutex.unlock c.m;
Thread.yield ();
get c ()
let doco l () =
let ths = (fun f -> Thread.create f ()) l in
List.iter (fun th -> Thread.join th) ths
let return v = (fun () -> v)
let bind e e' () =
let v = e () in
Thread.yield ();
e' v ()
let run e = e ()
module Pr: S = struct
type 'a process = (unit -> 'a)
type 'a in_port = in_channel
type 'a out_port = out_channel
let new_channel () =
let in_fd, out_fd = Unix.pipe ()
(Unix.in_channel_of_descr in_fd, Unix.out_channel_of_descr out_fd)
(* FIXME Check for errors *)
let put v c () = Marshal.to_channel c v [Marshal.Closures]
let get c () = Marshal.from_channel c
let rec doco l () =
match l with
| [] -> ()
| h :: t ->
let cid = Unix.fork ()
if cid = 0
(doco t ();
exit 0)
(h ();
ignore (Unix.waitpid [] cid))
let return v = (fun () -> v)
let bind e e' () =
let v = e ()
e' v ()
let run e = e ()
module Cn : S = struct
(* XXX If the type were ('a -> 'b) -> 'b return would probably be a lot simpler *)
type 'a process = ('a -> unit) -> unit
type 'a channel = { q: 'a Queue.t ; m: Mutex.t; }
type 'a in_port = 'a channel
type 'a out_port = 'a channel
let new_channel () =
let q = { q = Queue.create (); m = Mutex.create (); } in
q, q
let put v c cont =
Mutex.lock c.m;
Queue.push v c.q;
Mutex.unlock c.m;
cont ()
let rec get c cont =
Mutex.lock c.m;
let v = Queue.pop c.q in
Mutex.unlock c.m;
cont v
with Queue.Empty ->
Mutex.unlock c.m;
get c cont
let rec doco l cont =
match l with
| [] -> cont ()
| h :: t -> h (fun () -> doco t cont)
let return v cont =
cont v
let bind e e' cont =
e (fun x -> e' x cont)
let run e =
let res = ref None
e (fun x -> res := Some x; ());
match !res with
| None -> failwith "Continuation not called!"
| Some res -> res
exception ReturnException of int
let run2 e =
e (fun x -> raise (ReturnException x));
failwith "Continuation not called!"
with ReturnException x ->
module Example (K : Kahn.S) = struct
module Lib = Kahn.Lib(K)
open Lib
let integers (qo : int K.out_port) : unit K.process =
let rec loop n =
(K.put n qo) >>= (fun () -> loop (n + 1))
loop 2
let output (qi : int K.in_port) : unit K.process =
let rec loop () =
(K.get qi) >>= (fun v -> Format.printf "%d@." v; loop ())
loop ()
let main : unit K.process =
(delay K.new_channel ()) >>=
(fun (q_in, q_out) -> K.doco [ integers q_out ; output q_in ; ])
module ExampleTh = Example(Kahn.Th)
module ExamplePr = Example(Kahn.Pr)
module ExampleCn = Example(Kahn.Cn)
let () = ExampleCn.main
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