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Created August 6, 2014 10:56
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import sys
import random
import pygame
grid = (39, 29)
cell = (20, 20)
width = grid[0] * cell[0]
height = grid[1] * cell[1]
size = (width, height)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
directions = [(0, -1), (0, 1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)]
direction = directions[2]
actual_direction = directions[2]
snake = []
content = [[""] * grid[1] for x in range(grid[0])]
pygame.time.set_timer(31, 75)
def get_mouse_coord():
if len(snake) == grid[0] * grid[1]:
pygame.time.set_timer(31, 0)
while True:
x = random.randint(0, grid[0] - 1)
y = random.randint(0, grid[1] - 1)
if 's' not in content[x][y]:
return x, y
def get_rat_coord():
candidates = []
for x in range(grid[0]-1):
for y in range(grid[1]-1):
if content[x][y] == '' and content[x+1][y] == '' and content[x][y+1] == '' and content[x+1][y+1] == '':
candidates += [(x, y)]
if len(candidates) == 0:
return None
return random.choice(candidates)
def init():
snake.extend([(grid[0]/2, grid[1]/2), (grid[0]/2-1, grid[1]/2)])
content[grid[0]/2][grid[1]/2] = 's'
content[grid[0]/2-1][grid[1]/2] = 's'
mouse = get_mouse_coord()
content[mouse[0]][mouse[1]] = 'm'
rat_position = None
rat_life = None
rat_life_max = 50
rat_cycle = 0
rat_cycle_max = 5
score = 0
while True:
event = pygame.event.wait()
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if 273 <= event.key <= 276:
dir_ = directions[event.key - 273]
if dir_[0] != -1 * actual_direction[0] or dir_[1] != -1 * actual_direction[1]:
direction = dir_
elif event.type == 31:
head = ((snake[0][0] + direction[0]) % grid[0], (snake[0][1] + direction[1]) % grid[1])
tail = snake[-1]
if 'm' in content[tail[0]][tail[1]] or 'r' in content[tail[0]][tail[1]]:
content[tail[0]][tail[1]] = 's'
snake = snake[:-1]
content[tail[0]][tail[1]] = ''
if rat_life is not None:
rat_life -= 1
if rat_life == 0:
content[rat_position[0]][rat_position[1]] = ''
content[rat_position[0]+1][rat_position[1]] = ''
content[rat_position[0]][rat_position[1]+1] = ''
content[rat_position[0]+1][rat_position[1]+1] = ''
rat_position = None
rat_life = None
if 's' in content[head[0]][head[1]]:
pygame.time.set_timer(31, 0)
elif 'r' in content[head[0]][head[1]]:
score += 20 + 480 * rat_life / rat_life_max
content[rat_position[0]][rat_position[1]] = ''
content[rat_position[0]+1][rat_position[1]] = ''
content[rat_position[0]][rat_position[1]+1] = ''
content[rat_position[0]+1][rat_position[1]+1] = ''
content[head[0]][head[1]] = 'sr'
rat_position = None
rat_life = None
snake = [head] + snake
elif 'm' in content[head[0]][head[1]]:
score += 10
content[head[0]][head[1]] = 'sm'
mouse = get_mouse_coord()
content[mouse[0]][mouse[1]] = 'm'
snake = [head] + snake
# Rat
rat_cycle += 1
if rat_cycle == rat_cycle_max:
rat_position = get_rat_coord()
if rat_position is not None:
rat_life = rat_life_max
content[rat_position[0]][rat_position[1]] = 'r'
content[rat_position[0]+1][rat_position[1]] = 'r'
content[rat_position[0]][rat_position[1]+1] = 'r'
content[rat_position[0]+1][rat_position[1]+1] = 'r'
rat_cycle = 0
content[head[0]][head[1]] = 's'
snake = [head] + snake
actual_direction = direction
screen.fill((0, 0, 0))
for x in range(grid[0]):
for y in range(grid[1]):
if content[x][y] == 's':
screen.fill((255, 255, 255), pygame.Rect(x * cell[0], y * cell[1], cell[0], cell[1]))
elif content[x][y] == 'm':
screen.fill((100, 100, 100), pygame.Rect(x * cell[0], y * cell[1], cell[0], cell[1]))
elif content[x][y] == 'r':
screen.fill((140, 93, 32), pygame.Rect(x * cell[0], y * cell[1], cell[0], cell[1]))
elif content[x][y] == 'sm':
screen.fill((200, 200, 200), pygame.Rect(x * cell[0], y * cell[1], cell[0], cell[1]))
elif content[x][y] == 'sr':
screen.fill((138, 117, 90), pygame.Rect(x * cell[0], y * cell[1], cell[0], cell[1]))
if snake[0] == (x, y):
if direction == directions[0]: # UP
screen.fill((200, 100, 100), pygame.Rect(x * cell[0] + 4, y * cell[1] + 2, 4, 8))
screen.fill((200, 100, 100), pygame.Rect(x * cell[0] + 12, y * cell[1] + 2, 4, 8))
elif direction == directions[1]: # DOWN
screen.fill((200, 100, 100), pygame.Rect(x * cell[0] + 4, y * cell[1] + 10, 4, 8))
screen.fill((200, 100, 100), pygame.Rect(x * cell[0] + 12, y * cell[1] + 10, 4, 8))
elif direction == directions[2]: # RIGHT
screen.fill((200, 100, 100), pygame.Rect(x * cell[0] + 10, y * cell[1] + 4, 8, 4))
screen.fill((200, 100, 100), pygame.Rect(x * cell[0] + 10, y * cell[1] + 12, 8, 4))
elif direction == directions[3]: # LEFT
screen.fill((200, 100, 100), pygame.Rect(x * cell[0] + 2, y * cell[1] + 4, 8, 4))
screen.fill((200, 100, 100), pygame.Rect(x * cell[0] + 2, y * cell[1] + 12, 8, 4))
myfont = pygame.font.SysFont("Monospace", 40)
label = myfont.render(str(score), 1, (255, 255, 255))
screen.blit(label, (30, 30))
if rat_life is not None:
s = pygame.Surface((width, height)).convert_alpha()
s.fill((255, 0, 0, 128), pygame.Rect(50, height - 70, (width - 100) * rat_life / rat_life_max, 20))
screen.blit(s, (0, 0), special_flags=pygame.BLEND_RGBA_ADD)
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